blob: 77b55ff7a2ac39dae372634f38140b0d1637e532 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.ace.builder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import aQute.bnd.annotation.ConsumerType;
* Builder for deployment packages. Can handle bundles, resource processors and artifacts. Uses the builder pattern:
* <pre>
* OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(&quot;first.dp&quot;);
* DeploymentPackageBuilder.createDeploymentPackage(&quot;mydp&quot;, &quot;1.0&quot;)
* .addBundle(new URL(&quot;http://repository/api-1.1.0.jar&quot;))
* .addBundle(new URL(&quot;http://repository/impl-1.1.3.jar&quot;))
* .addResourceProcessor(new URL(&quot;http://repository/rp-1.0.2.jar&quot;))
* .addArtifact(new URL(&quot;http://artifacts/config/v1.jar&quot;), &quot;;)
* .addArtifact(new URL(&quot;http://artifacts/data/v3.jar&quot;), &quot;;)
* .generate(out);
* </pre>
* For bundles and resource processors, you can simply point to a valid URL and it will be queried for all required
* metadata. For artifacts, you need to specify both the URL and the PID of the resource processor. The builder will use
* the order you specify for bundles, resource processors and artifacts, but you don't have to specify all bundles and
* resource processors first and then all artifacts.
public class DeploymentPackageBuilder {
private static final String PREFIX_BUNDLE = "bundle-";
private static final String PREFIX_ARTIFACT = "artifact-";
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 32 * 1024;
private final String m_symbolicName;
private final String m_version;
private final List<ArtifactData> m_bundles = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<ArtifactData> m_processors = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<ArtifactData> m_artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
private int m_id = 1;
private DeploymentPackageBuilder(String symbolicName, String version) {
m_symbolicName = symbolicName;
m_version = version;
* Creates a new deployment package.
* @param name
* the name of the deployment package
* @param version
* the version of the deployment package
* @return a builder to further add data to the deployment package
public static DeploymentPackageBuilder createDeploymentPackage(String name, String version) {
return new DeploymentPackageBuilder(name, version);
* Adds an artifact to the deployment package.
* @param url
* a url that refers to the artifact
* @param processorPID
* the PID of the processor for this artifact
* @return a builder to further add data to the deployment package
* @throws Exception
* if something goes wrong while building
public DeploymentPackageBuilder addArtifact(URL url, String processorPID) throws Exception {
String path = url.getPath();
int i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i > 0 && i < (path.length() - 1)) {
path = path.substring(i + 1);
String name = PREFIX_ARTIFACT + getUniqueID() + "-" + path;
m_artifacts.add(ArtifactData.createArtifact(url, name, processorPID));
return this;
* Adds a bundle to the deployment package.
* @param url
* a url that refers to the bundle
* @return a builder to further add data to the deployment package
* @throws Exception
* if something goes wrong while building
public DeploymentPackageBuilder addBundle(URL url) throws Exception {
return addBundleArtifact(url, false);
* Adds a resource processor to the deployment package. A resource processor is a special type of bundle.
* @param url
* a url that refers to the resource processor
* @return a builder to further add data to the deployment package
* @throws Exception
* if something goes wrong while building
public DeploymentPackageBuilder addResourceProcessor(URL url) throws Exception {
return addBundleArtifact(url, true);
* Generates a deployment package and streams it to the output stream you provide. Before it starts generating, it
* will first validate that you have actually specified a resource processor for each type of artifact you provided.
* @param output
* the output stream to write to
* @throws Exception
* if something goes wrong while validating or generating
public void generate(OutputStream output) throws Exception {
List<ArtifactData> artifacts = new ArrayList<>();
Manifest m = createManifest(artifacts);
writeStream(artifacts, m, output);
/** Returns the symbolic name of the deployment package. */
public String getSymbolicName() {
return m_symbolicName;
/** Returns the version of the deployment package. */
public String getVersion() {
return m_version;
private DeploymentPackageBuilder addBundleArtifact(URL url, boolean isResourceProcessor) throws Exception {
JarInputStream jis = null;
try {
jis = new JarInputStream(url.openStream());
Manifest bundleManifest = jis.getManifest();
if (bundleManifest == null) {
throw new Exception("Not a valid manifest in: " + url);
Attributes attributes = bundleManifest.getMainAttributes();
String bundleSymbolicName = getRequiredHeader(attributes, "Bundle-SymbolicName");
String bundleVersion = getRequiredHeader(attributes, "Bundle-Version");
String name = PREFIX_BUNDLE + bundleSymbolicName + "-" + bundleVersion;
int i = name.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i > 0 && i < (name.length() - 1)) {
name = name.substring(i + 1);
if (isResourceProcessor) {
if (!"true".equals(getRequiredHeader(attributes, "DeploymentPackage-Customizer"))) {
throw new IOException("Invalid DeploymentPackage-Customizer header in: " + url);
String processorPID = getRequiredHeader(attributes, "Deployment-ProvidesResourceProcessor");
m_processors.add(ArtifactData.createResourceProcessor(url, name, bundleSymbolicName, bundleVersion, processorPID));
else {
m_bundles.add(ArtifactData.createBundle(url, name, bundleSymbolicName, bundleVersion));
finally {
if (jis != null) {
return this;
private Manifest createManifest(List<ArtifactData> files) throws Exception {
Manifest manifest = new Manifest();
Attributes main = manifest.getMainAttributes();
main.putValue("Manifest-Version", "1.0");
main.putValue("DeploymentPackage-SymbolicName", m_symbolicName);
main.putValue("DeploymentPackage-Version", m_version);
for (ArtifactData file : files) {
if (file.isBundle()) {
Attributes a = new Attributes();
a.putValue("Bundle-SymbolicName", file.getSymbolicName());
a.putValue("Bundle-Version", file.getVersion());
if (file.isCustomizer()) {
a.putValue("DeploymentPackage-Customizer", "true");
a.putValue("Deployment-ProvidesResourceProcessor", file.getProcessorPid());
manifest.getEntries().put(file.getFilename(), a);
else {
Attributes a = new Attributes();
a.putValue("Resource-Processor", file.getProcessorPid());
manifest.getEntries().put(file.getFilename(), a);
return manifest;
private String getRequiredHeader(Attributes mainAttributes, String headerName) throws Exception {
String value = mainAttributes.getValue(headerName);
if (value == null || value.equals("")) {
throw new Exception("Missing or invalid " + headerName + " header.");
return value;
private synchronized int getUniqueID() {
return m_id++;
private void validateArtifacts() throws Exception {
for (ArtifactData data : m_artifacts) {
String pid = data.getProcessorPid();
boolean found = false;
for (ArtifactData processor : m_processors) {
if (pid.equals(processor.getProcessorPid())) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new Exception("No resource processor found for artifact " + data.getURL() + " with processor PID " + pid);
private void writeStream(List<ArtifactData> files, Manifest manifest, OutputStream outputStream) throws Exception {
JarOutputStream output = null;
InputStream fis = null;
try {
output = new JarOutputStream(outputStream, manifest);
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
for (ArtifactData file : files) {
output.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.getFilename()));
fis = file.getURL().openStream();
int bytes =;
while (bytes != -1) {
output.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
bytes =;
fis = null;
finally {
if (fis != null) {
if (output != null) {