blob: 11f35f4bf14cc56012c7c5b24ff4445b9ef8f23f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "FloatTest.h"
#include <decaf/lang/Float.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Integer.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Long.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Math.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::lang;
const int FloatTest::rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[] = {
0x1394470, 0x2e7958c, 0x490bd77, 0x634ecd5,
0x7e2280b, 0x98d5907, 0xb30af48, 0xcdcdb1a, 0xe8a08f0, 0x102c8b2d, 0x11d7adf8,
0x1386ccbb, 0x15287fe9, 0x16d29fe4, 0x1883a3ee, 0x1a248cea, 0x1bcdb025, 0x1d808e17,
0x1f20b19d, 0x20c8de04, 0x227b1585, 0x241ced73, 0x25c428d0, 0x27753303, 0x29193fe2,
0x2abf8fdb, 0x2c6f73d1, 0x2e15a863, 0x2fbb127c, 0x3169d71a, 0x33122671, 0x34b6b00d,
0x36645c10, 0x380eb98a, 0x39b267ec, 0x3b5f01e8, 0x3d0b6131, 0x3eae397d, 0x4059c7dc,
0x42081cea, 0x43aa2424, 0x4554ad2d, 0x4704ec3c, 0x48a6274b, 0x4a4fb11e, 0x4c01ceb3,
0x4da2425f, 0x4f4ad2f7, 0x50fd87b5, 0x529e74d1, 0x54461205, 0x55f79687, 0x579abe14,
0x59416d99, 0x5af1c900, 0x5c971da0, 0x5e3ce508, 0x5fec1e4a, 0x619392ee, 0x633877a9,
0x64e69594, 0x66901d7c, 0x683424dc, 0x69e12e12, 0x6b8cbccb, 0x6d2febfe, 0x6edbe6fe,
0x7089705f, 0x722bcc76, 0x73d6bf94, 0x758637bc, 0x7727c5ac, 0x78d1b717, 0x7a83126e,
0x7c23d70a, 0x7dcccccc, 0x7f7fffff };
const std::string FloatTest::expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[] = {
"3.4028235E-38", "3.4028235E-37",
"3.4028233E-36", "3.4028234E-35", "3.4028236E-34", "3.4028236E-33",
"3.4028234E-32", "3.4028234E-31", "3.4028233E-30", "3.4028236E-29",
"3.4028235E-28", "3.4028235E-27", "3.4028233E-26", "3.4028235E-25",
"3.4028233E-24", "3.4028235E-23", "3.4028236E-22", "3.4028235E-21",
"3.4028236E-20", "3.4028236E-19", "3.4028236E-18", "3.4028235E-17",
"3.4028236E-16", "3.4028234E-15", "3.4028234E-14", "3.4028235E-13",
"3.4028234E-12", "3.4028235E-11", "3.4028236E-10", "3.4028234E-9", "3.4028236E-8",
"3.4028236E-7", "3.4028235E-6", "3.4028235E-5", "3.4028233E-4", "0.0034028236",
"0.034028236", "0.34028235", "3.4028234", "34.028236", "340.28235", "3402.8235",
"34028.234", "340282.34", "3402823.5", "3.4028236E7", "3.40282336E8",
"3.40282342E9", "3.40282348E10", "3.40282343E11", "3.40282337E12", "3.40282353E13",
"3.4028234E14", "3.4028234E15", "3.40282356E16", "3.40282356E17", "3.40282356E18",
"3.4028236E19", "3.4028235E20", "3.4028233E21", "3.4028235E22", "3.4028233E23",
"3.4028236E24", "3.4028234E25", "3.4028233E26", "3.4028234E27", "3.4028235E28",
"3.4028236E29", "3.4028233E30", "3.4028235E31", "3.4028233E32", "3.4028236E33",
"3.4028236E34", "3.4028234E35", "3.4028236E36", "3.4028235E37", "3.4028235E38" };
const unsigned int FloatTest::rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[] = {
0x80800000, 0x82200000, 0x83c80000,
0x857a0000, 0x871c4000, 0x88c35000, 0x8a742400, 0x8c189680, 0x8dbebc20, 0x8f6e6b28,
0x911502f9, 0x92ba43b7, 0x9468d4a5, 0x961184e7, 0x97b5e621, 0x99635fa9, 0x9b0e1bca,
0x9cb1a2bc, 0x9e5e0b6b, 0xa00ac723, 0xa1ad78ec, 0xa358d727, 0xa5078678, 0xa6a96816,
0xa853c21c, 0xaa045951, 0xaba56fa6, 0xad4ecb8f, 0xaf013f39, 0xb0a18f08, 0xb249f2ca,
0xb3fc6f7c, 0xb59dc5ae, 0xb7453719, 0xb8f684df, 0xba9a130c, 0xbc4097ce, 0xbdf0bdc2,
0xbf967699, 0xc13c1440, 0xc2eb1950, 0xc492efd2, 0xc637abc6, 0xc7e596b8, 0xc98f7e33,
0xcb335dc0, 0xcce0352f, 0xce8c213e, 0xd02f298d, 0xd1daf3f0, 0xd388d876, 0xd52b0e94,
0xd6d5d239, 0xd885a363, 0xda270c3c, 0xdbd0cf4b, 0xdd82818f, 0xdf2321f3, 0xe0cbea70,
0xe27ee50b, 0xe41f4f27, 0xe5c722f1, 0xe778ebad, 0xe91b934c, 0xeac2781f, 0xec731627,
0xee17edd8, 0xefbde94f, 0xf16d63a2, 0xf3145e45, 0xf4b975d7, 0xf667d34c, 0xf810e410,
0xf9b51d14, 0xfb626459, 0xfd0d7eb7, 0xfeb0de65 };
const std::string FloatTest::expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[] = {
"-1.1754944E-37", "-1.17549435E-36", "-1.17549435E-35", "-1.1754944E-34",
"-1.17549435E-33", "-1.17549435E-32", "-1.1754944E-31", "-1.17549435E-30",
"-1.17549435E-29", "-1.1754944E-28", "-1.1754943E-27", "-1.17549435E-26",
"-1.1754943E-25", "-1.1754944E-24", "-1.1754943E-23", "-1.1754944E-22",
"-1.1754943E-21", "-1.1754943E-20", "-1.1754943E-19", "-1.1754944E-18",
"-1.1754944E-17", "-1.1754943E-16", "-1.1754943E-15", "-1.1754944E-14",
"-1.1754943E-13", "-1.1754944E-12", "-1.1754943E-11", "-1.1754943E-10",
"-1.1754944E-9", "-1.1754944E-8", "-1.1754943E-7", "-1.1754944E-6",
"-1.1754943E-5", "-1.1754943E-4", "-0.0011754944", "-0.011754943", "-0.117549434",
"-1.1754943", "-11.754944", "-117.54944", "-1175.4944", "-11754.943", "-117549.44",
"-1175494.4", "-1.1754944E7", "-1.17549432E8", "-1.1754944E9", "-1.17549435E10",
"-1.17549433E11", "-1.17549433E12", "-1.17549438E13", "-1.17549438E14",
"-1.1754943E15", "-1.17549432E16", "-1.17549432E17", "-1.17549434E18",
"-1.1754944E19", "-1.1754944E20", "-1.1754943E21", "-1.1754943E22",
"-1.1754944E23", "-1.17549434E24", "-1.1754943E25", "-1.1754943E26",
"-1.17549434E27", "-1.1754943E28", "-1.1754944E29", "-1.1754943E30",
"-1.1754943E31", "-1.1754944E32", "-1.1754943E33", "-1.1754944E34",
"-1.1754944E35", "-1.1754944E36", "-1.1754943E37", "-1.1754943E38" };
FloatTest::FloatTest() {
void FloatTest::doTestCompareRawBits( const std::string& originalFloatString,
int expectedRawBits,
const std::string& expectedString ) {
int rawBits;
float result = Float::parseFloat( originalFloatString );
rawBits = Float::floatToIntBits( result );
std::string( "Original float(" ) + originalFloatString +
") Converted float(" + Float::toString( result ) +
") Expecting:" + Integer::toHexString( expectedRawBits ) +
" Got: " + Integer::toHexString( rawBits ),
expectedRawBits == rawBits );
void FloatTest::test_ConstructorF() {
// Test for method decaf.lang.Float(float)
Float f( 900.89f );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Created incorrect float", f.floatValue() == 900.89f );
void FloatTest::test_ConstructorString() {
// Test for method decaf.lang.Float(decaf.lang.String)
//Float f( "900.89" );
//CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Created incorrect Float", f.floatValue() == 900.89f);
void FloatTest::test_byteValue() {
// Test for method byte decaf.lang.Float::byteValue()
Float f( 0.46874f );
Float f2( 90.8f );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Returned incorrect byte value",
f.byteValue() == 0 && f2.byteValue() == 90 );
void FloatTest::test_compare() {
float values[] = { Float::NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
-0.0f, 0.0f,
Float::NaN };
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(values) / sizeof(float); i++ ) {
float f1 = values[i];
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "compare() should be equal:",
Float::compare( f1, f1 ) == 0 );
Float F1( f1 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "compareTo() should be equal: ",
F1.compareTo( F1 ) == 0);
for( std::size_t j = i + 1; j < sizeof(values) / sizeof(float); j++ ) {
float f2 = values[j];
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "compare() should be less ",
Float::compare(f1, f2) == -1 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "compare() should be greater ",
Float::compare(f2, f1) == 1 );
Float F2(f2);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "compareTo() should be less ",
F1.compareTo(F2) == -1 );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "compareTo() should be greater ",
F2.compareTo(F1) == 1 );
void FloatTest::test_doubleValue() {
// Test for method double decaf.lang.Float::doubleValue()
"Incorrect double value returned",
Math::abs( Float( 999999.999f ).doubleValue() - 999999.999 ) < 1 );
void FloatTest::test_floatToIntBitsF() {
float f = 9876.2345f;
int bits = Float::floatToIntBits( f );
float r = Float::intBitsToFloat( bits );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Incorrect intBits returned", f == r);
void FloatTest::test_floatToRawIntBitsF() {
int i = 0x7fc004d2;
float f = Float::intBitsToFloat( i );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Wrong raw bits", Float::floatToRawIntBits(f) == i );
void FloatTest::test_floatValue() {
// Test for method float decaf.lang.Float::floatValue()
Float f( 87.657f );
Float f2( -0.876f );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Returned incorrect floatValue",
f.floatValue() == 87.657f &&
( f2.floatValue() == -0.876f ) );
void FloatTest::test_intBitsToFloatI() {
float f = 9876.2345f;
int bits = Float::floatToIntBits(f);
float r = Float::intBitsToFloat(bits);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Incorrect intBits returned", f == r );
void FloatTest::test_intValue() {
// Test for method int decaf.lang.Float::intValue()
Float f( 0.46874f );
Float f2( 90.8f );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Returned incorrect int value",
f.intValue() == 0 && f2.intValue() == 90 );
void FloatTest::test_isInfinite() {
// Test for method boolean decaf.lang.Float::isInfinite()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Infinity check failed",
Float( Float::POSITIVE_INFINITY ).isInfinite() &&
Float( Float::NEGATIVE_INFINITY ).isInfinite() &&
!(Float( 0.13131414f ).isInfinite() ) );
void FloatTest::test_isInfiniteF() {
// Test for method boolean decaf.lang.Float::isInfinite(float)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Infinity check failed",
Float::isInfinite( Float::POSITIVE_INFINITY ) &&
(Float::isInfinite( Float::NEGATIVE_INFINITY) ) &&
!( Float::isInfinite( 1.0f ) ) );
void FloatTest::test_isNaN() {
// Test for method boolean decaf.lang.Float::isNaN()
Float( Float::NaN ).isNaN() && !( Float( 1.0f ).isNaN() ) );
void FloatTest::test_isNaNF() {
// Test for method boolean decaf.lang.Float::isNaN(float)
Float::isNaN( Float::NaN ) && !( Float::isNaN( 12.09f ) ) );
void FloatTest::test_longValue() {
// Test for method long decaf.lang.Float::longValue()
Float f( 0.46874f );
Float f2( 90.8f );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Returned incorrect long value",
f.longValue() == 0 && f2.longValue() == 90 );
void FloatTest::test_parseFloatLDecaf_lang_String() {
// CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "Incorrect float returned, expected zero.",
// 0.0 == Float::parseFloat("7.0064923216240853546186479164495e-46"));
// CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Incorrect float returned, expected minimum float.",
// Float::MIN_VALUE ==
// Float::parseFloat("7.0064923216240853546186479164496e-46") );
// doTestCompareRawBits(
// "0.000000000000000000000000000000000000011754942807573642917278829910357665133228589927589904276829631184250030649651730385585324256680905818939208984375",
// 0x800000, "1.17549435E-38");
// doTestCompareRawBits(
// "0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001175494280757364291727882991035766513322858992758990427682963118425003064965173038558532425668090581893920898437499999f",
// 0x7fffff, "1.1754942E-38");
// /* Test a set of regular floats with exponents from -38 to +38 */
// for (int i = 38; i > 3; i--) {
// std::string testString;
// testString = "3.4028234663852886e-" + i;
// doTestCompareRawBits(testString, rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 - i],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 - i]);
// }
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e-3", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 3],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 3]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e-2", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 2],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 2]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e-1", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 1],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 1]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e-0", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 0],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 - 0]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e+1", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 1],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 1]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e+2", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 2],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 2]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e+3", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 3],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 3]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e+4", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 4],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 4]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e+5", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 5],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 5]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886e+6", rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 6],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + 6]);
// for (int i = 7; i < 39; i++) {
// std::string testString;
// testString = "3.4028234663852886e+" + i;
// doTestCompareRawBits(testString, rawBitsFor3_4eN38To38[38 + i],
// expectedStringFor3_4eN38To38[38 + i]);
// }
// /* Test another set of regular floats with exponents from -38 to +38 */
// for (int i = 38; i > 3; i--) {
// std::string testString;
// testString = "-1.1754943508222875e-" + i;
// doTestCompareRawBits(testString, rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 - i],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 - i]);
// }
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e-3", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 3],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 3]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e-2", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 2],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 2]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e-1", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 1],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 1]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e-0", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 0],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 - 0]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e+1", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 1],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 1]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e+2", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 2],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 2]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e+3", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 3],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 3]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e+4", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 4],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 4]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e+5", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 5],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 5]);
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1754943508222875e+6", rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 6],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + 6]);
// for( int i = 7; i < 39; i++ ) {
// std::string testString;
// testString = "-1.1754943508222875e+" + Integer::toString( i );
// doTestCompareRawBits( testString,
// rawBitsFor1_17eN38To38[38 + i],
// expectedStringFor1_17eN38To38[38 + i] );
// }
// // Test denormalized floats (floats with exponents <= -38
// doTestCompareRawBits("1.1012984643248170E-45", 1, "1.4E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.1012984643248170E-45", 0x80000001, "-1.4E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("1.0E-45", 1, "1.4E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.0E-45", 0x80000001, "-1.4E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("0.9E-45", 1, "1.4E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-0.9E-45", 0x80000001, "-1.4E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("4.203895392974451e-45", 3, "4.2E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-4.203895392974451e-45", 0x80000003, "-4.2E-45");
// doTestCompareRawBits("0.004E-45", 0, "0.0");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-0.004E-45", 0x80000000, "-0.0");
// // Test for large floats close to and greater than 3.4028235E38 and
// // -3.4028235E38
// doTestCompareRawBits("1.2E+38", 0x7eb48e52, "1.2E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.2E+38", 0xfeb48e52, "-1.2E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.2E+38", 0x7f70bdc2, "3.2E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-3.2E+38", 0xff70bdc2, "-3.2E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4E+38", 0x7f7fc99e, "3.4E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-3.4E+38", 0xff7fc99e, "-3.4E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.4028234663852886E+38", 0x7f7fffff, "3.4028235E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-3.4028234663852886E+38", 0xff7fffff, "-3.4028235E38");
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.405E+38", 0x7f800000, "Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-3.405E+38", 0xff800000, "-Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.41E+38", 0x7f800000, "Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-3.41E+38", 0xff800000, "-Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("3.42E+38", 0x7f800000, "Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-3.42E+38", 0xff800000, "-Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("1.0E+39", 0x7f800000, "Infinity");
// doTestCompareRawBits("-1.0E+39", 0xff800000, "-Infinity");