blob: 13ba858a19550bb167398fb9a234515329906974 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#include "BufferedInputStream.h"
#include <decaf/lang/System.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::io;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::lang::exceptions;
BufferedInputStream::BufferedInputStream(InputStream* stream, bool own) :
FilterInputStream(stream, own), pos(0), count(0), markLimit(-1), markPos(-1), bufferSize(8192), buff(new unsigned char[bufferSize]), proxyBuffer(buff) {
BufferedInputStream::BufferedInputStream(InputStream* stream, int bufferSize, bool own) :
FilterInputStream(stream, own), pos(0), count(0), markLimit(-1), markPos(-1), bufferSize(bufferSize), buff(NULL), proxyBuffer(NULL) {
if (bufferSize < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Size must be greater than zero");
this->buff = new unsigned char[bufferSize];
this->proxyBuffer = this->buff;
BufferedInputStream::~BufferedInputStream() {
try {
delete[] this->buff;
void BufferedInputStream::close() {
try {
// let parent close the inputStream
// Clear the proxy to the buffer, but don't actually delete the buffer yet since
// other methods holding onto the buffer while blocked.
this->proxyBuffer = NULL;
int BufferedInputStream::available() const {
if (this->proxyBuffer == NULL || this->isClosed()) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::available - Buffer was closed");
return (this->count - this->pos) + inputStream->available();
void BufferedInputStream::mark(int readLimit) {
if (this->proxyBuffer != NULL) {
this->markLimit = readLimit;
this->markPos = this->pos;
void BufferedInputStream::reset() {
if (this->proxyBuffer == NULL) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::reset - This stream has been closed.");
if (this->markPos == -1) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::reset - The mark position was invalidated.");
this->pos = this->markPos;
int BufferedInputStream::doReadByte() {
try {
// Use a local reference in case of unsynchronized close.
InputStream* inputStream = this->inputStream;
unsigned char* buffer = this->proxyBuffer;
if (isClosed() || buffer == NULL) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::bufferData - Stream is closed");
// Are there buffered bytes available? Or can we read more?
if (this->pos >= this->count && bufferData(inputStream, buffer) == -1) {
return -1;
// Stream might have closed while we were buffering.
if (isClosed()) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::bufferData - Stream is closed");
if (this->pos != this->count) {
return buffer[this->pos++];;
return -1;
int BufferedInputStream::doReadArrayBounded(unsigned char* buffer, int size, int offset, int length) {
try {
// Use a local reference in case of unsynchronized close.
unsigned char* lbuffer = this->proxyBuffer;
if (lbuffer == NULL) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Stream is closed");
if (buffer == NULL) {
throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Buffer passed was NULL.");
if (offset > size || offset < 0) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "offset parameter out of Bounds: %d.", offset);
if (length < 0 || length > size - offset) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "length parameter out of Bounds: %d.", length);
// For zero, do nothing
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
// Use a local reference in case of unsynchronized close.
InputStream* inputStream = this->inputStream;
if (inputStream == NULL) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Stream is closed");
int required = 0;
// There are bytes available in the buffer so use them up first and
// then we check to see if any are available on the stream, if not
// then just return what we had.
if (this->pos < this->count) {
int available = this->count - this->pos;
int copylength = available >= length ? length : available;
System::arraycopy(lbuffer, this->pos, buffer, offset, copylength);
this->pos += copylength;
if (copylength == length || inputStream->available() == 0) {
return (int) copylength;
offset += copylength;
required = length - copylength;
} else {
required = length;
while (true) {
int read = 0;
// If we're not marked and the required size is greater than the
// buffer, simply read the bytes directly bypassing the buffer.
if (this->markPos == -1 && required >= this->bufferSize) {
read = inputStream->read(buffer, size, offset, required);
if (read == -1) {
return required == length ? -1 : (int) (length - required);
} else {
if (bufferData(inputStream, lbuffer) == -1) {
return required == length ? -1 : (int) (length - required);
// Stream might have closed while we were buffering.
if (isClosed() || this->proxyBuffer == NULL) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::bufferData - Stream is closed");
int available = this->count - this->pos;
read = available >= required ? required : available;
System::arraycopy(lbuffer, this->pos, buffer, offset, read);
this->pos += read;
required -= read;
if (required == 0) {
return length;
if (inputStream->available() == 0) {
return length - required;
offset += read;
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( NullPointerException)
DECAF_CATCH_RETHROW( IndexOutOfBoundsException)
long long BufferedInputStream::skip(long long amount) {
try {
if (amount == 0) {
return 0;
// Use a local reference in case of unsynchronized close.
InputStream* inputStream = this->inputStream;
unsigned char* lbuffer = this->proxyBuffer;
if (isClosed() || lbuffer == NULL) {
throw IOException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "BufferedInputStream::skip - Stream is closed");
if ((this->count - this->pos) >= amount) {
this->pos += (int) amount;
return amount;
long long read = this->count - this->pos;
this->pos = this->count;
if (this->markPos != -1) {
if (amount <= this->markLimit) {
if (bufferData(inputStream, lbuffer) == -1) {
return read;
if ((this->count - this->pos) >= (amount - read)) {
this->pos += (int) (amount - read);
return amount;
// Couldn't get all the bytes, skip what we read
read += this->count - this->pos;
this->pos = this->count;
return read;
return read + inputStream->skip(amount - read);
int BufferedInputStream::bufferData(InputStream* inputStream, unsigned char*& buffer) {
try {
if (this->markPos == -1 || pos - markPos >= markLimit) {
// Mark position not set or exceeded readlimit
int result = inputStream->read(buffer, this->bufferSize);
if (result > 0) {
this->markLimit = 0;
this->markPos = -1;
this->pos = this->count = 0;
this->count = result == -1 ? 0 : result;
return result;
if (this->markPos == 0 && this->markLimit > this->bufferSize) {
// Increase buffer size to accommodate the readlimit.
int newLength = this->bufferSize * 2;
if (newLength > markLimit) {
newLength = markLimit;
unsigned char* temp = new unsigned char[newLength];
System::arraycopy(temp, 0, buffer, 0, count);
std::swap(temp, buffer);
delete[] temp;
this->bufferSize = newLength;
if (this->proxyBuffer != NULL) {
this->buff = buffer;
this->proxyBuffer = this->buff;
} else if (this->markPos > 0) {
System::arraycopy(buffer, markPos, buffer, 0, this->bufferSize - markPos);
// Set the new position and mark position
this->pos -= this->markPos;
this->count = this->markPos = 0;
int bytesread = inputStream->read(buffer, this->bufferSize, this->pos, this->bufferSize - this->pos);
this->count = bytesread <= 0 ? this->pos : this->pos + bytesread;
return bytesread;