blob: ac1374f032ee5aa526bd410512dc9173c8cc6a02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Turn off warning message for ignored exception specification
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( disable : 4290 )
#include <activemq/util/Config.h>
#include <activemq/connector/openwire/commands/ActiveMQMessageBase.h>
#include <activemq/util/PrimitiveMap.h>
#include <decaf/lang/exceptions/NullPointerException.h>
#include <cms/MapMessage.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
namespace activemq{
namespace connector{
namespace openwire{
namespace commands{
class AMQCPP_API ActiveMQMapMessage :
public ActiveMQMessageBase<cms::MapMessage> {
// Map Structure to hold unmarshalled Map Data
mutable util::PrimitiveMap* map;
const static unsigned char ID_ACTIVEMQMAPMESSAGE = 25;
virtual ~ActiveMQMapMessage();
virtual unsigned char getDataStructureType() const;
* Determine if this object is aware of marshaling and should have
* its before and after marshaling methods called. Defaults to false.
* @returns true if aware of marshaling
virtual bool isMarshalAware() const {
return true;
* Clone this object and return a new instance that the
* caller now owns, this will be an exact copy of this one
* @returns new copy of this object.
virtual ActiveMQMapMessage* cloneDataStructure() const {
std::auto_ptr<ActiveMQMapMessage> message( new ActiveMQMapMessage() );
message->copyDataStructure( this );
return message.release();
* Copy the contents of the passed object into this objects
* members, overwriting any existing data.
* @return src - Source Object
virtual void copyDataStructure( const DataStructure* src ) {
ActiveMQMessageBase<cms::MapMessage>::copyDataStructure( src );
const ActiveMQMapMessage* srcMap =
dynamic_cast< const ActiveMQMapMessage* >( src );
if( srcMap != NULL && srcMap->map != NULL ) {
this->map = new util::PrimitiveMap( *srcMap->map );
* Perform any processing needed before an marshal
* @param wireformat - the OpenWireFormat object in use.
virtual void beforeMarshal( OpenWireFormat* wireFormat )
throw ( decaf::io::IOException );
* Returns a string containing the information for this DataStructure
* such as its type and value of its elements.
* @return formatted string useful for debugging.
virtual std::string toString() const{
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "Begin Class = ActiveMQMapMessage" << std::endl;
stream << ActiveMQMessageBase<cms::MapMessage>::toString();
stream << "End Class = ActiveMQMapMessage" << std::endl;
return stream.str();
* Compares the DataStructure passed in to this one, and returns if
* they are equivalent. Equivalent here means that they are of the
* same type, and that each element of the objects are the same.
* @returns true if DataStructure's are Equal.
virtual bool equals( const DataStructure* value ) const {
return ActiveMQMessageBase<cms::MapMessage>::equals( value );
public: // CMS Message
* Clone this message exactly, returns a new instance that the
* caller is required to delete.
* @return new copy of this message
virtual cms::MapMessage* clone() const {
return dynamic_cast<cms::MapMessage*>(
this->cloneDataStructure() );
public: // CMS MapMessage
* Returns an Enumeration of all the names in the MapMessage
* object.
* @return STL Vector of String values, each of which is the
* name of an item in the MapMessage
* @throws CMSException
virtual std::vector<std::string> getMapNames() const;
* Indicates whether an item exists in this MapMessage object.
* @param name - String name of the Object in question
* @return boolean value indicating if the name is in the map
virtual bool itemExists( const std::string& name ) const;
* Returns the Boolean value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual bool getBoolean( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a boolean value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the boolean
* @param value - the boolean value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setBoolean( const std::string& name,
bool value ) throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Byte value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual unsigned char getByte( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Byte value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Byte
* @param value - the Byte value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setByte( const std::string& name,
unsigned char value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Bytes value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual std::vector<unsigned char> getBytes( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Bytes value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Bytes
* @param value - the Bytes value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setBytes( const std::string& name,
const std::vector<unsigned char>& value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Char value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual char getChar( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Char value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Char
* @param value - the Char value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setChar( const std::string& name, char value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Double value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual double getDouble( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Double value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Double
* @param value - the Double value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setDouble( const std::string& name,
double value ) throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Float value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual float getFloat( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Float value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Float
* @param value - the Float value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setFloat( const std::string& name, float value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Int value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual int getInt( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Int value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Int
* @param value - the Int value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setInt( const std::string& name, int value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Long value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual long long getLong( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Long value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Long
* @param value - the Long value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setLong( const std::string& name, long long value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the Short value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual short getShort( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a Short value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the Short
* @param value - the Short value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setShort( const std::string& name, short value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Returns the String value of the Specified name
* @param name of the value to fetch from the map
* @throws CMSException
virtual std::string getString( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Sets a String value with the specified name into the Map.
* @param name - the name of the String
* @param value - the String value to set in the Map
* @throws CMSException
virtual void setString( const std::string& name,
const std::string& value )
throw( cms::CMSException );
* Fetches a reference to this objects PrimitiveMap, if one needs
* to be created or unmarshaled, this will perform the correct steps.
* @returns reference to a PrimtiveMap.
util::PrimitiveMap& getMap() throw ( decaf::lang::exceptions::NullPointerException );
const util::PrimitiveMap& getMap() const throw ( decaf::lang::exceptions::NullPointerException );
* Performs the unmarshal on the Map if needed, otherwise just returns
virtual void checkMapIsUnmarshalled() const
throw ( decaf::lang::exceptions::NullPointerException );