blob: 253445d46de68537f8bb13959277bc0e70b1049c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <activemq/core/ActiveMQMessage.h>
#include <activemq/core/ActiveMQAckHandler.h>
#include <activemq/connector/stomp/commands/AbstractCommand.h>
#include <activemq/transport/Command.h>
#include <activemq/connector/stomp/StompTopic.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/NoSuchElementException.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/RuntimeException.h>
#include <activemq/util/Date.h>
#include <activemq/util/Long.h>
#include <activemq/util/Integer.h>
#include <activemq/util/Boolean.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
namespace activemq{
namespace connector{
namespace stomp{
namespace commands{
* Base class for Stomp Commands that represent the Active MQ message
* types. This class is templated and expects the Template type to be
* a cms::Message type, Message, TextMessage etc. This class will
* implement all the general cms:Message methods
* This class implement AbsractCommand<StompCommnd> and the
* ActiveMQMessage interface.
template<typename T>
class StompMessage :
public AbstractCommand< transport::Command >,
public T,
public core::ActiveMQMessage
// Core API defined Acknowedge Handler.
core::ActiveMQAckHandler* ackHandler;
// Cached Destination
cms::Destination* dest;
// Cached Destination
cms::Destination* replyTo;
StompMessage() :
AbstractCommand< transport::Command >(),
ackHandler( NULL ),
dest( NULL ),
replyTo( NULL) {
StompMessage( StompFrame* frame ) :
AbstractCommand< transport::Command >( frame ),
ackHandler( NULL ),
dest( NULL ),
replyTo( NULL )
const std::string& destHeader = CommandConstants::toString(
CommandConstants::HEADER_DESTINATION );
const std::string& replyToHeader = CommandConstants::toString(
CommandConstants::HEADER_REPLYTO );
dest = CommandConstants::toDestination(
getPropertyValue( destHeader, "" ) );
std::string replyToValue = getPropertyValue( replyToHeader, "null" );
if( replyToValue != "null" ) {
replyTo = CommandConstants::toDestination( replyToValue );
virtual ~StompMessage() {
if( dest != NULL ){
delete dest;
if( replyTo != NULL ){
delete replyTo;
* Clears out the body of the message. This does not clear the
* headers or properties.
virtual void clearBody(){
* Clears the message properties. Does not clear the body or
* header values.
virtual void clearProperties(){
util::Properties& props = getFrame().getProperties();
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > propArray = props.toArray();
for( unsigned int ix=0; ix<propArray.size(); ++ix ){
const std::string& name = propArray[ix].first;
// Only clear properties that aren't Stomp headers.
if( !CommandConstants::isStompHeader(name) ){
props.remove( name );
* Retrieves the propery names.
* @return The complete set of property names currently in this
* message.
virtual std::vector<std::string> getPropertyNames() const{
std::vector<std::string> names;
const util::Properties& props = getFrame().getProperties();
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > propArray = props.toArray();
for( unsigned int ix=0; ix<propArray.size(); ++ix ){
const std::string& name = propArray[ix].first;
// Only clear properties that aren't Stomp headers.
if( !CommandConstants::isStompHeader(name) ){
names.push_back( name );
return names;
* Indicates whether or not a given property exists.
* @param name The name of the property to look up.
* @return True if the property exists in this message.
virtual bool propertyExists( const std::string& name ) const{
if( CommandConstants::isStompHeader( name ) ){
return false;
return getFrame().getProperties().hasProperty( name );
virtual bool getBooleanProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
std::string value = getStrictPropertyValue<std::string>( name );
return value == "true";
virtual unsigned char getByteProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<unsigned char>(name);
virtual double getDoubleProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<double>(name);
virtual float getFloatProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<float>(name);
virtual int getIntProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<int>(name);
virtual long long getLongProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<long long>(name);
virtual short getShortProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<short>(name);
virtual std::string getStringProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
return getStrictPropertyValue<std::string>(name);
virtual void setBooleanProperty( const std::string& name,
bool value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
testProperty( name );
std::string strvalue = value? "true" : "false";
setPropertyValue( name, strvalue );
virtual void setByteProperty( const std::string& name,
unsigned char value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
setStrictPropertyValue<unsigned char>( name, value );
virtual void setDoubleProperty( const std::string& name,
double value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
setStrictPropertyValue<double>( name, value );
virtual void setFloatProperty( const std::string& name,
float value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
setStrictPropertyValue<float>( name, value );
virtual void setIntProperty( const std::string& name,
int value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
setStrictPropertyValue<int>( name, value );
virtual void setLongProperty( const std::string& name,
long long value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
setStrictPropertyValue<long long>( name, value );
virtual void setShortProperty( const std::string& name,
short value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
setStrictPropertyValue<short>( name, value );
virtual void setStringProperty( const std::string& name,
const std::string& value ) throw( cms::CMSException ){
testProperty( name );
setPropertyValue( name, value );
* Get the Correlation Id for this message
* @return string representation of the correlation Id
virtual std::string getCMSCorrelationID() const {
std::string correlationId = getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_CORRELATIONID ), "null" );
if( correlationId == "null" ){
return "";
return correlationId;
* Sets the Correlation Id used by this message
* @param correlationId String representing the correlation id.
virtual void setCMSCorrelationID(const std::string& correlationId) {
CommandConstants::HEADER_CORRELATIONID ) ,
correlationId );
* Acknowledges all consumed messages of the session
* of this consumed message.
* @throws CMSException
virtual void acknowledge() const throw( cms::CMSException ) {
if(ackHandler != NULL) ackHandler->acknowledgeMessage( this );
* Sets the DeliveryMode for this message
* @return DeliveryMode enumerated value.
virtual int getCMSDeliveryMode() const {
CommandConstants::HEADER_PERSISTENT ) ) ) {
return cms::DeliveryMode::PERSISTENT;
if( util::Boolean::parseBoolean( getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_PERSISTENT ) ) ) == true ) {
return (int)cms::DeliveryMode::PERSISTENT;
return cms::DeliveryMode::NON_PERSISTENT;
* Sets the DeliveryMode for this message
* @param mode DeliveryMode enumerated value.
virtual void setCMSDeliveryMode( int mode ) {
std::string persistant = "true";
if( mode == (int)cms::DeliveryMode::NON_PERSISTENT ) {
persistant = "false";
CommandConstants::HEADER_PERSISTENT ) ,
persistant );
* Gets the Destination for this Message
* @return Destination object can be NULL
virtual const cms::Destination* getCMSDestination() const{
return dest;
* Sets the Destination for this message
* @param destination Destination Object
virtual void setCMSDestination( const cms::Destination* destination ) {
if( destination != NULL )
delete dest;
dest = destination->clone();
CommandConstants::HEADER_DESTINATION ),
dest->toProviderString() );
* Gets the Expiration Time for this Message
* @return time value
virtual long long getCMSExpiration() const {
return util::Long::parseLong( getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_EXPIRES ), "0" ) );
* Sets the Expiration Time for this message
* @param expireTime time value
virtual void setCMSExpiration( long long expireTime ) {
CommandConstants::HEADER_EXPIRES) ,
util::Long::toString( expireTime ) );
* Gets the CMS Message Id for this Message
* @return time value
virtual std::string getCMSMessageID() const {
return getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_MESSAGEID ), "" );
* Sets the CMS Message Id for this message
* @param id time value
virtual void setCMSMessageID( const std::string& id ) {
CommandConstants::HEADER_MESSAGEID ),
id );
* Gets the Priority Value for this Message
* @return priority value
virtual int getCMSPriority() const {
return util::Integer::parseInt( getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_JMSPRIORITY ), "0" ) );
* Sets the Priority Value for this message
* @param priority priority value
virtual void setCMSPriority( int priority ) {
util::Integer::toString( priority ) );
* Gets the Redelivered Flag for this Message
* @return redelivered value
virtual bool getCMSRedelivered() const {
return util::Boolean::parseBoolean( getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_REDELIVERED ),
"false" ) );
* Sets the Redelivered Flag for this message
* @param redelivered redelivered value
virtual void setCMSRedelivered( bool redelivered ) {
CommandConstants::HEADER_REDELIVERED ),
util::Boolean::toString( redelivered ) );
* Gets the CMS Reply To Address for this Message
* @return Reply To Value
virtual const cms::Destination* getCMSReplyTo() const {
return replyTo;
* Sets the CMS Reply To Address for this message
* @param id Reply To value
virtual void setCMSReplyTo( const cms::Destination* destination ) {
if( destination != NULL )
delete replyTo;
replyTo = destination->clone();
CommandConstants::HEADER_REPLYTO ),
replyTo->toProviderString() );
* Gets the Time Stamp for this Message
* @return time stamp value
virtual long long getCMSTimestamp() const {
return util::Long::parseLong( getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_TIMESTAMP ), "0" ) );
* Sets the Time Stamp for this message
* @param timeStamp time stamp value
virtual void setCMSTimestamp( long long timeStamp ) {
CommandConstants::HEADER_TIMESTAMP ),
util::Long::toString( timeStamp ) );
* Gets the CMS Message Type for this Message
* @return type value
virtual std::string getCMSType() const {
std::string type = getPropertyValue(
CommandConstants::HEADER_TYPE ), "null" );
if( type == "null" ){
return "";
return type;
* Sets the CMS Message Type for this message
* @param type type value
virtual void setCMSType( const std::string& type ) {
CommandConstants::HEADER_TYPE ),
type );
public: // ActiveMQMessage
* Sets the Acknowledgement Handler that this Message will use
* when the Acknowledge method is called.
* @param handler ActiveMQAckHandler
virtual void setAckHandler( core::ActiveMQAckHandler* handler ) {
this->ackHandler = handler;
* Gets the number of times this message has been redelivered.
* @return redelivery count
virtual int getRedeliveryCount() const {
return util::Integer::parseInt( getPropertyValue(
"0" ) );
* Sets the count of the number of times this message has been
* redelivered
* @param count redelivery count
virtual void setRedeliveryCount( int count ) {
util::Integer::toString( count ) );
* Returns if this message has expired, meaning that its
* Expiration time has elapsed.
* @returns true if message is expired.
virtual bool isExpired() const {
long long expireTime = this->getCMSExpiration();
long long currentTime = util::Date::getCurrentTimeMilliseconds();
if( expireTime > 0 && currentTime > expireTime ) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks to see if the given property has the name of a
* pre-defined header. If so, throws an exception.
virtual void testProperty( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
if( CommandConstants::isStompHeader( name ) ){
throw exceptions::IllegalArgumentException( __FILE__, __LINE__,
"searching for property with name of pre-defined header" );
* Attempts to get a property from the frame's property
* map.
template <typename TYPE>
TYPE getStrictPropertyValue( const std::string& name ) const
throw( cms::CMSException ){
testProperty( name );
if( !getProperties().hasProperty( name ) ){
throw exceptions::NoSuchElementException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"property not available in message" );
const char* strProp = getPropertyValue( name );
std::istringstream stream( strProp );
TYPE value;
stream >> value;
if( ){
throw exceptions::RuntimeException(
__FILE__, __LINE__,
"Error extracting property from string" );
return value;
* Attempts to set the property in the frame. If an error occurs or
* the property name is that of a pre-defined header, an exception
* is thrown.
template <typename TYPE>
void setStrictPropertyValue( const std::string& name, TYPE value )
throw( cms::CMSException ){
testProperty( name );
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << value;
setPropertyValue( name, stream.str() );
* Inheritors are required to override this method to init the
* frame with data appropriate for the command type.
* @param frame Frame to init
virtual void initialize( StompFrame& frame )
frame.setCommand( CommandConstants::toString(
CommandConstants::SEND ) );
* Inheritors are required to override this method to validate
* the passed stomp frame before it is marshalled or unmarshaled
* @param frame Frame to validate
* @returns true if frame is valid
virtual bool validate( const StompFrame& frame ) const
if(frame.getCommand() ==
CommandConstants::toString( CommandConstants::SEND ) )
CommandConstants::HEADER_DESTINATION ) ) )
return true;
else if( frame.getCommand() ==
CommandConstants::toString( CommandConstants::MESSAGE ) )
CommandConstants::HEADER_DESTINATION ) ) &&
CommandConstants::HEADER_MESSAGEID ) ) )
return true;
return false;