blob: c832bc998272de37d84fd7e7cdebeb9b244332f7 [file] [log] [blame]
<div class="wiki-content maincontent"><p>You can use ActiveMQ with <a shape="rect" href="">Hermes JMS</a> which is a graphical user interface for working with JMS queues. Please refer to the <a shape="rect" href="">Hermes JMS</a> site for detailed instructions on using this software. </p>
<h3>Demo </h3>
<p>Mark Bucayan kindly submitted a <a shape="rect" href="">Flash demo</a> showing how to use ActiveMQ inside Hermes.</p>
<p>Here are a few steps to get you started with ActiveMQ when using HermesJMS. </p>
<h3>Add ActiveMQ as a Provider</h3>
<p>You need to register the jars required to run ActiveMQ inside HermesJMS. To do this click on Options -&gt; Preferences. Then on the Providers tab add the following jars: </p>
<ul><li><a shape="rect" href="">activemq-all.jar</a> Choose the version that matches your projects needs.</li></ul>
<ul><li><a shape="rect" href="">geronimo-j2ee-management_1.0_spec-1.0.jar</a></li></ul>
<h3>Configure an ActiveMQ Session</h3>
<p>On the Preferences dialog, the Sessions tab, create a new session using the org.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory connection factory. </p>
<p>You can use the properties table to configure the various factory properties, like the brokerURL to connect to the server, if you wish to connect to a remote ActiveMQ message broker.</p>
<p>Finally you can add some Destinations to the dialog on this page. (Right click to add). Add the destination FOO.BAR for the default test programs.</p>
<h3>Viewing messages on queues</h3>
<p>Use the tree control to open your session and the FOO.BAR destination. Try browse the queue. Then run the ActiveMQ sample producer via</p>
<structured-macro ac:macro-id="83588121-5686-460b-b5c8-3a8d44c5eb45" ac:name="code" ac:schema-version="1"><plain-text-body>
mvn producer
<p>And hitting refresh in HermesJMS and you should see the messages that have just been published.</p></div>