blob: d70eeb69026c4c0b5970731e687b6e32be447745 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include "Random.h"
#include <activemq/util/Date.h>
using namespace activemq;
using namespace activemq::util;
unsigned long long Random::multiplier = 0x5deece66dLL;
Random::Random() {
Random::Random( unsigned long long seed ) {
bool Random::nextBoolean() {
return next(1) != 0;
void Random::nextBytes( std::vector<unsigned char>& buf ) {
int rand = 0;
std::size_t count = 0, loop = 0;
while (count < buf.size()) {
if (loop == 0) {
rand = nextInt();
loop = 3;
} else {
buf[count++] = (unsigned char) rand;
rand >>= 8;
double Random::nextDouble() {
// was: return ((((long long) next(26) << 27) + next(27)) / (double) (1L << 53));
long long divisor = 1LL;
divisor <<= 31;
divisor <<= 22;
return ((((long long) next(26) << 27) + next(27)) / (double) divisor);
float Random::nextFloat() {
return (next(24) / 16777216.0f);
double Random::nextGaussian() {
if (haveNextNextGaussian) {
// if X1 has been returned, return the second Gaussian
haveNextNextGaussian = false;
return nextNextGaussian;
double v1, v2, s;
do {
// Generates two independent random variables U1, U2
v1 = 2 * nextDouble() - 1;
v2 = 2 * nextDouble() - 1;
s = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;
} while (s >= 1);
double norm = std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(s) / s);
// should that not be norm instead of multiplier ?
nextNextGaussian = v2 * norm;
haveNextNextGaussian = true;
// should that not be norm instead of multiplier ?
return v1 * norm;
int Random::nextInt() {
return next(32);
int Random::nextInt( int n ) throw( exceptions::IllegalArgumentException ) {
if (n > 0) {
if ((n & -n) == n) {
return (int) ((n * (long long) next(31)) >> 31);
int bits, val;
do {
bits = next(31);
val = bits % n;
} while (bits - val + (n - 1) < 0);
return val;
throw exceptions::IllegalArgumentException();
long long Random::nextLong() {
return ((long long) next(32) << 32) + next(32);
void Random::setSeed( unsigned long long seed ) {
// was this->seed = (seed ^ multiplier) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
unsigned long long mask = 1ULL;
mask <<= 31;
mask <<= 17;
this->seed = (seed ^ multiplier) & (mask - 1);
haveNextNextGaussian = false;
int Random::next( int bits ) {
// was: seed = (seed * multiplier + 0xbL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
long long mask = 1L;
mask <<= 31;
mask <<= 17;
seed = (seed * multiplier + 0xbL) & (mask - 1);
// was: return (int) (seed >>> (48 - bits));
return (int) (seed >> (48 - bits));