blob: 8f82e358044e3ce9c4c7d627e200011a0235eea6 [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><h2 id="ActiveMQ-CPP3.5.0Release-NewandNoteworthy">New and Noteworthy</h2>
<p>This is a new Major release of ActiveMQ-CPP with several new APIs and internal changes meant to improve overall stability of the C++ client. Besides a large amount of bug fixing and memory fixing this release also features a lot of new features in the CMS API:</p>
<ul><li>Added Message Transformation capabilities for incoming and outgoing messages.</li><li>You can now query for the type of a Message property so you can choose the best getter method.</li><li>MapMessage and StreamMessage object now expose an API to find out what type a value is before you try to get a value using one of the getter methods.</li><li>Polling consumers now can set a Message available listener.</li><li>Stomp clients can configure the destination prefixes for the Destination types (Queues, Topics...).</li><li>StreamMessage now has a reset method to allow object reuse.</li><li>Added an AdvisorySupport class to make dealing with advisory topics easier.</li><li>Added support for non-blocking sends to Message Producers.</li></ul>
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<p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Compatible with ActiveMQ Broker versions in the 4.X and 5.X family</p>
<h2 id="ActiveMQ-CPP3.5.0Release-API">API</h2>
<p>This release is based on the CMS 2.4 API.</p>
<p>Check out the API for this release <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">here</a></p>
<h2 id="ActiveMQ-CPP3.5.0Release-DownloadHere">Download Here</h2>
<div class="table-wrap"><table class="confluenceTable"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p> Description </p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p> Download Link </p></th><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p> PGP Signature file of download </p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> Source code for Windows </p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href=""></a> </p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href=""></a> </p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> Source code for Unix (gzipped) </p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">activemq-cpp-library-3.5.0-src.tar.gz</a> </p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">activemq-cpp-library-3.5.0-src.tar.gz.asc</a> </p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> Source code for Unix (bz2)</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">activemq-cpp-library-3.5.0-src.tar.bz2</a> </p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p> <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href="">activemq-cpp-library-3.5.0-src.tar.bz2.asc</a> </p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>
<h2 id="ActiveMQ-CPP3.5.0Release-SVNTagCheckout">SVN Tag Checkout</h2>
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<h2 id="ActiveMQ-CPP3.5.0Release-Changelog">Changelog</h2>
<p>For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the <a shape="rect" class="external-link" href=";styleName=Html&amp;version=12316380">release notes</a></p></div>