blob: d55e328f6bda00e42bf39ce1e0029fe65f89da0f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <decaf/lang/Runnable.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Throwable.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/ThreadFactory.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/TimeUnit.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/AbstractExecutorService.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/RejectedExecutionHandler.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/RejectedExecutionException.h>
#include <decaf/util/LinkedList.h>
#include <decaf/util/ArrayList.h>
#include <decaf/util/Config.h>
#include <vector>
namespace decaf{
namespace util{
namespace concurrent{
using decaf::lang::Pointer;
class ExecutorKernel;
* Defines a Thread Pool object that implements the functionality
* of pooling threads to perform user tasks. The Thread Poll has
* max size that it will grow to. The thread pool allocates threads
* in blocks. When there are no waiting worker threads and a task
* is queued then a new batch is allocated. The user can specify
* the size of the blocks, otherwise a default value is used.
* <P>
* When the user queues a task they must also queue a listener to
* be notified when the task has completed, this provides the user
* with a mechanism to know when a task object can be freed.
* <P>
* To have the Thread Pool perform a task, the user enqueue's an
* object that implements the <code>Runnable</code> interface and
* one of the worker threads will executing it in its thread context.
class DECAF_API ThreadPoolExecutor : public AbstractExecutorService {
ThreadPoolExecutor( const ThreadPoolExecutor& );
ThreadPoolExecutor& operator= ( const ThreadPoolExecutor& );
friend class ExecutorKernel;
ExecutorKernel* kernel;
* Creates a new instance of a ThreadPoolExecutor.
* The executor instance is configured with the passed in parameters and a
* default thread Factory is used along with a default rejected execution
* handler.
* @param corePoolSize
* The number of threads to pool regardless of their idle state.
* @param maxPoolSize
* The maximum number of threads that will ever exist at one time in the pool.
* @param keepAliveTime
* The maximum time to keep a thread in the pool for if the number of current
* threads exceeds to core pool size.
* @param unit
* The units that the keepAliveTime is specified in.
* @param workQueue
* A BlockingQueue implementation that will be used to hold Runnable tasks
* that are awaiting execution within this executor. The Executor takes
* ownership of the BlockingQueue instance passed once this method returns.
* @throws IllegalArguementException if the corePoolSize or keepAliveTime are negative
* or the or if maximumPoolSize is less than or equal to zero, or if corePoolSize
* is greater than maximumPoolSize.
* @throws NullPointerException if the workQueue pointer is NULL.
ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maxPoolSize,
long long keepAliveTime, const TimeUnit& unit,
BlockingQueue<decaf::lang::Runnable*>* workQueue);
* Creates a new instance of a ThreadPoolExecutor.
* The executor instance is configured with the passed in parameters and a
* default thread Factory is used along with a default rejected execution
* handler.
* @param corePoolSize
* The number of threads to pool regardless of their idle state.
* @param maxPoolSize
* The maximum number of threads that will ever exist at one time in the pool.
* @param keepAliveTime
* The maximum time to keep a thread in the pool for if the number of current
* threads exceeds to core pool size.
* @param unit
* The units that the keepAliveTime is specified in.
* @param workQueue
* A BlockingQueue implementation that will be used to hold Runnable tasks
* that are awaiting execution within this executor. The Executor takes
* ownership of the BlockingQueue instance passed once this method returns.
* @param handler
* A RejectedExecutionHandler implementation that will be used to handle any
* rejected tasks when they are submitted to this executor. The Executor takes
* ownership of the RejectedExecutionHandler instance passed once this method returns.
* @throws IllegalArguementException if the corePoolSize or keepAliveTime are negative
* or the or if maximumPoolSize is less than or equal to zero, or if corePoolSize
* is greater than maximumPoolSize.
* @throws NullPointerException if the workQueue pointer is NULL.
ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maxPoolSize,
long long keepAliveTime, const TimeUnit& unit,
BlockingQueue<decaf::lang::Runnable*>* workQueue,
RejectedExecutionHandler* handler);
* Creates a new instance of a ThreadPoolExecutor.
* The executor instance is configured with the passed in parameters and a
* default thread Factory is used along with a default rejected execution
* handler.
* @param corePoolSize
* The number of threads to pool regardless of their idle state.
* @param maxPoolSize
* The maximum number of threads that will ever exist at one time in the pool.
* @param keepAliveTime
* The maximum time to keep a thread in the pool for if the number of current
* threads exceeds to core pool size.
* @param unit
* The units that the keepAliveTime is specified in.
* @param workQueue
* A BlockingQueue implementation that will be used to hold Runnable tasks
* that are awaiting execution within this executor. The Executor takes
* ownership of the BlockingQueue instance passed once this method returns.
* @param threadFactory
* A ThreadFactory implementation that will be used to create worker threads
* that are used by this executor to run the submitted tasks. The Executor takes
* ownership of the ThreadFactory instance passed once this method returns.
* @throws IllegalArguementException if the corePoolSize or keepAliveTime are negative
* or the or if maximumPoolSize is less than or equal to zero, or if corePoolSize
* is greater than maximumPoolSize.
* @throws NullPointerException if the workQueue pointer is NULL.
ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maxPoolSize,
long long keepAliveTime, const TimeUnit& unit,
BlockingQueue<decaf::lang::Runnable*>* workQueue,
ThreadFactory* threadFactory);
* Creates a new instance of a ThreadPoolExecutor.
* The executor instance is configured with the passed in parameters and a
* default thread Factory is used along with a default rejected execution
* handler.
* @param corePoolSize
* The number of threads to pool regardless of their idle state.
* @param maxPoolSize
* The maximum number of threads that will ever exist at one time in the pool.
* @param keepAliveTime
* The maximum time to keep a thread in the pool for if the number of current
* threads exceeds to core pool size.
* @param unit
* The units that the keepAliveTime is specified in.
* @param workQueue
* A BlockingQueue implementation that will be used to hold Runnable tasks
* that are awaiting execution within this executor. The Executor takes
* ownership of the BlockingQueue instance passed once this method returns.
* @param threadFactory
* A ThreadFactory implementation that will be used to create worker threads
* that are used by this executor to run the submitted tasks. The Executor takes
* ownership of the ThreadFactory instance passed once this method returns.
* @param handler
* A RejectedExecutionHandler implementation that will be used to handle any
* rejected tasks when they are submitted to this executor. The Executor takes
* ownership of the BlockingQueue instance passed once this method returns.
* @throws IllegalArguementException if the corePoolSize or keepAliveTime are negative
* or the or if maximumPoolSize is less than or equal to zero, or if corePoolSize
* is greater than maximumPoolSize.
* @throws NullPointerException if the workQueue pointer is NULL.
ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize, int maxPoolSize,
long long keepAliveTime, const TimeUnit& unit,
BlockingQueue<decaf::lang::Runnable*>* workQueue,
ThreadFactory* threadFactory,
RejectedExecutionHandler* handler);
virtual ~ThreadPoolExecutor();
virtual void execute(decaf::lang::Runnable* task);
virtual void execute(decaf::lang::Runnable* task, bool takeOwnership);
virtual void shutdown();
virtual ArrayList<decaf::lang::Runnable*> shutdownNow();
virtual bool awaitTermination(long long timeout, const decaf::util::concurrent::TimeUnit& unit);
virtual bool isShutdown() const;
virtual bool isTerminated() const;
* Returns the number of threads that currently exists for this Executor.
* @return the configured number of Threads in the Pool.
virtual int getPoolSize() const;
* Returns the configured number of core threads for this Executor.
* @return the configured number of core Threads.
virtual int getCorePoolSize() const;
* Set the number of threads that this executor treats as its core threads, this value
* will override the value set in the constructor. If the value given is less than the
* current value then the core threads will shrink to the new value over time. If the
* value is larger than the current value then new threads may be started to process
* currently pending tasks, otherwise they will be started as needed when new tasks
* arrive.
* @param poolSize
* The new core pool size for this executor.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the pool size value is less than zero.
virtual void setCorePoolSize(int poolSize);
* Returns the configured maximum number of threads for this Executor.
* @return the configured maximum number of Threads.
virtual int getMaximumPoolSize() const;
* Sets the maximum number of workers this Executor is allowed to have at any given
* time above the core pool size. This new value overrides any set in the constructor
* and if smaller than the current value worker threads will terminate as they complete
* their current tasks and become idle.
* @param maxSize
* The new maximum allowed worker pool size.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if maxSize is negative or less than core pool size.
virtual void setMaximumPoolSize(int maxSize);
* Returns the current number of pending tasks in the work queue. This is
* an approximation as the number of pending tasks can quickly changes as
* tasks complete and new tasks are started.
* @return number of outstanding tasks, approximate.
virtual long long getTaskCount() const;
* Returns an approximation of the number of threads that are currently running
* tasks for this executor. This value can change rapidly.
* @return the number of currently active threads.
virtual int getActiveCount() const;
* Returns the approximate number of Tasks that have been completed by this
* Executor, this value never decreases.
* @return the number of completed tasks since creation of the Executor.
virtual long long getCompletedTaskCount() const;
* Returns the most Threads that have ever been active at one time within this
* Executors Thread pool.
* @return the largest number of threads ever to coexist in this executor.
virtual int getLargestPoolSize() const;
* Provides access to the Task Queue used by this Executor. This method is meant mainly
* for debugging and monitoring, care should be taken when using this method. The executor
* continues to execute tasks from the Queue.
* @return a pointer to the blocking queue that this executor stores future tasks in.
virtual BlockingQueue<decaf::lang::Runnable*>* getQueue();
* Returns true if the executor has begin the process of terminating but has not yet
* completed the process of shutting down all worker threads. If the Executor does
* not transition from this state to terminated after some time its generally an
* indication that one of the submitted tasks will not complete and the executor is
* locked in a terminating state.
* @return true if all tasks have completed after a request to shut down was made.
virtual bool isTerminating() const;
* When true this setting allows the threads in the core pool to terminate if they
* sit idle longer than the set keep alive time. Core threads that terminate are
* replaced as needed by new ones on demand. This settings requires that the set
* keep alive time be greater than zero and will throw an IllegalArguementException
* if that is not the case.
* @param value
* Boolean value indicating if core threads are allowed to time out when idle.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the keep alive time is set to zero.
virtual void allowCoreThreadTimeout(bool value);
* Returns whether this executor has been configured to allow core threads to
* terminate if they sit idle longer than the configured keep alive time. Threads
* that are not core threads continue to time out using the set keep alive value
* regardless of whether this option is enabled.
* @return true if core threads can timeout when idle.
virtual bool allowsCoreThreadTimeout() const;
* Returns the currently set value for the maximum amount of time a worker Thread
* that is not part of the core threads is allowed to sit idle before it terminates.
* @param unit
* The unit of time to return the results in.
* @return the configure keep alive time in the requested time units.
virtual long long getKeepAliveTime(const TimeUnit& unit) const;
* Configures the amount of time a non core Thread will remain alive after it has
* completed its assigned task. This value can also be applied to core threads if
* the allowCoreThreadsTimeout option is enabled.
* @param timeout
* The amount of time an idle worker will live before terminating.
* @param unit
* The units that the timeout is given in.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if allowCoreThreadsTimeout is enabled and the
* the timeout value given is zero, or the timeout given is negative.
virtual void setKeepAliveTime(long long timeout, const TimeUnit& unit);
* Sets the ThreadFactory instance used to create new Threads for this Executor.
* This class takes ownership of the given ThreadFactory and will destroy it
* upon termination or when a new ThreadFactory is set using this method.
* @param factory
* A ThreadFactory instance used by this Executor to create new Threads.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given factory pointer is NULL.
virtual void setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory* factory);
* Gets the currently configured ThreadFactory. It is considered a programming
* error to delete the pointer returned by this method.
* @return the currently configured ThreadFactory instance used by this object.
virtual ThreadFactory* getThreadFactory() const;
* Gets the currently configured RejectedExecutionHandler for this Executor.
* @return a pointer to the current RejectedExecutionHandler.
virtual RejectedExecutionHandler* getRejectedExecutionHandler() const;
* Sets the new RejectedExecutionHandler that this executor should use to process any
* rejected Runnable tasks. This executor takes ownership of the supplied pointer and
* will desotroy it upon termination, any previous handler is destroyed by this call.
* @param handler
* The new RejectedExecutionHandler instance to use.
* @throws NullPointerException if the handler is NULL.
virtual void setRejectedExecutionHandler(RejectedExecutionHandler* handler);
* By default a Core thread is only created once the first task is queued, this method
* forces the creation of core thread that waits in an idle mode for new work to be
* enqueued. If the limit on core threads has already been reached then this method
* returns false.
* @return true if a new core thread was added, false otherwise.
virtual bool prestartCoreThread();
* This method will create and start new core threads running in an idle state waiting for
* new tasks up to the set core thread limit. When the limit is reached this method returns
* zero to indicate no more core threads can be created.
* @return the number of core threads created, or zero if the limit has already been met.
virtual int prestartAllCoreThreads();
* Attempts to remove the Runnable from the work queue, if successful then the caller
* now owns the Runnable and is responsible for deleting it.
* @param task
* The task that is to be removed from the work queue.
* @return true if the task was removed from the Queue.
bool remove(decaf::lang::Runnable* task);
* Attempts to remove any Future derived tasks from the pending work queue if they have
* been canceled. This method can be used to more quickly remove and reclaim space as
* canceled tasks are not run but must await a worker thread to be removed normally.
* Since there are multiple threads in operation its possible for this method to not
* remove all canceled tasks from the work queue.
virtual void purge();
* Method called before a task is executed by the given thread. The default implementation
* of this method does nothing, however a subclass can override this method to add some
* new functionality.
* It is recommended that a subclass call this method on its base class to ensure that
* all base classes have a chance to process this event.
* @param thread
* The thread that will be executing the given task.
* @param task
* The task that will be executed by the given thread.
virtual void beforeExecute(decaf::lang::Thread* thread, decaf::lang::Runnable* task);
* Called upon completion of execution of a given task. This method is called
* from the Thread that executed the given Runnable. If the Throwable pointer is
* not NULL then its value is the Exception that caused the task to terminate.
* The base class implementation does nothing, a derived class should call this
* method on its base class to ensure that all subclasses have a chance to process
* the afterExecute event.
* @param task
* The Runnable instance that was executed by the calling Thread.
* @param error
* The exception that was thrown from the given Runnable.
virtual void afterExecute(decaf::lang::Runnable* task, decaf::lang::Throwable* error);
* Method invoked when the Executor has terminated, by default this method does
* nothing. When overridden the subclass should call superclass::terminated to
* ensure that all subclasses have their terminated method invoked.
virtual void terminated();
* Used by some Decaf ThreadPoolExecutor extensions to correctly handle the shutdown case.
virtual void onShutdown();
public: // RejectedExecutionHandler implementations.
* Handler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute
* this class always throws a RejectedExecutionException.
* @since 1.0
class AbortPolicy : public RejectedExecutionHandler {
AbortPolicy() : RejectedExecutionHandler() {
virtual ~AbortPolicy() {
virtual void rejectedExecution(decaf::lang::Runnable* task, ThreadPoolExecutor* executer DECAF_UNUSED) {
delete task;
throw RejectedExecutionException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to execute task.");
* Handler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute
* this class will attempt to run the task in the Thread that called the execute method
* unless the executor is shutdown in which case the task is not run and is destroyed.
* @since 1.0
class CallerRunsPolicy : public RejectedExecutionHandler {
CallerRunsPolicy() : RejectedExecutionHandler() {
virtual ~CallerRunsPolicy() {
virtual void rejectedExecution(decaf::lang::Runnable* task, ThreadPoolExecutor* executer DECAF_UNUSED) {
if (executer->isShutdown()) {
delete task;
try {
delete task;
} catch (decaf::lang::Exception& ex) {
delete task;
throw ex;
* Handler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute
* this class always destroys the rejected task and returns quietly.
* @since 1.0
class DiscardPolicy : public RejectedExecutionHandler {
DiscardPolicy() : RejectedExecutionHandler() {
virtual ~DiscardPolicy() {
virtual void rejectedExecution(decaf::lang::Runnable* task, ThreadPoolExecutor* executer DECAF_UNUSED) {
delete task;
* Handler policy for tasks that are rejected upon a call to ThreadPoolExecutor::execute
* this class always destroys the oldest unexecuted task in the Queue and then attempts
* to execute the rejected task using the passed in executor.
* @since 1.0
class DiscardOldestPolicy : public RejectedExecutionHandler {
DiscardOldestPolicy() : RejectedExecutionHandler() {
virtual ~DiscardOldestPolicy() {
virtual void rejectedExecution(decaf::lang::Runnable* task, ThreadPoolExecutor* executer) {
if (executer->isShutdown()) {
delete task;
try {
decaf::lang::Runnable* oldest = NULL;
delete oldest;
} catch (decaf::lang::Exception& ex) {
delete task;
throw ex;