blob: 0dba951a56eee040b65cb297cd8a6ba8582e2d7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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#include "Long.h"
#include <decaf/lang/Character.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace decaf;
using namespace decaf::lang;
Long::Long( long long value ) {
this->value = value;
Long::Long( const std::string& value ) throw( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
this->value = parseLong( value );
int Long::compareTo( const Long& l ) const {
return this->value < l.value ? -1 : this->value == l.value ? 0 : 1;
int Long::compareTo( const long long& l ) const {
return this->value < l ? -1 : this->value == l ? 0 : 1;
int Long::bitCount( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
uvalue = (uvalue & 0x5555555555555555LL) + ((uvalue >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555LL);
uvalue = (uvalue & 0x3333333333333333LL) + ((uvalue >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333LL);
// adjust for 64-bit integer
unsigned int i = (unsigned int)( (uvalue >> 32) + uvalue );
i = (i & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((i >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F);
i = (i & 0x00FF00FF) + ((i >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF);
i = (i & 0x0000FFFF) + ((i >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
return i;
Long Long::decode( const std::string& value )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
int length = value.length(), i = 0;
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::decode - Zero length string given." );
char firstDigit = value[i];
bool negative = firstDigit == '-';
if( negative ) {
if( length == 1 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::decode - Invalid length string given.",
value.c_str() );
firstDigit = value[++i];
int base = 10;
if( firstDigit == '0' ) {
if( ++i == length ) {
return valueOf( 0LL );
if( ( firstDigit = value[i] ) == 'x' || firstDigit == 'X' ) {
if ( i == length ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::decode - Invalid length string given.",
value.c_str() );
base = 16;
} else {
base = 8;
} else if( firstDigit == '#' ) {
if( i == length ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::decode - Invalid length string given.",
value.c_str() );
base = 16;
long long result = parse( value, i, base, negative );
return valueOf( result );
long long Long::highestOneBit( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
uvalue |= (uvalue >> 1);
uvalue |= (uvalue >> 2);
uvalue |= (uvalue >> 4);
uvalue |= (uvalue >> 8);
uvalue |= (uvalue >> 16);
uvalue |= (uvalue >> 32);
return ( uvalue & ~( uvalue >> 1 ) );
long long Long::lowestOneBit( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
return ( uvalue & (-uvalue) );
int Long::numberOfLeadingZeros( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
value |= value >> 1;
value |= value >> 2;
value |= value >> 4;
value |= value >> 8;
value |= value >> 16;
value |= value >> 32;
return Long::bitCount( ~uvalue );
int Long::numberOfTrailingZeros( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
return Long::bitCount( (uvalue & -uvalue) - 1 );
long long Long::parseLong( const std::string& value )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
return Long::parseLong( value, 10 );
long long Long::parseLong( const std::string& value, int radix )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
if( radix < Character::MIN_RADIX ||
radix > Character::MAX_RADIX ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - Given Radix is out of range." );
int length = value.length();
int i = 0;
if( length == 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - Zero length string is illegal." );
bool negative = value[i] == '-';
if( negative && ++i == length ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - Only a minus given, string is invalid." );
return Long::parse( value, i, radix, negative );
long long Long::parse( const std::string& value, int offset,
int radix, bool negative )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
long long max = Long::MIN_VALUE / radix;
long long result = 0;
long long length = value.length();
while( offset < length ) {
int digit = Character::digit( value[offset++], radix );
if( digit == -1 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - String contains no digit characters." );
if( max > result ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - Parsed value greater than max for radix." );
long long next = result * radix - digit;
if( next > result ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - Only a minus given, string is invalid." );
result = next;
if( !negative ) {
result = -result;
if( result < 0 ) {
throw exceptions::NumberFormatException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Long::parseLong - Value less than zero, but no minus sign." );
return result;
long long Long::reverseBytes( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
long long b7 = (uvalue >> 56);
long long b6 = (uvalue >> 40) & 0xFF00ULL;
long long b5 = (uvalue >> 24) & 0xFF0000ULL;
long long b4 = (uvalue >> 8) & 0xFF000000ULL;
long long b3 = (uvalue & 0xFF000000ULL) << 8;
long long b2 = (uvalue & 0xFF0000ULL) << 24;
long long b1 = (uvalue & 0xFF00ULL) << 40;
long long b0 = (uvalue << 56);
return ( b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5 | b6 | b7 );
long long Long::reverse( long long value ) {
if( value == 0 ) {
return 0;
unsigned long long uvalue = (unsigned long long)value;
// From Hacker's Delight, 7-1, Figure 7-1
uvalue = ( uvalue & 0x5555555555555555ULL ) << 1 | (uvalue >> 1) &
uvalue = ( uvalue & 0x3333333333333333ULL ) << 2 | (uvalue >> 2) &
uvalue = ( uvalue & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FULL ) << 4 | (uvalue >> 4) &
return reverseBytes( uvalue );
long long Long::rotateLeft( long long value, int distance ) {
unsigned long long i = (unsigned long long)value;
int j = distance & 0x1F;
return ( i << j ) | ( i >> (-j & 0x1F ) );
long long Long::rotateRight( long long value, int distance ) {
unsigned long long i = (unsigned long long)value;
int j = distance & 0x1F;
return ( i >> j ) | ( i << (-j & 0x1F ) );
int Long::signum( long long value ) {
return ( value == 0 ? 0 : ( value < 0 ? -1 : 1 ) );
std::string Long::toString() const {
return Long::toString( this->value, 10 );
std::string Long::toString( long long value ) {
return Long::toString( value, 10 );
std::string Long::toString( long long value, int radix ) {
if( radix < Character::MIN_RADIX || radix > Character::MAX_RADIX ) {
radix = 10;
if( value == 0 ) {
return "0";
int count = 2;
long long j = value;
bool negative = value < 0;
if( !negative ) {
count = 1;
j = -value;
while( (value /= radix) != 0 ) {
// Save length and allocate a new buffer for the string, add one
// more for the null character.
int length = count;
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
do {
int ch = 0 - ( j % radix );
if( ch > 9 ) {
ch = ch - 10 + 'a';
} else {
ch += '0';
buffer[--count] = (char)ch;
} while( (j /= radix) != 0 );
if( negative ) {
buffer[0] = '-';
// Ensure there's a null
buffer[length] = 0;
std::string result( &buffer[0] );
delete [] buffer;
return result;
std::string Long::toBinaryString( long long value ) {
int count = 1;
long long j = value;
if( value < 0 ) {
count = 32;
} else {
while ( (j >>= 1) != 0) {
// Save length and allocate a new buffer for the string, add one
// more for the null character.
int length = count;
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
do {
buffer[--count] = (char)( (value & 1) + '0' );
value >>= 1;
} while( count > 0 );
// Ensure there's a null
buffer[length] = 0;
std::string result( &buffer[0] );
delete [] buffer;
return result;
std::string Long::toOctalString( long long value ) {
int count = 1;
long long j = value;
if( value < 0 ) {
count = 11;
} else {
while ( (j >>= 3) != 0 ) {
// Save length and allocate a new buffer for the string, add one
// more for the null character.
int length = count;
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
do {
buffer[--count] = (char)( (value & 7) + '0' );
value >>= 3;
} while( count > 0 );
// Ensure there's a null
buffer[length] = 0;
std::string result( &buffer[0] );
delete [] buffer;
return result;
std::string Long::toHexString( long long value ) {
int count = 1;
long long j = value;
if( value < 0 ) {
count = 8;
} else {
while( (j >>= 4) != 0 ) {
// Save length and allocate a new buffer for the string, add one
// more for the null character.
int length = count;
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
do {
int t = value & 15;
if( t > 9 ) {
t = t - 10 + 'a';
} else {
t += '0';
buffer[--count] = (char)t;
value >>= 4;
} while( count > 0 );
// Ensure there's a null
buffer[length] = 0;
std::string result( &buffer[0] );
delete [] buffer;
return result;
Long Long::valueOf( const std::string& value )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
return Long( Long::parseLong( value ) );
Long Long::valueOf( const std::string& value, int radix )
throw ( exceptions::NumberFormatException ) {
return Long( Long::parseLong( value, radix ) );