| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under the terms of ASLv2 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). |
| |
| -buildpath: \ |
| ${^-buildpath},\ |
| junit.osgi,\ |
| osgi.core;version=6.0.0,\ |
| osgi.cmpn,\ |
| org.mockito.mockito-all,\ |
| org.apache.ace.test;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.range.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.repository.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.felix.http.api,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dependencymanager |
| |
| -runfw: org.apache.felix.framework;version='[5,6)' |
| -runbundles: \ |
| osgi.cmpn,\ |
| org.apache.felix.log,\ |
| org.apache.felix.dependencymanager,\ |
| org.apache.felix.configadmin,\ |
| org.apache.felix.prefs,\ |
| org.apache.felix.http.servlet-api,\ |
| org.apache.felix.http.jetty,\ |
| org.apache.felix.useradmin,\ |
| org.apache.ace.deployment.provider.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.authentication.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.connectionfactory;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.test;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.range.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.repository.api;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.repository.impl;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.repository.servlets;version=latest,\ |
| org.apache.ace.useradmin.repository,\ |
| org.apache.ace.http.context;version=latest |
| -runvm: -ea |
| -runee: JavaSE-1.7 |
| -runsystempackages: sun.reflect |
| -runproperties: ${itestrunprops} |
| -baseline: |
| |
| Test-Cases: ${classes;CONCRETE;EXTENDS;org.apache.ace.it.IntegrationTestBase} |
| |
| Private-Package: org.apache.ace.it.useradmin |
| |
| Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 |
| Bundle-Name: Apache ACE Repository itest |
| Bundle-Description: Integration test bundle for Apache ACE Repository backed UserAdmin |
| Bundle-Category: itest |