blob: 33958623f8207f8faf0bbbef75db9ceff3f5fd57 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using Apache.NMS;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.Util;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.Attribute;
namespace Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.TestCase
internal static class NMSTestConstants
public const string NMS_SOLACE_PLATFORM = "Solace PubSub+";
public const string NMS_ACTIVE_PRODUCT = "ActiveMQ";
internal static class NMSPropertyConstants
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_ENCODING = "NMS.Message.Serialization";
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_CLIENT_ID = "NMS.ClientId";
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_USERNAME = "NMS.Username";
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_PASSWORD = "NMS.Password";
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = "NMS.RequestTimeout";
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_MAX_FRAME_SIZE = "NMS.MaxFrameSize";
public const string NMS_CONNECTION_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = "NMS.CloseTimeout";
#region Transport Properties
public const string NMS_TRANSPORT_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE = "transport.ReceiveBufferSize";
public const string NMS_TRANSPORT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = "transport.ReceiveTimeout";
public const string NMS_TRANSPORT_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = "transport.SendBufferSize";
public const string NMS_TRANSPORT_SEND_TIMEOUT = "transport.SendTimeout";
public const string NMS_TRANSPORT_USE_LOGGING = "transport.UseLogging";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_INVALID_BROKER_CERT = "transport.AcceptInvalidBrokerCert";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TRANSPORT_CLIENT_CERT_FILE_NAME = "transport.ClientCertFileName";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_KEY_STORE_NAME = "transport.KeyStoreName";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_KEY_STORE_LOCATION = "transport.KeyStoreLocation";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_CLIENT_CERT_PASSWORD = "transport.ClientCertPassword";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_CLIENT_CERT_SUBJECT = "transport.ClientCertSubject";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_SERVER_NAME = "transport.ServerName";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_SSL_PROTOCOLS = "transport.SSLProtocol";
public const string NMS_SECURE_TRANSPORT_SSL_CHECK_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION = "transport.CheckCertificateRevocation";
#region NMSTestContainer Class
/// <summary>
/// NMSTestContainer Root class for all tests. Container NMS object Instances for testing and manages them.
/// </summary>
public abstract class NMSTestContainer
public static StringDictionary Clone(StringDictionary original)
if(original == null) return null;
StringDictionary clone = new StringDictionary();
foreach (string key in original.Keys)
clone.Add(key.Clone() as string, original[key].Clone() as string);
return clone;
public static string ToString(IDictionary dictionary, int indt = 0)
if (dictionary == null) return "[]";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int indent = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(indt, 16));
StringBuilder sbTabs = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
string wspace = sbTabs.ToString();
foreach (object key in dictionary.Keys)
if (key != null)
//Console.WriteLine("key: {0}, value: {1}", key, dictionary[key]);
sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t[Key:{1}, Value: {2}]\n", wspace, key.ToString(), dictionary[key]?.ToString());
sb.AppendFormat("{0}]", wspace);
return sb.ToString();
public static string ToString(StringDictionary dictionary, int indt = 0)
if (dictionary == null) return "[]";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int indent = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(indt, 16));
StringBuilder sbTabs = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
string wspace = sbTabs.ToString();
sb.AppendFormat("{0}[\n", wspace);
foreach (string key in dictionary.Keys)
if (key != null)
sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t[Key:{1}, Value: {2}]\n", wspace, key, dictionary[key] ?? "null");
sb.AppendFormat("{0}]", wspace);
return sb.ToString();
protected StringDictionary properties = null;
protected StringDictionary DefaultProperties = null;
private Apache.NMS.NMSConnectionFactory providerFactory = null;
private IList<IConnectionFactory> connectionFactories = new List<IConnectionFactory>();
private IList<IConnection> connections = new List<IConnection>();
private IList<ISession> sessions = new List<ISession>();
private IList<IMessageProducer> producers = new List<IMessageProducer>();
private IList<IMessageConsumer> consumers = new List<IMessageConsumer>();
private IList<IDestination> destinations = new List<IDestination>();
private IDictionary<string, int> connectionFactoryIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private IDictionary<string, int> connectionIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private IDictionary<string, int> sessionIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private IDictionary<string, int> producerIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private IDictionary<string, int> consumerIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private IDictionary<string, int> destinationIndexMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
private IDictionary<Type, IList> NMSInstanceTypeMap = new Dictionary<Type, IList>();
private IDictionary<Type, IDictionary> NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap = new Dictionary<Type, IDictionary>();
protected NMSTestContainer()
NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(IConnectionFactory)] = connectionFactories as List<IConnectionFactory> as IList;
NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(IConnection)] = connections as List<IConnection> as IList;
NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(ISession)] = sessions as List<ISession> as IList;
NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(IMessageProducer)] = producers as List<IMessageProducer> as IList;
NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(IMessageConsumer)] = consumers as List<IMessageConsumer> as IList;
NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(IDestination)] = destinations as List<IDestination> as IList;
NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(IConnectionFactory)] = connectionFactoryIndexMap as Dictionary<string, int>;
NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(IConnection)] = connectionIndexMap as Dictionary<string, int>;
NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(ISession)] = sessionIndexMap as Dictionary<string, int>;
NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(IMessageProducer)] = producerIndexMap as Dictionary<string, int>;
NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(IMessageConsumer)] = consumerIndexMap as Dictionary<string, int>;
NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(IDestination)] = destinationIndexMap as Dictionary<string, int>;
// Console.WriteLine("TYPE MAP: {0}", ToString(NMSInstanceTypeMap as Dictionary<Type, IList>));
// Console.WriteLine("TYPE INDEX MAP: {0}", ToString(NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap as Dictionary<Type, IDictionary>));
//catch (Exception e)
// Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message);
// Console.WriteLine(e);
public Uri BrokerURI
get { return TestConfig.Instance.BrokerUri; }
//protected set { if (connectionFactory != null) { ConnectionFactory.BrokerUri = value; } }
internal StringDictionary ConnectionFactoryProperties
get { return Clone(properties); }
private void UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(string key, string value)
if(properties != null && key != null)
if (
{[key] = value;
{, value);
internal void InitConnectedFactoryProperties(StringDictionary additionalProperties = null)
bool isDefault = == null;
// add properties from the TestConfig first and use as Default Properties.
properties = new StringDictionary();
if (TestConfig.Instance.BrokerUsername != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_CONNECTION_USERNAME, TestConfig.Instance.BrokerUsername);
if (TestConfig.Instance.BrokerPassword != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_CONNECTION_PASSWORD, TestConfig.Instance.BrokerPassword);
if (TestConfig.Instance.ClientId != null)
ConnectionFactoryProperties[NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_CONNECTION_CLIENT_ID] = TestConfig.Instance.ClientId;
// init secure properties if broker uri is secure
if (TestConfig.Instance.IsSecureBroker)
if (TestConfig.Instance.AcceptInvalidBrokerCert)
string value = TestConfig.Instance.AcceptInvalidBrokerCert ? bool.TrueString : bool.FalseString;
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TRANSPORT_ACCEPT_INVALID_BROKER_CERT, value);
if (TestConfig.Instance.ClientCertFileName != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TRANSPORT_CLIENT_CERT_FILE_NAME, TestConfig.Instance.ClientCertFileName);
if (TestConfig.Instance.KeyStoreName != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_KEY_STORE_NAME, TestConfig.Instance.KeyStoreName);
if (TestConfig.Instance.KeyStoreLocation != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_KEY_STORE_NAME, TestConfig.Instance.KeyStoreLocation);
if (TestConfig.Instance.BrokerName != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_SERVER_NAME, TestConfig.Instance.BrokerName);
if (TestConfig.Instance.ClientCertSubject != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_CLIENT_CERT_SUBJECT, TestConfig.Instance.ClientCertSubject);
if (TestConfig.Instance.ClientCertPassword != null)
this.UpdateConnectionFactoryProperty(NMSPropertyConstants.NMS_SECURE_TANSPORT_CLIENT_CERT_PASSWORD, TestConfig.Instance.ClientCertPassword);
if (DefaultProperties == null || isDefault)
DefaultProperties = Clone(properties);
// add/overwrite Additional properies for unique purposes.
if (additionalProperties != null)
foreach (string key in additionalProperties.Keys)
if (properties.ContainsKey(key))
properties[key] = additionalProperties[key];
properties.Add(key, additionalProperties[key]);
#region NMS Instance Create Methods
internal IConnectionFactory CreateConnectionFactory()
if (providerFactory == null)
providerFactory = new NMSConnectionFactory(BrokerURI, properties);
return providerFactory.ConnectionFactory;
internal IConnection CreateConnection(string nmsConnectionFactoryId)
return CreateConnection(GetConnectionFactory(nmsConnectionFactoryId));
internal IConnection CreateConnection(int index = 0)
return CreateConnection(GetConnectionFactory(index));
internal IConnection CreateConnection(IConnectionFactory factory)
return factory.CreateConnection();
internal ISession CreateSession(string nmsConnectionId)
return CreateSession(GetConnection(nmsConnectionId));
internal ISession CreateSession(int index = 0)
return CreateSession(GetConnection(index));
internal ISession CreateSession(IConnection connection)
return connection.CreateSession();
internal IMessageProducer CreateProducer(string nmsSessionId, string nmsDestinationId)
return CreateProducer(GetSession(nmsSessionId), GetDestination(nmsDestinationId));
internal IMessageProducer CreateProducer(int sessionIndex = 0, int destinationIndex = 0)
return CreateProducer(GetSession(sessionIndex), GetDestination(destinationIndex));
internal IMessageProducer CreateProducer(ISession session, IDestination destination)
return session.CreateProducer(destination);
internal IMessageConsumer CreateConsumer(string nmsSessionId, string nmsDestinationId)
return CreateConsumer(GetSession(nmsSessionId), GetDestination(nmsDestinationId));
internal IMessageConsumer CreateConsumer(int sessionIndex = 0, int destinationIndex = 0)
return CreateConsumer(GetSession(sessionIndex), GetDestination(destinationIndex));
internal IMessageConsumer CreateConsumer(ISession session, IDestination destination)
return session.CreateConsumer(destination);
internal ITopic CreateTopic(string name, string nmsId)
return CreateTopic(GetSession(nmsId), name);
internal ITopic CreateTopic(string name, int index = 0)
return CreateTopic(GetSession(index), name);
internal ITopic CreateTopic(ISession session, string name)
return session.GetTopic(name);
internal ITopic CreateTemporaryTopic(string nmsId)
return CreateTemporaryTopic(GetSession(nmsId));
internal ITopic CreateTemporaryTopic(int index = 0)
return CreateTemporaryTopic(GetSession(index));
internal ITemporaryTopic CreateTemporaryTopic(ISession session)
return session.CreateTemporaryTopic();
internal IQueue CreateQueue(string name, string nmsId)
return CreateQueue(GetSession(nmsId), name);
internal IQueue CreateQueue(string name, int index = 0)
return CreateQueue(GetSession(index), name);
internal IQueue CreateQueue(ISession session, string name)
return session.GetQueue(name);
internal IQueue CreateTemporaryQueue(string nmsId)
return CreateTemporaryQueue(GetSession(nmsId));
internal IQueue CreateTemporaryQueue(int index = 0)
return CreateTemporaryQueue(GetSession(index));
internal ITemporaryQueue CreateTemporaryQueue(ISession session)
return session.CreateTemporaryQueue();
#region NMS Instance Get Methods
internal IConnectionFactory GetConnectionFactory(int index = 0)
return LookupNMSInstance(connectionFactories, index);
internal IConnectionFactory GetConnectionFactory(string nmsId)
int index = connectionFactoryIndexMap[nmsId];
return LookupNMSInstance(connectionFactories, index);
internal IConnection GetConnection(int index = 0)
return LookupNMSInstance(connections, index);
internal IConnection GetConnection(string nmsId)
int index = connectionIndexMap[nmsId];
return LookupNMSInstance(connections, index);
internal ISession GetSession(int index = 0)
return LookupNMSInstance(sessions, index);
internal ISession GetSession(string nmsId)
//Console.WriteLine("Trying to find Session {0}, in Index Map {1}.", nmsId, ToString(sessionIndexMap as Dictionary<String, int>));
int index = sessionIndexMap[nmsId];
return LookupNMSInstance(sessions, index);
internal IMessageProducer GetProducer(int index = 0)
return LookupNMSInstance(producers, index);
internal IMessageProducer GetProducer(string nmsId)
int index = producerIndexMap[nmsId];
return LookupNMSInstance(producers, index);
internal IMessageConsumer GetConsumer(int index = 0)
return LookupNMSInstance(consumers, index);
internal IMessageConsumer GetConsumer(string nmsId)
int index = consumerIndexMap[nmsId];
return LookupNMSInstance(consumers, index);
internal IDestination GetDestination(int index = 0)
return LookupNMSInstance(destinations, index);
internal IDestination GetDestination(string nmsId)
int index = destinationIndexMap[nmsId];
return LookupNMSInstance(destinations, index);
internal IList<IConnection> GetConnections(params string[] nmsIds)
return GetNMSIntances<IConnection>(nmsIds);
internal IList<ISession> GetSessions(params string[] nmsIds)
return GetNMSIntances<ISession>(nmsIds);
internal IList<IDestination> GetDestinations(params string[] nmsIds)
return GetNMSIntances<IDestination>(nmsIds);
internal IList<IMessageConsumer> GetConsumers(params string[] nmsIds)
return GetNMSIntances<IMessageConsumer>(nmsIds);
internal IList<IMessageProducer> GetProducers(params string[] nmsIds)
return GetNMSIntances<IMessageProducer>(nmsIds);
private IList<I> GetNMSIntances<I>(params string[] nmsIds)
IDictionary NMSInstanceIndexMap = NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(I)];
IList NMSInstances = NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(I)];
return GetNMSIntances<I>(NMSInstanceIndexMap as Dictionary<string,int>, NMSInstances as List<I>, nmsIds);
private IList<I> GetNMSIntances<I>(IDictionary<string, int> indexMap, IList<I> instances, params string[] nmsIds)
if (nmsIds == null)
return null;
else if (nmsIds.Length == 0)
return new List<I>();
List<I> list = new List<I>();
foreach (string id in nmsIds)
int index = -1;
if (indexMap.TryGetValue(id, out index))
list.Add(LookupNMSInstance(instances, index));
catch (Exception ex)
BaseTestCase.Logger.Error("Caught exception when looking up NMS Instance " + typeof(I).Name + " for Id \"" + id + "\" Message : " + ex.Message );
return list;
private I LookupNMSInstance<I>(IList<I> list, int index = 0)
if (index < 0 || index >= list.Count)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(string.Format("Invalid index {0}, for {1} Collection.", index, typeof(I).Name));
I nmsInstance = list[index];
if (nmsInstance == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Invalid index {0}, for {1} Collection. Return value is null.", index, typeof(I).Name));
return nmsInstance;
#region NMS Instance Exists Methods
internal bool NMSInstanceExists<I>(int index)
IList NMSInstances = NMSInstanceTypeMap[typeof(I)];
if (index < 0 || index >= NMSInstances.Count) return false;
return NMSInstances[index] != null;
internal bool NMSInstanceExists<I>(string nmsId)
IDictionary NMSInstances = NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap[typeof(I)];
if (NMSInstances.Contains(nmsId)) return false;
int index = (int)NMSInstances[nmsId];
return NMSInstanceExists<I>(index);
#region NMS Instance Add Methods
internal void AddConnectionFactory(IConnectionFactory factory, string nmsId=null)
int index = AddNMSInstance(connectionFactories, factory);
AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(connectionFactoryIndexMap, nmsId, index);
internal void AddConnection(IConnection connection, string nmsId = null)
int index = AddNMSInstance(connections, connection);
AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(connectionIndexMap, nmsId, index);
internal void AddSession(ISession session, string nmsId = null)
int index = AddNMSInstance(sessions, session);
AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(sessionIndexMap, nmsId, index);
internal void AddProducer(IMessageProducer producer, string nmsId = null)
int index = AddNMSInstance(producers, producer);
AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(producerIndexMap, nmsId, index);
internal void AddConsumer(IMessageConsumer consumer, string nmsId = null)
int index = AddNMSInstance(consumers, consumer);
AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(consumerIndexMap, nmsId, index);
internal void AddDestination(IDestination destination, string nmsId = null)
int index = AddNMSInstance(destinations, destination);
AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(destinationIndexMap, nmsId, index);
private int AddNMSInstance<I>(IList<I> list, I instance)
if (instance == null)
return -1;
int previousIndex = list.IndexOf(instance);
if (list.Contains(instance)) return previousIndex;
return list.IndexOf(instance);
private void AddNMSInstanceIndexLookup(IDictionary<string,int>lookupTable, string nmsId, int index)
if (index != -1 && nmsId != null)
lookupTable.Add(nmsId, index);
#region Object Override Methods
public override string ToString()
string result = "" + this.GetType().Name + ": [\n";
result += "\tConnection Factories: " + this.connectionFactories.Count + "\n";
result += "\tConnections: " + this.connections.Count + "\n";
result += "\tSessions: " + this.sessions.Count + "\n";
result += "\tProducers: " + this.producers.Count + "\n";
result += "\tConsumers: " + this.consumers.Count + "\n";
result += "\tDestinations: " + this.destinations.Count + "\n";
result += "\tConnection Factory Index Table: " + ToString(this.connectionFactoryIndexMap as IDictionary, 1) + "\n";
result += "\tConnection Index Table: " + ToString(this.connectionIndexMap as IDictionary, 1) + "\n";
result += "\tSession Index Table: " + ToString(this.sessionIndexMap as IDictionary, 1) + "\n";
result += "\tConsumer Index Table: " + ToString(this.consumerIndexMap as IDictionary, 1) + "\n";
result += "\tProducer Index Table: " + ToString(this.producerIndexMap as IDictionary, 1) + "\n";
result += "\tDestination Index Table: " + ToString(this.destinationIndexMap as IDictionary, 1) + "\n";
result += "]";
return result;
#region NMS Instance Management Cleanup
protected void CleanupInstances(bool dispose = false)
private void CloseInstances()
if (this.producers != null)
foreach(IMessageProducer p in producers)
if (this.consumers != null)
foreach(IMessageConsumer c in consumers)
if (this.sessions != null)
foreach(ISession s in sessions)
if (this.connections != null)
foreach(IConnection c in connections)
private void ClearIndexes()
foreach(IDictionary indexTable in NMSInstanceTypeIndexMap.Values)
private void ClearInstances(bool dispose = false)
if (dispose && this.producers != null)
foreach (IMessageProducer p in producers)
if (dispose && this.consumers != null)
foreach (IMessageConsumer c in consumers)
if (dispose && this.sessions != null)
foreach (ISession s in sessions)
if (dispose && this.connections != null)
foreach (IConnection c in connections)
providerFactory = null;
#region BaseTestCase Class
public abstract class BaseTestCase : NMSTestContainer
internal static ITrace Logger = new NMSLogger(NMSLogger.ToLogLevel(TestConfig.Instance.LogLevel));
internal const string DURABLE_TOPIC_NAME = "nms.durable.test";
internal const string DURABLE_SUBSRIPTION_NAME = "uniqueSub";
static BaseTestCase()
Tracer.Trace = Logger;
public virtual bool IsSecureBroker { get => TestConfig.Instance.IsSecureBroker; }
private static readonly TestSetupAttributeComparer TestSetupOrderComparer = new TestSetupAttributeComparer();
private class TestSetupAttributeComparer : IComparer<TestSetupAttribute>
public int Compare(TestSetupAttribute x, TestSetupAttribute y)
int result = y.ComparableOrder - x.ComparableOrder;
if(result == 0)
result = x.CompareTo(y);
return result;
private void ApplyTestSetupAttributes()
// Apply TestSetup Attribute in correct order
TestContext.TestAdapter testAdapter = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test;
MethodInfo methodInfo = GetType().GetMethod(testAdapter.MethodName);
object[] attributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
// This set will order the TestSetup Attributes in the appropriate execution order for NMS Instance Initialization.
// ie, should a test setup a connection and a session dependent that connection it ensure the connection setup attribute
// execute its setup first.
ISet<TestSetupAttribute> testSetupAttributes = new SortedSet<TestSetupAttribute>(TestSetupOrderComparer);
foreach (System.Attribute attribute in attributes)
if (attribute is TestSetupAttribute)
//Console.WriteLine("Setup Attribute Identification: {0}.", attribute.GetType().Name);
testSetupAttributes.Add(attribute as TestSetupAttribute);
foreach (TestSetupAttribute tsa in testSetupAttributes)
//Console.WriteLine("Setup Attribute: {0}.", tsa.GetType().Name);
catch (Exception ex)
this.PrintTestFailureAndAssert(testAdapter.MethodName, "Failed to setup test attribute.", ex);
public virtual void Setup()
Logger.Info(string.Format("Setup TestCase {0} for test {1}.",
this.GetType().Name, TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName));
// Setup NMS Instances for test.
catch(Exception ex)
"Failure in setup attributes.", ex);
// Always Setup common test varibles.
msgCount = 0;
asyncEx = null;
StopOnAsyncFailure = true;
public virtual void TearDown()
Logger.Info(string.Format("Tear Down TestCase {0} for test {1}.", this.GetType().Name, TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName));
// restore properties for next test
properties = Clone(DefaultProperties);
Logger.Info(string.Format("Tear Down Finished for TestCase {0} for test {1}.", this.GetType().Name, TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName));
protected string GetMethodName()
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
return stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name;
protected string GetTestMethodName()
TestContext.TestAdapter testAdapter = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test;
return testAdapter.MethodName;
internal virtual void PrintTestFailureAndAssert(string methodDescription, string info, Exception ex)
if (ex is AssertionException || ex is IgnoreException || ex is SuccessException)
throw ex;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("@@Test Failed in {0}", methodDescription);
if (info != null)
sb.AppendFormat(", where info = {0}", info);
if (ex != null)
sb.AppendFormat(", {0}\n", GetTestException(ex));
protected virtual string GetTestException(Exception ex)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("Encountered an exception:\n\tMessage = {0}\n", ex.Message);
sb.AppendFormat("\tType = {0}\n", ex.GetType());
sb.AppendFormat("\tStack = {0}\n", ex.StackTrace);
if(ex is NMSException)
string errcode = (ex as NMSException).ErrorCode;
if (errcode != null && errcode.Length > 0)
sb.AppendFormat("\tErrorCode = {0}\n", errcode);
if (null != ex.InnerException )
sb.AppendFormat("Inner Exception:\n\t{0}", GetTestException(ex.InnerException));
return sb.ToString();
internal void PrintTestException(Exception ex)
#region Common Test properties and Components
protected int msgCount = 0;
protected Exception asyncEx = null;
protected System.Threading.ManualResetEvent waiter;
protected bool StopOnAsyncFailure = true;
protected virtual void DefaultExceptionListener(Exception ex)
asyncEx = ex;
if(waiter!= null && StopOnAsyncFailure)
protected virtual MessageListener CreateListener(int expectedMsgs)
return (m) =>
if (msgCount >= expectedMsgs)
if(waiter != null)
Logger.Debug(string.Format("Received all msgs ({0}) on callback.", msgCount));
protected long ExtractMsgId(string nmsMsgId)
long result = -1;
int index = nmsMsgId.LastIndexOf(':');
if (index >= 0)
result = Convert.ToInt64(nmsMsgId.Substring(index + 1));
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Warn("Failed to extract Msg Id from nmsMsgId " + nmsMsgId + " Cause: " + e.Message);
return result;
protected virtual void DefaultMessageListener(IMessage message)
Logger.Debug(string.Format("Received msg {0} on Async Callback.(Count = {1})", message.NMSMessageId, msgCount));