blob: ac26ec7f3221b506229e292fd406940dee10991e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Apache.NMS.AMQP.Transport;
namespace Apache.NMS.AMQP.Util
public class PropertyUtil
private const string PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR = ".";
public static string CreateProperty(string name, string subprefix = "", string prefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX)
string propertyPrefix = prefix +
(prefix.Length > 0 && !prefix.EndsWith(PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR)
string subPropertyTerm = subprefix +
(subprefix.Length > 0 && !subprefix.EndsWith(PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR)
return propertyPrefix + subPropertyTerm + name;
public static void SetProperties(object obj, StringDictionary properties, string propertyPrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX)
foreach (string rawkey in properties.Keys)
Tracer.DebugFormat("Searching for Property: \"{0}\"", rawkey);
var (currentObject, propertyInfo) = GetPropertyInfo(obj, propertyPrefix, rawkey);
if (propertyInfo != null)
#if NET40
if (propertyInfo.GetSetMethod() != null)
if (propertyInfo.SetMethod != null)
"Assigning Property {0} to {1}.{2} with value {3}",
rawkey, obj.GetType().Namespace, obj.GetType().Name, properties[rawkey]
propertyInfo.SetValue(currentObject, ConvertType(propertyInfo.PropertyType, properties[rawkey]), null);
private static (object,PropertyInfo) GetPropertyInfo(object obj, string propertyPrefix, string rawkey)
Object currentObject = null;
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null;
foreach (var propertyName in rawkey.Split(new[] {'.'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
currentObject = currentObject == null ? obj : propertyInfo.GetValue(currentObject);
string key = RemovePrefix(propertyPrefix, propertyName);
propertyInfo = GetPropertiesForClass(currentObject)[key];
return (currentObject, propertyInfo);
public static StringDictionary GetProperties(object obj, string propertyPrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX)
StringDictionary result = new StringDictionary();
Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> props = GetPropertiesForClass(obj);
string propsPrefix = propertyPrefix +
propertyPrefix.Length > 0 && !propertyPrefix.EndsWith(PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR)
foreach (string key in props.Keys)
object value = props[key].GetValue(obj, null);
if (value != null)
result[propertyPrefix + key] = value.ToString();
return result;
public static object ConvertType(Type targetType, string value)
if (targetType.IsPrimitive)
return Convert.ChangeType(value, targetType);
else if (targetType.Equals(typeof(string)))
return value;
return null;
private static string RemovePrefix(string prefix, string propertyName)
if (propertyName.StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && prefix.Length > 0)
return propertyName.Remove(0, prefix.Length);
return propertyName;
public static Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> GetPropertiesForClass(object obj)
MemberInfo[] members = obj.GetType().GetMembers();
Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> properties = new Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo>();
foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
string memberName = member.Name;
if (member != null && member is PropertyInfo)
PropertyInfo prop = member as PropertyInfo;
properties.Add(memberName.ToLower(), prop);
return properties;
public static StringDictionary Clone(StringDictionary original)
StringDictionary clone = new StringDictionary();
foreach (string key in original.Keys)
clone.Add(key?.Clone() as string, original[key]?.Clone() as string);
return clone;
/// <summary>
/// See <see cref="Merge(StringDictionary, StringDictionary, out StringDictionary, string, string, string)"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="one"></param>
/// <param name="other"></param>
/// <param name="onePrefix"></param>
/// <param name="otherPrefix"></param>
/// <param name="mergePrefix"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static StringDictionary Merge(
StringDictionary one,
StringDictionary other,
string onePrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX,
string otherPrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX,
string mergePrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX
StringDictionary d;
return Merge(one, other, out d, onePrefix, otherPrefix, mergePrefix);
/// <summary>
/// Takes all properties from one StringDictionary and merges them with the other StringDictionary.
/// The properties in "one" are prefered over the "other".
/// </summary>
/// <param name="one">StringDictionary containing properties.</param>
/// <param name="other">Another StringDictionary containing properties.</param>
/// <param name="cross">Holds all the properties from the "other" StringDictionary that are not used because one has the properties.</param>
/// <param name="onePrefix">Optional string prefix for the properties in "one".</param>
/// <param name="otherPrefix">Optional string prefix for the properties in "other".</param>
/// <param name="mergePrefix">Optional string prefix for the properties in result.</param>
/// <returns>Merged StringDictionary with properties from both "one" and "other".</returns>
public static StringDictionary Merge(
StringDictionary one,
StringDictionary other,
out StringDictionary cross,
string onePrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX,
string otherPrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX,
string mergePrefix = PROPERTY_PREFIX
if (one == null && other != null)
cross = null;
return Clone(other);
else if (one!=null && other == null)
cross = null;
return Clone(one);
else if (one == null && other == null)
cross = null;
return new StringDictionary();
StringDictionary result = new StringDictionary();
StringDictionary dups = new StringDictionary();
Array arr = new string[other.Keys.Count];
other.Keys.CopyTo(arr, 0);
ArrayList otherKeys = new ArrayList(arr);
string mPre = mergePrefix +
mergePrefix.Length > 0 && !mergePrefix.EndsWith(PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR)
string onePre = onePrefix +
onePrefix.Length > 0 && !onePrefix.EndsWith(PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR)
string otherPre = otherPrefix +
otherPrefix.Length > 0 && !otherPrefix.EndsWith(PROPERTY_TERM_SEPARATOR)
foreach (string rawkey in one.Keys)
string key = RemovePrefix(onePre, rawkey);
string otherkey = (otherPre + key).ToLower();
string mergekey = (mPre + key).ToLower();
if (!result.ContainsKey(mergekey))
result.Add(mergekey, one[rawkey]);
if (other.ContainsKey(otherkey))
dups.Add(mergekey, other[otherkey]);
foreach (string rawkey in otherKeys)
string key = RemovePrefix(otherPre, rawkey);
result.Add(mPre + key, other[rawkey]);
cross = dups.Count == 0 ? null : dups;
return result;
public static string ToString(IList set)
if (set == null)
return "null";
if (set.Count == 0)
return "[]";
string result = "[";
foreach (object o in set)
result += o.ToString() + ",";
return result.Substring(0, result.Length - 1) + "]";
private static string ToString(ArrayList set)
if(set == null)
return "null";
if(set.Count == 0)
return "[]";
string result = "[";
foreach(object o in set)
result += o.ToString() + ",";
return result.Substring(0,result.Length - 1) + "]";
public static string ToString(StringDictionary properties)
if(properties == null)
return "null";
if (properties.Count == 0)
return "[]";
string result = "[\n";
foreach(string s in properties.Keys)
result += string.Format("{0} : {1},\n", s, properties[s]);
return result.Substring(0,result.Length-2) + "\n]";
public static IDictionary<K,V> Clone<K,V>(IDictionary<K,V> dict)
if (dict == null) return null;
Dictionary<K, V> clone = new Dictionary<K, V>(dict.Count);
dict.CopyTo(clone.ToArray(), 0);
return clone;
public static StringDictionary FilterProperties(StringDictionary properties, string optionPrefix)
if (properties == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(properties), "The given properties object was null.");
StringDictionary filtered = new StringDictionary();
foreach (string entry in properties.Keys)
if (entry.StartsWith(optionPrefix))
string name = entry.Substring(optionPrefix.Length);
filtered.Add(name, properties[entry]);
return filtered;
#region abstract Property Interceptor classes
internal abstract class PropertyInterceptor<T> : StringDictionary where T : class
protected delegate void ApplyProperty(T instance, string key, string value);
protected delegate string GetProperty(T instance, string key);
protected delegate void ClearProperty(T instance);
protected delegate bool CheckProperty(T instance);
protected struct Interceptor
public ApplyProperty Setter;
public GetProperty Getter;
public ClearProperty Reset;
public CheckProperty Exists;
private readonly StringDictionary properties;
private readonly IDictionary<string, Interceptor> interceptors;
private readonly T instance;
protected PropertyInterceptor(T instance, StringDictionary properties, IDictionary<string, Interceptor> interceptors) : base()
{ = properties;
this.instance = instance;
// initialize interceptor map
this.interceptors = new Dictionary<string, Interceptor>();
foreach (string key in interceptors.Keys)
AddInterceptor(key, interceptors[key]);
protected T Instance { get { return instance; } }
protected StringDictionary Properties { get { return properties; } }
protected void AddInterceptor(string key, Interceptor interceptor)
bool updated = false;
// add new interceptor
if (!interceptors.ContainsKey(key))
this.interceptors.Add(key, interceptor);
// update interceptor
// this allows subs classes to override base classes.
this.interceptors[key] = interceptor;
updated = true;
// Remove intercepted properties from base string dictionary
if (properties.ContainsKey(key) || updated)
SetProperty(key, properties[key]);
protected void AddProperty(string key, string value)
if (interceptors.ContainsKey(key))
interceptors[key].Setter(instance, key, value);
properties.Add(key, value);
protected void SetProperty(string key, string value)
if (interceptors.ContainsKey(key))
interceptors[key].Setter(instance, key, value);
properties[key] = value;
protected string GetValue(string key)
string value = null;
if (interceptors.ContainsKey(key))
if (interceptors[key].Exists(instance))
value = interceptors[key].Getter(instance, key);
value = properties[key];
return value;
protected int InterceptorCount
int count = 0;
foreach (string key in interceptors.Keys)
Interceptor i = interceptors[key];
if (i.Exists(instance))
return count;
#region IDictionary<> Methods
public override int Count => + InterceptorCount;
public override void Add(string key, string value)
AddProperty(key, value);
public override string this[string key]
return GetValue(key);
SetProperty(key, value);
public override void Clear()
Interceptor[] set = interceptors.Values.ToArray();
foreach (Interceptor i in set)
public override void Remove(string key)
if (
else if (this.interceptors.ContainsKey(key))
if (this.interceptors[key].Exists(Instance))
public override bool ContainsKey(string key)
if (
return true;
else if (this.interceptors.ContainsKey(key))
return this.interceptors[key].Exists(Instance);
return false;
public override ICollection Keys
ISet<string> keys = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (string key in interceptors.Keys)
Interceptor i = interceptors[key];
if (i.Exists(instance))
foreach (string key in properties.Keys)
return keys.ToList();
public override ICollection Values
ISet<object> values = new HashSet<object>();
foreach (string key in interceptors.Keys)
Interceptor i = interceptors[key];
if (i.Exists(instance))
values.Add(i.Getter(instance, key));
foreach (object value in properties.Values)
return values.ToList();
public override string ToString()
string result = base.ToString();
foreach (string key in Keys)
result += "\n" + key.ToString() + ": " + GetValue(key).ToString();
return result;
#region RelfectionPropertyInterceptor
internal abstract class ReflectionPropertyInterceptor<T> : PropertyInterceptor<T> where T : class
#region static methods
private static bool DefaultExists(T instance)
return true;
private static void SetReflectedValue(PropertyInfo info, object instance, string value)
if (info.GetSetMethod() != null)
object objValue = ParseReflectedValue(info, value);
info.SetValue(instance, objValue, null);
private static object GetReflectedValue(PropertyInfo info, object instance)
object value = null;
if (info.GetGetMethod() != null)
value = info.GetValue(instance);
return value;
private static object ParseReflectedValue(PropertyInfo info, string value)
Type targetType = info.PropertyType;
return PropertyUtil.ConvertType(targetType, value);
protected struct ReflectedInteceptor
public PropertyInfo ReflectedProperty;
public Interceptor BaseInterceptor;
private Dictionary<string, ReflectedInteceptor> autoInterceptors = null;
#region Contructor
protected ReflectionPropertyInterceptor(T instance, StringDictionary properties, IDictionary<string, Interceptor> interceptors ) : base(instance, properties, interceptors)
this.autoInterceptors = CreateReflectionInterceptors(instance);
if (this.autoInterceptors != null)
foreach (string propertyName in this.autoInterceptors.Keys)
this.AddInterceptor(propertyName, this.autoInterceptors[propertyName].BaseInterceptor);
if (Tracer.IsDebugEnabled)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("Generated {0} reflection properties, Properties = [", this.autoInterceptors.Keys.Count);
foreach (string propertyName in this.autoInterceptors.Keys)
sb.AppendFormat("\n\t{0},\n", propertyName);
sb.AppendFormat("Generated {0} reflection properties", this.autoInterceptors.Keys.Count);
#region abstract Properties
protected abstract string PropertyPrefix { get; }
protected abstract bool CanReflect(PropertyInfo reflectedProperty);
#region Private Methods
private Interceptor? CreateReflectedInterceptor(PropertyInfo reflectedProperty)
Interceptor? result = null;
if (reflectedProperty.GetSetMethod() == null)
ApplyProperty reflectedSetter = (inst, key, value) =>
SetReflectedValue(reflectedProperty, inst, value);
GetProperty reflectedGetter = (inst, key) =>
return GetReflectedValue(reflectedProperty, inst)?.ToString();
ClearProperty reflectedClear = (inst) =>
SetReflectedValue(reflectedProperty, inst, null);
CheckProperty reflectedExists = DefaultExists;
result = new Interceptor()
Getter = reflectedGetter,
Setter = reflectedSetter,
Reset = reflectedClear,
Exists = reflectedExists
return result;
private Dictionary<string, ReflectedInteceptor> CreateReflectionInterceptors(T instance)
Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> objProperties = PropertyUtil.GetPropertiesForClass(instance);
Dictionary<string, ReflectedInteceptor> result = new Dictionary<string, ReflectedInteceptor>();
if (Tracer.IsDebugEnabled)
List<string> stringPropertyNames = new List<string>(objProperties.Keys.Count);
foreach (string pName in objProperties.Keys)
string propertyName = this.PropertyPrefix + pName;
Tracer.DebugFormat("Creating reflection interceptors for Class instance {0}, Generating Properties = {1}", instance.GetType().Name, PropertyUtil.ToString(stringPropertyNames));
foreach (string key in objProperties.Keys)
string propertyName = this.PropertyPrefix + key;
PropertyInfo info = objProperties[key];
if (!CanReflect(info)) continue;
//MethodInfo propGetter = info.GetGetMethod();
Interceptor? reflectedInterceptor = CreateReflectedInterceptor(info);
if (reflectedInterceptor != null)
Interceptor i = (Interceptor)reflectedInterceptor;
ReflectedInteceptor ri = new ReflectedInteceptor()
ReflectedProperty = info,
BaseInterceptor = i,
result.Add(propertyName, ri);
return result;
#endregion // end abstract reflection interception
#region Transport Property Interceptor class
internal class SecureTransportPropertyInterceptor : TransportPropertyInterceptor
internal const string SSL_PROTOCOLS_PROPERTY = "transport." + "SSLProtocol";
private static bool ValidateProtocolString(string protocolString, out string cleanProtocols)
const string COMMA = ",";
cleanProtocols = protocolString;
if (protocolString != null)
string trim = protocolString.Trim();
if(trim.StartsWith(COMMA) || trim.EndsWith(COMMA))
return false;
cleanProtocols = trim;
return true;
protected static Dictionary<string, Interceptor> secureTransportConextInterceptors = new Dictionary<string, Interceptor>()
new Interceptor()
Getter = (context, key) =>
return (context as ISecureTransportContext).SSLProtocol;
Setter = (context, key, value) =>
string cleanValue;
if(!ValidateProtocolString(value, out cleanValue))
throw new InvalidPropertyException(key, "Protocol string can not start or end with ','");
(context as ISecureTransportContext).SSLProtocol = cleanValue;
Exists = (context) =>
return true;
Reset = (context) =>
(context as ISecureTransportContext).SSLProtocol = null;
public SecureTransportPropertyInterceptor(ISecureTransportContext context, StringDictionary props ) : base(context, props)
foreach(string key in secureTransportConextInterceptors.Keys)
this.AddInterceptor(key, secureTransportConextInterceptors[key]);
protected override bool CanReflect(PropertyInfo reflectedProperty)
Type TargetType = reflectedProperty.PropertyType;
return TargetType.IsPrimitive || TargetType.Equals(typeof(string));
internal class TransportPropertyInterceptor : ReflectionPropertyInterceptor<ITransportContext>
protected static Dictionary<string, Interceptor> transportContextInterceptors = new Dictionary<string, Interceptor>()
public TransportPropertyInterceptor(ITransportContext c, StringDictionary transportProperties) : base(c, transportProperties, transportContextInterceptors)
protected override string PropertyPrefix => "transport.";
protected override bool CanReflect(PropertyInfo reflectedProperty)
return true;