blob: cf564fb1d3e3e5dffe8e5c89844c40123881a731 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <activemq/util/Config.h>
#include <decaf/util/NoSuchElementException.h>
#include <decaf/util/Map.h>
#include <decaf/util/List.h>
namespace activemq {
namespace util {
* Class that wraps around a single value of one of the
* many types. Manages memory for complex types, such
* as strings. Note: the destructor was left non-virtual
* so no virtual table will be created. This probably isn't
* necessary, but will avoid needless memory allocation. Since
* we'll never extend this class, not having a virtual
* destructor isn't a concern.
class AMQCPP_API PrimitiveValueNode {
* Enumeration for the various primitive types.
enum PrimitiveType{
MAP_TYPE = 11,
* Define a union type comprised of the various types.
union PrimitiveValue {
bool boolValue;
unsigned char byteValue;
char charValue;
short shortValue;
int intValue;
long long longValue;
double doubleValue;
float floatValue;
std::string* stringValue;
std::vector<unsigned char>* byteArrayValue;
decaf::util::List<PrimitiveValueNode>* listValue;
decaf::util::Map<std::string, PrimitiveValueNode>* mapValue;
PrimitiveType valueType;
PrimitiveValue value;
* Default Constructor, creates a value of the NULL_TYPE.
* Boolean Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(bool value);
* Byte Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(unsigned char value);
* Char Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(char value);
* Short Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(short value);
* Int Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(int value);
* Long Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(long long value);
* Float Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(float value);
* Double Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(double value);
* String Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(const char* value);
* String Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(const std::string& value);
* Byte Array Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(const std::vector<unsigned char>& value);
* Primtive List Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(const decaf::util::List<PrimitiveValueNode>& value);
* Primtive Map Value Constructor
* @param value - the new value to store.
PrimitiveValueNode(const decaf::util::Map<std::string, PrimitiveValueNode>& value);
* Copy constructor
* @param node
* The instance of another node to copy to this one.
PrimitiveValueNode(const PrimitiveValueNode& node);
~PrimitiveValueNode() {
* Assignment operator, copies the data from the other node.
* @param node
* The instance of another node to copy to this one.
PrimitiveValueNode& operator =(const PrimitiveValueNode& node);
* Comparison Operator, compares this node to the other node.
* @return true if the values are the same false otherwise.
bool operator==(const PrimitiveValueNode& node) const;
* Gets the Value Type of this type wrapper.
* @return the PrimitiveType value for this wrapper.
PrimitiveType getType() const {
return valueType;
* Gets the internal Primitive Value object from this wrapper.
* @return a copy of the contained PrimitiveValue
PrimitiveValue getValue() const {
return this->value;
* Sets the internal PrimitiveVale object to the new value
* along with the tag for the type that it consists of.
* @param value
* The value to set as the value contained in this Node.
* @param valueType
* The type of the value being set into this one.
void setValue(const PrimitiveValue& value, PrimitiveType valueType);
* Clears the value from this wrapper converting it back to a blank
* NULL_TYPE value.
void clear();
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setBool(bool value);
* Gets the Boolean value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
bool getBool() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setByte(unsigned char value);
* Gets the Byte value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
unsigned char getByte() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setChar(char value);
* Gets the Character value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
char getChar() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setShort(short value);
* Gets the Short value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
short getShort() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setInt(int value);
* Gets the Integer value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
int getInt() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setLong(long long value);
* Gets the Long value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
long long getLong() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setFloat(float value);
* Gets the Float value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
float getFloat() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setDouble(double value);
* Gets the Double value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
double getDouble() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setString(const std::string& value);
* Gets the String value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
std::string getString() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setByteArray(const std::vector<unsigned char>& value);
* Gets the Byte Array value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
std::vector<unsigned char> getByteArray() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setList(const decaf::util::List<PrimitiveValueNode>& value);
* Gets the Primitive List value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
const decaf::util::List<PrimitiveValueNode>& getList() const;
* Sets the value of this value node to the new value specified,
* this method overwrites any data that was previously at the index
* given.
* @param value - the new value to assign to the element at index
void setMap(const decaf::util::Map<std::string, PrimitiveValueNode>& value);
* Gets the Primitive Map value of this Node.
* @return value contained at the given index
* @throw NoSuchElementException this node cannot be returned as the
* requested type.
const decaf::util::Map<std::string, PrimitiveValueNode>& getMap() const;
* Creates a string representation of this value.
* @return string value of this type wrapper.
std::string toString() const;