blob: 349302dd01f950cc84f9684c976cb2b777f4d927 [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="wiki-content maincontent">
<p>It was often a bit harder than it might be to configure an ActiveMQ broker inside a Spring XML configuration file. We've just added a simple Spring FactoryBean to make this process much simpler...</p>
<structured-macro ac:macro-id="829c32f2-1ea0-485c-b13b-7bc52e046144" ac:name="code" ac:schema-version="1"><parameter ac:name="">xml</parameter><plain-text-body>
&lt;!-- lets deploy an embedded broker in this spring.xml --&gt;
&lt;bean id="broker" class="org.activemq.spring.BrokerFactoryBean"&gt;
&lt;property name="config" value="classpath:foo/bar/broker.xml"/&gt;
<p>See <link><page ri:content-title="How do I embed a Broker inside a Connection"></page><link-body>more detail</link-body></link> or try the <link><page ri:content-title="Spring Support"></page></link></p></div>