blob: b8a84e23962fbdca2534eb9c83cb2eb04adf688d [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="wiki-content maincontent">
<ul><li><link><page ri:content-title="Download"></page></link> a binary distribution of ActiveMQ and unpack it into some directory.</li></ul>
<ul><li>To run an ActiveMQ broker, type the following commands from the directory in which you have just unpacked the ActiveMQ distribution.</li></ul>
<structured-macro ac:macro-id="0e55a374-0c49-4037-bf66-bffb0864ee9d" ac:name="code" ac:schema-version="1"><plain-text-body>
cd bin
<p>The ActiveMQ broker should now run. You can configure the broker by specifying an <link><page ri:content-title="Xml Configuration"></page></link> file as a parameter to the <em>activemq</em> command.</p>
<p>You can now run the <link><page ri:content-title="Examples"></page></link> using Ant.</p>
<p>See the <link><page ri:content-title="Initial Configuration"></page><link-body>getting started guide</link-body></link> for details of which jars you need to add to your classpath to start using ActiveMQ in your Java code</p>
<p>If you want to use JNDI to connect to your JMS provider then please view the <link><page ri:content-title="JNDI Support"></page></link>. If you are a Spring user you should read about <link><page ri:content-title="Spring Support"></page></link></p></div>