blob: 5023bb3ff0c7f511aa17437cd03a4ada141f69de [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using Apache.NMS;
using Apache.NMS.Util;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.Util;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.Attribute;
namespace Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.TestCase
class MessageTest : BaseTestCase
internal static readonly TimeSpan TIMEOUT = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30000);
internal static readonly string MaxString;
internal static readonly string AlmostMaxString;
internal static readonly string String256;
internal static readonly byte[] Bytes256;
internal static readonly byte[] Bytes257;
internal static readonly byte[] MaxBytes;
internal static readonly Dictionary<string, object> LargeDictionary;
internal static readonly List<object> LargeList;
internal static readonly Dictionary<string, object> SmallDictionary;
internal static readonly List<object> SmallList;
internal static readonly object[] NMSPrimitiveTestValues = new object[]
new byte[]{ 0xff, 0xe1, 0x1f, 0x5b, 0x8d },
// MaxFrameSize denotes the Maximum size an amqp message can be on a connection for the Message Tests.
const int MaxFrameSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 GiB
// Limit read by config file.
static readonly int MaxDataChunkSize = (int)TestConfig.Instance.DataGeneratedChunkSize;
// Normalized value of MaxDataChunkSize.
// If MaxDataChunkSize negative as int LargeLen is 0 - MaxDataChunkSize else MaxDataChunkSize
// LargeLen has a minimum value of ushort.max .
static readonly int LargeLen;
// SmallLen is ten (2^10 = 1024) orders of magnitude lower then LargeLen with a minimum value of byte.MaxValue.
static readonly int SmallLen;
static MessageTest()
int limit = (MaxDataChunkSize < 0) ? 0 - MaxDataChunkSize : MaxDataChunkSize;
LargeLen = Math.Max(limit, Convert.ToInt32(ushort.MaxValue) );
SmallLen = Math.Max(LargeLen / 1024, Convert.ToInt32(byte.MaxValue));
ulong charIndex = 0;
ulong byteIndex = 0;
int ValueIndex = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(LargeLen);
LargeDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(LargeLen);
LargeList = new List<object>(LargeLen);
SmallDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(SmallLen);
SmallList = new List<object>(SmallLen);
Bytes256 = new byte[256];
Bytes257 = new byte[257];
MaxBytes = new byte[LargeLen];
for(int i = 0; i< LargeLen; i++)
if(i == LargeLen - 1)
AlmostMaxString = sb.ToString();
else if (i == 256)
String256 = sb.ToString();
charIndex = 65 + (Convert.ToUInt64(i) % 26);
byteIndex = Convert.ToUInt64(i) % 256;
if (i < 257)
Bytes257[i] = Convert.ToByte(byteIndex);
if (i < 256)
Bytes256[i] = Convert.ToByte(byteIndex);
MaxBytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(byteIndex);
ValueIndex = i % NMSPrimitiveTestValues.Length;
object value = NMSPrimitiveTestValues[ValueIndex];
string key = GenerateMapKey(value, Convert.ToUInt64(i));
LargeDictionary.Add(key, value);
if (i < SmallLen)
SmallDictionary.Add(key, value);
MaxString = sb.ToString();
static string GenerateMapKey(object value, int index = 0)
return GenerateMapKey(value, Convert.ToUInt64(index));
static string GenerateMapKey(object value, ulong index = 0)
Type valueType = value.GetType();
string valueTypeName = valueType.Name;
if (value != null && value is byte[])
valueTypeName = "Binary";
else if (value != null && value is IList)
valueTypeName = "List";
else if (value != null && value is IDictionary)
valueTypeName = "Dictionary";
string key = string.Format("{0}Key{1}", valueTypeName, index);
return key;
#region Message Comparision Methods
internal static bool CompareList(IList sent, IList recv)
if (sent.Count != recv.Count)
return false;
for(int i=0; i<sent.Count; i++)
object sentValue = sent[i];
object recvValue = recv[i];
if(!Compare(sentValue, recvValue))
return false;
return true;
internal static string CompareMap(IPrimitiveMap sent, IPrimitiveMap recv)
if (sent.Count != recv.Count)
return "Sent Map count ("+sent.Count+") != Recv Map count("+recv.Count+")";
foreach(object key in sent.Keys)
if (!recv.Contains(key))
return "Receive Map does not contain key: " + key;
else if (!Compare(sent[key as string], recv[key as string]))
return "Sent (" + sent[key as string] + ") and Recv ("
+ recv[key as string] + ") Map do not match at key:" + key;
return null;
internal static bool CompareDictionary(IDictionary sent, IDictionary recv)
if (sent.Count != recv.Count)
return false;
IDictionaryEnumerator sentEnum = sent.GetEnumerator();
while (sentEnum.MoveNext() && sentEnum.Current != null)
if (!recv.Contains(sentEnum.Key))
return false;
else if(!Compare(sentEnum.Value, recv[sentEnum.Key]))
return false;
return true;
internal static bool CompareBinary(byte[] sent, byte[] recv)
if(sent.Length != recv.Length)
return false;
bool equal = true;
for(int i=0; i<sent.Length && equal; i++)
equal = equal && sent[i] == recv[i];
return equal;
internal static bool Compare(object sent, object recv)
if(sent == null || recv == null)
return sent == null && recv == null;
Type sentType = sent.GetType();
Type recvType = recv.GetType();
if( sentType.Equals(recvType))
// compare value
return recv.Equals(sent);
else if (sent is IList)
return CompareList(sent as IList, recv as IList);
else if (sent is IDictionary)
return CompareDictionary(sent as IDictionary, recv as IDictionary);
else if (sent is IPrimitiveMap)
if (null == CompareMap(sent as IPrimitiveMap, recv as IPrimitiveMap))
return true;
else return false;
else if (sentType.IsArray && sent is byte[])
return CompareBinary(sent as byte[], recv as byte[]);
else if (sent is String)
return recv.Equals(sent);
else if (sent is ITopic)
return (sent as ITopic).TopicName.Equals((recv as ITopic).TopicName);
else if (sent is IQueue)
return (sent as IQueue).QueueName.Equals((recv as IQueue).QueueName);
Assert.Fail("Unrecognizable object type {0} for comparison. Value : {1}", sentType.Name, sent);
else if (recvType.IsEquivalentTo(sentType))
// list, Dictionary, and Map Implementations could be different
if (sent is IList && recv is IList)
return CompareList(sent as IList, recv as IList);
else if (sent is IDictionary && recv is IDictionary)
return CompareDictionary(sent as IDictionary, recv as IDictionary);
else if (sent is IPrimitiveMap && recv is IPrimitiveMap)
if (null == CompareMap(sent as IPrimitiveMap, recv as IPrimitiveMap)) return true;
else return false;
Assert.Fail("Unreconcilable object types {0}, {1} for value {2}, {3}.", sentType.Name, recvType.Name, sent, recv);
return false;
private static List<object> ReadStreamMessageBody(IStreamMessage message)
List<object> contents = new List<object>();
while (true)
object value = message.ReadObject();
catch (MessageEOFException eofEx)
Logger.Debug("Caught EOF exception while reading stream message. Ex = " + eofEx);
return contents;
internal static bool CompareStreamMessageBody(IStreamMessage sent, IStreamMessage recv)
if (sent == null || recv == null)
return sent == null && recv == null;
List<object> sentObjects = ReadStreamMessageBody(sent);
List<object> recvObjects = ReadStreamMessageBody(recv);
return CompareList(sentObjects, recvObjects);
* Determines message body type by interface.
* type values:
* MSG = 0,
* TEXT = 1,
* STRM = 2,
* OBJ = 3,
* MAP = 4,
* BYTE = 5
* */
private static int MsgBodyType(IMessage message)
int type = 0; // default to MSG
if (message is ITextMessage)
type = 1;
else if (message is IStreamMessage)
type = 2;
else if (message is IObjectMessage)
type = 3;
else if (message is IMapMessage)
type = 4;
else if (message is IBytesMessage)
type = 5;
return type;
internal static bool CompareMsgBody(IMessage sent, IMessage recv)
if( sent == null || recv == null)
return sent == null && recv == null;
if (sent is IBytesMessage && recv is IBytesMessage)
return Compare((sent as IBytesMessage).Content, (recv as IBytesMessage).Content);
else if (sent is IMapMessage && recv is IMapMessage)
return Compare((sent as IMapMessage).Body, (recv as IMapMessage).Body);
else if (sent is IStreamMessage && recv is IStreamMessage)
return CompareStreamMessageBody((sent as IStreamMessage), (recv as IStreamMessage));
else if (sent is ITextMessage && recv is ITextMessage)
return Compare((sent as ITextMessage).Text, (recv as ITextMessage).Text);
else if (sent is IObjectMessage && recv is IObjectMessage)
return Compare((sent as IObjectMessage).Body, (recv as IObjectMessage).Body);
// Determine default case if msg types are different (return false) or types are IMessage with no body (return true).
return MsgBodyType(sent) == MsgBodyType(recv);
internal static string CompareMsgProperties(IMessage sent, IMessage recv)
if (sent.NMSCorrelationID == null)
if (recv.NMSCorrelationID != null)
return "Sent CorrelationID is null, Received is:" + recv.NMSCorrelationID;
else if (sent.NMSCorrelationID != recv.NMSCorrelationID)
return "sent NMSCorrelationId is '"+sent.NMSCorrelationID
+"' != recv '"+recv.NMSCorrelationID+"'";
if (!Compare(sent.NMSDestination, recv.NMSDestination))
return "sent Destination != recv Destination";
// Time To Live will change in the network, but if set on sent it should
// be less than or equal to the sent value when it is received
if ( sent.NMSTimeToLive != null)
if (recv.NMSTimeToLive == null)
return "Sent TimeToLive is null, Received is:" + recv.NMSTimeToLive;
if (recv.NMSTimeToLive > sent.NMSTimeToLive)
return "Sent TTL="+sent.NMSTimeToLive+
" is less than Recv TTL="+recv.NMSTimeToLive;
// NMSMessageId is set by the API, if set by the application, which it
// shouldn't be, it is quietly overwritten in the API. Still after send it
// should be the same as what is recieved, just may no longer be what was
// originally set.
if (sent.NMSMessageId != recv.NMSMessageId)
return "Sent MessageID: '" + sent.NMSMessageId
+ "' != Recv MessageID: '" + recv.NMSMessageId + "'";
if (sent.NMSDeliveryMode != recv.NMSDeliveryMode)
return "Sent DeliverMode != recv DeliveryMode";
//if (sent.NMSPriority != recv.NMSPriority)
// return "Sent Priority != Recv Priority";
// NMSRedelivered is overwritten by the API if the application erroneously sets
// it, so nothing to check here.
if ( sent.NMSReplyTo != null)
if (recv.NMSReplyTo == null)
return "Sent RepltTo non null and Recv ReplyTo is null";
if (!Compare(sent.NMSReplyTo,recv.NMSReplyTo))
return "Sent ReplyTo != Recv ReplyTo";
if (sent.NMSTimestamp != null)
if (recv.NMSTimestamp == null)
return "Sent Timestamp is null, Received is:" + recv.NMSTimestamp;
// AMQPnetLite truncates the time at milliseconds so the DataTime sent will not
// exactly match that received. Just compare strings to the ms
if (!sent.NMSTimestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff").Equals(
return "Sent Timestamp= " +
sent.NMSTimestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff") +
" != " + recv.NMSTimestamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff");
// NMSType is set by the API, if set by the application, which it
// shouldn't be, it is quietly overwritten in the API, so nothing to check
// here.
// Check the properties map
return CompareMap(sent.Properties, recv.Properties);
internal static string CompareMsg(IMessage sent, IMessage recv)
string propertyCompare = CompareMsgProperties(sent, recv);
string bodyCompare = CompareMsgBody(sent, recv) ? null : " Message Body does not match";
if (null == propertyCompare)
return bodyCompare;
} else if (null == bodyCompare)
return propertyCompare;
} else
return propertyCompare + bodyCompare;
protected IDestination Destination;
protected IMessageProducer Producer;
protected IMessageConsumer Consumer;
protected ISession Session;
protected IConnection Connection;
public override void Setup()
public override void TearDown()
Connection = null;
Session = null;
Destination = null;
Producer = null;
public IMessage SendReceiveMessage(IMessage sendingMsg, int timeout = 0)
if(Producer != null && sendingMsg != null)
if(Consumer != null && Connection.IsStarted)
return Consumer.Receive(timeout == 0 ? TIMEOUT : TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeout));
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Error sending message for Message " + this.GetTestMethodName() + ". Message : " + ex.Message + " stack: " + ex.StackTrace);
throw ex;
return sendingMsg;
[ProducerSetup("default", "test")]
[TopicSetup("default", "test", Name = "nms.test")]
[SessionSetup("dotnetConn", "default")]
[ConnectionSetup("default", "dotnetConn", EncodingType = "dotnet")]
[SkipTestOnRemoteBrokerProperties("dotnetConn", RemotePlatform = NMSTestConstants.NMS_SOLACE_PLATFORM)]
public void TestObjectMessageDotnetEncoding()
using (Session = GetSession("default"))
using (Producer = GetProducer())
object[] values = new object[]
new Number(){ Value = 12354638},
new Number(){ Value = new Decimal(123456.1235468)},
IMessage msg = null;
foreach (object value in values)
msg = Session.CreateObjectMessage(value);
if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
catch (Exception e)
PrintTestFailureAndAssert(GetMethodName(), "Unexpected Exception", e);
[ConnectionSetup("default", "default")]
[SessionSetup("default", "default")]
[TopicSetup("default", Name = "nms.test")]
[ProducerSetup("default", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[SkipTestOnRemoteBrokerProperties("default", RemotePlatform = NMSTestConstants.NMS_SOLACE_PLATFORM)]
public void TestObjectMessage()
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Session = GetSession("default"))
using (Destination = GetDestination())
using (Producer = GetProducer())
IMessage msg = null;
IPrimitiveMap map = new PrimitiveMap();
map["myKey"] = "foo";
map["myOtherKey"] = 58;
map["myMapKey"] = new Dictionary<string, object>()
"test", new List<object>
{ "key1", 0xfffff454564 }
object[] values = new object[]
new List<object>
new byte[]{ 0x66,0x65,0x77 },
foreach (object value in values)
msg = Session.CreateObjectMessage(value);
if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
catch (Exception e)
PrintTestFailureAndAssert(GetTestMethodName(), "Unexpected Exception", e);
protected class Number
private Decimal value;
internal Number() : this(Decimal.Zero) { }
internal Number(Decimal val) { value = val; }
public Decimal Value
get { return value; }
set { this.value = value; }
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
[SkipTestOnRemoteBrokerProperties("default", RemotePlatform = NMSTestConstants.NMS_SOLACE_PLATFORM)]
public void TestStreamMessage()
* Test Values for IStreamMessage should include all types supported by the Stream Interface.
* This includes : string, byte, short, int, long, float(Single), double, byte[], bool, char
object[] TestValues = new object[]
int TestSetSize = TestValues.Length;
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
// setup connection callbacks
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
IStreamMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateStreamMessage();
IStreamMessage recvMsg = null;
IMessage m = null;
object testValue = null;
for (int i=0; i<TestSetSize; i++)
testValue = TestValues[i];
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
Assert.NotNull(m, "Failed to received message containing single value.");
Assert.IsTrue(m is IStreamMessage, "Received message is not the same type as sent message. Sent Message Type {0}", typeof(IStreamMessage).Name);
recvMsg = m as IStreamMessage;
object value = recvMsg.ReadObject();
Assert.IsTrue(Compare(testValue, value),
"Stream message body object does not match sent message."
+ " Send Object type {0}, value {1}"
+ " Recv Object type {2}, value {3}",
testValue.GetType().Name, testValue.ToString(),
value?.GetType()?.Name, value?.ToString());
// add remaining test values.
for(int j = i+1; j < TestSetSize; j++)
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
Assert.NotNull(m, "Failed to received message containing multiple value.");
Assert.IsTrue(m is IStreamMessage, "Received message is not the same type as sent message. Sent Message Type {0}", typeof(IStreamMessage).Name);
recvMsg = m as IStreamMessage;
// turn send Msg to read mode
Assert.IsTrue(CompareStreamMessageBody(sendMsg, recvMsg), "Stream message body does not match sent message.");
// Clear mesage body for next iteration.
catch(Exception ex)
this.PrintTestFailureAndAssert(this.GetTestMethodName(), "Unexpected Exception", ex);
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
[SkipTestOnRemoteBrokerProperties("default", RemotePlatform = NMSTestConstants.NMS_SOLACE_PLATFORM)]
public void TestMapMessage()
object[] MapValues = new object[]
new List<object>()
new Dictionary<string,object>()
{ "MyInt", 48 },
{ "MyList", SmallList },
{ "MyDictionary", SmallDictionary },
{ "MyString", String256 }
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
// setup connection callbacks
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
IMapMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateMapMessage();
IMapMessage recvMsg = null;
// Add value to map message
int count = 0;
IPrimitiveMap map = sendMsg.Body;
foreach (object value in MapValues)
string key = GenerateMapKey(value, count);
map[key] = value;
// Send and receive message to test Map body message encoding.
IMessage m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg, 180000);
Assert.NotNull(m, "Failed to Receive Message.");
Assert.IsTrue(m is IMapMessage, "Received message type does not match sent message type MAP. Type sent {0}, Type Receive {1}.", sendMsg.GetType(), m.GetType());
// Compare received message body to Test values.
recvMsg = m as IMapMessage;
Assert.AreEqual(map.Count, recvMsg.Body.Count, "Send map does not contain the same number of entries as receive map.");
Assert.IsTrue(CompareMsgBody(sendMsg, recvMsg), "Message bodies do not match.");
catch (Exception ex)
this.PrintTestFailureAndAssert(this.GetTestMethodName(), "Unexpected exception.", ex);
internal static string ToString(byte[] data)
if( data == null || data.Length == 0)
return (data == null) ? "null" : "[EMPTY]";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(data.Length);
Array.ForEach<byte>(data, x => buffer.AppendFormat("{0},", x.ToString()));
return buffer.Remove(buffer.Length - 1, 1).Append("]").ToString();
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
public void TestBytesMessage()
byte[][] TestValues = new byte[][]
new byte[]{ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 },
new byte[]{ 0x42, 0x79, 0x74, 0x65, 0x73 },
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
IBytesMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateBytesMessage();
IBytesMessage recvMsg = null;
IMessage m = null;
foreach(byte[] TestValue in TestValues)
//Logger.Warn("Writing TestValue: Length;" + TestValue.Length + " value;" + ToString(TestValue) );
Assert.AreEqual(TestValue.Length, sendMsg.BodyLength, "Message body length does not match Test Value length.");
Assert.IsTrue(Compare(TestValue, sendMsg.Content), "Failed to write Contents to message.");
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
Assert.NotNull(m, "Failed to receive Message. With Value : \"{0}\".", TestValue);
Assert.IsTrue(m is IBytesMessage, "Failed to receive message of the same type as sent message. Sent Message Type {0}, Receive Message Type {1}.", sendMsg.GetType().Name, m.GetType().Name);
recvMsg = m as IBytesMessage;
Assert.IsTrue(Compare(sendMsg.Content, recvMsg.Content), "Message body does not match. Sent Value {0} Recv Value {1}", ToString(sendMsg.Content), ToString(recvMsg.Content));
catch (Exception ex)
this.PrintTestFailureAndAssert(this.GetTestMethodName(), "Unexpected Exception", ex);
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
public void TestTextMessage()
string[] TestValues = new string[]
// Some brokers do not behave well with very large body values.
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
ITextMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateTextMessage();
ITextMessage recvMsg = null;
IMessage m = null;
foreach (string value in TestValues)
sendMsg.Text = value;
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
Assert.NotNull(m, "Failed to receive Message. With Value : \"{0}\".", (value.Length>512) ? (value.Substring(0,512) + "...") : value);
Assert.IsTrue(m is ITextMessage, "Failed to receive message of the same type as sent message. Sent Message Type {0}, Receive Message Type {1}.", sendMsg.GetType().Name, m.GetType().Name);
recvMsg = m as ITextMessage;
Assert.AreEqual(value, recvMsg.Text, "Message contents has changed from original value.");
catch (Exception ex)
this.PrintTestFailureAndAssert(this.GetTestMethodName(), "Unexpected Exception", ex);
// Create a Test Property Map that contains all the possible fields that
// can be set on the NMS interface, except those explicityly not supprted
// according to AMQP 1.0 Section 3.2.5. (Array, List, Dictionary).
internal static void setTestPropertyMap(IMessage message)
byte[] testBinArray = { 0xc0, 0xde, 0xbe, 0xad,
0xad, 0xde, 0xef, 0xbe,
0x23, 0x44, 0x55, 0x77};
// Create a test map, comments are the AMQP
// expected type.
message.Properties.SetBool("field_001", false); // BOOLEAN
message.Properties.SetBool("field_002", true); // BOOLEAN
message.Properties.SetByte("field_003", 42); // UINT8
message.Properties.SetByte("field_004", 142); // UINT8
message.Properties.SetShort("field_008", -42); // INT16
message.Properties.SetShort("field_010", -142); // INT16
message.Properties.SetShort("field_012", -32768); // INT16
message.Properties.SetInt("field_014", -80); // INT32
message.Properties.SetInt("field_016", -32768); // INT32
message.Properties.SetInt("field_018", -2147483648); // INT32
message.Properties.SetLong("field_020", -80); // INT64
message.Properties.SetLong("field_022", -32768); // INT64
message.Properties.SetLong("field_024", -2147483648); // INT64
message.Properties.SetLong("field_026", -9223372036854775808); // INT64
message.Properties.SetChar("field_028", 'R'); // WCHAR
message.Properties.SetBytes("field_029", testBinArray); // BINARY
message.Properties.SetFloat("field_030", (float)3.14159); // FLOAT
message.Properties.SetDouble("field_031", 3.14159); // DOUBLE
message.Properties.SetString("field_032", "A short quick fox"); // STRING
message.Properties.SetString("field_033", "43112609"); // STRING
message.Properties.SetString("field_034", "3.14159"); // STRING
message.Properties.SetString("field_035", "true"); // STRING
message.Properties.SetString("field_036", "0"); // STRING
message.Properties.SetString("field_037", "-43112609"); // STRING
// Create a Test Property Map that contains field types not defined
// on the NMS interface, mostly unsigned values which exist in C#
// and in AMQP but not in Java so may be a problem for interop with
// JMS and other applications implemented in limited languages.
// Also include a Byte Array, a List and a Dictionary, which can be set on
// IPrimitiveMap but which are not supported according the the AMQP 1.0
// specification. ActiveMQ excepts and passes them fine.
/// <param name="message"></param>
internal static void setTestPropertyMapExtended(IMessage message)
// Create a test map, comments are the AMQP
// expected type. As the NMS API does not provide setters
// for these IPrimitive types, just use direct assignment.
message.Properties["field_005"] = (sbyte)42; // INT8
message.Properties["field_006"] = (sbyte)-42; // INT8
message.Properties["field_007"] = (ushort)42; // UINT16
message.Properties["field_009"] = (ushort)1042; // UINT16
message.Properties["field_011"] = (ushort)65535; // UINT16
message.Properties["field_013"] = (uint)255; // UINT32
message.Properties["field_015"] = (uint)65535; // UINT32
message.Properties["field_017"] = (uint)4294967295; // UINT32
message.Properties["field_019"] = (ulong)255; // UINT64
message.Properties["field_021"] = (ulong)65535; // UINT64
message.Properties["field_023"] = (ulong)4294967295; // UINT64
message.Properties["field_025"] = (ulong)18446744073709551615; // UINT64
message.Properties["field_038"] = null; // NULL
message.Properties.SetDictionary("field_039", SmallDictionary);
message.Properties.SetList("field_040", SmallList);
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "tfail", Name ="nms.goingNoWhwere")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "replyTo", Name = "")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
[SkipTestOnRemoteBrokerProperties("default", RemotePlatform = NMSTestConstants.NMS_SOLACE_PLATFORM)]
public void TestMessageProperties([Values(
)] string corrId)
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
ITextMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateTextMessage();
ITextMessage recvMsg = null;
IMessage m = null;
string textForMsg = "Properties Message Test";
sendMsg.NMSCorrelationID = corrId;
sendMsg.NMSDestination = this.GetDestination("tfail");
sendMsg.NMSTimeToLive = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); // hours, mins, seconds
sendMsg.NMSMessageId = "message 1";
sendMsg.NMSDeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent;
sendMsg.NMSPriority = MsgPriority.AboveNormal;
sendMsg.NMSRedelivered = true;
sendMsg.NMSReplyTo = this.GetDestination("replyTo");
sendMsg.NMSTimestamp = new DateTime(2017, 3, 18, 12, 40, 0);
sendMsg.NMSType = "MapThisMessage";
sendMsg.Text = textForMsg;
setTestPropertyMap ( sendMsg ) ;
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
"Failed to receive Message. With body text : \"{0}\".",
Assert.IsTrue(m is ITextMessage,
"Failed to receive message of the same type as sent message. Sent Message Type {0}, Receive Message Type {1}.",
sendMsg.GetType().Name, m.GetType().Name);
recvMsg = m as ITextMessage;
Assert.AreEqual(textForMsg, recvMsg.Text,
"Message contents has changed from original value.");
Assert.Null(CompareMsg(sendMsg, recvMsg),
"Message received does not match:" );
catch (Exception ex)
"Unexpected Exception", ex);
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "tfail", Name = "nms.goingNoWhwere")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "replyTo", Name = "")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
// Exactly the same test as TestMessageProperties but do not set
// any fields in the Properties map that are not specifcally allowed by
// the NMS/JMS interface documentation. So do not call
// setTestPropertyMapExtended()
public void TestMessagePropertiesBasic([Values(
)] string corrId)
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
ITextMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateTextMessage();
ITextMessage recvMsg = null;
IMessage m = null;
string textForMsg = "Properties Message Test";
sendMsg.NMSCorrelationID = corrId;
sendMsg.NMSDestination = this.GetDestination("tfail");
sendMsg.NMSTimeToLive = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); // hours, mins, seconds
sendMsg.NMSMessageId = "message 1";
sendMsg.NMSDeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent;
sendMsg.NMSPriority = MsgPriority.AboveNormal;
sendMsg.NMSRedelivered = true;
sendMsg.NMSReplyTo = this.GetDestination("replyTo");
sendMsg.NMSTimestamp = new DateTime(2017, 3, 18, 12, 40, 0);
sendMsg.NMSType = "MapThisMessage";
sendMsg.Text = textForMsg;
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
"Failed to receive Message. With body text : \"{0}\".",
Assert.IsTrue(m is ITextMessage,
"Failed to receive message of the same type as sent message. Sent Message Type {0}, Receive Message Type {1}.",
sendMsg.GetType().Name, m.GetType().Name);
recvMsg = m as ITextMessage;
Assert.AreEqual(textForMsg, recvMsg.Text,
"Message contents has changed from original value.");
Assert.Null(CompareMsg(sendMsg, recvMsg),
"Message received does not match:");
catch (Exception ex)
"Unexpected Exception", ex);
[ConnectionSetup(null, "default", MaxFrameSize = MaxFrameSize)]
[SessionSetup("default", "s1")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "t1", Name = "nms.test")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "tfail", Name = "nms.goingNoWhwere")]
[TopicSetup("s1", "replyTo", Name = "")]
[ProducerSetup("s1", "t1", "sender", DeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent)]
[ConsumerSetup("s1", "t1", "receiver")]
public void TestBadMessageProperties([Values(
//, "ID_AMQP_STRING:77232917" // TBD. JMS Mapping doc is not clear that this is illegal
)] string corrId)
using (Connection = GetConnection("default"))
using (Consumer = GetConsumer("receiver"))
using (Producer = GetProducer("sender"))
Connection.ExceptionListener += DefaultExceptionListener;
ITextMessage sendMsg = Producer.CreateTextMessage();
IMessage m = null;
string textForMsg = "Properties Message Test";
sendMsg.NMSCorrelationID = corrId;
sendMsg.NMSDestination = this.GetDestination("tfail");
sendMsg.NMSTimeToLive = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); // hours, mins, seconds
sendMsg.NMSMessageId = "message 1";
sendMsg.NMSDeliveryMode = MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent;
sendMsg.NMSPriority = MsgPriority.AboveNormal;
sendMsg.NMSRedelivered = true;
sendMsg.NMSReplyTo = this.GetDestination("replyTo");
sendMsg.NMSTimestamp = new DateTime(2017, 3, 18, 12, 40, 0);
sendMsg.NMSType = "MapThisMessage";
sendMsg.Text = textForMsg;
m = SendReceiveMessage(sendMsg);
Assert.IsTrue(false, "SendReceiveMessage did not throw");
catch (Exception ex)
if (!(ex is NMSException))
"Unexpected Exception", ex);