blob: 08f38d409606154da7b5a24c91ec82dd2dafda11 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <activemq/util/Properties.h>
#include <activemq/concurrent/Mutex.h>
namespace activemq{
namespace logger{
class Logger;
class PropertyChangeListener;
* There is a single global LogManager object that is used to maintain
* a set of shared state about Loggers and log services.
* This LogManager object:
* * Manages a hierarchical namespace of Logger objects. All named
* Loggers are stored in this namespace.
* * Manages a set of logging control properties. These are simple
* key-value pairs that can be used by Handlers and other logging
* objects to configure themselves.
* The global LogManager object can be retrieved using
* LogManager.getLogManager(). The LogManager object is created during
* class initialization and cannot subsequently be changed.
* ***TODO****
* By default, the LogManager reads its initial configuration from a
* properties file "lib/" in the JRE directory. If
* you edit that property file you can change the default logging
* configuration for all uses of that JRE.
* In addition, the LogManager uses two optional system properties that
* allow more control over reading the initial configuration:
* * "decaf.logger.config.class"
* * "decaf.logger.config.file"
* These two properties may be set via the Preferences API, or as
* command line property definitions to the "java" command, or as
* system property definitions passed to JNI_CreateJavaVM.
* If the "java.util.logging.config.class" property is set, then the
* property value is treated as a class name. The given class will be
* loaded, an object will be instantiated, and that object's constructor
* is responsible for reading in the initial configuration. (That object
* may use other system properties to control its configuration.) The
* alternate configuration class can use readConfiguration(InputStream)
* to define properties in the LogManager.
* If "java.util.logging.config.class" property is not set, then the
* "java.util.logging.config.file" system property can be used to specify
* a properties file (in java.util.Properties format). The initial
* logging configuration will be read from this file.
* If neither of these properties is defined then, as described above,
* the LogManager will read its initial configuration from a properties
* file "lib/" in the JRE directory.
* The properties for loggers and Handlers will have names starting with
* the dot-separated name for the handler or logger.
* ***TODO****
* The global logging properties may include:
* * A property "handlers". This defines a whitespace separated
* list of class names for handler classes to load and register as
* handlers on the root Logger (the Logger named ""). Each class
* name must be for a Handler class which has a default constructor.
* Note that these Handlers may be created lazily, when they are
* first used.
* * A property "<logger>.handlers". This defines a whitespace or
* comma separated list of class names for handlers classes to load
* and register as handlers to the specified logger. Each class name
* must be for a Handler class which has a default constructor. Note
* that these Handlers may be created lazily, when they are first
* used.
* * A property "<logger>.useParentHandlers". This defines a boolean
* value. By default every logger calls its parent in addition to
* handling the logging message itself, this often result in
* messages being handled by the root logger as well. When setting
* this property to false a Handler needs to be configured for this
* logger otherwise no logging messages are delivered.
* * A property "config". This property is intended to allow arbitrary
* configuration code to be run. The property defines a whitespace
* separated list of class names. A new instance will be created for
* each named class. The default constructor of each class may
* execute arbitrary code to update the logging configuration, such
* as setting logger levels, adding handlers, adding filters, etc.
* Loggers are organized into a naming hierarchy based on their dot
* separated names. Thus "a.b.c" is a child of "a.b", but "a.b1" and
* a.b2" are peers.
* All properties whose names end with ".level" are assumed to define
* log levels for Loggers. Thus "foo.level" defines a log level for
* the logger called "foo" and (recursively) for any of its children
* in the naming hierarchy. Log Levels are applied in the order they
* are defined in the properties file. Thus level settings for child
* nodes in the tree should come after settings for their parents. The
* property name ".level" can be used to set the level for the root of
* the tree.
* All methods on the LogManager object are multi-thread safe.
class LogManager {
// Change listener on this class's Properties
std::list<PropertyChangeListener*> listeners;
// Properties of the Log Manager
util::Properties properties;
virtual ~LogManager();
* Sets the Properties this LogManager should use to configure
* its loggers. Once set a properties change event is fired.
* @param properties Pointer to read the configuration from
virtual void setProperties( const util::Properties* properties );
* Gets a reference to the Logging Properties used by this
* logger.
* @returns The Logger Properties Pointer
virtual const util::Properties& getProperties() const {
return properties;
* Gets the value of a named property of this LogManager
* @param name of the Property to retrieve
* @return the value of the property
virtual std::string getProperty( const std::string& name ) {
return properties.getProperty( name );
* Adds a change listener for LogManager Properties, adding the same
* instance of a change event listener does nothing.
* @param listener a PropertyChangeListener
virtual void addPropertyChangeListener(
PropertyChangeListener* listener );
* Removes a properties change listener from the LogManager.
* @param listener a PropertyChangeListener
virtual void removePropertyChangeListener(
PropertyChangeListener* listener );
* Retrieves or creates a new Logger using the name specified
* a new logger inherits the configuration of the logger's
* parent if there is no configuration data for the logger.
* @param name The name of the Logger.
virtual Logger* getLogger( const std::string& name );
* Gets a list of known Logger Names from this Manager
* @param names STL Vector to hold string logger names
* @return names count of how many loggers were inserted
virtual int getLoggerNames( const std::vector<std::string>& names );
public: // Static Singleton Methods.
* Get the singleton instance
* @return Pointer to an instance of the Log Manager
static LogManager* getInstance();
* Returns a Checked out instance of this Manager
static void returnInstance();
* Forcefully Delete the Instance of this LogManager
* even if there are outstanding references.
static void destroy();
* Constructor, hidden to protect against direct instantiation
LogManager() {}
* Copy Constructo
* @param manager the Manager to copy
LogManager( const LogManager& manager );
* Assignment operator
* @param manager the manager to assign from
void operator=( const LogManager& manager );
// Static mutex to protect the singleton methods
static concurrent::Mutex mutex;
// Static pointer to the one and only instance.
static LogManager* instance;
// Static counter for number of outstanding references
static unsigned int refCount;