blob: 974a18502a6902f520aa4c76e46e063278664b39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Message;
using Apache.NMS.Util;
namespace Apache.NMS.AMQP
public class NmsProducer : INMSProducer
private readonly ISession session;
private readonly NmsMessageProducer producer;
// Message Headers
private String correlationId;
private String type;
private IDestination replyTo;
// Message Properties
private readonly IPrimitiveMap messageProperties = new PrimitiveMap();
* Create a new JMSProducer instance.
* The producer is backed by the given Session object and uses the shared MessageProducer
* instance to send all of its messages.
* @param session
* The Session that created this JMSProducer
* @param producer
* The shared MessageProducer owned by the parent Session.
public NmsProducer(ISession session, NmsMessageProducer producer) {
this.session = session;
this.producer = producer;
public void Dispose()
public INMSProducer Send(IDestination destination, IMessage message) {
if (message == null) {
throw new MessageFormatException("Message must not be null");
NmsMessageTransformation.CopyMap(messageProperties, message.Properties);
if (correlationId != null) {
message.NMSCorrelationID = correlationId;
if (type != null) {
message.NMSType = type;
if (replyTo != null) {
message.NMSReplyTo = replyTo;
producer.Send(destination, message);
return this;
public INMSProducer Send(IDestination destination, string body)
return Send(destination, CreateTextMessage(body));
public INMSProducer Send(IDestination destination, IPrimitiveMap body)
IMapMessage message = CreateMapMessage();
NmsMessageTransformation.CopyMap(body, message.Body);
return Send(destination, message);
public INMSProducer Send(IDestination destination, byte[] body)
return Send(destination, CreateBytesMessage(body));
public INMSProducer Send(IDestination destination, object body)
return Send(destination, CreateObjectMessage(body));
public async Task<INMSProducer> SendAsync(IDestination destination, IMessage message)
if (message == null) {
throw new MessageFormatException("Message must not be null");
NmsMessageTransformation.CopyMap(messageProperties, message.Properties);
if (correlationId != null) {
message.NMSCorrelationID = correlationId;
if (type != null) {
message.NMSType = type;
if (replyTo != null) {
message.NMSReplyTo = replyTo;
await producer.SendAsync(destination, message);
return this;
public Task<INMSProducer> SendAsync(IDestination destination, string body)
return SendAsync(destination, CreateTextMessage(body));
public Task<INMSProducer> SendAsync(IDestination destination, IPrimitiveMap body)
IMapMessage message = CreateMapMessage();
NmsMessageTransformation.CopyMap(body, message.Body);
return SendAsync(destination, message);
public Task<INMSProducer> SendAsync(IDestination destination, byte[] body)
return SendAsync(destination, CreateBytesMessage(body));
public Task<INMSProducer> SendAsync(IDestination destination, object body)
return SendAsync(destination, CreateObjectMessage(body));
public INMSProducer ClearProperties()
return this;
public IMessage CreateMessage()
return session.CreateMessage();
public ITextMessage CreateTextMessage()
return session.CreateTextMessage();
public ITextMessage CreateTextMessage(string text)
return session.CreateTextMessage(text);
public IMapMessage CreateMapMessage()
return session.CreateMapMessage();
public IObjectMessage CreateObjectMessage(object body)
return session.CreateObjectMessage(body);
public IBytesMessage CreateBytesMessage()
return session.CreateBytesMessage();
public IBytesMessage CreateBytesMessage(byte[] body)
return session.CreateBytesMessage(body);
public IStreamMessage CreateStreamMessage()
return session.CreateStreamMessage();
public void Close()
public string NMSCorrelationID
get => correlationId;
set => correlationId = value;
public INMSProducer SetNMSCorrelationID(string correlationID)
NMSCorrelationID = correlationID;
return this;
public IDestination NMSReplyTo
get => replyTo;
set => replyTo = value;
public INMSProducer SetNMSReplyTo(IDestination replyTo)
NMSReplyTo = replyTo;
return this;
public string NMSType
get => type;
set => type = value;
public INMSProducer SetNMSType(string type)
NMSType = type;
return this;
public MsgDeliveryMode DeliveryMode
get => producer.DeliveryMode;
set => producer.DeliveryMode = value;
public INMSProducer SetDeliveryMode(MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode)
DeliveryMode = deliveryMode;
return this;
public TimeSpan TimeToLive
get => producer.TimeToLive;
set => producer.TimeToLive = value;
public INMSProducer SetTimeToLive(TimeSpan timeToLive)
TimeToLive = timeToLive;
return this;
public TimeSpan RequestTimeout
get => producer.RequestTimeout;
set => producer.RequestTimeout = value;
public MsgPriority Priority
get => producer.Priority;
set => producer.Priority = value;
public INMSProducer SetPriority(MsgPriority priority)
Priority = priority;
return this;
public bool DisableMessageID
get => producer.DisableMessageID;
set => producer.DisableMessageID = value;
public INMSProducer SetDisableMessageID(bool value)
DisableMessageID = value;
return this;
public bool DisableMessageTimestamp
get => producer.DisableMessageTimestamp;
set => producer.DisableMessageTimestamp = value;
public INMSProducer SetDisableMessageTimestamp(bool value)
DisableMessageTimestamp = value;
return this;
public TimeSpan DeliveryDelay
get => producer.DeliveryDelay;
set => producer.DeliveryDelay = value;
public INMSProducer SetDeliveryDelay(TimeSpan deliveryDelay)
DeliveryDelay = deliveryDelay;
return this;
public IPrimitiveMap Properties => messageProperties;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, bool value)
messageProperties.SetBool(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, byte value)
messageProperties.SetByte(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, double value)
messageProperties.SetDouble(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, float value)
messageProperties.SetFloat(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, int value)
messageProperties.SetInt(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, long value)
messageProperties.SetLong(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, short value)
messageProperties.SetShort(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, char value)
messageProperties.SetChar(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, string value)
messageProperties.SetString(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, byte[] value)
messageProperties.SetBytes(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, IList value)
messageProperties.SetList(name, value);
return this;
public INMSProducer SetProperty(string name, IDictionary value)
messageProperties.SetDictionary(name, value);
return this;
public ProducerTransformerDelegate ProducerTransformer
get => producer.ProducerTransformer;
set => producer.ProducerTransformer = value;