blob: f3716109cc85b0653f370056c715458e73249872 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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using System;
using Amqp.Framing;
using Amqp.Types;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Message.Facade;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Util;
namespace Apache.NMS.AMQP.Provider.Amqp.Message
public class AmqpCodec
public static INmsMessageFacade DecodeMessage(IAmqpConsumer consumer, global::Amqp.Message amqpMessage)
// First we try the easy way, if the annotation is there we don't have to work hard.
AmqpNmsMessageFacade result = CreateFromMsgAnnotation(amqpMessage.MessageAnnotations);
if (result == null)
// Next, match specific section structures and content types
result = CreateWithoutAnnotation(amqpMessage.BodySection, amqpMessage.Properties);
if (result != null)
result.Initialize(consumer, amqpMessage);
return result;
throw new NMSException("Could not create a NMS message from incoming message");
private static AmqpNmsMessageFacade CreateFromMsgAnnotation(MessageAnnotations messageAnnotations)
object annotation = messageAnnotations?[SymbolUtil.JMSX_OPT_MSG_TYPE];
if (annotation != null)
sbyte type = Convert.ToSByte(annotation);
switch (type)
case MessageSupport.JMS_TYPE_MSG:
return new AmqpNmsMessageFacade();
case MessageSupport.JMS_TYPE_BYTE:
return new AmqpNmsBytesMessageFacade();
case MessageSupport.JMS_TYPE_TXT:
return new AmqpNmsTextMessageFacade();
case MessageSupport.JMS_TYPE_OBJ:
return new AmqpNmsObjectMessageFacade();
case MessageSupport.JMS_TYPE_STRM:
return new AmqpNmsStreamMessageFacade();
case MessageSupport.JMS_TYPE_MAP:
return new AmqpNmsMapMessageFacade();
throw new NMSException("Invalid Message Type annotation value found in message: " + annotation);
return null;
private static AmqpNmsMessageFacade CreateWithoutAnnotation(RestrictedDescribed body, Properties properties)
Symbol contentType = GetContentType(properties);
if (body is Data || body is null)
if (IsContentType(SymbolUtil.OCTET_STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType) || IsContentType(null, contentType))
return new AmqpNmsBytesMessageFacade();
else if (IsContentType(SymbolUtil.SERIALIZED_DOTNET_OBJECT_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType))
return new AmqpNmsObjectMessageFacade();
if (IsTextualContent(contentType))
return new AmqpNmsTextMessageFacade();
return new AmqpNmsBytesMessageFacade();
else if (body is AmqpValue amqpValue)
object value = amqpValue.Value;
if (value == null || value is string)
return new AmqpNmsTextMessageFacade();
else if (value is byte[])
return new AmqpNmsBytesMessageFacade();
return new AmqpNmsObjectMessageFacade();
else if (body is AmqpSequence)
return new AmqpNmsObjectMessageFacade();
return null;
private static bool IsTextualContent(Symbol contentType)
return contentType != null && contentType.ToString().Equals("text/plain", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
private static bool IsContentType(Symbol contentType, Symbol messageContentType)
if (contentType == null)
return messageContentType == null;
if (messageContentType == null)
return false;
return contentType.Equals(messageContentType);
private static Symbol GetContentType(Properties properties)
return properties?.ContentType;
public static void EncodeMessage(AmqpNmsMessageFacade messageFacade)
if (messageFacade.Message.MessageAnnotations == null)
messageFacade.Message.MessageAnnotations = new MessageAnnotations();
messageFacade.Message.MessageAnnotations[SymbolUtil.JMSX_OPT_MSG_TYPE] = messageFacade.JmsMsgType;
AmqpDestinationHelper.SetToAnnotationFromDestination(messageFacade.NMSDestination, messageFacade.Message.MessageAnnotations);
AmqpDestinationHelper.SetReplyToAnnotationFromDestination(messageFacade.NMSReplyTo, messageFacade.Message.MessageAnnotations);