blob: 7f5183dd03fc43328d7742a6b6cc201eb428b893 [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><p>We are obviously biased, and will tell you "just use ActiveMQ!" <emoticon ac:name="smile"></emoticon> But Mantaray is an OK JMS provider. The interesting thing about MantaRay is it can support a peer-based network, just as ActiveMQ does with its <link><page ri:content-title="Peer Transport Reference"></page><link-body>peer transport</link-body></link>.</p>
<p>We <link><page ri:content-title="Performance"></page><link-body>benchmark</link-body></link> against Mantaray and other open source JMS providers and in our tests (in which we try to be as objective as possible) ActiveMQ exhibits higher performance in most scenarios.</p>
<p>A peer transport can be useful when using non-persistent messaging. But if you want persistent messaging you often want to use a federated network with certain brokers on the network being the persistence brokers (so you can backup the file systems etc).</p>
<p>The ideal topology often depends on your requirements and how you want to manage persistence and deal with hardware failures such as with <link><page ri:content-title="MasterSlave"></page></link>.</p></div>