blob: 1755b7ca539d0561f3e29e1076c06ebee314278a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#include "ActiveMQMessageAudit.h"
#include <activemq/util/IdGenerator.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/ActiveMQException.h>
#include <activemq/commands/ProducerId.h>
#include <decaf/util/LRUCache.h>
#include <decaf/util/BitSet.h>
#include <decaf/util/concurrent/Mutex.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace activemq;
using namespace activemq::util;
using namespace activemq::core;
using namespace activemq::commands;
using namespace activemq::exceptions;
using namespace decaf::util;
using namespace decaf::util::concurrent;
using namespace decaf::lang;
using namespace decaf::lang::exceptions;
const int ActiveMQMessageAudit::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE = 2048;
const int ActiveMQMessageAudit::MAXIMUM_PRODUCER_COUNT = 64;
namespace activemq {
namespace core {
class MessageAuditImpl {
MessageAuditImpl(const MessageAuditImpl&);
MessageAuditImpl& operator= (const MessageAuditImpl&);
int auditDepth;
int maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack;
Mutex mutex;
LRUCache<std::string, Pointer<BitSet> > map;
MessageAuditImpl() : auditDepth(2048),
map() {
MessageAuditImpl(int auditDepth, int maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack) :
map() {
void adjustMaxProducersToTrack(int value) {
// When value is smaller than current we need to move the entries
// to a new cache with that setting so that old ones are pruned
// since putAll will access the entries in the right order,
// this shouldn't result in wrong cache entries being removed
if (value < maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack) {
LRUCache<std::string, Pointer<BitSet> > newMap(0, value, 0.75f, true);
this->maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack = value;
ActiveMQMessageAudit::ActiveMQMessageAudit() : impl(new MessageAuditImpl) {
ActiveMQMessageAudit::ActiveMQMessageAudit(int auditDepth, int maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack) :
impl(new MessageAuditImpl(auditDepth, maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack)) {
ActiveMQMessageAudit::~ActiveMQMessageAudit() {
try {
delete this->impl;
int ActiveMQMessageAudit::getAuditDepth() const {
return this->impl->auditDepth;
void ActiveMQMessageAudit::setAuditDepth(int value) {
this->impl->auditDepth = value;
int ActiveMQMessageAudit::getMaximumNumberOfProducersToTrack() const {
return this->impl->maximumNumberOfProducersToTrack;
void ActiveMQMessageAudit::getMaximumNumberOfProducersToTrack(int value) {
bool ActiveMQMessageAudit::isDuplicate(const std::string& id) const {
bool answer = false;
std::string seed = IdGenerator::getSeedFromId(id);
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
bits.reset(new BitSet(this->impl->auditDepth));
this->impl->map.put(seed, bits);
long long index = IdGenerator::getSequenceFromId(id);
if (index >= 0) {
int scaledIndex = (int) index;
if (index > Integer::MAX_VALUE) {
scaledIndex = (int)(index - Integer::MAX_VALUE);
answer = bits->get(scaledIndex);
if (!answer) {
bits->set(scaledIndex, true);
return answer;
bool ActiveMQMessageAudit::isDuplicate(decaf::lang::Pointer<MessageId> msgId) const {
bool answer = false;
if (msgId != NULL) {
Pointer<ProducerId> pid = msgId->getProducerId();
if (pid != NULL) {
std::string seed = pid->toString();
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
bits.reset(new BitSet(this->impl->auditDepth));
this->impl->map.put(seed, bits);
long long index = msgId->getProducerSequenceId();
if (index >= 0) {
int scaledIndex = (int) index;
if (index > Integer::MAX_VALUE) {
scaledIndex = (int)(index - Integer::MAX_VALUE);
answer = bits->get(scaledIndex);
if (!answer) {
bits->set(scaledIndex, true);
return answer;
void ActiveMQMessageAudit::rollback(const std::string& msgId) {
std::string seed = IdGenerator::getSeedFromId(msgId);
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
if (bits != NULL) {
long long index = IdGenerator::getSequenceFromId(msgId);
if (index >= 0) {
int scaledIndex = (int) index;
if (index > Integer::MAX_VALUE) {
scaledIndex = (int)(index - Integer::MAX_VALUE);
bits->set(scaledIndex, false);
void ActiveMQMessageAudit::rollback(decaf::lang::Pointer<commands::MessageId> msgId) {
if (msgId != NULL) {
Pointer<ProducerId> pid = msgId->getProducerId();
if (pid != NULL) {
std::string seed = pid->toString();
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
if (bits != NULL) {
long long index = msgId->getProducerSequenceId();
if (index >= 0) {
int scaledIndex = (int) index;
if (index > Integer::MAX_VALUE) {
scaledIndex = (int)(index - Integer::MAX_VALUE);
bits->set(scaledIndex, false);
bool ActiveMQMessageAudit::isInOrder(const std::string& msgId) const {
bool answer = true;
if (!msgId.empty()) {
std::string seed = IdGenerator::getSeedFromId(msgId);
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
bits.reset(new BitSet(this->impl->auditDepth));
this->impl->map.put(seed, bits);
long long index = IdGenerator::getSequenceFromId(msgId);
if (index >= 0) {
int scaledIndex = (int) index;
if (index > Integer::MAX_VALUE) {
scaledIndex = (int)(index - Integer::MAX_VALUE);
answer = ((bits->length() - 1) == scaledIndex);
return answer;
bool ActiveMQMessageAudit::isInOrder(decaf::lang::Pointer<commands::MessageId> msgId) const {
bool answer = false;
if (msgId != NULL) {
Pointer<ProducerId> pid = msgId->getProducerId();
if (pid != NULL) {
std::string seed = pid->toString();
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
bits.reset(new BitSet(this->impl->auditDepth));
this->impl->map.put(seed, bits);
long long index = msgId->getProducerSequenceId();
if (index >= 0) {
int scaledIndex = (int) index;
if (index > Integer::MAX_VALUE) {
scaledIndex = (int)(index - Integer::MAX_VALUE);
answer = ((bits->length() - 1) == scaledIndex);
return answer;
long long ActiveMQMessageAudit::getLastSeqId(decaf::lang::Pointer<commands::ProducerId> id) const {
long result = -1;
if (id != NULL) {
std::string seed = id->toString();
if (!seed.empty()) {
synchronized(&this->impl->mutex) {
Pointer<BitSet> bits;
try {
bits = this->impl->map.get(seed);
} catch (NoSuchElementException& ex) {
if (bits != NULL) {
result = bits->length() - 1;
return result;
void ActiveMQMessageAudit::clear() {