blob: c19537ded45211ad2e57ec38fcab8797fafb3f03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
namespace Apache.NMS.ZMQ
/// <summary>
/// A Factory that will instantiate a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the provider
/// as determined by the runtime environment. This factory delegates instantiation responsibilities
/// to the real factory. This is only in place so that the correct bit-version can be loaded.
/// This factory indirection is necessary due to the low-level dependency on a 32-bit or 64-bit native DLL.
/// To avoid a DLL load failure, we have to ensure we dynamically link to the correct version.
/// </summary>
public class ConnectionFactory : IConnectionFactory
// Checking the runtime size of an IntPtr will tell us our runtime environment.
// 32-bit runtime's IntPtr size is 4.
// 64-bit runtimes' ItrPtr size is 8.
static private bool is32bit = (IntPtr.Size == 4);
private static Assembly factoryAssembly = null;
private static Type factoryType = null;
private IConnectionFactory connFactory = null;
private object connectionFactoryLock = new object();
private const string DEFAULT_BROKER_URL = "tcp://localhost:5556";
private const string ENV_BROKER_URL = "ZMQ_BROKER_URL";
public ConnectionFactory()
: this(GetDefaultBrokerUrl())
public ConnectionFactory(string brokerUri)
: this(brokerUri, null)
public ConnectionFactory(string brokerUri, string clientID)
: this(new Uri(brokerUri), clientID)
public ConnectionFactory(Uri brokerUri)
: this(brokerUri, null)
public ConnectionFactory(Uri brokerUri, string clientID)
connFactory = (IConnectionFactory) Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType, new object[] { brokerUri, clientID });
/// <summary>
/// Static class constructor that is executed only once before any normal object constructors.
/// This is the type constructor.
/// </summary>
private void LoadConnectionFactory()
if(null == factoryType)
// Load the assembly and get the type.
string assemblyFileName = (is32bit ? "Apache.NMS.ZMQ32.dll" : "Apache.NMS.ZMQ64.dll");
string[] searchPaths = GetAssemblySearchPaths();
foreach(string path in searchPaths)
string fullFileName = Path.Combine(path, assemblyFileName);
factoryAssembly = Assembly.Load(fullFileName);
if(null != factoryAssembly)
Tracer.DebugFormat("Succesfully loaded provider: {0}", fullFileName);
factoryType = factoryAssembly.GetType("Apache.NMS.ZMQ.ConnectionFactory", true, true);
if(null != factoryType)
catch(Exception ex)
Tracer.DebugFormat("Exception loading assembly {0} failed: {1}", fullFileName, ex.Message);
factoryType = null;
if(null == factoryType)
Tracer.ErrorFormat("Failed to load assembly {0}", assemblyFileName);
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not load the ZMQ connection factory assembly {0}.", assemblyFileName));
/// <summary>
/// Get the paths to search for the assembly file.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string[] GetAssemblySearchPaths()
ArrayList pathList = new ArrayList();
// Check the current folder first.
// Check the folder the assembly is located in.
AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
if(null != currentDomain.BaseDirectory)
if(null != currentDomain.RelativeSearchPath)
return (string[]) pathList.ToArray(typeof(string));
/// <summary>
/// Get the default connection Uri if none is specified.
/// The environment variable is checked first.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetDefaultBrokerUrl()
string brokerUrl = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(ENV_BROKER_URL);
return brokerUrl;
#region IConnectionFactory Members
public Uri BrokerUri
get { return connFactory.BrokerUri; }
set { connFactory.BrokerUri = value; }
public ConsumerTransformerDelegate ConsumerTransformer
get { return connFactory.ConsumerTransformer; }
set { connFactory.ConsumerTransformer = value; }
public IConnection CreateConnection(string userName, string password)
return connFactory.CreateConnection(userName, password);
public IConnection CreateConnection()
return connFactory.CreateConnection();
public ProducerTransformerDelegate ProducerTransformer
get { return connFactory.ProducerTransformer; }
set { connFactory.ProducerTransformer = value; }
public IRedeliveryPolicy RedeliveryPolicy
get { return connFactory.RedeliveryPolicy; }
set { connFactory.RedeliveryPolicy = value; }