blob: 318042e1a577493012c17f1f32e5bc518c0cbc31 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <decaf/util/Config.h>
#include <apr.h>
namespace decaf{
namespace internal{
namespace util{
* Class with static methods for operation on values in bit patterns.
class BitOps {
// Used to make masking easier
typedef union {
unsigned long long longValue;
unsigned int intValue[2];
int sintValue[2];
double doubleValue;
static const int HiWord = 0;
static const int LoWord = 1;
static const int HiWord = 1;
static const int LoWord = 0;
static const unsigned long long LONG_HI_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL;
static const unsigned long long LONG_LO_MASK = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFULL;
static const long long TEN_E1 = 0xALL;
static const long long TEN_E2 = 0x64LL;
static const long long TEN_E3 = 0x3E8LL;
static const long long TEN_E4 = 0x2710LL;
static const long long TEN_E5 = 0x186A0LL;
static const long long TEN_E6 = 0xF4240LL;
static const long long TEN_E7 = 0x989680LL;
static const long long TEN_E8 = 0x5F5E100LL;
static const long long TEN_E9 = 0x3B9ACA00LL;
static const long long TEN_E19 = 0x8AC7230489E80000LL;
static const int E_OFFSET = 1075;
static const long long INFINITE_LONGBITS = 0x7FF0000000000000LL;
static const int INFINITE_INTBITS = 0x7F800000;
static const int MINIMUM_INTBITS = 1;
static const unsigned int DOUBLE_SIGN_MASK_HI = 0x80000000;
static const unsigned int DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI = 0x7FF00000;
static const unsigned int DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_LO = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static const unsigned int DOUBLE_MANTISSA_MASK_HI = 0x000FFFFF;
static const unsigned int SINGLE_SIGN_MASK = 0x80000000;
static const unsigned int SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK = 0x7F800000;
static const unsigned int SINGLE_MANTISSA_MASK = 0x007FFFFF;
static const unsigned int SINGLE_NAN_BITS = (SINGLE_EXPONENT_MASK | 0x00400000);
static const unsigned long long MANTISSA_MASK = 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
static const unsigned long long EXPONENT_MASK = 0x7FF0000000000000ULL;
static const unsigned long long NORMAL_MASK = 0x0010000000000000ULL;
static const unsigned long long SIGN_MASK = 0x8000000000000000ULL;
static const unsigned int FLOAT_MANTISSA_MASK = 0x007FFFFF;
static const unsigned int FLOAT_EXPONENT_MASK = 0x7F800000;
static const unsigned int FLOAT_NORMAL_MASK = 0x00800000;
static const unsigned int FLOAT_E_OFFSET = 150;
virtual ~BitOps() {}
public: // Statics
static unsigned int TIMES_TEN( unsigned int x ) {
return ((x) << 3) + ((x) << 1);
static unsigned long long TIMES_TEN( unsigned long long x ) {
return ((x) << 3) + ((x) << 1);
static unsigned long long CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS(
unsigned long long normalizedM, unsigned long long e ) {
return ( normalizedM & MANTISSA_MASK ) | ( ( e + E_OFFSET ) << 52 );
static unsigned long long CREATE_DOUBLE_BITS(
unsigned long long* normalizedM, int index, unsigned long long e ) {
return ( normalizedM[index] & MANTISSA_MASK ) | ( ( e + E_OFFSET ) << 52 );
static unsigned long long bitSection(
unsigned long long x, unsigned long long mask, int shift ) {
return ( x & mask ) >> shift;
static unsigned int bitSection(
unsigned int x, unsigned int mask, int shift ) {
return ( x & mask ) >> shift;
static unsigned int& LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64( unsigned long long long64 ) {
return LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( &long64 );
static unsigned int& HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64( unsigned long long long64 ) {
return HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( &long64 );
static int& LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64( unsigned long long long64 ) {
return LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( &long64 );
static int& HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64( unsigned long long long64 ) {
return HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( &long64 );
static unsigned int& LOW_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( unsigned long long* long64ptr ) {
return ( (LONG_UNION*)long64ptr )->intValue[LoWord];
static unsigned int& HIGH_U32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( unsigned long long* long64ptr ) {
return ( (LONG_UNION*)long64ptr )->intValue[HiWord];
static int& LOW_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( unsigned long long* long64ptr ) {
return ( (LONG_UNION*)long64ptr )->sintValue[LoWord];
static int& HIGH_I32_FROM_LONG64_PTR( unsigned long long* long64ptr ) {
return ( (LONG_UNION*)long64ptr )->sintValue[HiWord];
static bool IS_DENORMAL_DBL( double dbl ) {
return IS_DENORMAL_DBL_PTR( &dbl );
static bool IS_DENORMAL_DBL_PTR(double* dblptr ) {
return (((HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) & DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK_HI) == 0) &&
(LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR(dblptr) != 0)));
static unsigned int& LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR( double* dblptr ) {
return ( ( (LONG_UNION*)dblptr )->intValue[LoWord] );
static unsigned int& HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR( double* dblptr ) {
return ( ( (LONG_UNION*)dblptr )->intValue[HiWord] );
static int& LOW_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR( double* dblptr ) {
return ( ( (LONG_UNION*)dblptr )->sintValue[LoWord] );
static int& HIGH_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR( double* dblptr ) {
return ( ( (LONG_UNION*)dblptr )->sintValue[HiWord] );
static unsigned int& LOW_U32_FROM_DBL( double dbl ) {
return LOW_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR( &dbl );
static unsigned int& HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL( double dbl ) {
return HIGH_U32_FROM_DBL_PTR( &dbl );
static int& LOW_I32_FROM_DBL( double dbl ) {
return LOW_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR( &dbl );
static int& HIGH_I32_FROM_DBL( double dbl ) {
return HIGH_I32_FROM_DBL_PTR( &dbl );
static unsigned int at( unsigned int i ) {
return i^1;
return i;