blob: f5ffe0508cb0732392eb1a69bd1fe48d2f292e79 [file] [log] [blame]
## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under the terms of ASLv2 (
## Place your specific settings here.
## Default settings are in ext/*.bnd and they will be overridden by anything
## you specify in this file.
## Properties from ext/*.bnd can be referenced in order to extend them.
## For example, to add one addtional plugin to the list defined in ext/repositories.bnd:
# -plugin: ${ext.repositories.-plugin}, org.example.MyPlugin
## If you use git, you might want to uncomment the following lines:
# Git-Descriptor: ${system-allow-fail;git describe --dirty --always}
# Git-SHA: ${system-allow-fail;git rev-list -1 HEAD}