blob: f1dbc2cdb8b4522f4bac76c51d533a1188c39a18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <activemq/util/Config.h>
#include <activemq/commands/MessageDispatch.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/Mutex.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/Synchronizable.h>
#include <decaf/lang/Pointer.h>
namespace activemq {
namespace core {
using decaf::lang::Pointer;
using activemq::commands::MessageDispatch;
class AMQCPP_API MessageDispatchChannel: public decaf::util::concurrent::Synchronizable {
virtual ~MessageDispatchChannel();
* Add a Message to the Channel behind all pending message.
* @param message - The message to add to the Channel.
virtual void enqueue(const Pointer<MessageDispatch>& message) = 0;
* Add a message to the front of the Channel.
* @param message - The Message to add to the front of the Channel.
virtual void enqueueFirst(const Pointer<MessageDispatch>& message) = 0;
* @return true if there are no messages in the Channel.
virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;
* @return has the Queue been closed.
virtual bool isClosed() const = 0;
* @return true if the Channel currently running and will dequeue message.
virtual bool isRunning() const = 0;
* Used to get an enqueued message. The amount of time this method blocks is
* based on the timeout value. - if timeout==-1 then it blocks until a
* message is received. - if timeout==0 then it it tries to not block at
* all, it returns a message if it is available - if timeout>0 then it
* blocks up to timeout amount of time. Expired messages will consumed by
* this method.
* @return null if we timeout or if the consumer is closed.
* @throws ActiveMQException
virtual Pointer<MessageDispatch> dequeue(long long timeout) = 0;
* Used to get an enqueued message if there is one queued right now. If there is
* no waiting message than this method returns Null.
* @return a message if there is one in the queue.
virtual Pointer<MessageDispatch> dequeueNoWait() = 0;
* Peek in the Queue and return the first message in the Channel without removing
* it from the channel.
* @return a message if there is one in the queue.
virtual Pointer<MessageDispatch> peek() const = 0;
* Starts dispatch of messages from the Channel.
virtual void start() = 0;
* Stops dispatch of message from the Channel.
virtual void stop() = 0;
* Close this channel no messages will be dispatched after this method is called.
virtual void close() = 0;
* Clear the Channel, all pending messages are removed.
virtual void clear() = 0;
* @return the number of Messages currently in the Channel.
virtual int size() const = 0;
* Remove all messages that are currently in the Channel and return them as
* a list of Messages.
* @return a list of Messages that was previously in the Channel.
virtual std::vector<Pointer<MessageDispatch> > removeAll() = 0;