blob: d1ccf8fd44c77bcb3e0b3245dc58ef6f23007507 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <activemq/util/Config.h>
#include <activemq/util/CompositeData.h>
#include <decaf/util/Properties.h>
#include <decaf/util/LinkedList.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h>
namespace activemq {
namespace util {
class AMQCPP_API URISupport {
* Examine a URI and determine if it is a Composite type or not.
* @param uri
* The URI that is to be examined.
* @return true if the given URI is a Composite type.
static bool isCompositeURI(const decaf::net::URI& uri);
* Parses the properties out of the provided Broker URI and sets
* them in the passed Properties Object.
* @param URI a Broker URI to parse
* @param properties a Properties object to set the parsed values in
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the passed URI is invalid
static void parseURL(const std::string& URI, decaf::util::Properties& properties);
* Parses a Composite URI into a Composite Data instance, the Composite URI
* takes the for scheme://(uri1,uri2,...uriN)?param1=value1, each of the composite
* URIs is stored in the CompositeData's internal list.
* @param uri - The Composite URI to parse.
* @return a new CompositeData object with the parsed data
* @throw URISyntaxException if the URI is not well formed.
static CompositeData parseComposite(const URI& uri);
* Parse the Query portion of a URI String and return a Simple
* Properties object containing the parameter names as keys, and
* the parameter values and values of the Properties.
* @param query
* The query string to parse and extract the encoded properties.
* @returns Properties object with the parsed output.
* @throw IllegalArgumentException if the Query string is not well formed.
static decaf::util::Properties parseQuery(std::string query);
* Parse the Query portion of a URI String and return a Simple
* Properties object containing the parameter names as keys, and
* the parameter values and values of the Properties.
* @param query - the query string to parse.
* @param properties - object pointer to get the parsed output.
* @throw IllegalArgumentException if the Query string is not well formed.
static void parseQuery(std::string query, decaf::util::Properties* properties);
* Given a properties object create a string that can be appended to a URI
* as a valid Query string.
* @param options
* Properties object containing key / value query values.
* @return a valid URI query string.
* @throw URISyntaxException if the string in the Properties object
* can't be encoded into a valid URI Query string.
static std::string createQueryString(const Properties& options);
* Given a URI parse and extract any URI query options and return them as a Key / Value mapping.
* This method differs from the {@link parseQuery} method in that it handles composite URI
* types and will extract the URI options from the outermost composite URI.
* @param uri
* The URI whose query should be extracted and processed.
* @return A Mapping of the URI options.
* @throws URISyntaxException if the passed in URI contains invalid elements.
static decaf::util::Properties parseParameters(const decaf::net::URI& uri);
* Given a Key / Value mapping create and append a URI query value that represents the
* mapped entries, return the newly updated URI that contains the value of the given URI
* and the appended query value.
* @param uri
* The source URI that will have the Map entries appended as a URI query value.
* @param queryParameters
* The Key / Value mapping that will be transformed into a URI query string.
* @return A new URI value that combines the given URI and the constructed query string.
* @throws URISyntaxException if an invalid URI is created during this operation.
static decaf::net::URI applyParameters(const decaf::net::URI& uri, const decaf::util::Properties& queryParameters);
* Given a Key / Value mapping create and append a URI query value that represents the mapped
* entries, return the newly updated URI that contains the value of the given URI and the
* appended query value. Each entry in the query string is prefixed by the supplied
* optionPrefix string.
* @param uri
* The source URI that will have the Map entries appended as a URI query value.
* @param queryParameters
* The Key / Value mapping that will be transformed into a URI query string.
* @param optionPrefix
* A string value that when not null or empty is used to prefix each query option key.
* @return A new URI value that combines the given URI and the constructed query string.
* @throws URISyntaxException if an invalid URI is created during this operation.
static decaf::net::URI applyParameters(const decaf::net::URI& uri,
const decaf::util::Properties& queryParameters,
const std::string& optionPrefix);
* Creates a URI with the given query, removing an previous query value from the given URI.
* @param uri
* The source URI whose existing query is replaced with the newly supplied one.
* @param query
* The new URI query string that should be appended to the given URI.
* @return a new URI that is a combination of the original URI and the given query string.
* @throws URISyntaxException
static decaf::net::URI createURIWithQuery(const decaf::net::URI& uri, const std::string& query);
public: // Utility methods used by this class.
* Perform a parse on the given composite URI, placing the results in the passed
* CompositeData
* @param uri - The URI to parse
* @param rc - The CompositeData object to Populate
* @param ssp - the Scheme Specific Part from the original URI.
* @throw URISyntaxException if the URI is not well formed.
static void parseComposite(const URI& uri, CompositeData& rc, const std::string& ssp);
* Splits all the Component URIs in a Composite URI into individual strings which
* can then be parsed separately and stored in a Composite Data object.
* @param str - the set of Composite URIs
static decaf::util::LinkedList<std::string> splitComponents(const std::string& str);
* Strip a URI of its scheme element.
* @param uri
* The URI whose scheme value should be stripped.
* @return The stripped URI value.
* @throws URISyntaxException
static decaf::net::URI stripScheme(const decaf::net::URI& uri);
* Given a string value and a prefix value, return a new string that has the prefix
* removed if it was part of the passed in string, otherwise just return the passed
* in string
* @param value - String to strip
* @param prefix - value to strip from the passed in string
* @return the new string with prefix removed.
static std::string stripPrefix(const std::string& value, const std::string& prefix);
* Matches all opening and closing parenthesis in a String
* @param str - The String to match parenthesis in.
* @return true if all parenthesis have valid open and close values.
static bool checkParenthesis(const std::string& str);
* Accepts a string value and checks to see if that value is of the
* form ${XXX} which is our accepted form for environment variables.
* If so the we attempt to replace the value with what is stored in that
* env var, if the var is not set then we throw an IllegalArgumentException.
* @param value - the value to check for env
* @returns the env var if value points to an env var else returns value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the var is not set or has bad syntax
static std::string replaceEnvValues(const std::string& value);