blob: 7fe7a9069333f8f037555a7759d74db0cfd4ca5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.activemq.openwire.tool.marshallers;
import org.codehaus.jam.JAnnotation;
import org.codehaus.jam.JAnnotationValue;
import org.codehaus.jam.JClass;
import org.codehaus.jam.JProperty;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* @version $Revision: 381410 $
public class AmqCppMarshallingClassesGenerator extends AmqCppMarshallingHeadersGenerator {
protected String getFilePostFix() {
return ".cpp";
protected String getProperClassName( String className ) {
return className;
* Checks if the tightMarshal1 method needs an casted version of its
* dataStructure argument and then returns true or false to indicate this
* to the caller.
* @returns true if the tightMarshal1 method needs an info pointer.
protected boolean checkNeedsInfoPointerTM1() {
if( isMarshallerAware() ){
return true;
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String type = propertyType.getSimpleName();
if( !( type.equals("byte") ) &&
!( type.equals("char") ) &&
!( type.equals("short") ) &&
!( type.equals("int") ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the tightMarshal2 method needs an casted version of its
* dataStructure argument and then returns true or false to indicate this
* to the caller.
* @returns true if the tightMarshal2 method needs an info pointer.
protected boolean checkNeedsInfoPointerTM2() {
if( isMarshallerAware() ){
return true;
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String type = propertyType.getSimpleName();
if( !type.equals("boolean") ) {
return true;
return false;
protected boolean checkNeedsWireFormatVersion() {
if( !getProperties().isEmpty() ) {
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation("openwire:property");
JAnnotationValue version = annotation.getValue("version");
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
return true;
return false;
// This section is for the tight wire format encoding generator
protected void generateTightUnmarshalBody(PrintWriter out) {
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation("openwire:property");
JAnnotationValue size = annotation.getValue("size");
JAnnotationValue version = annotation.getValue("version");
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String propertyTypeName = propertyType.getSimpleName();
String indent = " ";
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if( wireVersion >= " + version.asInt() + " ) {");
if (propertyType.isArrayType() && !propertyTypeName.equals("byte[]")) {
generateTightUnmarshalBodyForArrayProperty(out, property, size, indent);
} else {
generateTightUnmarshalBodyForProperty(out, property, size, indent);
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
out.println(" }");
protected void generateTightUnmarshalBodyForProperty(PrintWriter out, JProperty property, JAnnotationValue size, String indent) {
String setter = property.getSetter().getSimpleName();
String type = property.getType().getSimpleName();
String nativeType = toCppType(property.getType());
if( type.equals("boolean") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( bs->readBoolean() );");
else if( type.equals("byte") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readByte() );");
else if( type.equals("char") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readChar() );");
else if( type.equals("short") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readShort() );");
else if( type.equals("int") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readInt() );");
else if( type.equals("long") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( tightUnmarshalLong( wireFormat, dataIn, bs ) );");
else if( type.equals("String") ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( tightUnmarshalString( dataIn, bs ) );");
else if( type.equals("byte[]") || type.equals("ByteSequence") ) {
if( size != null ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( tightUnmarshalConstByteArray( dataIn, bs, "+ size.asInt() +" ) );");
else {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( tightUnmarshalByteArray( dataIn, bs ) );");
else if( isThrowable( property.getType() ) ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( Pointer<"+nativeType+">( dynamic_cast< " + nativeType + "* >(");
out.println(indent + " tightUnmarshalBrokerError( wireFormat, dataIn, bs ) ) ) );");
else if( isCachedProperty(property) ) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( Pointer<"+nativeType+">( dynamic_cast< " + nativeType + "* >(");
out.println(indent + " tightUnmarshalCachedObject( wireFormat, dataIn, bs ) ) ) );");
else {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( Pointer<"+nativeType+">( dynamic_cast< " + nativeType + "* >(");
out.println(indent + " tightUnmarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, dataIn, bs ) ) ) );");
protected void generateTightUnmarshalBodyForArrayProperty(PrintWriter out, JProperty property, JAnnotationValue size, String indent) {
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String arrayType = propertyType.getArrayComponentType().getSimpleName();
String setter = property.getSetter().getSimpleName();
String getter = property.getGetter().getSimpleName();
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "{");
out.println(indent + " " + arrayType + " value[] = new " + arrayType + "[" + size.asInt() + "];");
out.println(indent + " for( int i = 0; i < " + size.asInt() + "; i++ ) {");
out.println(indent + " value[i] = (" + arrayType + ") tightUnmarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, dataIn, bs );");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + " info->" + setter + "( value );");
out.println(indent + "}");
else {
out.println(indent + "if( bs->readBoolean() ) {");
out.println(indent + " short size = dataIn->readShort();");
out.println(indent + " info->" + getter + "().reserve( size );");
out.println(indent + " for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {");
out.println(indent + " info->" + getter + "().push_back( Pointer<"+arrayType+">( dynamic_cast< " + arrayType + "* >(");
out.println(indent + " tightUnmarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, dataIn, bs ) ) ) );");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + "} else {");
out.println(indent + " info->" + getter + "().clear();");
out.println(indent + "}");
protected int generateTightMarshal1Body(PrintWriter out) {
int baseSize = 0;
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation("openwire:property");
JAnnotationValue version = annotation.getValue("version");
JAnnotationValue size = annotation.getValue("size");
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String type = propertyType.getSimpleName();
String getter = "info->" + property.getGetter().getSimpleName() + "()";
String indent = " ";
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if( wireVersion >= " + version.asInt() + " ) {");
if (type.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "bs->writeBoolean( " + getter + " );");
else if (type.equals("byte")) {
baseSize += 1;
else if (type.equals("char")) {
baseSize += 2;
else if (type.equals("short")) {
baseSize += 2;
else if (type.equals("int")) {
baseSize += 4;
else if (type.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalLong1( wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs );");
else if (type.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalString1( " + getter + ", bs );" );
else if (type.equals("byte[]") || type.equals("ByteSequence")) {
if (size == null) {
out.println(indent + "bs->writeBoolean( " + getter + ".size() != 0 );" );
out.println(indent + "rc += " + getter + ".size() == 0 ? 0 : (int)" + getter + ".size() + 4;");
else {
baseSize += size.asInt();
else if (propertyType.isArrayType()) {
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalObjectArrayConstSize1( wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs, " + size.asInt() + " );");
else {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalObjectArray1( wireFormat, " + getter + ", bs );");
else if (isThrowable(propertyType)) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalBrokerError1( wireFormat, " + getter + ".get(), bs );");
else {
if (isCachedProperty(property)) {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalCachedObject1( wireFormat, " + getter + ".get(), bs );");
else {
out.println(indent + "rc += tightMarshalNestedObject1( wireFormat, " + getter + ".get(), bs );");
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
out.println(" }");
return baseSize;
protected void generateTightMarshal2Body(PrintWriter out) {
int count = 0;
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation("openwire:property");
JAnnotationValue version = annotation.getValue("version");
JAnnotationValue size = annotation.getValue("size");
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String type = propertyType.getSimpleName();
String getter = "info->" + property.getGetter().getSimpleName() + "()";
String indent = " ";
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if( wireVersion >= " + version.asInt() + " ) {");
if (type.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "bs->readBoolean();");
else if (type.equals("byte")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( " + getter + " );");
else if (type.equals("char")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( " + getter + " );");
else if (type.equals("short")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->writeShort( " + getter + " );");
else if (type.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->writeInt( " + getter + " );");
else if (type.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalLong2( wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs );");
else if (type.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalString2( " + getter + ", dataOut, bs );");
else if (type.equals("byte[]") || type.equals("ByteSequence")) {
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( (const unsigned char*)(&" + getter + "[0]), " + size.asInt() + ", 0, " + size.asInt() + " );");
else {
out.println(indent + "if( bs->readBoolean() ) {");
out.println(indent + " dataOut->writeInt( (int)" + getter + ".size() );");
out.println(indent + " dataOut->write( (const unsigned char*)(&" + getter + "[0]), (int)" + getter + ".size(), 0, (int)" + getter + ".size() );");
out.println(indent + "}");
else if (propertyType.isArrayType()) {
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalObjectArrayConstSize2( wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs, " + size.asInt() + " );");
else {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalObjectArray2( wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, bs );");
} else if( isThrowable(propertyType) ) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalBrokerError2( wireFormat, " + getter + ".get(), dataOut, bs );");
} else {
if( isCachedProperty(property) ) {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalCachedObject2( wireFormat, "+getter+".get(), dataOut, bs );");
else {
out.println(indent + "tightMarshalNestedObject2( wireFormat, "+getter+".get(), dataOut, bs );");
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
out.println(" }");
// This section is for the loose wire format encoding generator
protected void generateLooseUnmarshalBody(PrintWriter out) {
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation("openwire:property");
JAnnotationValue version = annotation.getValue("version");
JAnnotationValue size = annotation.getValue("size");
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String propertyTypeName = propertyType.getSimpleName();
String indent = " ";
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if( wireVersion >= " + version.asInt() + " ) {");
if (propertyType.isArrayType() && !propertyTypeName.equals("byte[]")) {
generateLooseUnmarshalBodyForArrayProperty(out, property, size, indent);
} else {
generateLooseUnmarshalBodyForProperty(out, property, size, indent);
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
out.println(" }");
protected void generateLooseUnmarshalBodyForProperty(PrintWriter out, JProperty property, JAnnotationValue size, String indent) {
String type = property.getType().getSimpleName();
String nativeType = toCppType(property.getType());
String setter = property.getSetter().getSimpleName();
if (type.equals("boolean")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readBoolean() );");
else if (type.equals("byte")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readByte() );");
else if (type.equals("char")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readChar() );");
else if (type.equals("short")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readShort() );");
else if (type.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( dataIn->readInt() );");
else if (type.equals("long")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( looseUnmarshalLong( wireFormat, dataIn ) );");
else if (type.equals("String")) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( looseUnmarshalString( dataIn ) );");
else if (type.equals("byte[]") || type.equals("ByteSequence")) {
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( looseUnmarshalConstByteArray( dataIn, " + size.asInt() + " ) );");
else {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( looseUnmarshalByteArray( dataIn ) );");
else if (isThrowable(property.getType())) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( Pointer<"+nativeType+">( dynamic_cast< " + nativeType + "* >(");
out.println(indent + " looseUnmarshalBrokerError( wireFormat, dataIn ) ) ) );");
else if (isCachedProperty(property)) {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( Pointer<"+nativeType+">( dynamic_cast< " + nativeType + "* >( ");
out.println(indent + " looseUnmarshalCachedObject( wireFormat, dataIn ) ) ) );");
else {
out.println(indent + "info->" + setter + "( Pointer<"+nativeType+">( dynamic_cast< " + nativeType + "* >( ");
out.println(indent + " looseUnmarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, dataIn ) ) ) );");
protected void generateLooseUnmarshalBodyForArrayProperty(PrintWriter out, JProperty property, JAnnotationValue size, String indent) {
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String arrayType = propertyType.getArrayComponentType().getSimpleName();
String setter = property.getSetter().getSimpleName();
String getter = property.getGetter().getSimpleName();
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "{");
out.println(indent + " " + arrayType + "[] value = new " + arrayType + "[" + size.asInt() + "];");
out.println(indent + " for( int i=0; i < " + size.asInt() + "; i++ ) {");
out.println(indent + " value[i] = (" + arrayType + ") looseUnmarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, dataIn );");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + " info->" + setter + "( value );");
out.println(indent + "}");
else {
out.println(indent + "if( dataIn->readBoolean() ) {");
out.println(indent + " short size = dataIn->readShort();");
out.println(indent + " info->" + getter + "().reserve( size );");
out.println(indent + " for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {");
out.println(indent + " info->" + getter + "().push_back( Pointer<"+arrayType+">( dynamic_cast<" + arrayType + "* >(");
out.println(indent + " looseUnmarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, dataIn ) ) ) );");
out.println(indent + " }");
out.println(indent + "} else {");
out.println(indent + " info->" + getter + "().clear();");
out.println(indent + "}");
protected void generateLooseMarshalBody(PrintWriter out) {
for ( JProperty property : getProperties() ) {
JAnnotation annotation = property.getAnnotation("openwire:property");
JAnnotationValue version = annotation.getValue("version");
JAnnotationValue size = annotation.getValue("size");
JClass propertyType = property.getType();
String type = propertyType.getSimpleName();
String getter = "info->" + property.getGetter().getSimpleName() + "()";
String indent = " ";
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
indent = indent + " ";
out.println(" if( wireVersion >= " + version.asInt() + " ) {");
if( type.equals( "boolean" ) ) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->writeBoolean( " + getter + " );");
else if( type.equals("byte") ) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( " + getter + " );");
else if( type.equals("char") ) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( " + getter + " );");
else if( type.equals("short") ) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->writeShort( " + getter + " );");
else if( type.equals("int")) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->writeInt( " + getter + " );");
else if( type.equals("long") ) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalLong( wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut );");
else if( type.equals("String") ) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalString( " + getter + ", dataOut );");
else if( type.equals("byte[]") || type.equals("ByteSequence") ) {
if(size != null) {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( (const unsigned char*)(&" + getter + "[0]), " + size.asInt() + ", 0, " + size.asInt() + " );");
else {
out.println(indent + "dataOut->write( " + getter + ".size() != 0 );");
out.println(indent + "if( " + getter + ".size() != 0 ) {");
out.println(indent + " dataOut->writeInt( (int)" + getter + ".size() );");
out.println(indent + " dataOut->write( (const unsigned char*)(&" + getter + "[0]), (int)" + getter + ".size(), 0, (int)" + getter + ".size() );");
out.println(indent + "}");
else if( propertyType.isArrayType() ) {
if (size != null) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalObjectArrayConstSize( wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut, " + size.asInt() + " );");
else {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalObjectArray( wireFormat, " + getter + ", dataOut );");
else if( isThrowable( propertyType ) ) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalBrokerError( wireFormat, " + getter + ".get(), dataOut );");
else {
if( isCachedProperty( property ) ) {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalCachedObject( wireFormat, "+getter+".get(), dataOut );");
else {
out.println(indent + "looseMarshalNestedObject( wireFormat, "+getter+".get(), dataOut );");
if( version.asInt() > 1 ) {
out.println(" }");
protected void generateFile(PrintWriter out) throws Exception {
out.println("#include <activemq/wireformat/openwire/marshal/generated/"+className+".h>");
out.println("#include <activemq/commands/"+jclass.getSimpleName()+".h>");
out.println("#include <activemq/exceptions/ActiveMQException.h>");
out.println("#include <decaf/lang/Pointer.h>");
out.println("// NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!");
out.println("// if you need to make a change, please see the Java Classes in the");
out.println("// activemq-core module");
out.println("using namespace std;");
out.println("using namespace activemq;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::exceptions;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::commands;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire::utils;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated;");
out.println("using namespace decaf;");
out.println("using namespace decaf::io;");
out.println("using namespace decaf::lang;");
String typeName = jclass.getSimpleName().toUpperCase();
if( !isAbstractClass() ) {
out.println("DataStructure* "+className+"::createObject() const {");
out.println(" return new "+jclass.getSimpleName()+"();");
out.println("unsigned char "+className+"::getDataStructureType() const {");
out.println(" return "+jclass.getSimpleName()+"::ID_"+typeName+";");
out.println("void "+className+"::tightUnmarshal( OpenWireFormat* wireFormat, DataStructure* dataStructure, DataInputStream* dataIn, BooleanStream* bs ) {");
out.println(" try {");
out.println(" "+baseClass+"::tightUnmarshal( wireFormat, dataStructure, dataIn, bs );");
List<JProperty> properties = getProperties();
boolean marshallerAware = isMarshallerAware();
if( !properties.isEmpty() || marshallerAware ) {
String properClassName = getProperClassName( jclass.getSimpleName() );
out.println(" "+properClassName+"* info =");
out.println(" dynamic_cast<"+properClassName+"*>( dataStructure );");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->beforeUnmarshal( wireFormat );");
if( checkNeedsWireFormatVersion() ) {
out.println(" int wireVersion = wireFormat->getVersion();");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->afterUnmarshal( wireFormat );");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_RETHROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( exceptions::ActiveMQException, decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCHALL_THROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println("int "+className+"::tightMarshal1( OpenWireFormat* wireFormat, DataStructure* dataStructure, BooleanStream* bs ) {");
out.println(" try {");
if( checkNeedsInfoPointerTM1() ) {
String properClassName = getProperClassName( jclass.getSimpleName() );
out.println(" "+properClassName+"* info =");
out.println(" dynamic_cast<"+properClassName+"*>( dataStructure );");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->beforeMarshal( wireFormat );");
out.println(" int rc = "+baseClass+"::tightMarshal1( wireFormat, dataStructure, bs );");
if( checkNeedsWireFormatVersion() ) {
out.println(" int wireVersion = wireFormat->getVersion();");
int baseSize = generateTightMarshal1Body(out);
out.println(" return rc + "+baseSize+";");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_RETHROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( exceptions::ActiveMQException, decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCHALL_THROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println("void "+className+"::tightMarshal2( OpenWireFormat* wireFormat, DataStructure* dataStructure, DataOutputStream* dataOut, BooleanStream* bs ) {");
out.println(" try {");
out.println(" "+baseClass+"::tightMarshal2( wireFormat, dataStructure, dataOut, bs );");
if( checkNeedsInfoPointerTM2() ) {
String properClassName = getProperClassName( jclass.getSimpleName() );
out.println(" "+properClassName+"* info =");
out.println(" dynamic_cast<"+properClassName+"*>( dataStructure );");
if( checkNeedsWireFormatVersion() ) {
out.println(" int wireVersion = wireFormat->getVersion();");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->afterMarshal( wireFormat );");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_RETHROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( exceptions::ActiveMQException, decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCHALL_THROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println("void "+className+"::looseUnmarshal( OpenWireFormat* wireFormat, DataStructure* dataStructure, DataInputStream* dataIn ) {");
out.println(" try {");
out.println(" "+baseClass+"::looseUnmarshal( wireFormat, dataStructure, dataIn );");
if( !properties.isEmpty() || marshallerAware ) {
String properClassName = getProperClassName( jclass.getSimpleName() );
out.println(" "+properClassName+"* info =");
out.println(" dynamic_cast<"+properClassName+"*>( dataStructure );");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->beforeUnmarshal( wireFormat );");
if( checkNeedsWireFormatVersion() ) {
out.println(" int wireVersion = wireFormat->getVersion();");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->afterUnmarshal( wireFormat );");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_RETHROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( exceptions::ActiveMQException, decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCHALL_THROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println("void "+className+"::looseMarshal( OpenWireFormat* wireFormat, DataStructure* dataStructure, DataOutputStream* dataOut ) {");
out.println(" try {");
if( !properties.isEmpty() || marshallerAware ) {
String properClassName = getProperClassName( jclass.getSimpleName() );
out.println(" "+properClassName+"* info =");
out.println(" dynamic_cast<"+properClassName+"*>( dataStructure );");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->beforeMarshal( wireFormat );");
out.println(" "+baseClass+"::looseMarshal( wireFormat, dataStructure, dataOut );");
if( checkNeedsWireFormatVersion() ) {
out.println(" int wireVersion = wireFormat->getVersion();");
if( marshallerAware ) {
out.println(" info->afterMarshal( wireFormat );");
out.println(" }");
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_RETHROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCH_EXCEPTION_CONVERT( exceptions::ActiveMQException, decaf::io::IOException )" );
out.println(" AMQ_CATCHALL_THROW( decaf::io::IOException )" );
public void generateFactory(PrintWriter out) {
out.println("#include <activemq/wireformat/openwire/marshal/generated/MarshallerFactory.h>");
List<JClass> list = new ArrayList<JClass>(getConcreteClasses());
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<JClass>(){
public int compare(JClass c1, JClass c2) {
return c1.getSimpleName().compareTo(c2.getSimpleName());
for ( JClass jclass : list ) {
out.println("#include <activemq/wireformat/openwire/marshal/generated/"+jclass.getSimpleName()+"Marshaller.h>");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * Command and marshaling code for OpenWire format for MarshallerFactory");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" * NOTE!: This file is autogenerated - do not modify!");
out.println(" * if you need to make a change, please see the Java Classes");
out.println(" * in the activemq-openwire-generator module");
out.println(" *");
out.println(" */");
out.println("using namespace activemq;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal;");
out.println("using namespace activemq::wireformat::openwire::marshal::generated;");
out.println("void MarshallerFactory::configure( OpenWireFormat* format ) {");
for ( JClass jclass : list ) {
out.println(" format->addMarshaller( new "+jclass.getSimpleName()+"Marshaller() );");