blob: e806ead6b52cb34f7dfa999eecdd6e7f5f4d1883 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cms/Config.h>
#include <cms/MessageListener.h>
#include <cms/MessageAvailableListener.h>
#include <cms/Message.h>
#include <cms/Closeable.h>
#include <cms/Startable.h>
#include <cms/Stoppable.h>
namespace cms {
class MessageTransformer;
* A client uses a <code>MessageConsumer</code> to received messages
* from a destination.
* A client may either synchronously receive a message consumer's messages
* or have the consumer asynchronously deliver them as they arrive.
* For synchronous receipt, a client can request the next message from a
* message consumer using one of its <code>receive</code> methods. There are
* several variations of <code>receive</code> that allow a client to poll or
* wait for the next message.
* For asynchronous delivery, a client can register a
* <code>MessageListener</code> object with a message consumer. As messages
* arrive at the message consumer, it delivers them by calling the
* <code>MessageListener</code>'s <code>onMessage</code> method.
* When the MessageConsumer's close method is called the method can block while
* an asynchronous message delivery is in progress or until a <code>receive</code>
* operation completes. A blocked consumer in a <code>receive</code> call will
* return a Null when the close method is called.
* While the MessageConsumer implements the Startable and Stoppable interfaces it is
* not required to implement these methods and can throw an UnsupportedOperation
* exception if they are not available for the given CMS provider.
* @see MessageListener
* @since 1.0
class CMS_API MessageConsumer : public Closeable, public Startable, public Stoppable {
virtual ~MessageConsumer();
* Synchronously Receive a Message
* @return new message which the caller owns and must delete.
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual Message* receive() = 0;
* Synchronously Receive a Message, time out after defined interval.
* Returns null if nothing read.
* @return new message which the caller owns and must delete.
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual Message* receive(int millisecs) = 0;
* Receive a Message, does not wait if there isn't a new message
* to read, returns NULL if nothing read.
* @return new message which the caller owns and must delete.
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual Message* receiveNoWait() = 0;
* Sets the MessageListener that this class will send notifs on
* @param listener
* The listener of messages received by this consumer.
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual void setMessageListener(MessageListener* listener) = 0;
* Gets the MessageListener that this class will send mew Message
* notification events to.
* @return The listener of messages received by this consumer
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual MessageListener* getMessageListener() const = 0;
* Gets this message consumer's message selector expression.
* @return This Consumer's selector expression or "".
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual std::string getMessageSelector() const = 0;
* Set an MessageTransformer instance that is applied to all cms::Message objects before they
* are dispatched to client code.
* The CMS code never takes ownership of the MessageTransformer pointer which implies that
* the client code must ensure that the object remains valid for the lifetime of the CMS
* object to which the MessageTransformer has been assigned.
* @param transformer
* Pointer to the cms::MessageTransformer to apply on each cms:;Message dispatch.
virtual void setMessageTransformer(cms::MessageTransformer* transformer) = 0;
* Gets the currently configured MessageTransformer for this MessageConsumer.
* @returns the pointer to the currently set cms::MessageTransformer.
virtual cms::MessageTransformer* getMessageTransformer() const = 0;
* Sets the MessageAvailableListener that this class will send events to if the consumer
* is in synchronous consumption mode and a new Message has arrived.
* @param listener
* The listener of new message events fired by this consumer.
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual void setMessageAvailableListener(cms::MessageAvailableListener* listener) = 0;
* Gets the MessageAvailableListener that this class will send mew Message
* notification events to.
* @return The listener of message events received by this consumer.
* @throws CMSException - If an internal error occurs.
virtual cms::MessageAvailableListener* getMessageAvailableListener() const = 0;