blob: d92b66092dc8ba7c8811a8a8c860b8215127e4d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _CMS_SESSION_H_
#define _CMS_SESSION_H_
#include <cms/Closeable.h>
#include <cms/Message.h>
#include <cms/TextMessage.h>
#include <cms/BytesMessage.h>
#include <cms/MapMessage.h>
#include <cms/MessageProducer.h>
#include <cms/MessageConsumer.h>
#include <cms/Topic.h>
#include <cms/Queue.h>
#include <cms/TemporaryTopic.h>
#include <cms/TemporaryQueue.h>
#include <cms/CMSException.h>
namespace cms
class Session : public Closeable
enum AcknowledgeMode
* With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically
* acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when
* the session has successfully returned from a call to receive
* or when the message listener the session has called to
* process the message successfully returns.
* With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically
* acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when
* the session has successfully returned from a call to receive
* or when the message listener the session has called to
* process the message successfully returns. Acknowlegements
* may be delayed in this mode to increase performance at
* the cost of the message being redelivered this client fails.
* With this acknowledgment mode, the client acknowledges a
* consumed message by calling the message's acknowledge method.
* Messages will be consumed when the transaction commits.
virtual ~Session() {}
* Closes this session as well as any active child consumers or
* producers.
* @throws CMSException
virtual void close() throw( CMSException ) = 0;
* Commits all messages done in this transaction and releases any
* locks currently held.
* @throws CMSException
virtual void commit() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Rollsback all messages done in this transaction and releases any
* locks currently held.
* @throws CMSException
virtual void rollback() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination.
* @param the Destination that this consumer receiving messages for.
* @return pointer to a new MessageConsumer that is owned by the
* caller ( caller deletes )
* @throws CMSException
virtual MessageConsumer* createConsumer(
const Destination* destination )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a
* message selector.
* @param the Destination that this consumer receiving messages for.
* @param the Message Selector to use
* @return pointer to a new MessageConsumer that is owned by the
* caller ( caller deletes )
* @throws CMSException
virtual MessageConsumer* createConsumer(
const Destination* destination,
const std::string& selector )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a MessageConsumer for the specified destination, using a
* message selector.
* @param the Destination that this consumer receiving messages for.
* @param the Message Selector to use
* @param if true, and the destination is a topic, inhibits the
* delivery of messages published by its own connection. The behavior
* for NoLocal is not specified if the destination is a queue.
* @return pointer to a new MessageConsumer that is owned by the
* caller ( caller deletes )
* @throws CMSException
virtual MessageConsumer* createConsumer(
const Destination* destination,
const std::string& selector,
bool noLocal )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a durable subscriber to the specified topic, using a
* message selector
* @param the topic to subscribe to
* @param name used to identify the subscription
* @param only messages matching the selector are received
* @return pointer to a new durable MessageConsumer that is owned by
* the caller ( caller deletes )
* @throws CMSException
virtual MessageConsumer* createDurableConsumer(
const Topic* destination,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& selector,
bool noLocal = false )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a MessageProducer to send messages to the specified
* destination.
* @param the Destination to publish on
* @return New MessageProducer that is owned by the caller.
* @throws CMSException
virtual MessageProducer* createProducer( const Destination* destination )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a queue identity given a Queue name.
* @param the name of the new Queue
* @return new Queue pointer that is owned by the caller.
* @throws CMSException
virtual Queue* createQueue( const std::string& queueName )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a topic identity given a Queue name.
* @param the name of the new Topic
* @return new Topic pointer that is owned by the caller.
* @throws CMSException
virtual Topic* createTopic( const std::string& topicName )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a TemporaryQueue object.
* @return new TemporaryQueue pointer that is owned by the caller.
* @throws CMSException
virtual TemporaryQueue* createTemporaryQueue()
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a TemporaryTopic object.
* @throws CMSException
virtual TemporaryTopic* createTemporaryTopic()
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a new Message
* @throws CMSException
virtual Message* createMessage()
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a BytesMessage
* @throws CMSException
virtual BytesMessage* createBytesMessage()
throw ( CMSException) = 0;
* Creates a BytesMessage and sets the paylod to the passed value
* @param an array of bytes to set in the message
* @param the size of the bytes array, or number of bytes to use
* @throws CMSException
virtual BytesMessage* createBytesMessage(
const unsigned char* bytes,
std::size_t bytesSize )
throw ( CMSException) = 0;
* Creates a new TextMessage
* @throws CMSException
virtual TextMessage* createTextMessage()
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a new TextMessage and set the text to the value given
* @param the initial text for the message
* @throws CMSException
virtual TextMessage* createTextMessage( const std::string& text )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Creates a new MapMessage
* @throws CMSException
virtual MapMessage* createMapMessage()
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
* Returns the acknowledgement mode of the session.
* @return the Sessions Acknowledge Mode
virtual AcknowledgeMode getAcknowledgeMode() const = 0;
* Gets if the Sessions is a Transacted Session
* @return transacted true - false.
virtual bool isTransacted() const = 0;
* Unsubscribes a durable subscription that has been created by a
* client.
* This method deletes the state being maintained on behalf of the
* subscriber by its provider. It is erroneous for a client to delete a
* durable subscription while there is an active MessageConsumer or
* Subscriber for the subscription, or while a consumed message is
* part of a pending transaction or has not been acknowledged in the
* session.
* @param name the name used to identify this subscription
* @throws CMSException
virtual void unsubscribe( const std::string& name )
throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
#endif /*_CMS_SESSION_H_*/