Rollback the addition of the NMS.Test.dll as almost every generic NMS test fails for Stomp due to its protocol limitations.  With this in the test target is almost useless due to the extreme amount of time it takes to run and the massive number of errors that result.  We need to find a way to prune out the tests that can't possibly pass before we put the NMS Tests DLL into this file.
diff --git a/Apache.NMS.Stomp.Test.nunit b/Apache.NMS.Stomp.Test.nunit
index a417ab9..f49a1be 100644
--- a/Apache.NMS.Stomp.Test.nunit
+++ b/Apache.NMS.Stomp.Test.nunit
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@

   <Settings activeconfig="Default" />

   <Config name="Default" binpathtype="Auto">

-    <assembly path="Apache.NMS.Test.dll" />

     <assembly path="Apache.NMS.Stomp.Test.dll" />


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