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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.KEY_ID;
import static org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.KEY_REGISTRATION_STATE;
import static org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED;
import static org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_REMOVED;
import static org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED;
import static org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.UNKNOWN_VERSION;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.RepositoryAdminLoginContext;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.helper.bundle.BundleHelper;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Artifact2FeatureAssociation;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.ArtifactObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.DeploymentArtifact;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.DeploymentVersionObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.Distribution2TargetAssociation;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.DistributionObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.FeatureObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.TargetObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.ProvisioningState;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.RegistrationState;
import org.apache.ace.client.repository.stateful.StatefulTargetObject.StoreState;
import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException;
import org.osgi.service.useradmin.User;
* Provides test cases for the stateful target repository.
public class StatefulTargetRepositoryTest extends BaseRepositoryAdminTest {
public void testStatefulApprove() throws Exception {
final String targetId = "myNewTarget2";
final Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, targetId);
final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
final StatefulTargetObject sgo = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<StatefulTargetObject>() {
public StatefulTargetObject call() throws Exception {
return m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);
assertTrue("Without any deployment versions, and no information in the shop, we should not need to approve.", !sgo.needsApprove());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Registered;", RegistrationState.Registered, sgo.getRegistrationState());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be New;", StoreState.New, sgo.getStoreState());
assertEquals(UNKNOWN_VERSION, sgo.getCurrentVersion());
final ArtifactObject b11 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle1", "1", null);
FeatureObject g1 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature1");
FeatureObject g2 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature2"); // note that this feature is not associated to a
// bundle.
createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(b11, g1);
final DistributionObject l1 = createBasicDistributionObject("distribution1");
m_feature2distributionRepository.create(g1, l1);
m_feature2distributionRepository.create(g2, l1);
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Distribution2TargetAssociation>() {
public Distribution2TargetAssociation call() throws Exception {
return m_distribution2targetRepository.create(l1, sgo.getTargetObject());
}, false, Distribution2TargetAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertTrue("We added information that influences our target, so we should need to approve it.", sgo.needsApprove());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Registered;", RegistrationState.Registered, sgo.getRegistrationState());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Unapproved;", StoreState.Unapproved, sgo.getStoreState());
assertEquals("According to the shop, this target needs 1 bundle", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromShop().length);
assertEquals("According to the deployment, this target needs 0 bundles", 0, sgo.getArtifactsFromDeployment().length);
assertEquals(UNKNOWN_VERSION, sgo.getCurrentVersion());
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
createBasicDeploymentVersionObject(targetId, "1", b11);
return null;
}, false, DeploymentVersionObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertFalse("We manually created a deployment version that reflects the shop, so no approval should be necessary.", sgo.needsApprove());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Registered;", RegistrationState.Registered, sgo.getRegistrationState());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Approved;", StoreState.Approved, sgo.getStoreState());
assertEquals("According to the shop, this target needs 1 bundle;", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromShop().length);
assertEquals("According to the deployment, this target needs 1 bundle;", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromDeployment().length);
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<ArtifactObject>() {
public ArtifactObject call() throws Exception {
return createBasicBundleObject("bundle1", "2", null);
}, false, ArtifactObject.TOPIC_ADDED, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_CHANGED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertTrue("We added a new version of a bundle that is used by the target, so approval should be necessary.", sgo.needsApprove());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Registered;", RegistrationState.Registered, sgo.getRegistrationState());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Unapproved;", StoreState.Unapproved, sgo.getStoreState());
assertEquals("According to the shop, this target needs 1 bundle", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromShop().length);
assertEquals("The shop should tell use we need bundle URL 'bundle1-2';", "http://bundle1-2", sgo.getArtifactsFromShop()[0].getURL());
assertEquals("According to the deployment, this target needs 1 bundle", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromDeployment().length);
assertEquals("The deployment should tell use we need bundle URL 'bundle1-1';", "http://bundle1-1", sgo.getArtifactsFromDeployment()[0].getUrl());
assertEquals("1", sgo.getCurrentVersion());
String newVersion = sgo.approve();
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, DeploymentVersionObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertFalse("Immediately after approval, no approval is necessary.", sgo.needsApprove());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Registered;", RegistrationState.Registered, sgo.getRegistrationState());
assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Approved;", StoreState.Approved, sgo.getStoreState());
assertEquals("According to the shop, this target needs 1 bundle", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromShop().length);
assertEquals("The shop should tell use we need bundle URL 'bundle1-2';", "http://bundle1-2", sgo.getArtifactsFromShop()[0].getURL());
assertEquals("According to the deployment, this target needs 1 bundle", 1, sgo.getArtifactsFromDeployment().length);
assertEquals("The deployment should tell use we need bundle URL 'bundle1-2';", "http://bundle1-2", sgo.getArtifactsFromDeployment()[0].getUrl());
assertEquals("We expect two deployment versions;", 2, m_deploymentVersionRepository.get().size());
assertEquals(newVersion, sgo.getCurrentVersion());
// clean up this object ourselves; we cannot rely on cleanUp() in this case.
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_REMOVED, TOPIC_REMOVED);
StatefulTargetObject target = findStatefulTarget(targetId);
assertNull("Target should be removed?!", target);
public void testStatefulAuditAndRegister() throws Exception {
// preregister target
final Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, "myNewTarget3");
final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
final StatefulTargetObject sgo1 = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<StatefulTargetObject>() {
public StatefulTargetObject call() throws Exception {
return m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);
// do checks
assertTrue("We just preregistered a target, so it should be registered.", sgo1.isRegistered());
// add auditlog data
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
events.add(new Event("myNewTarget3", 1, 1, 1, AuditEvent.FRAMEWORK_STARTED));
// add an (old) set of target properties
Map<String, String> props2 = new HashMap<>();
props2.put("mykey", "myoldvalue");
props2.put("myoldkey", "myoldvalue");
events.add(new Event("myNewTarget3", 1, 2, 2, AuditEvent.TARGETPROPERTIES_SET, props2));
// add a new set of target properties
Map<String, String> props3 = new HashMap<>();
props3.put("mykey", "myvalue");
events.add(new Event("myNewTarget3", 1, 3, 3, AuditEvent.TARGETPROPERTIES_SET, props3));
// do checks
TargetObject to = sgo1.getTargetObject();
assertNotNull("Stateful target should be backed by a target object.", to);
assertEquals("Target should have a property mykey with value myvalue.", "myvalue", to.getTag("target.mykey"));
assertNull("This old key should no longer have been associated with this target.", to.getTag("target.myoldkey"));
assertTrue("Adding auditlog data for a target does not influence its isRegistered().", sgo1.isRegistered());
// add auditlog data for other target
events = new ArrayList<>();
events.add(new Event("myNewTarget4", 1, 1, 1, AuditEvent.FRAMEWORK_STARTED));
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return false;
}, false, TOPIC_ADDED);
final StatefulTargetObject sgo2 = findStatefulTarget("myNewTarget4");
// do checks
assertTrue("Adding auditlog data for a target does not influence its isRegistered().", sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
assertTrue("We should be able to get sgo1's targetObject.", false);
assertTrue("sgo2 is only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be in registered.", !sgo2.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo2's targetObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
// remove original target
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
// do checks
assertTrue("sgo1 is now only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be registered.", !sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo1's targetObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
assertTrue("sgo2 is only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be in registered.", !sgo2.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo2's targetObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
// register second target
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
// do checks
assertTrue("sgo1 is now only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be in registered.", !sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo1's targetObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
assertTrue("sgo2 has been registered.", sgo2.isRegistered());
try {
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
assertTrue("We should be able to get sgo2's targetObject.", false);
int nrRegistered =
m_bundleContext.createFilter("(" + KEY_REGISTRATION_STATE + "=" + RegistrationState.Registered + ")"))
assert nrRegistered == 1 : "We expect to filter out one registered target, but we find " + nrRegistered;
// Finally, create a distribution object
final DistributionObject l1 = createBasicDistributionObject("thedistribution");
assertTrue("We just created a Stateful target object, is should not be registered", !sgo1.isRegistered());
// register sgo1 again and create an association in 1 go
Distribution2TargetAssociation lgw1 = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Distribution2TargetAssociation>() {
public Distribution2TargetAssociation call() throws Exception {
return m_distribution2targetRepository.create(l1, sgo1.getTargetObject());
}, false, Distribution2TargetAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
// checks
nrRegistered =
m_bundleContext.createFilter("(" + KEY_REGISTRATION_STATE + "=" + RegistrationState.Registered + ")"))
assert nrRegistered == 2 : "We expect to filter out two registered targets, but we find " + nrRegistered;
assertTrue("A stateful target object should be registered", sgo1.isRegistered());
assertTrue("The stateful target object should be associated to the distribution.", sgo1.isAssociated(l1, DistributionObject.class));
assertTrue("Both ends of distribution - stateful target should be satisfied.", lgw1.isSatisfied());
public void testStatefulAuditAndRemove() throws Exception {
// preregister gateway
final Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, "myNewGatewayA");
final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
final StatefulTargetObject sgo1 = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<StatefulTargetObject>() {
public StatefulTargetObject call() throws Exception {
return m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);
// do checks
assertTrue("We just preregistered a gateway, so it should be registered.", sgo1.isRegistered());
// add auditlog data
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
events.add(new Event("myNewGatewayA", 1, 1, 1, AuditEvent.FRAMEWORK_STARTED));
// do checks
assertTrue("Adding auditlog data for a gateway does not influence its isRegistered().", sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
assertTrue("We should be able to get sgo1's gatewayObject.", false);
// add auditlog data for other gateway
events = new ArrayList<>();
events.add(new Event("myNewGatewayB", 1, 1, 1, AuditEvent.FRAMEWORK_STARTED));
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return false;
}, false, TOPIC_ADDED);
final StatefulTargetObject sgo2 = findStatefulTarget("myNewGatewayB");
// do checks
assertTrue("Adding auditlog data for a gateway does not influence its isRegistered().", sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
assertTrue("We should be able to get sgo1's gatewayObject.", false);
assertTrue("sgo2 is only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be in registered.", !sgo2.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo2's gatewayObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
// remove original gateway
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_REMOVED, TOPIC_REMOVED);
// do checks
assertTrue("sgo1 is now only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be registered.", !sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo1's gatewayObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
assertTrue("sgo2 is only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be in registered.", !sgo2.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo2's gatewayObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
// register second gateway
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
// do checks
assertTrue("sgo1 is now only found in the auditlog, so it cannot be in registered.", !sgo1.isRegistered());
try {
assertTrue("We should not be able to get sgo1's gatewayObject.", false);
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// expected
assertTrue("sgo2 has been registered.", sgo2.isRegistered());
try {
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
assertTrue("We should be able to get sgo2's gatewayObject.", false);
int nrRegistered = m_statefulTargetRepository.get(m_bundleContext.createFilter("(" + KEY_REGISTRATION_STATE + "=" + RegistrationState.Registered + ")")).size();
assert nrRegistered == 1 : "We expect to filter out one registered gateway, but we find " + nrRegistered;
// Finally, refresh the repository; it should cause sgo1 to be re-created (due to its audit log)...
// ACE-167 does not cover this scenario, but at a later time this should be fixed as well (see ACE-230).
int count = m_statefulTargetRepository.get(m_bundleContext.createFilter("(" + KEY_ID + "=myNewGatewayA)")).size();
assertTrue("We expected sgo1 to be re-created!", count == 1);
public void testStatefulAuditLog() throws Exception {
final String targetId = String.format("target-%s", Long.toHexString(System.nanoTime()));
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
events.add(new Event(targetId, 1, 1, 1, AuditEvent.FRAMEWORK_STARTED));
// fill auditlog; no install data
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_AUDITEVENTS_CHANGED, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED);
StatefulTargetObject sgo = findStatefulTarget(targetId);
assertNotNull("Expected new target object to become available!", sgo);
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be Idle;", ProvisioningState.Idle, sgo.getProvisioningState());
// fill auditlog with complete-data
events = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_NAME, "mypackage");
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_VERSION, "123");
events.add(new Event(targetId, 1, 2, 2, AuditEvent.DEPLOYMENTCONTROL_INSTALL, props));
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_AUDITEVENTS_CHANGED);
assertEquals("Our last install version should be 123;", "123", sgo.getLastInstallVersion());
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be InProgress;", ProvisioningState.InProgress, sgo.getProvisioningState());
// fill auditlog with install data
events = new ArrayList<>();
props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_NAME, "mypackage");
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_VERSION, "123");
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_SUCCESS, "false");
events.add(new Event(targetId, 1, 3, 3, AuditEvent.DEPLOYMENTADMIN_COMPLETE, props));
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_AUDITEVENTS_CHANGED, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertEquals("Our last install version should be 123;", "123", sgo.getLastInstallVersion());
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be Failed;", ProvisioningState.Failed, sgo.getProvisioningState());
assertFalse("Our last install was not successful, but according to the sgo it was.", sgo.getLastInstallSuccess());
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be Idle;", ProvisioningState.Idle, sgo.getProvisioningState());
// add another install event.
events = new ArrayList<>();
props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_NAME, "mypackage");
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_VERSION, "124");
events.add(new Event(targetId, 1, 4, 4, AuditEvent.DEPLOYMENTCONTROL_INSTALL, props));
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_AUDITEVENTS_CHANGED, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertEquals("Our last install version should be 124;", "124", sgo.getLastInstallVersion());
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be InProgress;", ProvisioningState.InProgress, sgo.getProvisioningState());
// fill auditlog with install data
events = new ArrayList<>();
props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_NAME, "mypackage");
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_VERSION, "124");
props.put(AuditEvent.KEY_SUCCESS, "true");
events.add(new Event(targetId, 1, 5, 5, AuditEvent.DEPLOYMENTADMIN_COMPLETE, props));
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_AUDITEVENTS_CHANGED, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertEquals("Our last install version should be 124;", "124", sgo.getLastInstallVersion());
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be OK;", ProvisioningState.OK, sgo.getProvisioningState());
assertTrue("Our last install was successful, but according to the sgo it was not.", sgo.getLastInstallSuccess());
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be Idle;", ProvisioningState.Idle, sgo.getProvisioningState());
public void testStatefulCreateRemove() throws Exception {
final String targetId = "myNewTarget1";
final Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, targetId);
final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
try {
m_statefulTargetRepository.create(attr, tags);
fail("Creating a stateful target repository should not be allowed.");
catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
// expected
final StatefulTargetObject sgo = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<StatefulTargetObject>() {
public StatefulTargetObject call() throws Exception {
return m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);
assertNotNull("We expect to found our new target in the repository!", findStatefulTarget(targetId));
// Removing stateful objects is now (partially) supported; see ACE-167 & ACE-230...
assertNull("We expect to NOT found our target in the repository!", findStatefulTarget(targetId));
public void testStatefulSetAutoApprove() throws Exception {
final String targetId = "a_target";
// register target with
final Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, targetId);
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_AUTO_APPROVE, String.valueOf(true));
final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
final StatefulTargetObject sgo = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<StatefulTargetObject>() {
public StatefulTargetObject call() throws Exception {
return m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);
assertNotNull("We expect to found our new target in the repository!", findStatefulTarget(targetId));
assertTrue("The target should have auto approved value: true but got: false.", sgo.getAutoApprove());
assertFalse("The target should have auto approved value: false but got: true.", sgo.getAutoApprove());
// clean up
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_REMOVED, TOPIC_REMOVED);
public void testStrangeNamesInTargets() throws Exception {
final String targetID = ":)";
List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
// add a target with a weird name.
events.add(new Event(targetID, 1, 1, 1, AuditEvent.FRAMEWORK_STARTED));
// fill auditlog; no install data
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
}, false, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_AUDITEVENTS_CHANGED, StatefulTargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED);
StatefulTargetObject sgo = findStatefulTarget(targetID);
assertNotNull("Target not added to repository?!", sgo);
assertTrue("After registring our target, we assume it to be registered.", sgo.getRegistrationState().equals(RegistrationState.Registered));
assertEquals("We expect our object's provisioning state to be Idle;", ProvisioningState.Idle, sgo.getProvisioningState());
* Tests that the artifact sizes are propagated to the {@link DeploymentArtifact}s in the deployment repository, see
* ACE-384.
public void testDeploymentVersionObjectSize() throws Exception {
final String targetId = "myNewTarget3";
final Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, targetId);
final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
final StatefulTargetObject sgo = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<StatefulTargetObject>() {
public StatefulTargetObject call() throws Exception {
return m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);
}, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);
assertEquals(UNKNOWN_VERSION, sgo.getCurrentVersion());
final ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle1", "1", null, "10");
final ArtifactObject b2 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle2", "1", null);
final ArtifactObject b3 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle3", "1", null, "foo");
FeatureObject f1 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature1");
createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(b1, f1);
createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(b2, f1);
createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(b3, f1);
final DistributionObject d1 = createBasicDistributionObject("distribution1");
m_feature2distributionRepository.create(f1, d1);
runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Distribution2TargetAssociation>() {
public Distribution2TargetAssociation call() throws Exception {
return m_distribution2targetRepository.create(d1, sgo.getTargetObject());
}, false, Distribution2TargetAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
assertEquals(UNKNOWN_VERSION, sgo.getCurrentVersion());
DeploymentVersionObject deploymentVersionObject = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<DeploymentVersionObject>() {
public DeploymentVersionObject call() throws Exception {
return createBasicDeploymentVersionObject(targetId, "1", b1, b2, b3);
}, false, DeploymentVersionObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
DeploymentArtifact[] deploymentArtifacts = deploymentVersionObject.getDeploymentArtifacts();
for (DeploymentArtifact deploymentArtifact : deploymentArtifacts) {
if (deploymentArtifact.getUrl().contains("bundle1")) {
assertEquals(10L, deploymentArtifact.getSize());
else if (deploymentArtifact.getUrl().contains("bundle2")) {
assertEquals(-1L, deploymentArtifact.getSize());
else if (deploymentArtifact.getUrl().contains("bundle3")) {
assertEquals(-1L, deploymentArtifact.getSize());
else {
fail("Unknown bundle?! " + deploymentArtifact.getUrl());
private DeploymentVersionObject createBasicDeploymentVersionObject(String targetID, String version,
ArtifactObject... bundles) {
Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<>();
attr.put(DeploymentVersionObject.KEY_TARGETID, targetID);
attr.put(DeploymentVersionObject.KEY_VERSION, version);
Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<>();
List<DeploymentArtifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
for (ArtifactObject artifact : bundles) {
Map<String, String> directives = new HashMap<>();
directives.put(BundleHelper.KEY_SYMBOLICNAME, artifact.getAttribute(BundleHelper.KEY_SYMBOLICNAME));
directives.put(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_KEY_BASEURL, artifact.getURL());
if (artifact.getAttribute(BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION) != null) {
directives.put(BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION, artifact.getAttribute(BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION));
artifacts.add(m_deploymentVersionRepository.createDeploymentArtifact(artifact.getURL(), artifact.getSize(), directives));
return m_deploymentVersionRepository.create(attr, tags, artifacts.toArray(new DeploymentArtifact[0]));
private Artifact2FeatureAssociation createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(ArtifactObject artifact,
FeatureObject feature) {
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
properties.put(BundleHelper.KEY_ASSOCIATION_VERSIONSTATEMENT, "0.0.0");
return m_artifact2featureRepository.create(artifact, properties, feature, null);
* The following code is borrowed from, and is used to instantiate and use repository servlets.
private StatefulTargetObject findStatefulTarget(String targetID) throws InvalidSyntaxException {
for (StatefulTargetObject sgo : m_statefulTargetRepository.get()) {
if (sgo.getID().equals(targetID)) {
return sgo;
return null;
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws InvalidSyntaxException
private void setUpTestCase() throws Exception {
User user = new MockUser();
String customer = "customer-" + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis());
addRepository("storeInstance", customer, "store", true);
addRepository("targetInstance", customer, "target", true);
addRepository("deploymentInstance", customer, "deployment", true);
RepositoryAdminLoginContext loginContext = m_repositoryAdmin.createLoginContext(user);