blob: 561c95e379797e53859322b1604cbb8c87d26c1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <cms/Message.h>
#include <cms/CMSException.h>
#include <activemq/concurrent/Mutex.h>
#include <activemq/connector/TransactionInfo.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/InvalidStateException.h>
#include <activemq/exceptions/IllegalArgumentException.h>
#include <activemq/util/Properties.h>
namespace activemq{
namespace core{
class ActiveMQConnection;
class ActiveMQSession;
class ActiveMQMessage;
class ActiveMQConsumer;
* Transaction Management class, hold messages that are to be redelivered
* upon a request to rollback. The Tranasction represents an always
* running transaction, when it is committed or rolled back it silently
* creates a new transaction for the next set of messages. The only
* way to permanently end this tranaction is to delete it.
* Configuration options
* transaction.maxRedeliveryCount
* Max number of times a message can be redelivered, if the session is
* rolled back more than this many time, the message is dropped.
class ActiveMQTransaction : public connector::TransactionInfo
// List type for holding messages
typedef std::list< ActiveMQMessage* > MessageList;
// Mapping of MessageListener Ids to Lists of Messages that are
// redelivered on a Rollback
typedef std::map< ActiveMQConsumer*, MessageList > RollbackMap;
// Connection this Transaction is associated with
ActiveMQConnection* connection;
// Session this Transaction is associated with
ActiveMQSession* session;
// Transaction Info for the current Transaction
connector::TransactionInfo* transactionInfo;
// Map of ActiveMQMessageConsumer to Messages to Rollback
RollbackMap rollbackMap;
// Lock object to protect the rollback Map
concurrent::Mutex rollbackLock;
// Max number of redeliveries before we quit
int maxRedeliveries;
// Mutex that is signaled when all tasks complete.
concurrent::Mutex tasksDone;
* Constructor
* @param connection - Connection to the Broker
* @param session - the session that contains this transaction
* @param properties - configuratoin parameters for this object
ActiveMQTransaction( ActiveMQConnection* connection,
ActiveMQSession* session,
const util::Properties& properties );
virtual ~ActiveMQTransaction();
* Adds the Message as a part of the Transaction for the specified
* ActiveMQConsumer.
* @param message - Message to Transact
* @param consumer - Listener to redeliver to on Rollback
virtual void addToTransaction( ActiveMQMessage* message,
ActiveMQConsumer* consumer );
* Removes the ActiveMQConsumer and all of its transacted
* messages from the Transaction, this is usually only done when
* an ActiveMQConsumer is destroyed.
* @param listener - consumer who is to be removed.
virtual void removeFromTransaction( ActiveMQConsumer* listener );
* Removes the ActiveMQConsumer and all of its transacted
* messages from the Transaction, this is usually only done when
* an ActiveMQConsumer is destroyed.
* @param listener - consumer who is to be removed.
virtual void removeFromTransaction( long long consumerId );
* Commit the current Transaction
* @throw CMSException
virtual void commit() throw ( exceptions::ActiveMQException );
* Rollback the current Transaction
* @throw CMSException
virtual void rollback() throw ( exceptions::ActiveMQException );
* Get the Transaction Information object for the current
* Transaction, returns NULL if no transaction is running
* @return TransactionInfo
virtual connector::TransactionInfo* getTransactionInfo(void) const {
return transactionInfo;
public: // TransactionInfo Interface
* Gets the Transction Id
* @return integral value of Id
virtual long long getTransactionId() const {
return transactionInfo->getTransactionId();
* Sets the Transction Id
* @param id - integral value of Id
virtual void setTransactionId( long long id ) {
transactionInfo->setTransactionId( id );
* Gets the Session Info that this transaction is attached too
* @return SessionnInfo pointer
virtual const connector::SessionInfo* getSessionInfo(void) const {
return transactionInfo->getSessionInfo();
* Gets the Session Info that this transaction is attached too
* @param session - SessionnInfo pointer
virtual void setSessionInfo( const connector::SessionInfo* session ) {
transactionInfo->setSessionInfo( session );
* Clean out all Messages from the Rollback Map, deleting the
* messages as it goes. Destroys the Transaction Info object as
* well.
* @throw ActiveMQException
virtual void clearTransaction();
* Redelivers each message that is in the Message List to the specified
* consumer, throwing messages away as they hit their max redilviery
* count.
* @param consumer - the ActiveMQConsumer to redeliver to
* @param messages - the list of messages that should be sent.
* @throws ActiveMQException if an error occurs.
virtual void redeliverMessages( ActiveMQConsumer* consumer,
MessageList& messages )
throw ( exceptions::ActiveMQException );