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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include "OpenSSLX500Principal.h"
using namespace decaf::security_provider::unix::openssl;
using namespace decaf::security;
using namespace std;
OpenSSLX500Principal::OpenSSLX500Principal( X509_NAME* name ) {
// Save the X509 name
this->x509Name = name;
// Indicate that the cached values have not yet been stored.
cachedNameString = false;
cachedEncoded = false;
bool OpenSSLX500Principal::equals( const Principal& another ) const {
// Cast the principal to the correct type.
const OpenSSLX500Principal* other =
dynamic_cast<const OpenSSLX500Principal*>(&another);
if( other == NULL || x509Name == NULL || other->x509Name == NULL ) {
return false;
// Compare the underlying X509_NAME structures.
int value = X509_NAME_cmp(x509Name, other->x509Name);
// Return true if they match.
return (value == 0);
void OpenSSLX500Principal::getEncoded( X509_NAME* name,
std::vector<unsigned char>& output ) {
// Allocate the out buffer and store the encoded data there.
char* buffer = NULL;
int len = i2d_X509_NAME(name, NULL);
if( len < 0 ) {
// Error - should never get here since we already have a valid certificate.
// Resize the output buffer and copy over the encoded data.
for( int ix=0; ix<len; ++ix ) {
output[ix] = buffer[ix];
// Destroy the allocated buffer.
delete [] buffer;
string OpenSSLX500Principal::toString(X509_NAME* name) const {
string retVal;
if( name == null ) {
return retVal;
// Create an in-memory BIO structure to be the target
// of the conversion.
BIO* bio = BIO_new( BIO_s_mem() );
if( bio != NULL ) {
// Print the name to the BIO buffer, using RFC2253 formatting
if( X509_NAME_print_ex(bio, name, 2, XN_FLAG_RFC2253) ) {
// Get a pointer to the internal buffer and the length.
char* chars = NULL;
size_t len = (size_t)BIO_get_mem_ptr(bio, &chars);
// Add the characters to the output string.
retVal.append(chars, len);
// Free the BIO structure.
// Return the string
return retVal;