blob: 5ed6032cf90aa0fa2eb8b1f2292eaba3e9f87ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
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Release Notes - Accumulo - Version 1.6.2
** Sub-task
* [ACCUMULO-1722] - add the ability to dump user permissions to the dumpConfig admin command
* [ACCUMULO-2981] - Cease use of underscore "_" as an identifier
* [ACCUMULO-3220] - Division by zero if encryption cipher isn't a block cipher
* [ACCUMULO-3221] - Unintential integer overflow in Shell authorization timeout
* [ACCUMULO-3223] - DefaultLoadBalancer allows a NPE just to catch it
* [ACCUMULO-3225] - Dead code in ConfigCommand
* [ACCUMULO-3226] - Unnecessary null check in Authorizations constructor
* [ACCUMULO-3228] - fix potential resource leaks
* [ACCUMULO-3278] - Mismatched arguments provided to Retry constructor in RetryFactory
* [ACCUMULO-3317] - Change Jetty configuration to disallow SSLv3
* [ACCUMULO-3318] - Alter Thrift RPC components to disallow SSLv3
* [ACCUMULO-3386] - Update release notes to explain how to correct data written with the buggy DateLexicoder
* [ACCUMULO-3401] - Remove internal use of deprecated test classes
* [ACCUMULO-3487] - FateAdmin command ignores jcommander txid args
* [ACCUMULO-3515] - SplitLarge command ignores jcommander maxSize option
* [ACCUMULO-3516] - ZooZap does not use verbose option from command-line
** Bug
* [ACCUMULO-1292] - Tablet constructor can hang on vfs classloader, preventing tablets from loading
* [ACCUMULO-2381] - AddFilesWithMissingEntries needs to just find abandoned files, or be deleted
* [ACCUMULO-2591] - TeraSortIngest should maintain binary compatibility between Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 2
* [ACCUMULO-2641] - scan id not set in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.ActiveScan
* [ACCUMULO-2696] - Master has misleading log message in case of failure for status thread
* [ACCUMULO-2727] - version argument of ZooUtil.recursiveDelete is ignored
* [ACCUMULO-2793] - Clean up handling of moving HDFS under Accumulo from non-HA to HA
* [ACCUMULO-3002] - Handle instance.volumes in upgrade
* [ACCUMULO-3085] - Missing space in RootFiles log message
* [ACCUMULO-3111] - Race condition in MetaSplitIT
* [ACCUMULO-3126] - Malformed
* [ACCUMULO-3135] - RW concurrent test failed with table doesn't exist exception
* [ACCUMULO-3157] - MetaDataTableScanner is unclosed upon return from FindOfflineTablets#findOffline()
* [ACCUMULO-3158] - FindOfflineTablets.close() causing compilation failure
* [ACCUMULO-3172] - mavanagaiata plugin marks releases "dirty"
* [ACCUMULO-3181] - VolumeChooser usage doesn't always comply with implied API contract
* [ACCUMULO-3182] - Empty or partial WAL header blocks successful recovery
* [ACCUMULO-3183] - Compaction strategy does not use per table classpath
* [ACCUMULO-3187] - ExamplesIT testScansWithInterference and testIsolatedScansWithInterference run out of heap
* [ACCUMULO-3189] - Compaction strategy plan is not validated
* [ACCUMULO-3190] - Fix use of deprecated instance.getConfiguration()
* [ACCUMULO-3194] - BulkSplitOptimizationIT failed with 5 files associated with tablet instead of 1-4 files
* [ACCUMULO-3213] - EOFException on metadata tablet during DeleteTableDuringSplitIT
* [ACCUMULO-3215] - Import tries to use default DFS directory instead of configured
* [ACCUMULO-3217] - KeyValue doesn't implement equals or hashCode
* [ACCUMULO-3218] - ZooKeeperInstance only uses first ZooKeeper in list of quorum
* [ACCUMULO-3229] - Shell displays authTimeout poorly
* [ACCUMULO-3230] - MR/Yarn job submission fails using `accumulo` with timeline client enabled
* [ACCUMULO-3242] - Consolidate ZK code WRT retries
* [ACCUMULO-3244] - bulk import report should include filenames
* [ACCUMULO-3255] - ExistingMacIT.testExistingRunningInstance failed because it started on top of an already running instance
* [ACCUMULO-3261] - Image Randomwalk fails if no rows are found
* [ACCUMULO-3264] - AuditMessageIT broken
* [ACCUMULO-3269] - nondeterministic failure of MiniAccumuloClusterStartStopTest
* [ACCUMULO-3280] - Initialize creates unnecessary directories
* [ACCUMULO-3286] - ConditionalWriterIT.testTrace failed
* [ACCUMULO-3289] - BulkFileIT failed to import files
* [ACCUMULO-3290] - ShellServerIT#listscans fails if scan shows up a QUEUED
* [ACCUMULO-3291] - MiniAccumuloClusterStartStopTest uses /tmp instead of target/
* [ACCUMULO-3292] - ConditionalWriterIT#testOffline failed
* [ACCUMULO-3296] - ZooUtil.recursiveDelete looping indefinitely
* [ACCUMULO-3297] - FileManager semaphore acquisition may block Root and Metadata scans
* [ACCUMULO-3298] - ConditionalMutationSet.DuplicateFitler is misspelled
* [ACCUMULO-3301] - TableOperationsImpl.waitForTableStateTransition(String, TableState) never fetches `future` column
* [ACCUMULO-3305] - MiniAccumuloClusterImpl#killProcess should use the stopWithTimeout method
* [ACCUMULO-3312] - IllegalArgumentException in master and gc during randomwalk
* [ACCUMULO-3314] - RewriteTabletDirectoriesIT failed
* [ACCUMULO-3323] - Bad formatting in continuous ingest readme
* [ACCUMULO-3332] - CloudStone tests fail with "NameError: global name 'accumuloConf' is not defined"
* [ACCUMULO-3333] - Cloudstone1 doesn't pass in username/password to shell
* [ACCUMULO-3334] - CloudStone4 doesn't provide arguments correctly to TeraSortIngest
* [ACCUMULO-3340] - MiniAccumuloCluster takes a long time to start when IPv6 is enabled
* [ACCUMULO-3341] - `deletetable -p` should never match a table in the accumulo namespace
* [ACCUMULO-3351] - Tracer can't write traces after offline and online of trace table
* [ACCUMULO-3352] - Confusing BulkImport error message
* [ACCUMULO-3355] - TraceDump.printStackTrace prints Long.MAX_VALUE as a date when trace is not found
* [ACCUMULO-3358] - Thread in ReadWriteIT.interleaveTest is never started
* [ACCUMULO-3362] - Incorrect javadoc on StatsCombiner
* [ACCUMULO-3365] - TraceServer dies if trace table is offline during constructor
* [ACCUMULO-3372] - deadlock in tserver
* [ACCUMULO-3377] - BulkImporter.getAssignments provides unhelpful exception with bad file permissions
* [ACCUMULO-3383] - AccumuloVFSClassloader creates conflicting local cache directory names when vfs.cache.dir property is set.
* [ACCUMULO-3385] - DateLexicoder fails to correctly order dates prior to 1970
* [ACCUMULO-3392] - Incorrect javadoc on MiniAccumuloCluster.start
* [ACCUMULO-3406] - IllegalArgumentException during file GC
* [ACCUMULO-3407] - scan page in monitor is causing the monitor to crash w/OOM
* [ACCUMULO-3408] - display the exact number of tablet servers
* [ACCUMULO-3419] - Some ExamplesIT tests repeatedly failing
* [ACCUMULO-3424] - Token class option always requires token property
* [ACCUMULO-3435] - Sporadic MetadataMaxFilesIT failure
* [ACCUMULO-3438] - Shell TokenConverter fails silently
* [ACCUMULO-3441] - Master stuck attempting to assign root tablet to previous session of tserver
* [ACCUMULO-3443] - DfsLogger doesn't specify charset when reading header bytes
* [ACCUMULO-3445] - Server failure to login using Kerberos doesn't exit the process
* [ACCUMULO-3446] - Move SecurityUtil out of core
* [ACCUMULO-3448] - ZooUtil throws exception even when retry succeeds
* [ACCUMULO-3450] - Example logging configs should disable audit log to application log files
* [ACCUMULO-3462] - tablet not major compacting
* [ACCUMULO-3468] - MonitorUtil's zookeeper timeout is a little low
* [ACCUMULO-3472] - VolumeImpl.isValidPath not working as intended
* [ACCUMULO-3474] - ProxyServer ignores value of isDeleted on ColumnUpdate
* [ACCUMULO-3475] - Shell.config()'s return value is ignored.
* [ACCUMULO-3481] - boolean not updated when native maps loaded from System.loadLibrary
* [ACCUMULO-3486] - Page numbers in the user manual's table of contents are incorrect.
* [ACCUMULO-3496] - ZooKeeperInstance doesn't validate instance name on creation
* [ACCUMULO-3503] - search and replace for is not working on Mac
* [ACCUMULO-3504] - Typo in startup message
* [ACCUMULO-3517] - Several utilities ignore jcommander options
* [ACCUMULO-3532] - ServerType.TRACER and ServerType.MONITOR were added in 1.6.2 causing it to lose backwards compatibility
* [ACCUMULO-3533] - AbstractInputFormat.getConfiguration(JobContext) changed from package-private to public without minor version bump
* [ACCUMULO-3541] - Seeing CompactionCanceledException errors in monitor
* [ACCUMULO-3542] - Native tarball doesn't have a NOTICE
* [ACCUMULO-3547] - TabletServer clears cache after bulk import analysis
* [ACCUMULO-3549] - tablet server location cache may grow too large
* [ACCUMULO-3553] - Better description on CleanZookeeper password parameter
* [ACCUMULO-3572] - TableDiskUsage contains log without a conditional
* [ACCUMULO-3576] - Usage of jline.internal.Preconditions breaks mini accumulo
* [ACCUMULO-3578] - Update license and notice
** Improvement
* [ACCUMULO-2290] - documentation should describe how to stop / start individual nodes
* [ACCUMULO-2826] - IntersectingIterator should allow a single column family
* [ACCUMULO-2984] - Enable running MAC using an existing instance
* [ACCUMULO-3160] - ExamplesIT usage of MAC is sub-par
* [ACCUMULO-3167] - Decouple MiniAccumuloCluster from integration test base class
* [ACCUMULO-3175] - More IT stabilizations
* [ACCUMULO-3188] - DfsLogger has inefficient seek in crypto case
* [ACCUMULO-3192] - Improve 'fate print' to support the '-np' argument
* [ACCUMULO-3212] - Configuration objects created with CredentialProvider load defaults unnecessarily
* [ACCUMULO-3224] - Shell should use nanos for auth timeout
* [ACCUMULO-3233] - Random port for ZK in MiniAccumulo might not be unique
* [ACCUMULO-3237] - should check for 0.9.1, not just 0.9
* [ACCUMULO-3257] - Make Randomwalk respect timeout (maxSec) more reliably
* [ACCUMULO-3258] - Warning about synconclose is way too spammy
* [ACCUMULO-3259] - Randomwalk Bulk.xml create queued threads without bound.
* [ACCUMULO-3263] - re-write tablet directories to fairly use multiple name-nodes
* [ACCUMULO-3265] - Describe in README
* [ACCUMULO-3271] - Add splits to tables in MultiTable randomwalk module
* [ACCUMULO-3275] - "not balancing because of unhosted tablets" message should include number of unhosted tablets
* [ACCUMULO-3300] - monitor ingest, query, etc. rates are too smooth
* [ACCUMULO-3304] - Add introspection of long running assignments
* [ACCUMULO-3308] - Add section to "11.5. Configuration" to IMM and WAL configuration values
* [ACCUMULO-3315] - Explicitly wait for threadpool shutdown in RandomizeVolumes
* [ACCUMULO-3337] - Assorted test stabilizations from external test runs
* [ACCUMULO-3338] - Update example classpath configuration
* [ACCUMULO-3347] - Improve logging for cancelled scans
* [ACCUMULO-3395] - Keep a reference to Logger in RpcWrapper
* [ACCUMULO-3436] - User manual doesn't have any discussion about FATE
* [ACCUMULO-3440] - TabletGroupWatcher tablet assigning logging is excessive
* [ACCUMULO-3466] - Range.mergeOverlapping(Collection) should have short-circuit for collections with only one item
* [ACCUMULO-3556] - Improve obtuse "Scanner closed" error message in TabletServerBatchScanner
** Task
* [ACCUMULO-2997] - Confusing race condition comment in resizing of TServer client pool
* [ACCUMULO-3203] - Remove unused, undocumented SecretKeyEncryptionStrategyContext
* [ACCUMULO-3205] - JCEKS files sometimes aren't detected as binary; they should be excluded from RAT.
* [ACCUMULO-3243] - Ensure all ITs have some timeout
* [ACCUMULO-3288] - Use static import for UTF-8
* [ACCUMULO-3316] - Update TLS usage to mitigate POODLE
* [ACCUMULO-3400] - VolumeManager should validate the choice that a VolumeChooser makes
* [ACCUMULO-3405] - Update findbugs maven plugin
* [ACCUMULO-3433] - Lack of consistent serialversionid causing TraceRepoDeserializationTest to fail
* [ACCUMULO-3451] - Enforce some minimal style checks in the build
* [ACCUMULO-3476] - Better documentation on configuring Accumulo for SSL in user manual
* [ACCUMULO-3505] - Remove existingInstance from MiniAccumuloConfig
** Test
* [ACCUMULO-3207] - SimpleBalancerFairnessIT fails
Release Notes - Accumulo - Version 1.6.1
** Sub-task
* [ACCUMULO-2746] - VolumeIT.testDirtyReplaceVolume failed on AccumuloSecurityException
* [ACCUMULO-2760] - HalfDeadTServerIT.testTimeout failed
* [ACCUMULO-2773] - Regenerate thrift classes for 0.9.1
* [ACCUMULO-2798] - MonitorLoggingIT should retry waiting for log fowarding
* [ACCUMULO-2807] - Local WAL Recovery breaks Hadoop 1 Compilation
* [ACCUMULO-2814] - LocalWALRecoveryTest.testRecoverLocalWriteAheadLogs:73 Wrong number of WAL files recovered. expected:<1> but was:<0>
* [ACCUMULO-2816] - LocalWALRecoveryTest throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* [ACCUMULO-2821] - Document USERFLAGS / args
* [ACCUMULO-2838] - Use resolved props in DefaultConfiguration.get()
* [ACCUMULO-2839] - AuditedSecurityOperation canScan is very slow even when not logging
* [ACCUMULO-2840] - Auditing is not disabled by default in MAC
* [ACCUMULO-2934] - Use Jetty 8 for 1.6.x
* [ACCUMULO-2942] - org.apache.accumulo.core.util.format.ShardedTableDistributionFormatterTest.testAggregate failure
* [ACCUMULO-2950] - Fix handling of server-side exceptions
* [ACCUMULO-2957] - New WALog file for 1.4.x fails RAT check on OS X
* [ACCUMULO-3012] - Simplify DefaultConfiguration
* [ACCUMULO-3019] - Fix ServerConfiguration deprecation
* [ACCUMULO-3058] - Javadoc comment added to balancer describes non-existent methods
* [ACCUMULO-3081] - ServerConfigurationFactoryTest is full of commented out and unused code
** Bug
* [ACCUMULO-1628] - NPE on deep copied dumped memory iterator
* [ACCUMULO-2410] - TServerUtils no longer needs to catch NPE as a thrift bug workaround
* [ACCUMULO-2455] - overnight integration tests sometimes fails
* [ACCUMULO-2549] - ShellTest sometimes fails because of order of authentication strings returned
* [ACCUMULO-2645] - tablet stuck unloading, and problem is hard to diagnose
* [ACCUMULO-2658] - Thrift Proxy crashes with OOM on bad input
* [ACCUMULO-2694] - Offline tables block balancing for online tables
* [ACCUMULO-2704] - GetMasterStats does not print all elements
* [ACCUMULO-2719] - Shell fails to find instance_id when using viewfs
* [ACCUMULO-2722] - Classes outside of shell shouldn't be using commons-cli
* [ACCUMULO-2747] - Scan "show few" long option contains a space
* [ACCUMULO-2758] - LocalityGroupUtil.encodeColumnFamily() ignores offset parameter
* [ACCUMULO-2761] - inconsistent with accumulo-site.xml
* [ACCUMULO-2764] - Stopping MAC before it's processes have fully started causes an indefinite hang
* [ACCUMULO-2765] - FrameworkTest not informative when failing during a build
* [ACCUMULO-2766] - Single walog operation may wait for multiple hsync calls
* [ACCUMULO-2767] - Documentation of valid Visibility Labels is wrong
* [ACCUMULO-2768] - Agitator not restarting all datanodes
* [ACCUMULO-2774] - Update pom to ensure enough memory for tests
* [ACCUMULO-2785] - ShellServlet vulnerable to CSRF
* [ACCUMULO-2786] - Jetty / servlet JARs not packaged for monitor
* [ACCUMULO-2787] - Accumulo too strict about max files
* [ACCUMULO-2790] - fails on OSX
* [ACCUMULO-2791] - Behavior and binary compatibility mismatch of Commons Codec version provided by Hadoop
* [ACCUMULO-2796] - user manual doesn't mention ordering of iterator application
* [ACCUMULO-2811] - UniqueFileReplicator logs many warnings about a directory that exists
* [ACCUMULO-2813] - Missing log4j configuration files for tests after module refactor
* [ACCUMULO-2818] - generate_monitor_certificate creates bad keystore
* [ACCUMULO-2824] - TableOperationsImpl#getDiskUsage() should check pair against null in catch clause
* [ACCUMULO-2831] - HDFS Configuration classloader not correct when using VFSClassLoader
* [ACCUMULO-2836] - Context classloader not used in all applicable cases
* [ACCUMULO-2852] - calls Cwd::cwd() but doesn't import the Cwd module
* [ACCUMULO-2854] - Bad null check in BulkImport.createNewBulkDir()
* [ACCUMULO-2857] - MockTableOperations.tableIdMap always returns tableName as ID
* [ACCUMULO-2864] - Multiple calls to ZooSession.shutdown result in NPE
* [ACCUMULO-2869] - Wrong method called on WriteParameters in Tablet#createTableConfiguration()
* [ACCUMULO-2870] - Potential null pointer dereference in Tablet#longestCommonLength()
* [ACCUMULO-2874] - user documentation errors
* [ACCUMULO-2888] - BatchWriterOpts doesn't configure the number of threads
* [ACCUMULO-2890] - Remove AccumuloNotInitializedException
* [ACCUMULO-2891] - bin/ logs error when $ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR/masters is missing
* [ACCUMULO-2896] - PATH_PROPERTY_ENV_VARS constant is a mutable array.
* [ACCUMULO-2899] - WAL handling fails to deal with 1.4 -> 1.5 -> 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-2906] - configuredZookeeperPort is not cased the same way as other mentions of ZooKeeper
* [ACCUMULO-2908] - UndefinedAnalyzer does not use batch scanner opts
* [ACCUMULO-2919] - metrics documentation and example configs refer to the logger
* [ACCUMULO-2926] - Multiple slf4j bindings warning
* [ACCUMULO-2928] - Missing toString, hashCode and equals methods on BatchWriterConfig
* [ACCUMULO-2930] - AccumuloClassLoader still referenced directly
* [ACCUMULO-2935] - Tests consistently hanging after Thrift 0.9.1
* [ACCUMULO-2940] - ZooLockTest doesn't wait for connection
* [ACCUMULO-2948] - Possible race condition in ZooLockTest
* [ACCUMULO-2956] - relies on GNU getopt for long opts, which doesn't work in OS X
* [ACCUMULO-2962] - RangeInputSplit Writable methods don't serialize IteratorSettings
* [ACCUMULO-2967] - Unknown Host results in unending wait for clients
* [ACCUMULO-2974] - Unable to assign single tablet table migrated to 1.6.0
* [ACCUMULO-2985] - MAC doesn't stop cleanly in 1.6.1-SNAPSHOT
* [ACCUMULO-2991] - Incorrect character in zookeeper-loss administration section
* [ACCUMULO-3003] - accumulo tablet fails to load if the directory name ends with "rf"
* [ACCUMULO-3006] - Don't allow viewfs in instance.volumes
* [ACCUMULO-3007] - instance.volumes.replacements does not work after 1.6 upgrade
* [ACCUMULO-3008] - Update example READMEs for changed argument names
* [ACCUMULO-3010] - minor compaction after recovery should not merge
* [ACCUMULO-3011] - files moved after bulk import failure
* [ACCUMULO-3014] - VolumeChooser returns entries in the default file system
* [ACCUMULO-3017] - RangeInputSplit getTable method changed from 1.5 to 1.6 without deprecation
* [ACCUMULO-3024] - VFS classloader can randomly fail
* [ACCUMULO-3025] - NPE in VFS ContextManager
* [ACCUMULO-3026] - VFS is not cleaning up its temp dirs
* [ACCUMULO-3030] - scanners cannot be interrupted
* [ACCUMULO-3038] - java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.accumulo.trace.thrift.TInfo; local class incompatible
* [ACCUMULO-3039] - demote "File doesn't exist" warning in the garbage collector
* [ACCUMULO-3043] - Only add sensitive, valid Accumulo Properties from CredentialProviders
* [ACCUMULO-3046] - AccumuloReloadingVFSClassloader log message incorrect
* [ACCUMULO-3047] - Invalid URI in delete marker in accumulo.metadata
* [ACCUMULO-3055] - calling MiniAccumuloCluster.stop multiple times fails with NPE
* [ACCUMULO-3061] - Can't release Accumulo using >=Git-1.8
* [ACCUMULO-3062] - Use MiniAccumuloCluster.getConnector in MiniAccumuloClusterStartStopTest
* [ACCUMULO-3069] - MiniAccumuloClusterImplTest.saneMonitorInfo fails intermittently
* [ACCUMULO-3070] - hard-codes log4j port
* [ACCUMULO-3074] - MergeIT fails on timeout
* [ACCUMULO-3075] - SSL IT timeouts
* [ACCUMULO-3076] - SimpleBalancerFairnessIT times out
* [ACCUMULO-3078] - Some SimpleMacITs aren't simple
* [ACCUMULO-3084] - Delays between calls to logGC causes tserver to fail
* [ACCUMULO-3093] - Shell scan command does not find formatter
* [ACCUMULO-3096] - Scans stuck and seeing error message about constraint violation
* [ACCUMULO-3098] - MonitorLoggingIT has an extremely long timeout
* [ACCUMULO-3100] - Accumulo fails to test against recent Hadoop 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT
* [ACCUMULO-3101] - ExamplesIT-testReadWriteAndDelete and testScansWithInterference fail due to timeout.
* [ACCUMULO-3102] - SplitRecoveryIT-test fails due to insufficient timeout on multinode cluster.
* [ACCUMULO-3104] - AccumuloInputFormatIT has no timeout
* [ACCUMULO-3108] - CreateAndUseIT timings too tight
* [ACCUMULO-3109] - MonitorLoggingIT sometimes fails
* [ACCUMULO-3112] - MiniAccumuloClusterGCTest appears to leak processes
* [ACCUMULO-3113] - ConditionalWriterIT failures
* [ACCUMULO-3119] - Javadoc cleanup
* [ACCUMULO-3136] - AllowScansToBeInterruptedIT might interrupt before the scan started
* [ACCUMULO-3138] - AccumuloInputFormatIT doesn't adhere to SSL parameters
* [ACCUMULO-3139] - BalanceAfterCommsFailureIT alters other tservers on the system
* [ACCUMULO-3140] - Compaction did not run during RW test
* [ACCUMULO-3143] - InputTableConfig missing isOfflineScan field in Serializer
* [ACCUMULO-3144] - AuditMessageIT failed to find last audit message
* [ACCUMULO-3145] - ShellServerIT#listscans can fail with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* [ACCUMULO-3146] - Balance tests don't ensure all tablets are online
* [ACCUMULO-3148] - TabletServer didn't get Session expired in HalfDeadTServerIT
* [ACCUMULO-3150] - MiniAccumuloConfig doesn't set 0 for monitor log4j port
* [ACCUMULO-3151] - scan monitoring shows red after 30 seconds
* [ACCUMULO-3152] - GC check message is confusing
* [ACCUMULO-3153] - GC pause checker warns too frequently
* [ACCUMULO-3155] - BatchWalker appears to run less frequently than intended
** Improvement
* [ACCUMULO-1919] - Size of visibility cache in AccumuloFileOutputFormat should be configurable
* [ACCUMULO-2212] - ZooReaderWriter is a singleton class with a public constructor
* [ACCUMULO-2253] - Scalability tests should output quartiles
* [ACCUMULO-2343] - Create Appender specifically for log-forwarding
* [ACCUMULO-2383] - Allow configuration of logging using properties file also
* [ACCUMULO-2464] - Trace user password required in plaintext in accumulo-site.xml
* [ACCUMULO-2501] - Add deepCopy to RowFilter
* [ACCUMULO-2514] - Continuous Ingestion test should use Logger
* [ACCUMULO-2560] - {{gc.threads.delete}} cannot be changed via zookeeper config
* [ACCUMULO-2615] - Simplify server configuration caching and ZK watchers
* [ACCUMULO-2623] - AbstractMetricsImpl's toString is excessively verbose
* [ACCUMULO-2635] - Consolidate ZooCache creation and caching
* [ACCUMULO-2646] - Generate example configuration from template in build
* [ACCUMULO-2663] - Remove usage of String#split from Combiner#init
* [ACCUMULO-2676] - Make minicluster ZooKeeper startup wait time configurable
* [ACCUMULO-2762] - Use better compiler optimizations by default for native maps
* [ACCUMULO-2770] - Support Local WAL Recovery in 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-2789] - Add a system stress test based on key/cell/row size
* [ACCUMULO-2803] - Agitator; Set Tablet Server and Datanode min/max kill values independently.
* [ACCUMULO-2812] - Support more architectures when compiling native lib
* [ACCUMULO-2825] - WholeRowIterator should be extendable
* [ACCUMULO-2827] - HeapIterator optimization
* [ACCUMULO-2832] - Improve DefaultFormatter for reuse and object creation
* [ACCUMULO-2842] - Allow for use of hflush instead of hsync
* [ACCUMULO-2849] - Add scan batch size configurability and write delay to memory stress test
* [ACCUMULO-2850] - Enhance memory stress test scripts
* [ACCUMULO-2887] - Refactor observability in configurations
* [ACCUMULO-2905] - Seeing short hold times and no MinC's
* [ACCUMULO-2927] - Make 'git clean -df' sufficient when switching between branches
* [ACCUMULO-2947] - Support configurable changes per mutation for size-based stress test
* [ACCUMULO-2988] - Support upgrades from 1.4 directly to 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-2992] - Eliminate (use of) AccumuloConfiguration.getSiteConfiguration()
* [ACCUMULO-2994] - IteratorUtil.parseIterConf loops over each iterator scope repeatedly
* [ACCUMULO-3045] - Support AuthenticationToken backed by CredentialProvider
* [ACCUMULO-3049] - Include user authentication in AuditedSecurityOperation
* [ACCUMULO-3050] - Client IP is not included in audit message
* [ACCUMULO-3052] - Allow configuration of SSL cipher suites
* [ACCUMULO-3053] - Allow control over Monitor SSL ciphers used
* [ACCUMULO-3059] - Password arguments not always respected by CertUtils
* [ACCUMULO-3064] - Allow SSL to be used for all ITs
* [ACCUMULO-3066] - Allow CredentialProviders to be used with ClientConfiguration
* [ACCUMULO-3068] - Allow ITs to be run with CredentialProvider
* [ACCUMULO-3087] - should check fqdn and shortname to determine if SSH Is needed
* [ACCUMULO-3097] - Missing documentation on some system iterators
* [ACCUMULO-3106] - "Check for long GC pauses" warning message needs improvement
** Task
* [ACCUMULO-1691] - Update thrift to 0.9.1 / clean up TServerUtils
* [ACCUMULO-2804] - Eliminate use of plexus-utils
* [ACCUMULO-2805] - Exclude unused HTTP Components from thrift dependency
* [ACCUMULO-3060] - Remove Experimental annotations from monitor SSL keystore/truststore
* [ACCUMULO-3063] - Plugin execution errors in Eclipse Luna
* [ACCUMULO-3072] - Split CreateAndUseIT "tests" into multiple methods
* [ACCUMULO-3073] - DeleteTableduringSplitIT fails
* [ACCUMULO-3080] - Remove debug logging from maven-invoker-plugin
** Test
* [ACCUMULO-2649] - Extend test coverage for RangeInputSplit
* [ACCUMULO-2754] - Skip generated code in PMD/CPD analysis
* [ACCUMULO-2865] - Create unit test for ZooCache
* [ACCUMULO-3128] - ZooKeeper spam in test logs
* [ACCUMULO-3129] - SslWithClientAuthIT fails with credential provider active
Release Notes - Accumulo - Version 1.6.0
** Sub-task
* [ACCUMULO-656] - move monitor code out of server
* [ACCUMULO-1029] - Remove unnecessary svn:ignore items
* [ACCUMULO-1132] - Use a concrete implementation of AuthenticationToken for !SYSTEM user
* [ACCUMULO-1218] - document the recovery from a failed zookeeper
* [ACCUMULO-1219] - document recovery when a file is missing
* [ACCUMULO-1220] - document steps to recover when a WAL is corrupted or missing
* [ACCUMULO-1270] - Require license checks on every build
* [ACCUMULO-1367] - Instance name and ports in MiniAccumuloCluster should be configurable
* [ACCUMULO-1368] - Create main() method on MiniAccumuloCluster for firing it up from the command line.
* [ACCUMULO-1372] - Merge bigNumber() and humanReadableBytes() methods and put in a core utility class.
* [ACCUMULO-1383] - Add javadoc for lexicoders
* [ACCUMULO-1388] - Allow users to configure memory used by MiniAccumulo processes
* [ACCUMULO-1390] - Document how to use single node Accumulo
* [ACCUMULO-1409] - Make MiniAccumuloCluster support native maps
* [ACCUMULO-1412] - Allow shell password to come from a variety of sources
* [ACCUMULO-1431] - Clean-up/Simplify .gitignore
* [ACCUMULO-1458] - Create a mapred example for token file
* [ACCUMULO-1479] - Create per-user permissions for a given table namespace
* [ACCUMULO-1482] - Put provided tables in their own (system) namespace
* [ACCUMULO-1484] - Create node in per-table configuration hierarchy for table namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-1486] - Handle removal of sync method
* [ACCUMULO-1487] - Package javadocs for monitor better, or not at all
* [ACCUMULO-1491] - Stop packaging html pages with the monitor
* [ACCUMULO-1502] - Add Trace Table docs to user manual
* [ACCUMULO-1516] - Clean up Constants
* [ACCUMULO-1517] - Add config.html, created by mvn docs profile) to Accumulo website.
* [ACCUMULO-1530] - Provide upgrade path to two system metadata tables
* [ACCUMULO-1537] - convert auto tests to integration tests, where possible for continuous integration
* [ACCUMULO-1564] - Fix typo in MiniAccumuloCluster-related code: JDWP, not JWDP.
* [ACCUMULO-1579] - project iterators unavailable in accumulo-maven-plugin
* [ACCUMULO-1580] - Clean existing mini directory if it already exists with the same name
* [ACCUMULO-1598] - RFileTest encrypted file tests
* [ACCUMULO-1601] - servers do not obey binding hint (--address)
* [ACCUMULO-1608] - collect stats when processing conditional mutations
* [ACCUMULO-1611] - Add conditional writer to proxy
* [ACCUMULO-1613] - Document conditional writer
* [ACCUMULO-1614] - Create random walk test that use conditional writer
* [ACCUMULO-1620] - audit can spam the logs
* [ACCUMULO-1627] - Add hashcode() and equals() to ConditionalMutation
* [ACCUMULO-1654] - Bug in encryption-at-rest causes periodic IOExceptions
* [ACCUMULO-1674] - Use Credentials to clean up internals of mapreduce configuration
* [ACCUMULO-1688] - Ensure ZooLock.watchParent is properly set in case of Connection loss
* [ACCUMULO-1712] - Remove special characters from path names of metadata tables
* [ACCUMULO-1713] - defer deleting _tmp files to recovery-likely scenarios
* [ACCUMULO-1715] - extract user permissions in dump command
* [ACCUMULO-1729] - ThriftTransport pool does not include ssl options in cache key
* [ACCUMULO-1741] - Clean up setters in the InputFormatBase API to take tables and properties all at once.
* [ACCUMULO-1746] - Adjust Analytics documentation for new multi-table input format configuration
* [ACCUMULO-1747] - ServerConstants.getBaseDirs() use fs default name, not instance.dfs.uri
* [ACCUMULO-1751] - SimpleMacIT test for Multitable Input Format
* [ACCUMULO-1761] - Get disk usage will not work across namenodes
* [ACCUMULO-1762] - Offline map reduce will fail if tablet spans multiple namenodes
* [ACCUMULO-1763] - RFile printinfo command does not handle multiple namenodes
* [ACCUMULO-1764] - Monitor collects disk usage from single namenode
* [ACCUMULO-1765] - Bulk import does sanity checks on client side using a single filesystem
* [ACCUMULO-1766] - Changing Accumulo config can prevent locating root table files.
* [ACCUMULO-1767] - Analyze all usages of instance.dfs.uri and instance.volumes
* [ACCUMULO-1768] - Add synchronous on/offline to proxy
* [ACCUMULO-1771] - Instance id and version info only stored on one hdfs instance
* [ACCUMULO-1772] - Need utility to decommission dfs uris
* [ACCUMULO-1773] - Garbage collector may delete referenced files after upgrade
* [ACCUMULO-1794] - Add tests that flex Hadoop 2 features
* [ACCUMULO-1806] - continuous ingest scripts need to be smarter
* [ACCUMULO-1808] - Create compaction strategy that has size limit
* [ACCUMULO-1825] - MiniAccumuloClusterGCTest fails with hadoop2 after other modules
* [ACCUMULO-1831] - Write ahead logs from upgrade prematurely GCed
* [ACCUMULO-1832] - Create utility for rewriting uris
* [ACCUMULO-1857] - Update README
* [ACCUMULO-1888] - WALog entries not properly deleted after recovery during upgrade 1.5 -> 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-1906] - Remove namespace operations that operate on the tables they contain
* [ACCUMULO-1907] - Prevent renaming tables between namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-1909] - Adding list of conditions to conditional mutation is cumbersome.
* [ACCUMULO-1966] - Clone table has race condition when excluding namespace properties
* [ACCUMULO-2011] - LaTeX broken by ACCUMULO-1956
* [ACCUMULO-2044] - Accumulo fails when instance.volumes and are disjoint
* [ACCUMULO-2048] - WAL GC fails with viewfs:// and two namenodes
* [ACCUMULO-2049] - shell fails with viewfs:// and two namenodes
* [ACCUMULO-2050] - log recovery fails when using two namenodes and viewfs://
* [ACCUMULO-2051] - Can't write to accumulo when using viewfs://
* [ACCUMULO-2052] - Recommend using viewfs:// or HA Namenode
* [ACCUMULO-2061] - Deprecate instance.dfs.uri and instance.dfs.dir
* [ACCUMULO-2062] - general.volume.chooser has no environment
* [ACCUMULO-2072] - Log recovery is converting paths to relative
* [ACCUMULO-2079] - Should not be able to create table in system namespace (accumulo)
* [ACCUMULO-2080] - Active walogs deleted when using viewfs
* [ACCUMULO-2094] - prepareNewTableState stores namespaceName instead of namespaceId
* [ACCUMULO-2114] - default namespace name should be part of the public api
* [ACCUMULO-2123] - Lower default for tfile.fs.input.buffer.size
* [ACCUMULO-2195] - Bulk import fails with viewfs://
* [ACCUMULO-2248] - concurrent RW test fails trying to create tables in non-existent namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-2291] - Update CheckForMetadataProblems to check root table
* [ACCUMULO-2355] - Shell should not log UserInterruptedException
* [ACCUMULO-2421] - Tables utility should explain which table failed if the regex fails
* [ACCUMULO-2438] - deleting all table rows caused tablet load failure
* [ACCUMULO-2444] - Add unit tests to
* [ACCUMULO-2451] - updateAccumuloVersion only updates the data version on a single configured volume
* [ACCUMULO-2456] - NamespacesIT.verifyIteratorInheritance
* [ACCUMULO-2457] - SimpleProxyIT fails to find a scanner using {{getActiveScans}}
* [ACCUMULO-2458] - BloomFilterIT fails to find improved performance
* [ACCUMULO-2465] - Improve unit test coverage on Iterators
* [ACCUMULO-2468] - Improve unit test coverage on
* [ACCUMULO-2472] - Update README Public API to include compare and set classes
* [ACCUMULO-2475] - tablet is both assigned and hosted
* [ACCUMULO-2476] - unexpected constraint violation
* [ACCUMULO-2492] - test.NamespacesIT.verifyIteratorInheritance fails
* [ACCUMULO-2503] - Add unit tests for o.a.a.core.util.format
* [ACCUMULO-2504] - Copying failed bulk imports seems broken
* [ACCUMULO-2507] - HalfDeadTServerIT.testTimeout fails to lose session
* [ACCUMULO-2527] - Suppress expected deprecation warnings from instance.dfs.{dir,uri}
* [ACCUMULO-2531] - Update ClientOpts to read from volumes or instance dir
* [ACCUMULO-2532] - FileUtil expects instance.dfs.dir in tmpDir path
* [ACCUMULO-2534] - README's converted to markdown do not contain copyright headers
* [ACCUMULO-2541] - ScannerIT.testScannerReadaheadConfiguration
* [ACCUMULO-2547] - LargeRowIT.basicTest times out
* [ACCUMULO-2551] - Add read-only access to Fate
* [ACCUMULO-2555] - DeleterFormatterTest.testNoConfirm fails
* [ACCUMULO-2569] - ExamplesIT.testAgeoffFilter times out
* [ACCUMULO-2584] - ShellServerIT.listscans fails
* [ACCUMULO-2585] - WriteAheadLogIT.test times out
* [ACCUMULO-2605] - TServerUtilsTest.testStopTServer_ES fails with class not found
* [ACCUMULO-2620] - org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException: Table run exists
* [ACCUMULO-2680] - BackupMasterIT timing too tight
* [ACCUMULO-2715] - [FindBugs] Bad comparison of int with 0x7fffffffffffffffL
* [ACCUMULO-2718] - [FindBugs] Confusing both setup() and setUp() methods in AuditMessageIT
* [ACCUMULO-2720] - [FindBugs] HTTP response splitting vulnerabilities in the OperationServlet
* [ACCUMULO-2728] - [FindBugs] Bad random number generation in VolumeUtil
** Bug
* [ACCUMULO-324] - System/site constraints and iterators should NOT affect the METADATA table
* [ACCUMULO-335] - Can't batchscan over the !METADATA table
* [ACCUMULO-829] - Input Format puts passwords in Configuration, which is world readable
* [ACCUMULO-1018] - Client does not give informative message when user can not read table
* [ACCUMULO-1042] - Ctrl-C in shell terminates the process
* [ACCUMULO-1051] - Authorizations has inconsistent serialization
* [ACCUMULO-1144] - ThriftScanner ScanState.tableName is really the tableId
* [ACCUMULO-1163] - Throw TableDeletedException
* [ACCUMULO-1193] - shell history command does not paginate
* [ACCUMULO-1287] - the master column on the master status page has no documentation
* [ACCUMULO-1312] - Don't cache credentials in client-side Connector
* [ACCUMULO-1326] - ShellTest.authsTests failing in trunk.
* [ACCUMULO-1345] - Provide feedback that a compaction is "stuck"
* [ACCUMULO-1356] - shell tables command does not paginate
* [ACCUMULO-1379] - PermGen leak
* [ACCUMULO-1382] - Pair incorrectly assumes its components are Comparable
* [ACCUMULO-1407] - Fix documentation for deleterows
* [ACCUMULO-1410] - ZooSession.connect barely adheres to timeout
* [ACCUMULO-1428] - Document native maps
* [ACCUMULO-1434] - NullPointerException thrown by ColumnVisibility#flatten() with empty visibility
* [ACCUMULO-1435] - Examples functional test fails when sources are not in the run directory
* [ACCUMULO-1456] - isInSafeMode ignores passed in FileSystem
* [ACCUMULO-1464] - Services don't bind to specified --address parameter
* [ACCUMULO-1470] - logger.dir.walog description should say that the WAL is stored on the "HDFS filesystem"
* [ACCUMULO-1471] - doesn't respect columnFamilies
* [ACCUMULO-1472] - MiniAccumulo cluster improperly configures classpaths
* [ACCUMULO-1474] - Mock merge throws concurrent modification exception
* [ACCUMULO-1492] - bin/accumulo should follow symbolic links
* [ACCUMULO-1500] - RAT check fails to ignore .git directory
* [ACCUMULO-1505] - MockTable's addMutation does not check for empty mutation
* [ACCUMULO-1513] - Shell du command doesn't work unless in table context
* [ACCUMULO-1514] - AccumuloVFSClassloader incorrectly treats folders as folders of jar files
* [ACCUMULO-1518] - FileOperations expects RFile filenames to contain only 1 dot.
* [ACCUMULO-1520] - Misc functional test fixes
* [ACCUMULO-1523] - property GENERAL_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE is configured as "tserver.server.message.size.max"
* [ACCUMULO-1529] - FormatterCommandTest fails in Eclipse
* [ACCUMULO-1536] - load average on monitor page is an integer
* [ACCUMULO-1538] - In Test module, org.apache.accumulo.test.functional.FunctionalTestUtils is missing license header.
* [ACCUMULO-1556] - Initialize could use a better warning when HDFS dir is already populated
* [ACCUMULO-1558] - Importtable writes file column entries with a filename of "null"
* [ACCUMULO-1563] - Have BulkSplitOptimization and Compaction functional tests not write to hdfs root dir.
* [ACCUMULO-1565] - Clonetable with excluded properties causes a NullPointerException
* [ACCUMULO-1567] - false error message "tablet overlaps previously assigned tablet"
* [ACCUMULO-1572] - single node zookeeper failure kills connected accumulo servers
* [ACCUMULO-1577] - accumulo-site.xml cannot be loaded from $ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR
* [ACCUMULO-1584] - ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR not respected for accumulo-metrics.xml
* [ACCUMULO-1586] - If initial port binding fails, ThriftMetrics MBean is never registered for subsequently bound TServer
* [ACCUMULO-1587] - Grep appears to ignore -o option to write to a file.
* [ACCUMULO-1593] - Looking up instanceName in ZK doesn't use consistent encoding
* [ACCUMULO-1595] - remove code related to mlock: it is no longer supported
* [ACCUMULO-1605] - stack overflow
* [ACCUMULO-1616] - Incorrect use of getCanonicalName in BloomFilterLayer code (and others)
* [ACCUMULO-1618] - No ability to disable trash for root tablet & WAL
* [ACCUMULO-1626] - Mutation equals() method does not always work
* [ACCUMULO-1629] - Files in cloned table disappear when source deleted
* [ACCUMULO-1630] - Accumulo gc cannot identify as non localhost address
* [ACCUMULO-1631] - MiniAccumuloCluster's MiniDFS data directory is created relative to the working directory
* [ACCUMULO-1637] - Update HDFS append/sync precondition check for Hadoop 1.2
* [ACCUMULO-1650] - Make it easier to find and run admin commands
* [ACCUMULO-1651] - GC removed WAL that master wasn't done with
* [ACCUMULO-1661] - AccumuloInputFormat cannot fetch empty column family
* [ACCUMULO-1668] - MiniAccumuloCluster doesn't properly support multiple Hadoop versions
* [ACCUMULO-1672] - org.apache.accumulo.proxy.SimpleTest failing
* [ACCUMULO-1673] - Mikstake in 1.5 Manual section 7.3 Indexing
* [ACCUMULO-1681] - Adjust Authorizor Interface to validate auths instead of retrieving a list
* [ACCUMULO-1683] - remove references to from logging configuration files
* [ACCUMULO-1685] - bench testing shows that the NN loses the WAL
* [ACCUMULO-1694] - ZooKeeperInstance constructor should avoid throwing RuntimeExceptions
* [ACCUMULO-1696] - deep copy in the compaction scope iterators can throw off the stats
* [ACCUMULO-1698] - stop-here doesn't consider system hostname
* [ACCUMULO-1700] - IndexedDocIterator incorrectly declares some variables as static
* [ACCUMULO-1714] - Do we need to take care of crypto based export control policy?
* [ACCUMULO-1724] - conflicting commons-logging imports in root pom
* [ACCUMULO-1730] - ColumnVisibility parse tree nodes do not have correct location offsets for AND and OR nodes
* [ACCUMULO-1732] - Resolve table name to table id once in Accumulo input format
* [ACCUMULO-1734] - Mutation is hard to check in unit tests
* [ACCUMULO-1735] - test ShutdownIT#stopDuringStart sometimes times out
* [ACCUMULO-1743] - Seeing unexpected trace output
* [ACCUMULO-1752] - MAC start() method should timeout when it can't connect to Zookeeper
* [ACCUMULO-1774] - DevNull iterator documentation is incorrect
* [ACCUMULO-1775] - zooCacheTest fails due to missing /tmp/zcTest-42
* [ACCUMULO-1776] - MiniAccumuloCluster has ConcurrentModificationException
* [ACCUMULO-1781] - MiniAccumuloRunner to support miniDFS in property file
* [ACCUMULO-1784] - Failing tests again hadoop-2.2.0
* [ACCUMULO-1786] - MiniAccumuloClusterGCTest fails if GC is already running
* [ACCUMULO-1788] - CleanTmpIT test is failing against hadoop 2.2.0
* [ACCUMULO-1791] - status command for init.d script doesn't work with service command
* [ACCUMULO-1803] - remove test/system/auto
* [ACCUMULO-1809] - ContinuousMoru does not run under hadoop 2.0
* [ACCUMULO-1812] - continuous ingest seeing log message and stack trace about log file closure
* [ACCUMULO-1814] - LogSorter cannot read WAlogs from 1.5
* [ACCUMULO-1819] - NativeMap Makefile doesn't work with newest OSX/Xcode
* [ACCUMULO-1823] - Test failures after switching to Hadoop2
* [ACCUMULO-1830] - illegal state in RestartStressIT
* [ACCUMULO-1837] - Fix JS error in jquery.flot.js
* [ACCUMULO-1839] - $ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR isn't respected everywhere
* [ACCUMULO-1841] - Accumulo tarball doesn't include necessary jars
* [ACCUMULO-1842] - `accumulo init` invokes the wrong class
* [ACCUMULO-1843] - NativeMap Makefile creates incorrect output file for OSX
* [ACCUMULO-1846] - Spurious ClassNotFoundException
* [ACCUMULO-1848] - Failed to build Accumulo Maven Plugin with error: package org.apache.http.annotation does not exist
* [ACCUMULO-1852] - nativeMap test doesn't run on OS X
* [ACCUMULO-1854] - AccumuloInputFormat can be less strict about contents of Configuration
* [ACCUMULO-1859] - Conditional Mutation with 1000 conditions is slow.
* [ACCUMULO-1860] - NativeMapIT fails
* [ACCUMULO-1862] - BloomFilterIT fails due to timeout
* [ACCUMULO-1866] - get rid of Instance.getConfiguration()
* [ACCUMULO-1867] - Split failed during conditional randomwalk test
* [ACCUMULO-1873] -'s zookeeper version check is lacking
* [ACCUMULO-1874] - NoSuchMethodError when compiling 1.7.0 Snapshot
* [ACCUMULO-1876] - Problem using accumulo artifacts from ivy
* [ACCUMULO-1881] - ShellConfigTest fails when run as root user
* [ACCUMULO-1884] - NativeMap Makefile fails under OSX for 1.6.x and higher
* [ACCUMULO-1889] - ZooKeeperInstance close method should mark instance closed.
* [ACCUMULO-1891] - AccumuloSecurityException doesn't properly handle null error codes.
* [ACCUMULO-1892] - examples.simple.RandomBatchWriter might not write the specified number of rowids
* [ACCUMULO-1897] - Bug in MemKeyConversionIterator constructor
* [ACCUMULO-1899] - cli.Help should return non-zero status on error parsing args
* [ACCUMULO-1901] - starts only one GC process even if more are defined
* [ACCUMULO-1903] - Monitor creates a new ZK object to fetch gc status and doesn't wait for it to connect.
* [ACCUMULO-1905] - WALog is slow
* [ACCUMULO-1908] - Spurious ShellServerTest failures
* [ACCUMULO-1911] - zookeeper polled too frequently
* [ACCUMULO-1914] - MetadataTableUtil.removeUnusedEntries() should use one mutation
* [ACCUMULO-1917] - ClientConfiguration needs javadocs
* [ACCUMULO-1920] - monitor not seeing zookeeper updates
* [ACCUMULO-1921] - NPE in tablet assignment
* [ACCUMULO-1922] - randomwalk test fails: unable to find accumulo-server.jar
* [ACCUMULO-1925] - Various system test pieces missing ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR
* [ACCUMULO-1930] - classpath example is not in the examples integration test
* [ACCUMULO-1936] - SimpleTest test cases occasionally fail
* [ACCUMULO-1937] - Thread "tablet assignment 1" died overlaps assigned (tablet) true [] [] []
* [ACCUMULO-1939] - Saw ConcurrentModificationException on Mini shutdown
* [ACCUMULO-1940] - Data file in !METADATA differs from in memory data
* [ACCUMULO-1941] - TabletIT test fails
* [ACCUMULO-1943] - NPE on randomwalk test
* [ACCUMULO-1947] - dfs.datanode.synconclose check is lacking
* [ACCUMULO-1951] - and throw errors on OS X
* [ACCUMULO-1953] - MultiTableBatchWriterTest.testOfflineTable failed
* [ACCUMULO-1958] - Range constructor lacks key checks, should be non-public
* [ACCUMULO-1959] - Value constructors taking ByteBuffers need refinement
* [ACCUMULO-1965] - Invalid table names (& namespaces) should have dedicated error codes
* [ACCUMULO-1967] - magitator should respect presence or lack of gc file
* [ACCUMULO-1968] - The FileDataIngest example creates MD5 hash keys, but the javadoc says it creates SHA1 hash keys.
* [ACCUMULO-1970] - Namespaces need to create appropriate exceptions
* [ACCUMULO-1976] - Need to upgrade to new namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-1978] - Compaction warning on fresh install
* [ACCUMULO-1980] - stop-here not accepting localhost
* [ACCUMULO-1983] - missing init.d scripts
* [ACCUMULO-1985] - Cannot bind monitor on remote host to all interfaces
* [ACCUMULO-1986] - Validity checks missing for readFields and Thrift deserialization
* [ACCUMULO-1987] - Incorrect handling of auth byte sequences in TabletServer
* [ACCUMULO-1989] - Can't configure (default) namespace parameters from shell
* [ACCUMULO-1990] - (default) namespace should not have iterators defined on it by default
* [ACCUMULO-1993] - proxy classes conflict with Ruby system classes
* [ACCUMULO-1994] - proxy does not handle Key timestamps correctly
* [ACCUMULO-1997] - Perform validation on ACCUMULO_HOME
* [ACCUMULO-1998] - Encrypted WALogs seem to be excessively buffering
* [ACCUMULO-2009] - ExamplesIT fails with Hadoop 1.2.1
* [ACCUMULO-2012] - Cloning the metadata table fails with faulty error
* [ACCUMULO-2013] - Cloning tables results in errors from the master
* [ACCUMULO-2022] - listiter lacks --all flag
* [ACCUMULO-2024] - environment variables not being substituted in conf paths properly
* [ACCUMULO-2025] - MiniAccumuloClusterTest failure
* [ACCUMULO-2028] - NPE seen balancing tablets
* [ACCUMULO-2029] - cannot clear root table problem reports
* [ACCUMULO-2032] - GC doesn't respect instance SSL configuration
* [ACCUMULO-2035] - NamespaceITs failing
* [ACCUMULO-2036] - Mappers are not running locally
* [ACCUMULO-2037] - Tablets not assigned to last location
* [ACCUMULO-2042] - Scalability test does not run
* [ACCUMULO-2047] - Failures when using two namenodes and viewfs://
* [ACCUMULO-2054] - Concurrent random walk test fails
* [ACCUMULO-2056] - NotSerializableException:
* [ACCUMULO-2057] - found two last locations for the same extent
* [ACCUMULO-2063] - HadoopLogCloser gives wrong class name in exception
* [ACCUMULO-2065] - Broke log-forwarding with monitor binding to
* [ACCUMULO-2067] - Cannot click through 'accumulo.root' table link in "Table List" view.
* [ACCUMULO-2068] - Remove deprecration warning on specifying a password with shell
* [ACCUMULO-2073] - ConditionalWriterIT missing timeouts
* [ACCUMULO-2074] - IndexOutOfBoundsException
* [ACCUMULO-2075] - Bulk random walk test jams
* [ACCUMULO-2078] - ACCUMULO_LOG_HOST is incorrectly computed
* [ACCUMULO-2082] - Major compacting files not empty
* [ACCUMULO-2085] - Concurrent Randomwalk fails on namespace
* [ACCUMULO-2086] - NPE on Security Randomwalk with Namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-2087] - Tables.getNamespaces NPE's on missing table ID
* [ACCUMULO-2088] - MasterClient.execute() eats table exceptions
* [ACCUMULO-2090] - Concurrent random walk test fails to rename table
* [ACCUMULO-2091] - Concurrent random walk fails to rename across namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-2092] - Seeing spurious error message about namespace that does not exist
* [ACCUMULO-2093] - Table listing puts creating/deleting tables in default namespace
* [ACCUMULO-2096] - randomwalk AlterTable uses table name instead of ID
* [ACCUMULO-2101] - Makefile overwrites JAVA_HOME from env
* [ACCUMULO-2102] - ShellSetInstanceTest failures on clean system
* [ACCUMULO-2104] - [RW] Image failed on writing to a non-existent table
* [ACCUMULO-2105] - [RW] Multitable.CopyTable failed from using a closed ZooKeeperInstance
* [ACCUMULO-2106] - [RW] Multitable.Write failed writing to non-existent table
* [ACCUMULO-2110] - [RW] Error in Bulk.Verify
* [ACCUMULO-2112] - master does not balance after intermittent communication failure
* [ACCUMULO-2117] - ClassLoaderIT fails
* [ACCUMULO-2121] - Rename to
* [ACCUMULO-2124] - fix minor typos and spelling in ARS
* [ACCUMULO-2125] - Update to guava 15
* [ACCUMULO-2127] - example accumulo-site.xmls put Hadoop 2 jars ahead of Accumulo jars on classpath
* [ACCUMULO-2128] - Provide resource cleanup via static utility rather than Instance.close
* [ACCUMULO-2134] - SimpleProxyIT fails on TableNotFoundException
* [ACCUMULO-2142] - GC doesn't advertise its port
* [ACCUMULO-2146] - typo in
* [ACCUMULO-2154] - NoNodeException error in master
* [ACCUMULO-2161] - Unable to migrate from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
* [ACCUMULO-2162] - Fresh installs report a lot of VFS warnings from scripts
* [ACCUMULO-2165] - maven-plugin's classpath is not assembled similarly to a real accumulo or mac
* [ACCUMULO-2167] - remove deprecation from ZooKeeperInstance(String, String) constructor
* [ACCUMULO-2168] - WriteAheadLogIT failed
* [ACCUMULO-2172] - Concurrent compactions before machine failure may cause uneeded recovery
* [ACCUMULO-2173] - Do not use absolute paths when comparing files
* [ACCUMULO-2174] - VFS Classloader has potential to collide localized resources
* [ACCUMULO-2176] - ExecfileCommand#execute() should close scanner
* [ACCUMULO-2179] - CreateTableCommand#execute() should close Scanner
* [ACCUMULO-2183] - [RW] Error in Security.Validate
* [ACCUMULO-2184] - "Unknown" HDFS usage on monitor
* [ACCUMULO-2192] - isn't using the script boilerplate properly
* [ACCUMULO-2194] - Back-to-back Security randomwalk tests fail
* [ACCUMULO-2196] - ConfigurableMacIT tests should each use their own dirs
* [ACCUMULO-2198] - Concurrent randomwalk fails with unbalanced servers
* [ACCUMULO-2202] - Bloom loader missleading ERROR
* [ACCUMULO-2206] - close consistency check failure
* [ACCUMULO-2208] - Provide better error handling when unable to cleanly close log
* [ACCUMULO-2209] - Rename DefaultKeyEncryptionStrategy to something more descriptive
* [ACCUMULO-2210] - socket should be closed in MiniAccumuloClusterImpl#start()
* [ACCUMULO-2211] - Security randomwalk fails "User doesn't exist and they SHOULD"
* [ACCUMULO-2213] - tracer reports: IllegalStateException: Closed
* [ACCUMULO-2220] - CloudStone Benchmarks do not respect ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR
* [ACCUMULO-2221] - CloudStone Benchmarks should accept ZKs as parameter
* [ACCUMULO-2224] - ZooSession should be more robust to transient DNS issues
* [ACCUMULO-2225] - Need to better handle DNS failure propagation from Hadoop
* [ACCUMULO-2226] - Wrong property name in user manual, section 11.5.4
* [ACCUMULO-2230] - Can't run offline CI verification
* [ACCUMULO-2233] - Continuous Verify job should find ranges on cloned table
* [ACCUMULO-2234] - Cannot run offline mapreduce over non-default instance.dfs.dir value
* [ACCUMULO-2235] - 'du' shell command doesn't work when not in a table
* [ACCUMULO-2237] - emits error, still works
* [ACCUMULO-2245] - Bump maven plugin versions due to failures building maven site
* [ACCUMULO-2246] - values returned by MiniAccumuloConfig getters can change w/o set
* [ACCUMULO-2260] - createnamespace option should not copy config from a table
* [ACCUMULO-2261] - duplicate locations
* [ACCUMULO-2265] - Typo in's copyright
* [ACCUMULO-2266] - TServer should ensure wal settings are valid for underlying FS
* [ACCUMULO-2270] - bulk import thread pool initialized in non-static method.
* [ACCUMULO-2289] - Correct Tables.getNamespace to clarify namespace name or ID
* [ACCUMULO-2293] - AccumuloSecurityException might be thrown instead of TableNotFoundException on flush or clone
* [ACCUMULO-2295] - Various ITs timing too sensitive
* [ACCUMULO-2297] - Additional unnecessary member on InputFormatBase
* [ACCUMULO-2298] - ExamplesIT should be chunked into several smaller tests
* [ACCUMULO-2306] - SslWithClientAuthIT.bulk consistently fails in parallel
* [ACCUMULO-2312] - NPE running Concurrent randomwalk
* [ACCUMULO-2316] - Table based Security operations should throw Table not found exceptions over namespace not found
* [ACCUMULO-2318] - Renaming table don't require namespace
* [ACCUMULO-2319] - TabletServerResourceManager MemoryManagementFramework constructor starts threads
* [ACCUMULO-2324] - DistributedWorkQueue#waitUntilDone() shouldn't synchronize on String object
* [ACCUMULO-2329] - "egrep: /home/user/accumulo-1.5.1/conf/gc: No such file or directory"
* [ACCUMULO-2331] - TableConfiguration should override invalidateCache
* [ACCUMULO-2334] - Lacking fallback when ACCUMULO_LOG_HOST isn't set
* [ACCUMULO-2344] - stack trace in shell when using grep
* [ACCUMULO-2354] - Master does not close TabletServerBatchReader
* [ACCUMULO-2360] - Need a way to configure TNonblockingServer.maxReadBufferBytes to prevent OOMs from network misbehavour
* [ACCUMULO-2369] - AccumuloReloadingVFSClassLoaderTest failure
* [ACCUMULO-2371] - cachedDataIndex.close() should be enclosed in finally block in BCFile#Reader()
* [ACCUMULO-2382] - Using non-default CONTINUOUS_CONF_DIR breaks agitation
* [ACCUMULO-2390] - TraceProxy.trace should not throw InvocationTargetException
* [ACCUMULO-2391] - switching WALogs can cause scary traceback message
* [ACCUMULO-2393] - DeleteTableDuringSplitIT failed
* [ACCUMULO-2397] - MetadataIT has a race condition
* [ACCUMULO-2398] - DynamicThreadPoolsIT sometimes fails
* [ACCUMULO-2399] - BatchWalkers die when started before Ingesters
* [ACCUMULO-2400] - race condition in ExamplesIT
* [ACCUMULO-2401] - client code cannot create an RFile without logging a warning
* [ACCUMULO-2404] - Main.main can log cleaner messages when underlying process has errors
* [ACCUMULO-2405] - Race condition in MetadataIT.mergeMeta()
* [ACCUMULO-2406] - GarbageCollectorIT.dontGCRootLog() fails
* [ACCUMULO-2408] - metadata table not assigned after root table is loaded
* [ACCUMULO-2412] - MergeIT fails
* [ACCUMULO-2418] - replace empty loops in tests with simple count method
* [ACCUMULO-2422] - Backup master can miss acquiring lock when primary exits
* [ACCUMULO-2425] - ConcurrentModificationException in master at startup
* [ACCUMULO-2428] - Improper handling of rename in root tablet file management
* [ACCUMULO-2429] - Shell does not clean up JLine ConsoleReader, leaks threads
* [ACCUMULO-2437] - Cannot create splits with MSBit set in MSByte via API
* [ACCUMULO-2440] - VolumeManagerImpl.create doesn't set bufferSize on 0
* [ACCUMULO-2447] - Shell#printHelp should use the ConsoleReader to print
* [ACCUMULO-2453] - NoClassDefFound building against Hadoop1 in ShellServerTest
* [ACCUMULO-2460] - Experimental properties no longer hidden from DefaultConfiguration
* [ACCUMULO-2484] - BulkIT and SslIT might collide bulk import directories
* [ACCUMULO-2487] - Value implementation provides conflicting statements
* [ACCUMULO-2489] - NPE in split tablet
* [ACCUMULO-2494] - Stat calculation of STDEV may be inaccurate
* [ACCUMULO-2512] - MAC stop should waitFor processes
* [ACCUMULO-2513] - Inconsistent use of getBytes in MetadataTableUtil
* [ACCUMULO-2515] - NamespaceConfiguration doesn't invalidateCache
* [ACCUMULO-2519] - FATE operation failed across upgrade
* [ACCUMULO-2520] - Garbage collector deleted everything when given bad input
* [ACCUMULO-2523] - TabletTime.maxMetadataTime NPE if both arguments are null
* [ACCUMULO-2524] - ProblemReport needs to check for nulls on construction
* [ACCUMULO-2526] - Top level files in tarball should be 644, not 755
* [ACCUMULO-2539] - SummingCombiner does not adhere to Combiner#COLUMNS_OPTION
* [ACCUMULO-2540] - Public API declaration misstates the package for MAC
* [ACCUMULO-2544] - Incorrect boundry matching for MockTableOperations.deleteRows
* [ACCUMULO-2586] - RangeInputSplit package name changed
* [ACCUMULO-2617] - locationByProgram incorrectly computes JAVA_HOME
* [ACCUMULO-2631] - Excessively large number of minutes for trace page prints exception
* [ACCUMULO-2648] - AccumuloInputFormat referencing incorrect RangeInputSplit
* [ACCUMULO-2651] - Maven build error running rat check
* [ACCUMULO-2659] - Incompatible API changes in 1.6.0
* [ACCUMULO-2660] - InvocationTargetException during ContinuousIngest
* [ACCUMULO-2665] - NoClassDefFound building against Hadoop 2.4.0
* [ACCUMULO-2667] - annoying log message
* [ACCUMULO-2668] - slow WAL writes
* [ACCUMULO-2671] - BlockedOutputStream can hit a StackOverflowError
* [ACCUMULO-2675] - TestClientOpts is creating files in /tmp
* [ACCUMULO-2682] - README has duplicate synconclose paragraphs
* [ACCUMULO-2686] - MiniAccumuloClusterImpl should be since 1.6.0
* [ACCUMULO-2690] - DfsLogger outputstream short circuiting is never satisfied.
* [ACCUMULO-2695] - Failure while running conditional RW test w/ agitation
* [ACCUMULO-2700] - SecurityOperation.authenticateSystemUser fails to properly validate system user
* [ACCUMULO-2713] - Instance secret written out with other configuration items to RFiles and WALogs when encryption is turned on
* [ACCUMULO-2714] - Integration test classpath issues with Guava
* [ACCUMULO-2716] - Duplicate connection loss logging in Writer
* [ACCUMULO-2717] - multiTableTest is timing out
* [ACCUMULO-2723] - orphaned monitor test
* [ACCUMULO-2729] - Conditional RW test not checking status
* [ACCUMULO-2730] - assigned tablets in DELETING state are not deleted
* [ACCUMULO-2733] - Credentials is missing deserializer to match Thrift serializer
* [ACCUMULO-2742] - History command incorrectly numbers commands
* [ACCUMULO-2748] - MockTableOperations.deleteRow does not handle null for start or end keys
* [ACCUMULO-2749] - 1.6.0RC4 slower than 1.5.1
* [ACCUMULO-2752] - Missing getZooKeeperPort on AccumuloConfig interface
* [ACCUMULO-2756] - multiTableTest is timing out
** Improvement
* [ACCUMULO-112] - Investigate partitioning in memory map by locality group
* [ACCUMULO-118] - accumulo could work across HDFS instances, which would help it to scale past a single namenode
* [ACCUMULO-466] - add a default constraint to limit the size of keys
* [ACCUMULO-527] - Shell should have way to specify instance name while using ZK hosts from configuration
* [ACCUMULO-748] - Optionally Sort tables by ID and paginate
* [ACCUMULO-842] - Fate operations should be rolled into shell
* [ACCUMULO-891] - Authorizations not actually immutable
* [ACCUMULO-935] - Run/Assemble Accumulo from Maven outside the source tree
* [ACCUMULO-958] - Support pluggable encryption in walogs
* [ACCUMULO-980] - support pluggable codecs for RFile
* [ACCUMULO-1069] - InstanceOperations get/set/remove Property methods are ambiguous
* [ACCUMULO-1070] - Improve the auditing messages that are generated from the server.
* [ACCUMULO-1152] - Add more sanity checks to limit the damage of multiple assignment
* [ACCUMULO-1167] - add a mechanism to deprecate Properties
* [ACCUMULO-1203] - add option to scan command to display dateString
* [ACCUMULO-1217] - add notes on the recovery of accumulo from component failures to the user manual
* [ACCUMULO-1222] - o.a.a.t.randomwalk.FrameworkTest#testXML throws exceptions and asserts nothing
* [ACCUMULO-1295] - Genericize creating objects from properties
* [ACCUMULO-1299] - VFS tests should not use hard coded DFS port
* [ACCUMULO-1307] - Master need to shutdown fate
* [ACCUMULO-1309] - IntersectingIterator.addSource has unecessary object creation
* [ACCUMULO-1313] - Use annotations to filter/hide sensitive configuration properties when logging
* [ACCUMULO-1335] - DU command should be available through the java API
* [ACCUMULO-1347] - Accumulo Shell Does Not support comments
* [ACCUMULO-1357] - Make debugging MiniAccumuloCluster easier
* [ACCUMULO-1371] - Improve message in when HADOOP_PREFIX is not a directory.
* [ACCUMULO-1375] - Update README files in proxy module.
* [ACCUMULO-1393] - Removed code related to default ports in client code
* [ACCUMULO-1394] - Allow RegExFilter subclass to call setNegate.
* [ACCUMULO-1395] - Generate example configuration from template
* [ACCUMULO-1396] - Add hidden configuration option for adding target/classes/* to classpath for developers
* [ACCUMULO-1403] - setiter fails when given a sortedkeyvalueiterator
* [ACCUMULO-1406] - Add option for all scopes to setiter
* [ACCUMULO-1442] - Replace JLine with JLine2
* [ACCUMULO-1451] - Make Compaction triggers extensible
* [ACCUMULO-1452] - Automate cleanup of old rf_tmp files
* [ACCUMULO-1468] - Document release procedures
* [ACCUMULO-1469] - Set the native memory maps configuration parameter to false for non-native example configurations
* [ACCUMULO-1478] - Refactor Shell To Use JCommander
* [ACCUMULO-1481] - Root tablet in its own table
* [ACCUMULO-1490] - Consolidate documentation
* [ACCUMULO-1494] - add a "run user jar" command to accumulo start script
* [ACCUMULO-1499] - Move sanity checks from MiniAccumuloCluster constructor into MiniAccumuloConfig.initialize method.
* [ACCUMULO-1501] - Trace table should have an age-off filter by default
* [ACCUMULO-1504] - IteratorSetting missing equals and hashCode methods
* [ACCUMULO-1506] - update class references to work out of assemble/target... path
* [ACCUMULO-1509] - 'Recent Logs' should be highlighted in yellow when only warnings are present.
* [ACCUMULO-1526] - add option for xml report format so that functional tests runs can be used by jenkins ci
* [ACCUMULO-1550] - Create ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR environment variable
* [ACCUMULO-1554] - Use getKey() with Property.TRACE_TOKEN_PROPERTY_PREFIX in initialize method of MiniAccumuloConfig
* [ACCUMULO-1562] - add a troubleshooting section to the user guide
* [ACCUMULO-1566] - Add ability for client to start Scanner readahead immediately
* [ACCUMULO-1576] - add CONTINUOUS_CONF_DIR environment variable for continuous ingest test
* [ACCUMULO-1585] - Provide option for FQDN/verbatim data from config files of servers to be stored in ZooKeeper rather than resolved IP
* [ACCUMULO-1599] - MacTest should use target for MiniAccumuloCluster
* [ACCUMULO-1602] - put the KeyExtent in thread names for easier debugging
* [ACCUMULO-1603] - Lack of permission to start Tracer doesn't log actual reason
* [ACCUMULO-1633] - BatchWriter and variants don't assert maxMemory as a positive, non-zero value
* [ACCUMULO-1634] - Confusing shutdown message via
* [ACCUMULO-1664] - Make all processes able to use random ports
* [ACCUMULO-1667] - Allow On/Offline Command To Execute Synchronously
* [ACCUMULO-1669] - User manual examples use two argument Mutation.put
* [ACCUMULO-1677] - Native Maps to look in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable as possible location of compiled libs.
* [ACCUMULO-1689] - Add option to run GC in MiniAccumuloCluster
* [ACCUMULO-1699] - ZooKeeperInstance lazy load instanceId
* [ACCUMULO-1704] - IteratorSetting missing (int,String,Class,Map) constructor
* [ACCUMULO-1705] - Upgrade to JCommander 1.32
* [ACCUMULO-1706] - Admin Utilities Should Respect EPIPE
* [ACCUMULO-1707] - quote env variable expansion in the start script
* [ACCUMULO-1709] - failing Master doesn't set exit code of process
* [ACCUMULO-1710] - Verify data in proxy test
* [ACCUMULO-1733] - Better error message on minicluster failure to initialize
* [ACCUMULO-1778] - Create utility for retrieving monitor location
* [ACCUMULO-1785] - Alter to optionally just verify environment instead of making changes
* [ACCUMULO-1828] - Create script to run specific functional tests
* [ACCUMULO-1833] - MultiTableBatchWriterImpl.getBatchWriter() is not performant for multiple threads
* [ACCUMULO-1835] - Update test/system/auto/README for -f, -x, etc.
* [ACCUMULO-1890] - MiniAccumloClusterGCTest failing on limited resource machine.
* [ACCUMULO-1932] - Don't rely on Hadoop "convenience" scripts for agitator
* [ACCUMULO-1933] - Make unit on memory parameters case-insensitive
* [ACCUMULO-1945] - bin/accumulo help should print usage
* [ACCUMULO-1946] - Include dfs.datanode.synconclose in hdfs configuration documentation
* [ACCUMULO-1960] - agitator should support sudo as well
* [ACCUMULO-1964] - native map build procedure is complicated and README is out of date
* [ACCUMULO-1971] - Merge HDFS agitation from tablet server agitator and hdfs agitation
* [ACCUMULO-1973] - Log better message when Hadoop configuration files are not found
* [ACCUMULO-1984] - Clean up Instance closing
* [ACCUMULO-2004] - LIB_PATH for Hadoop native libs is lacking
* [ACCUMULO-2030] - Javadoc: core/security
* [ACCUMULO-2039] - Authorizations.getAuthorizationsBB is inefficient
* [ACCUMULO-2046] - Have startup scripts automatically pick up jaas.conf and krb5.conf files
* [ACCUMULO-2060] - Improve example general.classpath
* [ACCUMULO-2064] - Include Git SHA1 in artifacts
* [ACCUMULO-2120] - Fix maven warnings introduced declaration of mavanagaiata
* [ACCUMULO-2126] - Hadoop profile names should be consistent across branches
* [ACCUMULO-2132] - Prevent dock element in OSX from launching with MAC
* [ACCUMULO-2144] - user lacking System.SYSTEM role should receive a more helpful error message
* [ACCUMULO-2151] - Separate API from implementation of mini accumulo
* [ACCUMULO-2163] - Always run GC in mini accumulo
* [ACCUMULO-2190] - Add test for root table file management
* [ACCUMULO-2223] - minor corrections to 1.5 documentation regarding WAL
* [ACCUMULO-2239] - Reformat test README files to Markdown
* [ACCUMULO-2262] - Include in process startup
* [ACCUMULO-2292] - Fix findbugs/pmd errors for 1.5.1
* [ACCUMULO-2296] - Add thrift generated sources to findbugs ignore list
* [ACCUMULO-2299] - WholeRowIterator.decodeRow should check input stream return val
* [ACCUMULO-2317] - remove ClientConfiguration loadDefault(String)
* [ACCUMULO-2342] - Proxy SimpleTest failures: might not see constraint updates
* [ACCUMULO-2350] - Missing recommendation on replacement for deprecated client APIs
* [ACCUMULO-2441] - Document internal state stored in RFile names
* [ACCUMULO-2454] - Aggregate Cobertura reports
* [ACCUMULO-2482] - Improve error message on ZK retries
* [ACCUMULO-2499] - User manual should include list of default ports
* [ACCUMULO-2529] - bake desired warnings into normal maven build
* [ACCUMULO-2592] - Add new interfaces that better allow extension/implementations of Accumulo clusters
** New Feature
* [ACCUMULO-391] - Multi-table Accumulo input format
* [ACCUMULO-802] - table namespaces
* [ACCUMULO-1000] - support compare and set
* [ACCUMULO-1009] - Support encryption over the wire
* [ACCUMULO-1030] - Create a Maven plugin to run MiniAccumuloCluster for integration testing
* [ACCUMULO-1336] - Add lexicoders from Typo to Accumulo
* [ACCUMULO-1337] - Create Whole Column Family Iterator
* [ACCUMULO-1398] - Create command to dump running configuration
* [ACCUMULO-1399] - Pluggable commands for the shell
* [ACCUMULO-1419] - Make hadoop2 the default
* [ACCUMULO-1488] - support BigDecimal encoding for basic built-in combiners
* [ACCUMULO-1639] - Server-side iterator/filter that allows you to specify a lexicographical range of column qualifier values you want to retrieve from a Scanner (ColumnSliceFilter)
** Task
* [ACCUMULO-658] - refactor code into separate modules where appropriate
* [ACCUMULO-1066] - getauths in the shell shows authorizations in an arbitrary order
* [ACCUMULO-1498] - Create document to outline step to Git transition
* [ACCUMULO-1511] - ciManagement link to Jenkins broken in pom.xml
* [ACCUMULO-1533] - Clean up/remove unwanted code from 1.5
* [ACCUMULO-1640] - Remove IllegalDSException
* [ACCUMULO-1642] - Remove intermediate parent POM examples/pom.xml
* [ACCUMULO-1643] - Make default Hadoop dependency 1.2.1 (stable)
* [ACCUMULO-1644] - Remove unused code - TestTime
* [ACCUMULO-1648] - investigate -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow
* [ACCUMULO-1678] - Create README in svn to point to git
* [ACCUMULO-1679] - Get rid of TFile
* [ACCUMULO-1690] - Update Apache RAT plugin to 0.10
* [ACCUMULO-1820] - Suppress compiler warnings from hadoop1/2 switchover
* [ACCUMULO-1853] - Clean up dependencies for 1.6.0
* [ACCUMULO-1864] - Drop provided scope on dependencies
* [ACCUMULO-1910] - Add source to jar files used for testing
* [ACCUMULO-1956] - Add section on decomissioning or adding nodes to an Accumulo cluster
* [ACCUMULO-1961] - Fix trivial compiler/javadoc warnings
* [ACCUMULO-1969] - Ensure native libraries can be loaded from ACCUMULO_HOME/lib/native
* [ACCUMULO-1992] - Don't use CachedConfiguration in examples
* [ACCUMULO-1996] - Document SimpleMacIT
* [ACCUMULO-2010] - Remove resource leak warnings
* [ACCUMULO-2113] - Verify that The Hammer approach to resource leak is a viable short term fix
* [ACCUMULO-2148] - Verify upgrade 1.5 to 1.6 works
* [ACCUMULO-2149] - Verify mappers run locally in 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-2160] - Run findbugs for 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-2254] - Remove
* [ACCUMULO-2283] - Remove server-extras module
* [ACCUMULO-2389] - Remove OfflineMetadataScanner
* [ACCUMULO-2552] - Check for usage of FileSystem.get(Configuration)
* [ACCUMULO-2590] - Update public API in readme to clarify what's included
* [ACCUMULO-2606] - Remove RPM/DEB packaging from build
* [ACCUMULO-2616] - Bump plugin versions and parent POM version
* [ACCUMULO-2652] - Build warnings from missing plugin version
* [ACCUMULO-2653] - Remove useless javadocs
* [ACCUMULO-2654] - means to create empty rfile for recovery
* [ACCUMULO-2670] - Corrupt license header in shelltest.txt
* [ACCUMULO-2697] - Automatically run findbugs to detect serious issues in the build
* [ACCUMULO-2707] - Remove build-helper task: regex-property from build
* [ACCUMULO-2708] - Lower the rank threshold for findbugs execution in the build
* [ACCUMULO-2726] - Maintain binary backwards compat for non-deprecated API components for 1.5 -> 1.6
* [ACCUMULO-2734] - javadoc bug with multi-line @code tag
* [ACCUMULO-2740] - Skip findbugs execution during release:perform
* [ACCUMULO-2745] - README file missing license header
* [ACCUMULO-2750] - Remove unused diagrams from documentation
* [ACCUMULO-2751] - Drop test/system/continuous/ScaleTest.odp
** Test
* [ACCUMULO-1981] - BloomFilterLayerLookupTest does not run
* [ACCUMULO-2216] - Randomwalk module to run each test once
* [ACCUMULO-2356] - Remove static block from AccumuloDFSBase
* [ACCUMULO-2392] - SimpleMacIT should document which MAC it is using
* [ACCUMULO-2470] - Improve unit test coverage for server base classes
* [ACCUMULO-2488] - Concurrent randomwalk balance check needs refinement
* [ACCUMULO-2498] - Improve unit tests coverage for core module
* [ACCUMULO-2508] - Security randomwalk fails "BAD_CREDENTIALS - Username or Password is Invalid"
* [ACCUMULO-2543] - cacheBlock should be closed in BlockIndexTest
* [ACCUMULO-2558] - Improve unit test coverage for server gc classes
* [ACCUMULO-2621] - Masters not restarting during concurrent randomwalk
* [ACCUMULO-2657] - Shard randomwalk fails for 1.6.0
* [ACCUMULO-2666] - provide a scaling factor for timeouts on ITs
* [ACCUMULO-2735] - Add specific test to ensure merging cloned tables are functional