refresh 2.29.0 release notes to add missing JIRAs
diff --git a/src/components/artemis/download/ b/src/components/artemis/download/
index 201b654..727d3c2 100644
--- a/src/components/artemis/download/
+++ b/src/components/artemis/download/
@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@
 ## Bug
 * [ARTEMIS-2431] - [AMQP] Broker does not send security errors for unauthorized anonymous sasl with pipelined open
+* [ARTEMIS-2824] - _AMQ_Client_ID on SESSION_CLOSED notification is always null
+* [ARTEMIS-3640] - external clients cannot use cluster topology for HA or load balancing
+* [ARTEMIS-3809] - LargeMessageControllerImpl hangs the message consume
 * [ARTEMIS-4082] - AcknowledgementTest.testDupsOKAcknowledgeQueue test is flakey
+* [ARTEMIS-4143] - Improve mitigation against split-brain with shared-storage
 * [ARTEMIS-4153] - Support "offline" Maven
 * [ARTEMIS-4155] - Broker will dead lock if sending OpenWire Large Messages With Journal Retention configured.
 * [ARTEMIS-4157] - Error setting broker properties for AddressSettings
@@ -31,7 +35,10 @@
 * [ARTEMIS-4175] - JournalFileImpl Leaking
 * [ARTEMIS-4176] - Console custom root redirect ignored
 * [ARTEMIS-4177] - Misleading documentation for "Logging the clients remote address"
+* [ARTEMIS-4183] - Broker diagram is not properly updated when new nodes become available
+* [ARTEMIS-4185] - Resending compressed message uncompressed throws exception in consumer
 * [ARTEMIS-4188] - creating dynamicQueues from an JavaEE MDB applies configured messageSelector as per-queue filters
+* [ARTEMIS-4190] - config-delete-queues doesn't always work as expected
 * [ARTEMIS-4191] - JournalImpl::needs compact should include more logging to enable eventual investigations
 * [ARTEMIS-4193] - Interrupting Large Message Streaming with a server kill may leave orphaned files
 * [ARTEMIS-4196] - MQTT cluster message distribution is broken with OFF and OFF_WITH_REDISTRIBUTION loadbalancing types
@@ -41,26 +48,41 @@
 * [ARTEMIS-4207] - Redistribution may leave large messages stranded
 * [ARTEMIS-4208] - OpenWire ChunkSend issuing CriticalAnalyzer
 * [ARTEMIS-4209] - "User ID" in web console prefixed with "ID:ID:" for AMQP messages
+* [ARTEMIS-4211] - AMQ222153: Cannot locate record in bidirectional upstream queue federation
+* [ARTEMIS-4215] - JournalFlush might never happen when journal-sync-* is false
 * [ARTEMIS-4233] - QueueImpl::NPE on holder.iter == null
 * [ARTEMIS-4234] - EmbeddedActiveMQResource is able to receive only first message
 * [ARTEMIS-4235] - Losing bridge connection when sending empty Openwire map message.
+* [ARTEMIS-4238] - transaction timeout ActivationConfigProperty is no longer working
 * [ARTEMIS-4241] - Paging + FQQN is broken
 * [ARTEMIS-4243] - ActiveMQ Artemis CLI fails to export bindings without routing types
 * [ARTEMIS-4247] - Inconsistencies between AMQP Mirror and Artemis Clustering
 * [ARTEMIS-4249] - Failure to create internal MQTT consumer can orphan subscription queue
 * [ARTEMIS-4258] - delayBeforeDispatch not working with OpenWire
+* [ARTEMIS-4259] - JMS consumer + FQQN + selector not working
 * [ARTEMIS-4266] - Mitigate NPE with bad SSL config
 * [ARTEMIS-4267] - Original exception lost for NoCacheLoginException
+* [ARTEMIS-4268] - AMQPMessage copy constructor shouldn't copy all message annotations
 * [ARTEMIS-4273] - Mask command not picking up codec properties
+* [ARTEMIS-4275] - _AMQ_ConsumerName is missing from Consumer Created/Closed notifications
+* [ARTEMIS-4278] - Incorrect Page Counters when using Prepared Transactions with Paging
+* [ARTEMIS-4279] - CriticalAnalyzer thread does not shut down if error during broker initialization
+* [ARTEMIS-4281] - Queue Reaper may remove non empty queues
 * [ARTEMIS-4282] - Sending Large ApplicationProperties section in a transactional session may break the server.
 * [ARTEMIS-4286] - Sometimes federated consumer won't stop
 * [ARTEMIS-4298] - Journal Retention Duplicated files during replication
 * [ARTEMIS-4302] - NPE on JournalTransaction::forget
+* [ARTEMIS-4303] - Artemis Windows Service fails to start correctly when filepath has a space
+* [ARTEMIS-4309] - Large JMS ObjectMessage types result in UTFDataFormatException when deserialized on client side
+* [ARTEMIS-4312] - Duplicates with redistribution and multiple multicast queues on the same address
 ## New Feature
 * [ARTEMIS-4195] - Auth callback to get Client ID
+* [ARTEMIS-4244] - Set web config using system properties
 ## Improvement
+* [ARTEMIS-4169] - Auto detect dead-letter and expiry queues in the console
+* [ARTEMIS-4186] - Ability to set compressionLevel for compressLargeMessages
 * [ARTEMIS-4200] - Allow configuring link-stealing behavior for MQTT
 * [ARTEMIS-4202] - expand coverage of noCacheExceptions in LDAPLoginModule
 * [ARTEMIS-4204] - Connectors added via management are not durable
@@ -69,11 +91,19 @@
 * [ARTEMIS-4236] - Reorganize default broker.xml around paging configuration
 * [ARTEMIS-4239] - use StandardCharsets.UTF_8
 * [ARTEMIS-4245] - Expose web SNI settings
+* [ARTEMIS-4251] - Support CORE client failover to other live servers
 * [ARTEMIS-4256] - properties config - support removal
 * [ARTEMIS-4262] - Clarify wildcard syntax documentation
 * [ARTEMIS-4263] - support access to our JaasCallbackhandler from a jdk http Authenticator
+* [ARTEMIS-4265] - Make more web console tabs conditional on permission
+* [ARTEMIS-4274] - Push masked credential support into core client
 * [ARTEMIS-4280] -  Kubernetes JaaS LoginModule extract role info from review groups
+* [ARTEMIS-4283] - Fail fast CORE client connect on closing
 * [ARTEMIS-4284] - Openwire prefetched messages can be out of order for a single consumer
+* [ARTEMIS-4285] - Disable Redelivery Persistence for new broker installations.
+* [ARTEMIS-4291] - Some metrics do not have the "broker" tag
+* [ARTEMIS-4292] - Support additional Micrometer system metrics
+* [ARTEMIS-4293] - Add management ops to clear authn/z caches
 * [ARTEMIS-4294] - Support text WebSocket encoding
 * [ARTEMIS-4297] - Allow regex in no-cache exception config
 * [ARTEMIS-4313] - Bridge does not retry if destination is full when configured to FAIL
@@ -83,6 +113,10 @@
 * [ARTEMIS-4223] - compatibility tests fail on JDK builds with version qualifiers
 * [ARTEMIS-4248] - Fix PagingTest::testSimpleResume
 * [ARTEMIS-4250] - ShutdownOnCriticalIOErrorMoveNextTest failing
+* [ARTEMIS-4252] - Fix flaky QuorumFailOverTest tests
+* [ARTEMIS-4253] - disabling a few ActiveMQServerControlUsingCoreTest tests
+* [ARTEMIS-4254] - Transactional / Replication Soak Test
+* [ARTEMIS-4290] - Move some tests out of integration-tests into a new module where these tests will run individually
 * [ARTEMIS-4308] - Add tests for JDBC and Paging in Soak tests
 ## Task
@@ -91,10 +125,10 @@
 * [ARTEMIS-4178] - Fixing typo on
 * [ARTEMIS-4181] - Make try-with-resources style consistent
 * [ARTEMIS-4224] - Manage memory consumption on the test suite
+* [ARTEMIS-4237] - Move SoakPagingTest and ReplicationFlowControlTest into soak-tests
 * [ARTEMIS-4288] - Update to maven-bundle-plugin 5.1.9
 * [ARTEMIS-4299] - Exclude unused json-smart dependency
 ## Dependency upgrade
 * [ARTEMIS-4158] - Upgrade doc generation utilities
 * [ARTEMIS-4179] - Upgrade keycloak version to 21.0.0
@@ -112,29 +146,3 @@
 * [ARTEMIS-4272] - Update to Jetty 10.0.15
 * [ARTEMIS-4287] - Update to Qpid JMS 1.9.0
 * [ARTEMIS-4289] - update to Log4j 2.20.0