blob: 1d001cf8336dd7b222fd5300a145d08053bfefc2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <memory>
#include <decaf/util/NoSuchElementException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/UnsupportedOperationException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/IndexOutOfBoundsException.h>
#include <decaf/lang/System.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Integer.h>
#include <decaf/util/Config.h>
#include <decaf/util/Iterator.h>
#include <decaf/util/ListIterator.h>
#include <decaf/util/List.h>
#include <decaf/util/AbstractList.h>
namespace decaf {
namespace util {
using decaf::lang::System;
template< typename E >
class ArrayList : public decaf::util::AbstractList<E> {
E* elements;
int capacity;
int head;
int curSize;
ArrayList() : AbstractList<E>(), elements( NULL ), capacity( 0 ), head( 0 ), curSize( 0 ) {
this->ensureCapacity( 10 );
ArrayList( const Collection<E>& collection ) : AbstractList<E>(), elements( NULL ),
capacity( 0 ), head( 0 ), curSize( 0 ) {
this->capacity = collection.size() + ( collection.size() / 10 );
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
std::auto_ptr< Iterator<E> > iter( collection.iterator() );
while( iter->hasNext() ) {
this->elements[this->head++] = iter->next();
ArrayList( const ArrayList<E>& arrayList ) : AbstractList<E>(), elements( NULL ),
capacity( 0 ), head( 0 ), curSize( 0 ) {
this->capacity = arrayList.size() + ( arrayList.size() / 10 );
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
std::auto_ptr< Iterator<E> > iter( arrayList.iterator() );
while( iter->hasNext() ) {
this->elements[this->head++] = iter->next();
ArrayList( int initialCapacity ) : AbstractList<E>(), elements( NULL ),
capacity( initialCapacity ), head( 0 ), curSize( 0 ) {
if( initialCapacity < 0 ) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IllegalArgumentException(
__FILE__, __LINE__, "Initial Capacity argument cannot be negative." );
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
virtual ~ArrayList() {
delete [] elements;
ArrayList<E>& operator= ( const ArrayList<E>& list ) {
this->addAll( list );
return *this;
ArrayList<E>& operator= ( const Collection<E>& collection ) {
this->addAll( 0, collection );
return *this;
* Increases the capacity of this ArrayList instance, if necessary, to ensure that it can
* hold at least the number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument. If the
* capacity is already greater than or equal to the minimum capacity argument then the array
* is left unchanged.
* @param minimumCapacity
* The desired minimum capacity for this ArrayList.
void ensureCapacity( int minimumCapacity ) {
if( minimumCapacity < 0 || this->capacity >= minimumCapacity ) {
int newCapacity = minimumCapacity == 0 ? 10 : minimumCapacity;
E* newElements = new E[newCapacity];
if( this->curSize > 0 ) {
decaf::lang::System::arraycopy( this->elements, this->head, newElements, 0, this->curSize );
delete [] this->elements;
this->elements = newElements;
this->capacity = newCapacity;
* Trims the internal array to match the current size of the ArrayList. This compacts
* the internal array to save storage space used by this ArrayList.
void trimToSize() {
if( this->curSize < this->capacity ) {
int newCapacity = this->curSize == 0 ? 10 : this->curSize;
E* newElements = new E[newCapacity];
if( this->curSize > 0 ) {
System::arraycopy( this->elements, 0, newElements, 0, this->curSize );
delete [] this->elements;
this->elements = newElements;
this->capacity = newCapacity;
virtual void clear() {
delete [] this->elements;
this->curSize = 0;
this->capacity = 10;
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
virtual bool isEmpty() const {
return this->curSize == 0;
virtual int size() const {
return this->curSize;
virtual E set( int index, const E& element ) {
if( index < 0 || index >= this->curSize ) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"List::get - Index greater than size() or negative" );
E oldValue = this->elements[index];
this->elements[index] = element;
return oldValue;
virtual E get( int index ) const {
if( index < 0 || index >= this->curSize ) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"List::get - Index greater than size() or negative" );
return this->elements[index];
virtual bool add( const E& value ) {
this->expandEnd( 1 );
this->elements[this->curSize++] = value;
return true;
virtual void add( int index, const E& element ) {
if( index < 0 || index > this->curSize ) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Index was negative or greater than size()" );
if( index == 0 ) {
this->expandFront( 1 );
} else if( index == this->curSize ) {
this->expandEnd( 1 );
} else {
this->expandMiddle( index, 1 );
this->elements[index] = element;
virtual bool addAll( const Collection<E>& collection ) {
int csize = collection.size();
if( csize == 0 ) {
return false;
std::vector<E> array = collection.toArray();
this->expandEnd( csize );
for( int i = 0; i < csize; ++i ) {
this->elements[this->curSize++] = array[i];
return true;
virtual bool addAll( int index, const Collection<E>& collection ) {
if( index < 0 || index > this->curSize ) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"List::addAll - Index greater than size()" );
int csize = collection.size();
if( csize == 0 ) {
return false;
std::vector<E> array = collection.toArray();
if( index == 0 ) {
this->expandFront( csize );
} else if( index == this->curSize ) {
this->expandEnd( csize );
} else {
this->expandMiddle( index, csize );
for( int i = 0; i < csize; ++i, ++this->curSize ) {
this->elements[index++] = array[i];
return true;
virtual bool remove( const E& value ) {
int result = indexOf( value );
if( result != -1 ) {
this->removeAt( result );
return true;
return false;
virtual E removeAt( int index ) {
if( index < 0 || index >= this->curSize ) {
throw decaf::lang::exceptions::IndexOutOfBoundsException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"List::removeAt - Index greater than size() or negative" );
E old = this->elements[index];
System::arraycopy( this->elements, 0, this->elements, 0, index );
if( this->curSize > index ) {
System::arraycopy( this->elements, index + 1, this->elements, index, this->curSize - index - 1 );
this->elements[--this->curSize] = E();
return old;
virtual bool contains( const E& value ) const {
return this->indexOf( value ) != -1;
virtual int indexOf( const E& value ) const {
for( int i = 0; i < this->curSize; ++i ) {
if( this->elements[i] == value ) {
return i;
return -1;
virtual int lastIndexOf( const E& value ) const {
for( int i = this->curSize - 1; i >= 0 ; --i ) {
if( this->elements[i] == value ) {
return i;
return -1;
virtual std::vector<E> toArray() const {
std::vector<E> result;
for( int i = 0; i < this->curSize; ++i ) {
result.push_back( this->elements[i] );
return result;
virtual std::string toString() const {
std::string result;
result.append( "decaf::util::ArrayList [ size = " );
result.append( decaf::lang::Integer::toString( this->curSize ) );
result.append( " ]");
return result;
void expandFront( int amount ) {
if( amount == 0 ) {
E* previous = this->elements;
if( amount > this->capacity - this->curSize ) {
this->capacity = this->capacity + amount + 11;
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
if( this->curSize > 0 ) {
System::arraycopy( previous, 0, this->elements, amount, this->curSize );
if( previous != this->elements ) {
delete [] previous;
void expandEnd( int amount ) {
if( amount == 0 ) {
E* previous = this->elements;
if( amount > this->capacity - this->curSize ) {
this->capacity = this->capacity + amount + 11;
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
System::arraycopy( previous, 0, this->elements, 0, this->curSize );
if( previous != this->elements ) {
delete [] previous;
void expandMiddle( int index, int amount ) {
if( amount == 0 ) {
E* previous = this->elements;
if( amount > this->capacity - this->curSize ) {
this->capacity = this->capacity + amount + 11;
this->elements = new E[this->capacity];
if( this->curSize > 0 ) {
System::arraycopy( previous, 0, this->elements, 0, index );
if( this->curSize > index ) {
System::arraycopy( previous, index, this->elements, index + amount, this->curSize - index );
if( previous != this->elements ) {
delete [] previous;