Extend the connection factory test to test multiple scenarios.
diff --git a/src/main/csharp/Util/URISupport.cs b/src/main/csharp/Util/URISupport.cs
index 9418375..48d16ed 100644
--- a/src/main/csharp/Util/URISupport.cs
+++ b/src/main/csharp/Util/URISupport.cs
@@ -27,611 +27,613 @@

 namespace Apache.NMS.Util


-    /// <summary>

-    /// Class to provide support for Uri query parameters which uses .Net reflection

-    /// to identify and set properties.

-    /// </summary>

-    public class URISupport

-    {

-        /// <summary>

-        /// Given a string that could be a Composite Uri that uses syntax not compatible

-        /// with the .NET Uri class such as an ActiveMQ failover Uri formatted as

-        /// "failover://(tcp://localhost:61616)", the initial '://' must be changed

-        /// to ':(' so that the Uri class doesn't attempt to parse the '(tcp:' as

-        /// the Uri's Authority as that is not a valid host name.

-        /// </summary>

-        /// <param name="uriString">

-        /// A string that could be a Composite Uri that uses syntax not compatible

-        /// with the .NET Uri class

-        /// </param>

-        public static Uri CreateCompatibleUri(string uriString)

-        {

-            string sanitized = uriString.Replace("://(", ":(");

-            return new Uri(sanitized);

-        }

+	/// <summary>

+	/// Class to provide support for Uri query parameters which uses .Net reflection

+	/// to identify and set properties.

+	/// </summary>

+	public class URISupport

+	{

+		/// <summary>

+		/// Given a string that could be a Composite Uri that uses syntax not compatible

+		/// with the .NET Uri class such as an ActiveMQ failover Uri formatted as

+		/// "failover://(tcp://localhost:61616)", the initial '://' must be changed

+		/// to ':(' so that the Uri class doesn't attempt to parse the '(tcp:' as

+		/// the Uri's Authority as that is not a valid host name.

+		/// </summary>

+		/// <param name="uriString">

+		/// A string that could be a Composite Uri that uses syntax not compatible

+		/// with the .NET Uri class

+		/// </param>

+		public static Uri CreateCompatibleUri(string uriString)

+		{

+			string sanitized = uriString.Replace("://(", ":(");

+			return new Uri(sanitized);

+		}


-        /// <summary>

-        /// Parse a Uri query string of the form ?x=y&amp;z=0

-        /// into a map of name/value pairs.

-        /// </summary>

-        /// <param name="query">The query string to parse. This string should not contain

-        /// Uri escape characters.</param>

-        public static StringDictionary ParseQuery(String query)

-        {

-            StringDictionary map = new StringDictionary();

+		/// <summary>

+		/// Parse a Uri query string of the form ?x=y&amp;z=0

+		/// into a map of name/value pairs.

+		/// </summary>

+		/// <param name="query">The query string to parse. This string should not contain

+		/// Uri escape characters.</param>

+		public static StringDictionary ParseQuery(String query)

+		{

+			StringDictionary map = new StringDictionary();


-            if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(query))

-            {

-                return EmptyMap;

-            }

+			if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(query))

+			{

+				return EmptyMap;

+			}


-            // strip the initial "?"

-            if(query.StartsWith("?"))

-            {

-                query = query.Substring(1);

-            }

+			// strip the initial "?"

+			if(query.StartsWith("?"))

+			{

+				query = query.Substring(1);

+			}


-            // split the query into parameters

-            string[] parameters = query.Split('&');

-            foreach(string pair in parameters)

-            {

-                if(pair.Length > 0)

-                {

-                    string[] nameValue = pair.Split('=');

+			// split the query into parameters

+			string[] parameters = query.Split('&');

+			foreach(string pair in parameters)

+			{

+				if(pair.Length > 0)

+				{

+					string[] nameValue = pair.Split('=');


-                    if(nameValue.Length != 2)

-                    {

-                        throw new NMSException(string.Format("Invalid Uri parameter: {0}", query));

-                    }

+					if(nameValue.Length != 2)

+					{

+						throw new NMSException(string.Format("Invalid Uri parameter: {0}", query));

+					}


-                    map[nameValue[0]] = nameValue[1];

-                }

-            }

+					map[nameValue[0]] = nameValue[1];

+				}

+			}


-            return map;

-        }

+			return map;

+		}


-        public static StringDictionary ParseParameters(Uri uri)

-        {

-            return (uri.Query == null

-                    ? EmptyMap

-                    : ParseQuery(StripPrefix(uri.Query, "?")));

-        }

+		public static StringDictionary ParseParameters(Uri uri)

+		{

+			return (uri.Query == null

+					? EmptyMap

+					: ParseQuery(StripPrefix(uri.Query, "?")));

+		}


-        /// <summary>

-        /// Sets the public properties of a target object using a string map.

-        /// This method uses .Net reflection to identify public properties of

-        /// the target object matching the keys from the passed map.

-        /// </summary>

-        /// <param name="target">The object whose properties will be set.</param>

-        /// <param name="map">Map of key/value pairs.</param>

-        public static void SetProperties(object target, StringDictionary map)

-        {

-            Type type = target.GetType();

+		/// <summary>

+		/// Sets the public properties of a target object using a string map.

+		/// This method uses .Net reflection to identify public properties of

+		/// the target object matching the keys from the passed map.

+		/// </summary>

+		/// <param name="target">The object whose properties will be set.</param>

+		/// <param name="map">Map of key/value pairs.</param>

+		public static void SetProperties(object target, StringDictionary map)

+		{

+			Type type = target.GetType();


-            foreach(string key in map.Keys)

-            {

-                PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(key,

-                                                        BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

-                                                        | BindingFlags.Public

-                                                        | BindingFlags.Instance

-                                                        | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

+			foreach(string key in map.Keys)

+			{

+				PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(key,

+														BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

+														| BindingFlags.Public

+														| BindingFlags.Instance

+														| BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);


-                if(null != prop)

-                {

-                    prop.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], prop.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);

-                }

-                else

-                {

-                    FieldInfo field = type.GetField(key,

-                                                        BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

-                                                        | BindingFlags.Public

-                                                        | BindingFlags.Instance

-                                                        | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

-                    if(null != field)

-                    {

-                        field.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], field.FieldType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

-                    }

-                    else

-                    {

-                        throw new NMSException(string.Format("No such property or field: {0} on class: {1}", key, target.GetType().Name));

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }

+				if(null != prop)

+				{

+					prop.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], prop.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					FieldInfo field = type.GetField(key,

+														BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

+														| BindingFlags.Public

+														| BindingFlags.Instance

+														| BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

+					if(null != field)

+					{

+						field.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], field.FieldType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

+					}

+					else

+					{

+						throw new NMSException(string.Format("No such property or field: {0} on class: {1}", key, target.GetType().Name));

+					}

+				}

+			}

+		}


-        /// <summary>

-        /// Sets the public properties of a target object using a string map.

-        /// This method uses .Net reflection to identify public properties of

-        /// the target object matching the keys from the passed map.

-        /// </summary>

-        /// <param name="target">The object whose properties will be set.</param>

-        /// <param name="map">Map of key/value pairs.</param>

-        /// <param name="prefix">Key value prefix.  This is prepended to the property name

-        /// before searching for a matching key value.</param>

-        public static void SetProperties(object target, StringDictionary map, string prefix)

-        {

-            Type type = target.GetType();

+		/// <summary>

+		/// Sets the public properties of a target object using a string map.

+		/// This method uses .Net reflection to identify public properties of

+		/// the target object matching the keys from the passed map.

+		/// </summary>

+		/// <param name="target">The object whose properties will be set.</param>

+		/// <param name="map">Map of key/value pairs.</param>

+		/// <param name="prefix">Key value prefix.  This is prepended to the property name

+		/// before searching for a matching key value.</param>

+		public static void SetProperties(object target, StringDictionary map, string prefix)

+		{

+			Type type = target.GetType();


-            List<String> matches = new List<String>();

+			List<String> matches = new List<String>();


-            foreach(string key in map.Keys)

-            {

-                if(key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

-                {

-                    string bareKey = key.Substring(prefix.Length);

-                    PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(bareKey,

-                                                            BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

-                                                            | BindingFlags.Public

-                                                            | BindingFlags.Instance

-                                                            | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

+			foreach(string key in map.Keys)

+			{

+				if(key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

+				{

+					string bareKey = key.Substring(prefix.Length);

+					PropertyInfo prop = type.GetProperty(bareKey,

+															BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

+															| BindingFlags.Public

+															| BindingFlags.Instance

+															| BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);


-                    if(null != prop)

-                    {

-                        prop.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], prop.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);

-                    }

-                    else

-                    {

-                        FieldInfo field = type.GetField(bareKey,

-                                                            BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

-                                                            | BindingFlags.Public

-                                                            | BindingFlags.Instance

-                                                            | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

-                        if(null != field)

-                        {

-                            field.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], field.FieldType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

-                        }

-                        else

-                        {

-                            throw new NMSException(string.Format("No such property or field: {0} on class: {1}", bareKey, target.GetType().Name));

-                        }

-                    }

+					if(null != prop)

+					{

+						prop.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], prop.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null);

+					}

+					else

+					{

+						FieldInfo field = type.GetField(bareKey,

+															BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy

+															| BindingFlags.Public

+															| BindingFlags.Instance

+															| BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);

+						if(null != field)

+						{

+							field.SetValue(target, Convert.ChangeType(map[key], field.FieldType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

+						}

+						else

+						{

+							throw new NMSException(string.Format("No such property or field: {0} on class: {1}", bareKey, target.GetType().Name));

+						}

+					}


-                    // store for later removal.

-                    matches.Add(key);

-                }

-            }

+					// store for later removal.

+					matches.Add(key);

+				}

+			}


-            // Remove all the properties we set so they are used again later.

-            foreach(string match in matches)

-            {

-                map.Remove(match);

-            }

-        }

+			// Remove all the properties we set so they are used again later.

+			foreach(string match in matches)

+			{

+				map.Remove(match);

+			}

+		}


-        public static StringDictionary GetProperties(StringDictionary props, string prefix) {

+		public static StringDictionary GetProperties(StringDictionary props, string prefix)

+		{


-            if(props == null)

-            {

-                throw new Exception("Properties Object was null");

-            }

+			if(props == null)

+			{

+				throw new Exception("Properties Object was null");

+			}


-            StringDictionary result = new StringDictionary();

+			StringDictionary result = new StringDictionary();


-            foreach(string key in props.Keys)

-            {

-                if(key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

-                {

-                    string bareKey = key.Substring(prefix.Length);

-                    String value = props[key];

-                    result[bareKey] = value;

-                }

-            }

+			foreach(string key in props.Keys)

+			{

+				if(key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

+				{

+					string bareKey = key.Substring(prefix.Length);

+					String value = props[key];

+					result[bareKey] = value;

+				}

+			}


-            return result;

-        }

+			return result;

+		}


-        public static StringDictionary ExtractProperties(StringDictionary props, string prefix) {

+		public static StringDictionary ExtractProperties(StringDictionary props, string prefix)

+		{


-            if(props == null)

-            {

-                throw new Exception("Properties Object was null");

-            }

+			if(props == null)

+			{

+				throw new Exception("Properties Object was null");

+			}


-            StringDictionary result = new StringDictionary();

-            List<String> matches = new List<String>();

+			StringDictionary result = new StringDictionary();

+			List<String> matches = new List<String>();


-            foreach(string key in props.Keys)

-            {

-                if(key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

-                {

-                    String value = props[key];

-                    result[key] = value;

-                    matches.Add(key);

-                }

-            }

+			foreach(string key in props.Keys)

+			{

+				if(key.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

+				{

+					String value = props[key];

+					result[key] = value;

+					matches.Add(key);

+				}

+			}


-            foreach(string match in matches)

-            {

-                props.Remove(match);

-            }

+			foreach(string match in matches)

+			{

+				props.Remove(match);

+			}


-            return result;

-        }

+			return result;

+		}


-        public static String UrlDecode(String s)

-        {

+		public static String UrlDecode(String s)

+		{

 #if !NETCF

-            return HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(s);

+			return HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(s);


             return Uri.UnescapeDataString(s);


-        }

+		}


-        public static String UrlEncode(String s)

-        {

+		public static String UrlEncode(String s)

+		{

 #if !NETCF

-            return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s);

+			return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(s);


             return Uri.EscapeUriString(s);


-        }

+		}


-        public static String CreateQueryString(StringDictionary options)

-        {

-            if(options != null && options.Count > 0)

-            {

-                StringBuilder rc = new StringBuilder();

-                bool first = true;

+		public static String CreateQueryString(StringDictionary options)

+		{

+			if(options != null && options.Count > 0)

+			{

+				StringBuilder rc = new StringBuilder();

+				bool first = true;


-                foreach(String key in options.Keys)

-                {

-                    string value = options[key];

+				foreach(String key in options.Keys)

+				{

+					string value = options[key];


-                    if(first)

-                    {

-                        first = false;

-                    }

-                    else

-                    {

-                        rc.Append("&");

-                    }

+					if(first)

+					{

+						first = false;

+					}

+					else

+					{

+						rc.Append("&");

+					}


-                    rc.Append(UrlEncode(key));

-                    rc.Append("=");

-                    rc.Append(UrlEncode(value));

-                }

+					rc.Append(UrlEncode(key));

+					rc.Append("=");

+					rc.Append(UrlEncode(value));

+				}


-                return rc.ToString();

-            }

-            else

-            {

-                return "";

-            }

-        }

+				return rc.ToString();

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				return "";

+			}

+		}


-        public static Uri CreateRemainingUri(Uri originalUri, StringDictionary parameters)

-        {

-            string s = CreateQueryString(parameters);

+		public static Uri CreateRemainingUri(Uri originalUri, StringDictionary parameters)

+		{

+			string s = CreateQueryString(parameters);


-            if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

-            {

-                s = null;

-            }

+			if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

+			{

+				s = null;

+			}


-            return CreateUriWithQuery(originalUri, s);

-        }

+			return CreateUriWithQuery(originalUri, s);

+		}


-        public class CompositeData

-        {

-            private String host;

-            private String scheme;

-            private String path;

-            private Uri[] components;

-            private StringDictionary parameters;

-            private String fragment;

+		public class CompositeData

+		{

+			private String host;

+			private String scheme;

+			private String path;

+			private Uri[] components;

+			private StringDictionary parameters;

+			private String fragment;


-            public Uri[] Components

-            {

-                get { return components; }

-                set { components = value; }

-            }

+			public Uri[] Components

+			{

+				get { return components; }

+				set { components = value; }

+			}


-            public String Fragment

-            {

-                get { return fragment; }

-                set { fragment = value; }

-            }

+			public String Fragment

+			{

+				get { return fragment; }

+				set { fragment = value; }

+			}


-            public StringDictionary Parameters

-            {

-                get { return parameters; }

-                set { parameters = value; }

-            }

+			public StringDictionary Parameters

+			{

+				get { return parameters; }

+				set { parameters = value; }

+			}


-            public String Scheme

-            {

-                get { return scheme; }

-                set { scheme = value; }

-            }

+			public String Scheme

+			{

+				get { return scheme; }

+				set { scheme = value; }

+			}


-            public String Path

-            {

-                get { return path; }

-                set { path = value; }

-            }

+			public String Path

+			{

+				get { return path; }

+				set { path = value; }

+			}


-            public String Host

-            {

-                get { return host; }

-                set { host = value; }

-            }

+			public String Host

+			{

+				get { return host; }

+				set { host = value; }

+			}


-            public Uri toUri()

-            {

-                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

-                if(scheme != null)

-                {

-                    sb.Append(scheme);

-                    sb.Append(':');

-                }

+			public Uri toUri()

+			{

+				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

+				if(scheme != null)

+				{

+					sb.Append(scheme);

+					sb.Append(':');

+				}


-                if(host != null && host.Length != 0)

-                {

-                    sb.Append(host);

-                }

-                else

-                {

-                    sb.Append('(');

-                    for(int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)

-                    {

-                        if(i != 0)

-                        {

-                            sb.Append(',');

-                        }

-                        sb.Append(components[i].ToString());

-                    }

-                    sb.Append(')');

-                }

+				if(host != null && host.Length != 0)

+				{

+					sb.Append(host);

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					sb.Append('(');

+					for(int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)

+					{

+						if(i != 0)

+						{

+							sb.Append(',');

+						}

+						sb.Append(components[i].ToString());

+					}

+					sb.Append(')');

+				}


-                if(path != null)

-                {

-                    sb.Append('/');

-                    sb.Append(path);

-                }

+				if(path != null)

+				{

+					sb.Append('/');

+					sb.Append(path);

+				}


-                if(parameters.Count != 0)

-                {

-                    sb.Append("?");

-                    sb.Append(CreateQueryString(parameters));

-                }

+				if(parameters.Count != 0)

+				{

+					sb.Append("?");

+					sb.Append(CreateQueryString(parameters));

+				}


-                if(fragment != null)

-                {

-                    sb.Append("#");

-                    sb.Append(fragment);

-                }

+				if(fragment != null)

+				{

+					sb.Append("#");

+					sb.Append(fragment);

+				}


-                return new Uri(sb.ToString());

-            }

-        }

+				return new Uri(sb.ToString());

+			}

+		}


-        public static String StripPrefix(String value, String prefix)

-        {

-            if(value.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

-            {

-                return value.Substring(prefix.Length);

-            }

+		public static String StripPrefix(String value, String prefix)

+		{

+			if(value.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

+			{

+				return value.Substring(prefix.Length);

+			}


-            return value;

-        }

+			return value;

+		}


-        public static Uri CreateUriWithQuery(Uri uri, string query)

-        {

-            if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query) && !query.StartsWith("?"))

-            {

-                query = "?" + query;

-            }

+		public static Uri CreateUriWithQuery(Uri uri, string query)

+		{

+			if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(query) && !query.StartsWith("?"))

+			{

+				query = "?" + query;

+			}


-            if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Query))

-            {

-                return new Uri(uri.OriginalString + query);

-            }

-            else

-            {

-                string originalUri = uri.OriginalString;

+			if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Query))

+			{

+				return new Uri(uri.OriginalString + query);

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				string originalUri = uri.OriginalString;


-                int queryDelimPos = originalUri.LastIndexOf('?');

-                int compositeDelimPos = originalUri.LastIndexOf(')');

+				int queryDelimPos = originalUri.LastIndexOf('?');

+				int compositeDelimPos = originalUri.LastIndexOf(')');


-                if(queryDelimPos <= compositeDelimPos)

-                {

-                    // No Query or the Query is part of an inner Composite.

-                    return new Uri(originalUri + query);

-                }

-                else

-                {

-                    // Outer Uri has a Query or not a Composite Uri with a Query

-                    string strippedUri = originalUri.Substring(0, queryDelimPos);

-                    return new Uri(strippedUri + query);

-                }

-            }

-        }

+				if(queryDelimPos <= compositeDelimPos)

+				{

+					// No Query or the Query is part of an inner Composite.

+					return new Uri(originalUri + query);

+				}

+				else

+				{

+					// Outer Uri has a Query or not a Composite Uri with a Query

+					string strippedUri = originalUri.Substring(0, queryDelimPos);

+					return new Uri(strippedUri + query);

+				}

+			}

+		}


-        public static Uri RemoveQuery(Uri original)

-        {

-            return CreateUriWithQuery(original, null);

-        }

+		public static Uri RemoveQuery(Uri original)

+		{

+			return CreateUriWithQuery(original, null);

+		}


-        public static CompositeData ParseComposite(Uri uri)

-        {

-            CompositeData rc = new CompositeData();

-            rc.Scheme = uri.Scheme;

+		public static CompositeData ParseComposite(Uri uri)

+		{

+			CompositeData rc = new CompositeData();

+			rc.Scheme = uri.Scheme;


-            // Start with original URI

-            //String ssp = uri.Authority + uri.PathAndQuery;

-            String ssp = uri.OriginalString;

+			// Start with original URI

+			//String ssp = uri.Authority + uri.PathAndQuery;

+			String ssp = uri.OriginalString;


-            ssp = StripPrefix(ssp, rc.Scheme + ":");

-            ssp = StripPrefix(ssp, "//");

+			ssp = StripPrefix(ssp, rc.Scheme + ":");

+			ssp = StripPrefix(ssp, "//");


-            int lastPoundPos = ssp.LastIndexOf("#");

-            int lastParendPos = ssp.LastIndexOf(")");

+			int lastPoundPos = ssp.LastIndexOf("#");

+			int lastParendPos = ssp.LastIndexOf(")");


-            // Only include a Fragment that's outside any Composte sections.

-            if(lastPoundPos > lastParendPos)

-            {

-                rc.Fragment = ssp.Substring(lastPoundPos);

-                ssp = ssp.Substring(0, lastPoundPos);

-            }

+			// Only include a Fragment that's outside any Composte sections.

+			if(lastPoundPos > lastParendPos)

+			{

+				rc.Fragment = ssp.Substring(lastPoundPos);

+				ssp = ssp.Substring(0, lastPoundPos);

+			}


-            // Ensure any embedded URIs don't have malformed authority's by changing

-            // them from '://(' which would cause the .NET Uri class to attempt to validate

-            // the authority as a hostname with, ':(' which is valid.

-            ssp = ssp.Replace("://(", ":(");

+			// Ensure any embedded URIs don't have malformed authority's by changing

+			// them from '://(' which would cause the .NET Uri class to attempt to validate

+			// the authority as a hostname with, ':(' which is valid.

+			ssp = ssp.Replace("://(", ":(");


-            // Handle the composite components

-            ParseComposite(uri, rc, ssp);

-            return rc;

-        }

+			// Handle the composite components

+			ParseComposite(uri, rc, ssp);

+			return rc;

+		}


-        /// <summary>

-        /// </summary>

-        /// <param name="uri"></param>

-        /// <param name="rc"></param>

-        /// <param name="ssp"></param>

-        private static void ParseComposite(Uri uri, CompositeData rc, String ssp)

-        {

-            String componentString;

-            String parms;

+		/// <summary>

+		/// </summary>

+		/// <param name="uri"></param>

+		/// <param name="rc"></param>

+		/// <param name="ssp"></param>

+		private static void ParseComposite(Uri uri, CompositeData rc, String ssp)

+		{

+			String componentString;

+			String parms;


-            if(!CheckParenthesis(ssp))

-            {

-                throw new NMSException(uri.ToString() + ": Not a matching number of '(' and ')' parenthesis");

-            }

+			if(!CheckParenthesis(ssp))

+			{

+				throw new NMSException(uri.ToString() + ": Not a matching number of '(' and ')' parenthesis");

+			}


-            int p;

-            int intialParen = ssp.IndexOf("(");

+			int p;

+			int intialParen = ssp.IndexOf("(");


-            if(intialParen >= 0)

-            {

-                rc.Host = ssp.Substring(0, intialParen);

-                p = rc.Host.IndexOf("/");

-                if(p >= 0)

-                {

-                    rc.Path = rc.Host.Substring(p);

-                    rc.Host = rc.Host.Substring(0, p);

-                }

+			if(intialParen >= 0)

+			{

+				rc.Host = ssp.Substring(0, intialParen);

+				p = rc.Host.IndexOf("/");

+				if(p >= 0)

+				{

+					rc.Path = rc.Host.Substring(p);

+					rc.Host = rc.Host.Substring(0, p);

+				}


-                p = ssp.LastIndexOf(")");

-                int start = intialParen + 1;

-                int len = p - start;

-                componentString = ssp.Substring(start, len);

-                parms = ssp.Substring(p + 1).Trim();

-            }

-            else

-            {

-                componentString = ssp;

-                parms = "";

-            }

+				p = ssp.LastIndexOf(")");

+				int start = intialParen + 1;

+				int len = p - start;

+				componentString = ssp.Substring(start, len);

+				parms = ssp.Substring(p + 1).Trim();

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				componentString = ssp;

+				parms = "";

+			}


-            String[] components = SplitComponents(componentString);

-            rc.Components = new Uri[components.Length];

-            for(int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)

-            {

-                rc.Components[i] = new Uri(components[i].Trim());

-            }

+			String[] components = SplitComponents(componentString);

+			rc.Components = new Uri[components.Length];

+			for(int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++)

+			{

+				rc.Components[i] = new Uri(components[i].Trim());

+			}


-            p = parms.IndexOf("?");

-            if(p >= 0)

-            {

-                if(p > 0)

-                {

-                    rc.Path = StripPrefix(parms.Substring(0, p), "/");

-                }

+			p = parms.IndexOf("?");

+			if(p >= 0)

+			{

+				if(p > 0)

+				{

+					rc.Path = StripPrefix(parms.Substring(0, p), "/");

+				}


-                rc.Parameters = ParseQuery(parms.Substring(p + 1));

-            }

-            else

-            {

-                if(parms.Length > 0)

-                {

-                    rc.Path = StripPrefix(parms, "/");

-                }

+				rc.Parameters = ParseQuery(parms.Substring(p + 1));

+			}

+			else

+			{

+				if(parms.Length > 0)

+				{

+					rc.Path = StripPrefix(parms, "/");

+				}


-                rc.Parameters = EmptyMap;

-            }

-        }

+				rc.Parameters = EmptyMap;

+			}

+		}


-        private static StringDictionary EmptyMap

-        {

-            get { return new StringDictionary(); }

-        }

+		private static StringDictionary EmptyMap

+		{

+			get { return new StringDictionary(); }

+		}


-        /// <summary>

-        /// </summary>

-        /// <param name="componentString"></param>

-        private static String[] SplitComponents(String componentString)

-        {

-            ArrayList l = new ArrayList();

+		/// <summary>

+		/// </summary>

+		/// <param name="componentString"></param>

+		private static String[] SplitComponents(String componentString)

+		{

+			ArrayList l = new ArrayList();


-            int last = 0;

-            int depth = 0;

-            char[] chars = componentString.ToCharArray();

-            for(int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)

-            {

-                switch(chars[i])

-                {

-                case '(':

-                    depth++;

-                    break;

+			int last = 0;

+			int depth = 0;

+			char[] chars = componentString.ToCharArray();

+			for(int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)

+			{

+				switch(chars[i])

+				{

+				case '(':

+					depth++;

+					break;


-                case ')':

-                    depth--;

-                    break;

+				case ')':

+					depth--;

+					break;


-                case ',':

-                    if(depth == 0)

-                    {

-                        String s = componentString.Substring(last, i - last);

-                        l.Add(s);

-                        last = i + 1;

-                    }

-                    break;

+				case ',':

+					if(depth == 0)

+					{

+						String s = componentString.Substring(last, i - last);

+						l.Add(s);

+						last = i + 1;

+					}

+					break;


-                default:

-                    break;

-                }

-            }

+				default:

+					break;

+				}

+			}


-            String ending = componentString.Substring(last);

-            if(ending.Length != 0)

-            {

-                l.Add(ending);

-            }

+			String ending = componentString.Substring(last);

+			if(ending.Length != 0)

+			{

+				l.Add(ending);

+			}


-            String[] rc = new String[l.Count];

-            l.CopyTo(rc);

-            return rc;

-        }

+			String[] rc = new String[l.Count];

+			l.CopyTo(rc);

+			return rc;

+		}


-        public static bool CheckParenthesis(String str)

-        {

-            bool result = true;

+		public static bool CheckParenthesis(String str)

+		{

+			bool result = true;


-            if(str != null)

-            {

-                int open = 0;

-                int closed = 0;

+			if(str != null)

+			{

+				int open = 0;

+				int closed = 0;


-                int i = 0;

-                while((i = str.IndexOf('(', i)) >= 0)

-                {

-                    i++;

-                    open++;

-                }

+				int i = 0;

+				while((i = str.IndexOf('(', i)) >= 0)

+				{

+					i++;

+					open++;

+				}


-                i = 0;

-                while((i = str.IndexOf(')', i)) >= 0)

-                {

-                    i++;

-                    closed++;

-                }

+				i = 0;

+				while((i = str.IndexOf(')', i)) >= 0)

+				{

+					i++;

+					closed++;

+				}


-                result = (open == closed);

-            }

+				result = (open == closed);

+			}


-            return result;

-        }

-    }

+			return result;

+		}

+	}
