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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.ace.client.workspace;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.Association;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.ObjectRepository;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.RepositoryObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.helper.ArtifactHelper;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Artifact2FeatureAssociation;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.ArtifactObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Distribution2TargetAssociation;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.DistributionObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Feature2DistributionAssociation;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.FeatureObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject;
import org.osgi.service.useradmin.User;
* Workspace represents the modifiable client-side state of an ACE repository. It facilitates a workflow whereby a
* repository can be checked out, queried, modified and committed back to the server.
* <p>
* Workspace has a generic API based on RepositoryObjects and their associations, as well as a more specific one dealing
* with resource processors, artifacts, features, distributions and targets. The latter is mostly intended for
* scripting, hence the shorthand notation of its method names:
* <p>
* Command syntax, first character is the "operation", then the "entity type" or "association". Note: not all
* combinations exist.<br>
* Operations: [c]reate, [l]ist, [d]elete, [u]pdate<br>
* Entities: [a]rtifact, [f]eature, [d]istribution, [t]arget<br>
* Associations: [a2f], [f2d], [d2t]<br>
* <p>
* Workspace objects are most commonly obtained from a WorkspaceManager acting on behalf of the client.
* @see ObjectRepository
* @see WorkspaceManager
public interface Workspace {
static final String ARTIFACT = "artifact";
static final String ARTIFACT2FEATURE = "artifact2feature";
static final String FEATURE = "feature";
static final String FEATURE2DISTRIBUTION = "feature2distribution";
static final String DISTRIBUTION = "distribution";
static final String DISTRIBUTION2TARGET = "distribution2target";
static final String TARGET = "target";
* @return the session ID of this workspace, never <code>null</code>.
public String getSessionID();
* Login to the repository as the specified User.
* Note that if the login was not successful (as indicated by the return value of this method), modifying the state
* of the Workspace and then committing it may not work as intended.
* @param user
* the user
* @return true if the login was successful, false otherwise
public boolean login(User user);
* Checkout the latest the state of the repository into this Workspace.
* @throws IOException
* in case of I/O problems.
public void checkout() throws IOException;
* Commit the current state of this Workspace to the repository.
* @throws IOException
* in case of I/O problems.
public void commit() throws IOException;
* Logout from the repository.
* Only has any effect if there was a successful login earlier.
* @throws IOException
* in case of I/O problems.
public void logout() throws IOException;
* Create a new RepositoryObject with the specified characteristics.
* @param entityType
* the type of the RepositoryObject
* @param attributes
* the attributes of the RepositoryObject
* @param tags
* the tags of the RepositoryObject
* @return a new RepositoryObject with the specified characteristics
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* when the ObjectRepository this Workspace represents would throw this same exception
public RepositoryObject createRepositoryObject(String entityType, Map<String, String> attributes,
Map<String, String> tags) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* @param entityType
* the type of the RepositoryObject
* @param entityId
* the identifier of the RepositoryObject
* @return the RepositoryObject for the specified type and identifier
public RepositoryObject getRepositoryObject(String entityType, String entityId);
* @param entityType
* the type of RepositoryObjects to get
* @return all RepositoryObjects of the specified type. Might be empty, will not be <code>null</code>
public List<RepositoryObject> getRepositoryObjects(String entityType);
* Update the RepositoryObject for the specified type and identifier with the specified attributes and tags.
* The result of this call is that the specified RepositoryObject has only the specified attributes and tags.
* @param entityType
* the type of the RepositoryObject
* @param entityId
* the identifier of the RepositoryObject
* @param attributes
* the attributes of the RepositoryObject
* @param tags
* the tags of the RepositoryObject
public void updateRepositoryObject(String entityType, String entityId, Map<String, String> attributes,
Map<String, String> tags);
* Create an association of the specified between a left-hand side object and a right-hand side object with the
* specified cardinalities.
* @param entityType
* the association type
* @param leftEntityId
* the identifier of the left-hand side object
* @param rightEntityId
* the identifier of the right-hand side object
* @param leftCardinality
* the cardinality of the left-hand side
* @param rightCardinality
* the cardinality of the right-hand side
public Association<? extends RepositoryObject, ? extends RepositoryObject> createAssocation(String entityType, String leftEntityId, String rightEntityId, String leftCardinality, String rightCardinality);
* Get the RepositoryObject that represents the left-hand side of the specified association.
* For example, in an association linking an Artifact to a Feature, a Feature object would be the right-hand side
* @param entityType
* the association type
* @param entityId
* the object identifier (note: not the association identifier)
* @return the left-hand side of the specified association, or null if no such object could be found
public RepositoryObject getLeft(String entityType, String entityId);
* Get the RepositoryObject that represents the right-hand side of the specified association.
* For example, in an association linking an Artifact to a Feature, a Feature object would be the right-hand side
* @param entityType
* the association type
* @param entityId
* the object identifier (note: not the association identifier)
* @return the right-hand side of the specified association, or null if no such object could be found
public RepositoryObject getRight(String entityType, String entityId);
* Remove the RepositoryObject with the specified type and identifier.
* @param entityType
* the object type
* @param entityId
* the object indentifier
public void deleteRepositoryObject(String entityType, String entityId);
/*** resource processors ***/
public List<ArtifactObject> lrp();
public List<ArtifactObject> lrp(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** artifact ***/
public List<ArtifactObject> la();
public List<ArtifactObject> la(String filter) throws Exception;
* Creates and optionally uploads an artifact from a given URL.
* <p>
* This method uses, in contrast to the other "ca" methods, all known {@link ArtifactHelper}s to import the given
* artifact and therefore will fail in case you try to upload an unrecognized artifact.
* </p>
* @param url
* the URL of the artifact to import & create;
* @param upload
* <code>true</code> if the artifact should be uploaded to the OBR, <code>false</code> if it is already
* in the OBR.
* @throws Exception
public ArtifactObject ca(String url, boolean upload) throws Exception;
* Creates a new bundle artifact.
* @param name
* the name of the bundle artifact;
* @param url
* the URL of the bundle artifact;
* @param bsn
* the BSN of the bundle artifact;
* @param version
* the version of the bundle artifact.
public ArtifactObject ca(String name, String url, String bsn, String version);
* Creates a new bundle artifact.
* @param attrs
* the attributes of the to-be-created artifact;
public ArtifactObject ca(Map<String, String> attrs);
* Creates a new artifact.
* @param attrs
* the attributes of the to-be-created artifact;
* @param tags
* the tags of the to-be-created artifact.
public ArtifactObject ca(Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> tags);
public void da(ArtifactObject repositoryObject);
public void da(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** artifact to feature association ***/
public List<Artifact2FeatureAssociation> la2f();
public List<Artifact2FeatureAssociation> la2f(String filter) throws Exception;
public Artifact2FeatureAssociation ca2f(String left, String right);
public Artifact2FeatureAssociation ca2f(String left, String right, String leftCardinality, String rightCardinalty);
public void da2f(Artifact2FeatureAssociation repositoryObject);
public void da2f(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** feature ***/
public List<FeatureObject> lf();
public List<FeatureObject> lf(String filter) throws Exception;
public FeatureObject cf(String name);
public FeatureObject cf(Map<String, String> attrs);
public FeatureObject cf(Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> tags);
public void df(FeatureObject repositoryObject);
public void df(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** feature to distribution association ***/
public List<Feature2DistributionAssociation> lf2d();
public List<Feature2DistributionAssociation> lf2d(String filter) throws Exception;
public Feature2DistributionAssociation cf2d(String left, String right);
public Feature2DistributionAssociation cf2d(String left, String right, String leftCardinality, String rightCardinalty);
public void df2d(Feature2DistributionAssociation repositoryObject);
public void df2d(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** distribution ***/
public List<DistributionObject> ld();
public List<DistributionObject> ld(String filter) throws Exception;
public DistributionObject cd(String name);
public DistributionObject cd(Map<String, String> attrs);
public DistributionObject cd(Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> tags);
public void dd(DistributionObject repositoryObject);
public void dd(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** distribution to target association ***/
public List<Distribution2TargetAssociation> ld2t();
public List<Distribution2TargetAssociation> ld2t(String filter) throws Exception;
public Distribution2TargetAssociation cd2t(String left, String right);
public Distribution2TargetAssociation cd2t(String left, String right, String leftCardinality, String rightCardinalty);
public void dd2t(Distribution2TargetAssociation repositoryObject);
public void dd2t(String filter) throws Exception;
/*** target ***/
public List<StatefulTargetObject> lt();
public List<StatefulTargetObject> lt(String filter) throws Exception;
public StatefulTargetObject ct(String name);
public StatefulTargetObject ct(Map<String, String> attrs);
public StatefulTargetObject ct(Map<String, String> attrs, Map<String, String> tags);
public void dt(StatefulTargetObject repositoryObject);
public void dt(String filter) throws Exception;
* Approves a given stateful target object.
* @param targetObject
* the target object to approve, cannot be <code>null</code>.
* @return the approved stateful target object, cannot be <code>null</code>.
public StatefulTargetObject approveTarget(StatefulTargetObject targetObject);
* Registers a given stateful target object.
* @param targetObject
* the target object to register, cannot be <code>null</code>.
* @return the registered stateful target object, can be <code>null</code> only if the given target object is
* already registered.
public StatefulTargetObject registerTarget(StatefulTargetObject targetObject);
/*** other/generic ***/
public Association<? extends RepositoryObject, ? extends RepositoryObject> cas(String entityType, String leftEntityId, String rightEntityId, String leftCardinality, String rightCardinality);
public boolean isModified() throws IOException;
public boolean isCurrent() throws IOException;
/*** deployment package ***/
* Imports a deployment package from a given URL and commits all changes to the workspace.
* @param dpURL
* the URL to the deployment package to import.
* @see #idp(String, boolean)
public void idp(String dpURL) throws Exception;
* Imports a deployment package from a given URL.
* @param dpURL
* the URL to the deployment package to import;
* @param autoCommit
* <code>true</code> if changes to the workspace should be committed automatically, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
public void idp(String dpURL, boolean autoCommit) throws Exception;