blob: b3e89d1bd1197ccc86323b67858168077a21d21f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Transactions;
using Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Transport;
using Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Util;
using Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Util.Synchronization;
namespace Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ
/// <summary>
/// Extends the basic Connection class to provide a transacted Connection
/// instance that operates within the bounds of a .NET Scoped Transaction.
/// The default Session creation methods of Connection are overriden here
/// to always return a TX capable session instance.
/// </summary>
public sealed class NetTxConnection : Connection, INetTxConnection
private NetTxRecoveryPolicy recoveryPolicy = new NetTxRecoveryPolicy();
private Guid configuredResourceManagerId = Guid.Empty;
public NetTxConnection(Uri connectionUri, ITransport transport, IdGenerator clientIdGenerator)
: base(connectionUri, transport, clientIdGenerator)
public INetTxSession CreateNetTxSession()
return (INetTxSession) CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional);
public Task<INetTxSession> CreateNetTxSessionAsync()
return Task.FromResult(CreateNetTxSession());
public INetTxSession CreateNetTxSession(Transaction tx)
NetTxSession session = (NetTxSession)CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional);
return session;
public Task<INetTxSession> CreateNetTxSessionAsync(Transaction tx)
return Task.FromResult(CreateNetTxSession(tx));
public Task<INetTxSession> CreateNetTxSessionAsync(bool enlistsNativeMsDtcResource)
return Task.FromResult(CreateNetTxSession(enlistsNativeMsDtcResource));
public INetTxSession CreateNetTxSession(Transaction tx, bool enlistNativeMsDtcResource)
NetTxSession session = (NetTxSession)CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional);
session.EnlistsMsDtcNativeResource = enlistNativeMsDtcResource;
return session;
public Task<INetTxSession> CreateNetTxSessionAsync(Transaction tx, bool enlistsNativeMsDtcResource)
return Task.FromResult(CreateNetTxSession(tx, enlistsNativeMsDtcResource));
public INetTxSession CreateNetTxSession(bool enlistNativeMsDtcResource)
NetTxSession session = (NetTxSession)CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional);
session.EnlistsMsDtcNativeResource = enlistNativeMsDtcResource;
return session;
protected override async Task<ISession> CreateActiveMQSessionAsync(AcknowledgementMode ackMode)
await CheckConnectedAsync().Await();
return new NetTxSession(this, NextSessionId);
public NetTxRecoveryPolicy RecoveryPolicy
get { return this.recoveryPolicy; }
set { this.recoveryPolicy = value; }
public Guid ConfiguredResourceManagerId
get { return this.configuredResourceManagerId; }
set { this.configuredResourceManagerId = value; }
internal Guid ResourceManagerGuid
return ConfiguredResourceManagerId != Guid.Empty ?
ConfiguredResourceManagerId : GuidFromId(ResourceManagerId);
private static Guid GuidFromId(string id)
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(id, @"(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+):(\d+)$");
if(0 == matches.Count)
throw new FormatException(string.Format("Unable to extract a GUID from string '{0}'", id));
GroupCollection groups = matches[0].Groups;
// We don't use the hostname here, just the remaining bits.
int a = Int32.Parse(groups[1].Value);
short b = Int16.Parse(groups[3].Value);
short c = Int16.Parse(groups[4].Value);
byte[] d = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int64.Parse(groups[2].Value));
return new Guid(a, b, c, d);