blob: 785c0b3a9d73188bf9ec40e9841994a3bda6260d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "OpenwireXATransactionsTest.h"
#include <activemq/core/ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory.h>
#include <activemq/core/ActiveMQXAConnection.h>
#include <activemq/core/ActiveMQXASession.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/ActiveMQException.h>
#include <activemq/commands/XATransactionId.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Thread.h>
#include <decaf/util/UUID.h>
#include <cms/ConnectionFactory.h>
#include <cms/Connection.h>
#include <cms/Session.h>
#include <cms/MessageConsumer.h>
#include <cms/MessageProducer.h>
#include <cms/MessageListener.h>
#include <cms/XAConnectionFactory.h>
#include <cms/XAConnection.h>
#include <cms/Message.h>
#include <cms/TextMessage.h>
#include <memory>
using namespace cms;
using namespace std;
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::util;
using namespace activemq;
using namespace activemq::core;
using namespace activemq::commands;
using namespace activemq::exceptions;
using namespace activemq::test;
using namespace activemq::test::openwire;
const int OpenwireXATransactionsTest::batchCount = 10;
const int OpenwireXATransactionsTest::batchSize = 20;
OpenwireXATransactionsTest::OpenwireXATransactionsTest() : txIdGen() {
OpenwireXATransactionsTest::~OpenwireXATransactionsTest() {
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testCreateXAConnectionFactory() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
ConnectionFactory* cmsFactory = dynamic_cast<ConnectionFactory*>( factory.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cmsFactory != NULL );
ActiveMQConnectionFactory* amqFactory = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQConnectionFactory*>( factory.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( amqFactory != NULL );
ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory* amqXAFactory = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory*>( factory.get() );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testCreateXAConnection() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
Connection* cmsConnection = dynamic_cast<Connection*>( connection.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cmsConnection != NULL );
ActiveMQConnection* amqConnection = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQConnection*>( connection.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( amqConnection != NULL );
ActiveMQXAConnection* amqXAConnection = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQXAConnection*>( connection.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( amqXAConnection != NULL );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testCreateXASession() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
Session* cmsSession = dynamic_cast<Session*>( session.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( cmsSession != NULL );
ActiveMQSession* amqSession = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQSession*>( session.get() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( amqSession != NULL );
ActiveMQXASession* amqXASession = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQXASession*>( session.get() );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testGetXAResource() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource->isSameRM( xaResource ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW( xaResource->setTransactionTimeout( 10000 ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource->getTransactionTimeout() == 0 );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testSendReceiveOutsideTX() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
ActiveMQXASession* amqXASession = dynamic_cast<ActiveMQXASession*>( session.get() );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
std::auto_ptr<MessageConsumer> consumer( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( amqXASession->isAutoAcknowledge() == true );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( amqXASession->isTransacted() == false );
for( int i = 0; i < 50; ++i ) {
std::auto_ptr<cms::Message> message( session->createTextMessage( "TEST" ) );
producer->send( message.get() );
for( int i = 0; i < 50; ++i ) {
std::auto_ptr<cms::Message> message( consumer->receive( 3000 ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( message.get() != NULL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( message.get() ) != NULL );
cms::Xid* OpenwireXATransactionsTest::createXid() const {
std::string branchQualStr = UUID::randomUUID().toString();
std::string globalTxIdStr = this->txIdGen.generateId();
std::vector<unsigned char> branchQual( branchQualStr.begin(), branchQualStr.end() );
std::vector<unsigned char> globalTxId( globalTxIdStr.begin(), globalTxIdStr.end() );
if( (int)branchQual.size() > Xid::MAXBQUALSIZE ) {
branchQual.resize( Xid::MAXBQUALSIZE );
if( (int)globalTxId.size() > Xid::MAXGTRIDSIZE ) {
globalTxId.resize( Xid::MAXGTRIDSIZE );
XATransactionId* id = new XATransactionId();
id->setFormatId( 0 );
id->setBranchQualifier( branchQual );
id->setGlobalTransactionId( globalTxId );
return id;
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testSendReceiveTransactedBatches() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
std::auto_ptr<MessageConsumer> consumer( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
for( int j = 0; j < batchCount; j++ ) {
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> txIdSend( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( txIdSend.get(), 0 );
std::auto_ptr<TextMessage> message( session->createTextMessage( "Batch Message" ) );
for( int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++ ) {
"Send should not throw an exception here.",
producer->send( message.get() ) );
"Should not have thrown an Exception for xaResource->end",
xaResource->end( txIdSend.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS ) );
"Should not have thrown an Exception for xaResource->prepare",
xaResource->prepare( txIdSend.get() ) );
"Should not have thrown an Exception for xaResource->commit",
xaResource->commit( txIdSend.get(), false ) );
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> txIdRecv( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( txIdRecv.get(), 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++ ) {
"Receive Shouldn't throw a Message here:",
message.reset( dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( consumer->receive( 1000 * 5 ) ) ) );
"Failed to receive all messages in batch", message.get() != NULL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( string("Batch Message") == message->getText() );
"Should not have thrown an Exception for xaResource->end",
xaResource->end( txIdRecv.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS ) );
"Should not have thrown an Exception for xaResource->prepare",
xaResource->prepare( txIdRecv.get() ) );
"Should not have thrown an Exception for xaResource->commit",
xaResource->commit( txIdRecv.get(), false ) );
std::auto_ptr<cms::Message> message;
"Receive Shouldn't throw a Message here:",
message.reset( consumer->receive( 2000 ) ) );
"Unexpected Message Received after XA Batches all processed", message.get() == NULL );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testSendRollback() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
std::auto_ptr<MessageConsumer> consumer( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
auto_ptr<TextMessage> outbound1( session->createTextMessage( "First Message" ) );
auto_ptr<TextMessage> outbound2( session->createTextMessage( "Second Message" ) );
// start a new XA Transaction
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixId( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// sends a message
producer->send( outbound1.get() );
// commit the sent message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() );
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), false );
// start a new XA Transaction
ixId.reset( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// sends a message that gets rollbacked
auto_ptr<cms::Message> rollback(
session->createTextMessage( "I'm going to get rolled back." ) );
producer->send( rollback.get() );
// Roll back the sent message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->rollback( ixId.get() );
// start a new XA Transaction
ixId.reset( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// sends a message
producer->send( outbound2.get() );
// commit the sent message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() );
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), false );
// receives the first message
auto_ptr<TextMessage> inbound1(
dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( consumer->receive( 1500 ) ) );
// receives the second message
auto_ptr<TextMessage> inbound2(
dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( consumer->receive( 4000 ) ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( outbound1->getText() == inbound1->getText() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( outbound2->getText() == inbound2->getText() );
// Checks to make sure there's no other messages on the Destination.
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( consumer->receive( 3000 ) == NULL );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testSendRollbackCommitRollback() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
auto_ptr<TextMessage> outbound1( session->createTextMessage( "First Message" ) );
auto_ptr<TextMessage> outbound2( session->createTextMessage( "Second Message" ) );
// start a new XA Transaction
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixId( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// sends them and then rolls back.
producer->send( outbound1.get() );
producer->send( outbound2.get() );
// Roll back the sent message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->rollback( ixId.get() );
// start a new XA Transaction
ixId.reset( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// Send one and commit.
producer->send( outbound1.get() );
// commit the sent message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() );
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), false );
// start a new XA Transaction
ixId.reset( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
std::auto_ptr<MessageConsumer> consumer( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
// receives the first message
auto_ptr<TextMessage> inbound1(
dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( consumer->receive( 1500 ) ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( NULL == consumer->receive( 1500 ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( outbound1->getText() == inbound1->getText() );
// Roll back the sent message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->rollback( ixId.get() );
// start a new XA Transaction
ixId.reset( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
consumer.reset( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( consumer->receive( 1500 ) ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( NULL == consumer->receive( 1500 ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( outbound1->getText() == inbound1->getText() );
// commit the received message
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() );
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), false );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testWithTTLSet() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
auto_ptr<TextMessage> outbound1( session->createTextMessage( "First Message" ) );
const std::size_t NUM_MESSAGES = 50;
// start a new XA Transaction
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixId( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// sends a message
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MESSAGES; ++i ) {
producer->send( outbound1.get(), cms::DeliveryMode::PERSISTENT, 4, 120*1000 );
// commit the sent messages
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() );
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), false );
// start a new XA Transaction
ixId.reset( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
std::auto_ptr<MessageConsumer> consumer( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MESSAGES; ++i ) {
auto_ptr<TextMessage> inbound1(
dynamic_cast<TextMessage*>( consumer->receive( 600000 ) ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( inbound1.get() != NULL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( outbound1->getText() == inbound1->getText() );
// commit the received messages
xaResource->end( ixId.get(), XAResource::TMSUCCESS );
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() );
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), false );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testXAResource_Exception1() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
// start a new XA Transaction
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixId( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// prepare the sent messages without an end call.
"Prepare Should have thrown an XAException",
xaResource->prepare( ixId.get() ),
XAException );
xaResource->forget( ixId.get() );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testXAResource_Exception2() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
// start a new XA Transaction
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixId( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// commit the sent messages without an end call.
"Commit Should have thrown an XAException",
xaResource->commit( ixId.get(), true ),
XAException );
xaResource->forget( ixId.get() );
void OpenwireXATransactionsTest::testXAResource_Exception3() {
std::auto_ptr<XAConnectionFactory> factory(
XAConnectionFactory::createCMSXAConnectionFactory( getBrokerURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( factory.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XAConnection> connection( factory->createXAConnection() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( connection.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<XASession> session( connection->createXASession() );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( session.get() != NULL );
std::auto_ptr<Destination> destination( session->createTemporaryQueue() );
std::auto_ptr<MessageProducer> producer( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
XAResource* xaResource = session->getXAResource();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( xaResource != NULL );
// start a new XA Transaction
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixId( this->createXid() );
std::auto_ptr<cms::Xid> ixIdOther( this->createXid() );
xaResource->start( ixId.get(), 0 );
// rollback the sent messages without an end call.
"end Should have thrown an XAException",
xaResource->end( ixIdOther.get(), XAResource::TMSUSPEND ),
XAException );
xaResource->forget( ixId.get() );