blob: 67e043bb68541348a831bb9e8d716e5fc2df11ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.fate.zookeeper;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.AcceptableThriftTableOperationException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.AccumuloConfiguration;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property;
import org.apache.accumulo.fate.zookeeper.ZooUtil.NodeExistsPolicy;
import org.apache.accumulo.fate.zookeeper.ZooUtil.NodeMissingPolicy;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.Code;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
public class ZooReaderWriter extends ZooReader {
public interface Mutator {
byte[] mutate(byte[] currentValue) throws AcceptableThriftTableOperationException;
public ZooReaderWriter(AccumuloConfiguration conf) {
(int) conf.getTimeInMillis(Property.INSTANCE_ZK_TIMEOUT),
private final byte[] auth;
public ZooReaderWriter(String keepers, int timeoutInMillis, String secret) {
super(keepers, timeoutInMillis);
this.auth = ("accumulo" + ":" + secret).getBytes(UTF_8);
public ZooKeeper getZooKeeper() {
return ZooSession.getAuthenticatedSession(keepers, timeout, "digest", auth);
* Retrieve the ACL list that was on the node
public List<ACL> getACL(String zPath) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
return retryLoop(zk -> zk.getACL(zPath, null));
* Create a persistent node with the default ACL
* @return true if the data was set on a new node or overwritten, and false if an existing node
* was skipped
public boolean putPersistentData(String zPath, byte[] data, NodeExistsPolicy policy)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
return putPersistentData(zPath, data, policy, ZooUtil.PUBLIC);
* Create a persistent node with the private ACL
* @return true if the data was set on a new node or overwritten, and false if an existing node
* was skipped
public boolean putPrivatePersistentData(String zPath, byte[] data, NodeExistsPolicy policy)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
return putPersistentData(zPath, data, policy, ZooUtil.PRIVATE);
* Create a persistent node with the provided ACLs
* @return true if the data was set on a new node or overwritten, and false if an existing node
* was skipped
public boolean putPersistentData(String zPath, byte[] data, NodeExistsPolicy policy,
List<ACL> acls) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
// zk allows null ACLs, but it's probably a bug in Accumulo if we see it used in our code
return retryLoop(zk -> {
try {
zk.create(zPath, data, acls, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
return true;
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e.code() == Code.NODEEXISTS) {
switch (policy) {
case SKIP:
return false;
zk.setData(zPath, data, -1);
return true;
case FAIL:
// re-throw below
throw e;
// if OVERWRITE policy is used, create() can fail with NODEEXISTS;
// then, the node can be deleted, causing setData() to fail with NONODE;
// if that happens, the following code ensures we retry
e -> e.code() == Code.NONODE && policy == NodeExistsPolicy.OVERWRITE);
* Create a persistent sequential node with the default ACL
* @return the actual path of the created node
public String putPersistentSequential(String zPath, byte[] data)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
return retryLoop(
zk -> zk.create(zPath, data, ZooUtil.PUBLIC, CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL));
* Create an ephemeral node with the default ACL
public void putEphemeralData(String zPath, byte[] data)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
retryLoop(zk -> zk.create(zPath, data, ZooUtil.PUBLIC, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL));
* Create an ephemeral sequential node with the default ACL
* @return the actual path of the created node
public String putEphemeralSequential(String zPath, byte[] data)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
return retryLoop(zk -> zk.create(zPath, data, ZooUtil.PUBLIC, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL));
* Recursively copy any persistent data from the source to the destination, using the default ACL
* to create any missing nodes and skipping over any ephemeral data.
public void recursiveCopyPersistentOverwrite(String source, String destination)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
var stat = new Stat();
byte[] data = getData(source, stat);
// only copy persistent data
if (stat.getEphemeralOwner() != 0) {
putPersistentData(destination, data, NodeExistsPolicy.OVERWRITE);
if (stat.getNumChildren() > 0) {
for (String child : getChildren(source)) {
recursiveCopyPersistentOverwrite(source + "/" + child, destination + "/" + child);
* Update an existing ZK node using the provided mutator function. If it's possible the node
* doesn't exist yet, use {@link #mutateOrCreate(String, byte[], Mutator)} instead.
* @return the value set on the node
public byte[] mutateExisting(String zPath, Mutator mutator)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, AcceptableThriftTableOperationException {
return retryLoopMutator(zk -> {
var stat = new Stat();
byte[] data = zk.getData(zPath, null, stat);
// this mutator can throw AcceptableThriftTableOperationException
data = mutator.mutate(data);
if (data != null) {
zk.setData(zPath, data, stat.getVersion());
return data;
}, e -> e.code() == Code.BADVERSION); // always retry if bad version
* Create a new {@link CreateMode#PERSISTENT} ZK node with the default ACL if it does not exist.
* If it does already exist, then update it with the provided mutator function. If it is known to
* exist already, use {@link #mutateExisting(String, Mutator)} instead.
* @return the value set on the node
public byte[] mutateOrCreate(String zPath, byte[] createValue, Mutator mutator)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, AcceptableThriftTableOperationException {
return putPersistentData(zPath, createValue, NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP) ? createValue
: mutateExisting(zPath, mutator);
* Ensure the provided path exists, using persistent nodes, empty data, and the default ACL for
* any missing path elements.
public void mkdirs(String path) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
if (path.equals("")) {
// terminal condition for recursion
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + "does not start with /");
if (exists(path)) {
String parent = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"));
putPersistentData(path, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
* Delete the specified node, and ignore NONODE exceptions.
public void delete(String path) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
retryLoop(zk -> {
try {
zk.delete(path, -1);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
// ignore the case where the node doesn't exist
if (e.code() != Code.NONODE) {
throw e;
return null;
* This method will delete a node and all its children.
public void recursiveDelete(String zPath, NodeMissingPolicy policy)
throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
ZooUtil.recursiveDelete(getZooKeeper(), zPath, policy);