blob: 61d3d4a687cec56d343d3441ce804bad1e12e22e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.test;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ClientConfiguration;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ClientConfiguration.ClientProperty;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Scanner;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.Namespaces;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.sample.RowSampler;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.AccumuloConfiguration;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.Property;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.FileOperations;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.file.FileSKVWriter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.metadata.MetadataTable;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.format.Formatter;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.format.FormatterConfig;
import org.apache.accumulo.harness.SharedMiniClusterBase;
import org.apache.accumulo.harness.MiniClusterConfigurationCallback;
import org.apache.accumulo.minicluster.impl.MiniAccumuloConfigImpl;
import org.apache.accumulo.test.functional.SlowIterator;
import org.apache.accumulo.tracer.TraceServer;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jline.console.ConsoleReader;
public class ShellServerIT extends SharedMiniClusterBase {
public static class TestOutputStream extends OutputStream {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
sb.append((char) (0xff & b));
public String get() {
return sb.toString();
public void clear() {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShellServerIT.class);
public static class StringInputStream extends InputStream {
private String source = "";
private int offset = 0;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (offset == source.length())
return '\n';
return source.charAt(offset++);
public void set(String other) {
source = other;
offset = 0;
private static abstract class ErrorMessageCallback {
public abstract String getErrorMessage();
private static class NoOpErrorMessageCallback extends ErrorMessageCallback {
private static final String empty = "";
public String getErrorMessage() {
return empty;
public static class TestShell {
private static final Logger shellLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestShell.class);
public TestOutputStream output;
public StringInputStream input;
public Shell shell;
TestShell(String user, String rootPass, String instanceName, String zookeepers, File configFile) throws IOException {
ClientConfiguration clientConf;
try {
clientConf = new ClientConfiguration(configFile);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
// start the shell
output = new TestOutputStream();
input = new StringInputStream();
shell = new Shell(new ConsoleReader(input, output));
if (clientConf.getBoolean(ClientProperty.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_ENABLED.getKey(), false)) {
// Pull the kerberos principal out when we're using SASL
shell.config("-u", user, "-z", instanceName, zookeepers, "--config-file", configFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
shell.config("-u", user, "-p", rootPass, "-z", instanceName, zookeepers, "--config-file", configFile.getAbsolutePath());
exec("quit", true);
String exec(String cmd) throws IOException {
shell.execCommand(cmd, true, true);
return output.get();
String exec(String cmd, boolean expectGoodExit) throws IOException {
return exec(cmd, expectGoodExit, noop);
String exec(String cmd, boolean expectGoodExit, ErrorMessageCallback callback) throws IOException {
String result = exec(cmd);
if (expectGoodExit)
assertGoodExit("", true, callback);
assertBadExit("", true, callback);
return result;
String exec(String cmd, boolean expectGoodExit, String expectString) throws IOException {
return exec(cmd, expectGoodExit, expectString, noop);
String exec(String cmd, boolean expectGoodExit, String expectString, ErrorMessageCallback callback) throws IOException {
return exec(cmd, expectGoodExit, expectString, true, callback);
String exec(String cmd, boolean expectGoodExit, String expectString, boolean stringPresent) throws IOException {
return exec(cmd, expectGoodExit, expectString, stringPresent, noop);
String exec(String cmd, boolean expectGoodExit, String expectString, boolean stringPresent, ErrorMessageCallback callback) throws IOException {
String result = exec(cmd);
if (expectGoodExit)
assertGoodExit(expectString, stringPresent, callback);
assertBadExit(expectString, stringPresent, callback);
return result;
void assertGoodExit(String s, boolean stringPresent) {
assertGoodExit(s, stringPresent, noop);
void assertGoodExit(String s, boolean stringPresent, ErrorMessageCallback callback) {
shellLog.debug("Shell Output: '{}'", output.get());
if (0 != shell.getExitCode()) {
String errorMsg = callback.getErrorMessage();
assertEquals(errorMsg, 0, shell.getExitCode());
if (s.length() > 0)
assertEquals(s + " present in " + output.get() + " was not " + stringPresent, stringPresent, output.get().contains(s));
void assertBadExit(String s, boolean stringPresent, ErrorMessageCallback callback) {
if (0 == shell.getExitCode()) {
String errorMsg = callback.getErrorMessage();
assertTrue(errorMsg, shell.getExitCode() > 0);
if (s.length() > 0)
assertEquals(s + " present in " + output.get() + " was not " + stringPresent, stringPresent, output.get().contains(s));
private static final NoOpErrorMessageCallback noop = new NoOpErrorMessageCallback();
private TestShell ts;
private static Process traceProcess;
private static String rootPath;
public TestName name = new TestName();
private static class ShellServerITConfigCallback implements MiniClusterConfigurationCallback {
public void configureMiniCluster(MiniAccumuloConfigImpl cfg, Configuration coreSite) {
// Only one tserver to avoid race conditions on ZK propagation (auths and configuration)
public static void setupMiniCluster() throws Exception {
SharedMiniClusterBase.startMiniClusterWithConfig(new ShellServerITConfigCallback());
rootPath = getMiniClusterDir().getAbsolutePath();
// history file is updated in $HOME
System.setProperty("HOME", rootPath);
System.setProperty("hadoop.tmp.dir", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/target/hadoop-tmp");
traceProcess = getCluster().exec(TraceServer.class);
Connector conn = getCluster().getConnector(getPrincipal(), getToken());
TableOperations tops = conn.tableOperations();
// give the tracer some time to start
while (!tops.exists("trace")) {
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void setupShell() throws Exception {
ts = new TestShell(getPrincipal(), getRootPassword(), getCluster().getConfig().getInstanceName(), getCluster().getConfig().getZooKeepers(), getCluster()
public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {
if (null != traceProcess) {
public void deleteTables() throws Exception {
Connector c = getConnector();
for (String table : c.tableOperations().list()) {
if (!table.startsWith(Namespaces.ACCUMULO_NAMESPACE + ".") && !table.equals("trace"))
try {
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
// don't care
public void tearDownShell() {;
public int defaultTimeoutSeconds() {
return 60;
public void exporttableImporttable() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName(), table2 = table + "2";
// exporttable / importtable
ts.exec("createtable " + table + " -evc", true);
ts.exec("addsplits row5", true);
ts.exec("config -t " + table + " -s table.split.threshold=345M", true);
ts.exec("offline " + table, true);
File exportDir = new File(rootPath, "ShellServerIT.export");
String exportUri = "file://" + exportDir.toString();
String localTmp = "file://" + new File(rootPath, "ShellServerIT.tmp").toString();
ts.exec("exporttable -t " + table + " " + exportUri, true);
DistCp cp = newDistCp(new Configuration(false));
String import_ = "file://" + new File(rootPath, "ShellServerIT.import").toString();
if (getCluster().getClientConfig().getBoolean(ClientProperty.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_ENABLED.getKey(), false)) {
// DistCp bugs out trying to get a fs delegation token to perform the cp. Just copy it ourselves by hand.
FileSystem fs = getCluster().getFileSystem();
FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration(false));
// Path on local fs to cp into
Path localTmpPath = new Path(localTmp);
// Path in remote fs to importtable from
Path importDir = new Path(import_);
// Implement a poor-man's DistCp
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(exportDir, "distcp.txt")))) {
for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) {
Path exportedFile = new Path(line);
// There isn't a cp on FileSystem??"Copying " + line + " to " + localTmpPath);
fs.copyToLocalFile(exportedFile, localTmpPath);
Path tmpFile = new Path(localTmpPath, exportedFile.getName());"Moving " + tmpFile + " to the import directory " + importDir);
fs.moveFromLocalFile(tmpFile, importDir);
} else {
String[] distCpArgs = new String[] {"-f", exportUri + "/distcp.txt", import_};
assertEquals("Failed to run distcp: " + Arrays.toString(distCpArgs), 0,;
ts.exec("importtable " + table2 + " " + import_, true);
ts.exec("config -t " + table2 + " -np", true, "345M", true);
ts.exec("getsplits -t " + table2, true, "row5", true);
ts.exec("constraint --list -t " + table2, true, "VisibilityConstraint=2", true);
ts.exec("online " + table, true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table2, true);
private DistCp newDistCp(Configuration conf) {
try {
Constructor<DistCp>[] constructors = (Constructor<DistCp>[]) DistCp.class.getConstructors();
for (Constructor<DistCp> constructor : constructors) {
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes();
if (parameterTypes.length > 0 && parameterTypes[0].equals(Configuration.class)) {
if (parameterTypes.length == 1) {
return constructor.newInstance(conf);
} else if (parameterTypes.length == 2) {
return constructor.newInstance(conf, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected constructors for DistCp");
public void setscaniterDeletescaniter() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// setscaniter, deletescaniter
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("setscaniter -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 10 -n name", true);
ts.exec("scan", true, "3", true);
ts.exec("deletescaniter -n name", true);
ts.exec("scan", true, "1", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void execfile() throws Exception {
// execfile
File file = File.createTempFile("ShellServerIT.execfile", ".conf", new File(rootPath));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file.getAbsolutePath());
ts.exec("execfile " + file.getAbsolutePath(), true, Constants.VERSION, true);
public void egrep() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// egrep
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
String lines = ts.exec("egrep row[123]", true);
assertTrue(lines.split("\n").length - 1 == 3);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void du() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// create and delete a table so we get out of a table context in the shell
ts.exec("notable", true);
// Calling du not in a table context shouldn't throw an error
ts.exec("du", true, "", true);
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("flush -t " + table + " -w");
ts.exec("du " + table, true, " [" + table + "]", true);
ts.output.clear();"du -h", false, false);
String o = ts.output.get();
// for some reason, there's a bit of fluctuation
assertTrue("Output did not match regex: '" + o + "'", o.matches(".*[1-9][0-9][0-9]\\s\\[" + table + "\\]\\n"));
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void debug() throws Exception {
ts.exec("debug", true, "off", true);
ts.exec("debug on", true);
ts.exec("debug", true, "on", true);
ts.exec("debug off", true);
ts.exec("debug", true, "off", true);
ts.exec("debug debug", false);
ts.exec("debug debug debug", false);
public void user() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
final boolean kerberosEnabled = getToken() instanceof KerberosToken;
// createuser, deleteuser, user, users, droptable, grant, revoke
if (!kerberosEnabled) {
ts.exec("createuser xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("users", true, "xyzzy", true);
String perms = ts.exec("userpermissions -u xyzzy", true);
assertTrue(perms.contains("Table permissions (" + MetadataTable.NAME + "): Table.READ"));
ts.exec("grant -u xyzzy -s System.CREATE_TABLE", true);
perms = ts.exec("userpermissions -u xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("grant -u " + getPrincipal() + " -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " Table.WRITE", true);
ts.exec("grant -u " + getPrincipal() + " -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " Table.GOOFY", false);
ts.exec("grant -u " + getPrincipal() + " -s foo", false);
ts.exec("grant -u xyzzy -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " foo", false);
if (!kerberosEnabled) {
ts.exec("user xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true, "xyzzy@", true);
ts.exec("insert row1 cf cq 1", true);
ts.exec("scan", true, "row1", true);
ts.exec("droptable -f " + table, true);
ts.input.set(getRootPassword() + "\n" + getRootPassword() + "\n");
ts.exec("user root", true);
ts.exec("deleteuser " + getPrincipal(), false, "delete yourself", true);
ts.exec("revoke -u xyzzy -s System.CREATE_TABLE", true);
ts.exec("revoke -u xyzzy -s System.GOOFY", false);
ts.exec("revoke -u xyzzy -s foo", false);
ts.exec("revoke -u xyzzy -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " Table.WRITE", true);
ts.exec("revoke -u xyzzy -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " Table.GOOFY", false);
ts.exec("revoke -u xyzzy -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " foo", false);
ts.exec("deleteuser xyzzy", true, "deleteuser { xyzzy } (yes|no)?", true);
ts.exec("deleteuser -f xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("users", true, "xyzzy", false);
public void durability() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert -d none a cf cq randomGunkaASDFWEAQRd");
ts.exec("insert -d foo a cf cq2 2", false, "foo", true);
ts.exec("scan -r a", true, "randomGunkaASDFWEAQRd", true);
ts.exec("scan -r a", true, "foo", false);
public void iter() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// setshelliter, listshelliter, deleteshelliter
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("setshelliter -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 10 -pn sum -n name", true);
ts.exec("setshelliter -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 11 -pn sum -n name", false);
ts.exec("setshelliter -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 10 -pn sum -n other", false);
ts.exec("setshelliter -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 11 -pn sum -n xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("scan -pn sum", true, "3", true);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Iterator name", true);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Iterator xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Profile : sum", true);
ts.exec("deleteshelliter -pn sum -n name", true);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Iterator name", false);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Iterator xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("deleteshelliter -pn sum -a", true);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Iterator xyzzy", false);
ts.exec("listshelliter", true, "Profile : sum", false);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
// list iter
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("insert a cf cq 1");
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 10 -n name", true);
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 11 -n name", false);
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 10 -n other", false);
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 11 -n xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("scan", true, "3", true);
ts.exec("listiter -scan", true, "Iterator name", true);
ts.exec("listiter -scan", true, "Iterator xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("listiter -minc", true, "Iterator name", false);
ts.exec("listiter -minc", true, "Iterator xyzzy", false);
ts.exec("deleteiter -scan -n name", true);
ts.exec("listiter -scan", true, "Iterator name", false);
ts.exec("listiter -scan", true, "Iterator xyzzy", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void setIterOptionPrompt() throws Exception {
Connector conn = getConnector();
String tableName = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + tableName);
// Setting a non-optiondescriber with no name should fail
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter -p 30", false);
// Name as option will work
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter -p 30 -name cfcounter", true);
String expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.cfcounter";
String expectedValue = "30,org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter";
TableOperations tops = conn.tableOperations();
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
ts.exec("deletetable " + tableName, true);
tableName = tableName + "1";
ts.exec("createtable " + tableName, true);
// Name on the CLI should override OptionDescriber (or user input name, in this case)
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter -p 30", true);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.customcfcounter";
expectedValue = "30,org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
ts.exec("deletetable " + tableName, true);
tableName = tableName + "1";
ts.exec("createtable " + tableName, true);
ts.input.set("customcfcounter\nname1 value1\nname2 value2\n\n");
// Name on the CLI should override OptionDescriber (or user input name, in this case)
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter -p 30", true);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.customcfcounter";
expectedValue = "30,org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.customcfcounter.opt.name1";
expectedValue = "value1";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.customcfcounter.opt.name2";
expectedValue = "value2";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
ts.exec("deletetable " + tableName, true);
tableName = tableName + "1";
ts.exec("createtable " + tableName, true);
ts.input.set("\nname1 value1.1,value1.2,value1.3\nname2 value2\n\n");
// Name on the CLI should override OptionDescriber (or user input name, in this case)
ts.exec("setiter -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter -p 30 -name cfcounter", true);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.cfcounter";
expectedValue = "30,org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.ColumnFamilyCounter";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.cfcounter.opt.name1";
expectedValue = "value1.1,value1.2,value1.3";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
expectedKey = "table.iterator.scan.cfcounter.opt.name2";
expectedValue = "value2";
checkTableForProperty(tops, tableName, expectedKey, expectedValue);
protected void checkTableForProperty(TableOperations tops, String tableName, String expectedKey, String expectedValue) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (Entry<String,String> entry : tops.getProperties(tableName)) {
if (expectedKey.equals(entry.getKey())) {
assertEquals(expectedValue, entry.getValue());
fail("Failed to find expected property on " + tableName + ": " + expectedKey + "=" + expectedValue);
public void notable() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// notable
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("scan", true, " " + table + ">", true);
assertTrue(ts.output.get().contains(" " + table + ">"));
ts.exec("notable", true);
ts.exec("scan", false, "Not in a table context.", true);
assertFalse(ts.output.get().contains(" " + table + ">"));
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void sleep() throws Exception {
// sleep
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
ts.exec("sleep 0.2", true);
long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
assertTrue("Diff was actually " + diff, diff >= 200);
assertTrue("Diff was actually " + diff, diff < 600);
public void addauths() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// addauths
ts.exec("createtable " + table + " -evc");
boolean success = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 9 && !success; i++) {
try {
ts.exec("insert a b c d -l foo", false, "does not have authorization", true, new ErrorMessageCallback() {
public String getErrorMessage() {
try {
Connector c = getConnector();
return "Current auths for root are: " + c.securityOperations().getUserAuthorizations("root").toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "Could not check authorizations";
} catch (AssertionError e) {
if (!success) {
ts.exec("insert a b c d -l foo", false, "does not have authorization", true, new ErrorMessageCallback() {
public String getErrorMessage() {
try {
Connector c = getConnector();
return "Current auths for root are: " + c.securityOperations().getUserAuthorizations("root").toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return "Could not check authorizations";
ts.exec("addauths -s foo,bar", true);
boolean passed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 50 && !passed; i++) {
try {
ts.exec("getauths", true, "foo", true);
ts.exec("getauths", true, "bar", true);
passed = true;
} catch (AssertionError | Exception e) {
sleepUninterruptibly(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("Could not successfully see updated authoriations", passed);
ts.exec("insert a b c d -l foo");
ts.exec("scan", true, "[foo]");
ts.exec("scan -s bar", true, "[foo]", false);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void getAuths() throws Exception {
Assume.assumeFalse("test skipped for kerberos", getToken() instanceof KerberosToken);
// create two users with different auths
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
String userName = name.getMethodName() + "user" + i;
String password = "password" + i;
String auths = "auth" + i + "A,auth" + i + "B";
ts.exec("createuser " + userName, true);
ts.exec(password, true);
ts.exec("addauths -u " + userName + " -s " + auths, true);
// get auths using root user, which has System.SYSTEM
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser1", true, "auth1A", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser1", true, "auth1B", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser2", true, "auth2A", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser2", true, "auth2B", true);
// grant the first user the ability to see other users auths
ts.exec("grant -u getAuthsuser1 -s System.ALTER_USER", true);
// switch to first user (the one with the ALTER_USER perm)
ts.exec("user getAuthsuser1", true);
ts.exec("password1", true);
// get auths for self and other user
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser1", true, "auth1A", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser1", true, "auth1B", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser2", true, "auth2A", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser2", true, "auth2B", true);
// switch to second user (the one without the ALTER_USER perm)
ts.exec("user getAuthsuser2", true);
ts.exec("password2", true);
// get auths for self, but not other user
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser2", true, "auth2A", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser2", true, "auth2B", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser1", false, "PERMISSION_DENIED", true);
ts.exec("getauths -u getAuthsuser1", false, "PERMISSION_DENIED", true);
public void byeQuitExit() throws Exception {
// bye, quit, exit
for (String cmd : "bye quit exit".split(" ")) {
public void classpath() throws Exception {
// classpath
ts.exec("classpath", true, "Level 2: Java Classloader (loads everything defined by java classpath) URL classpath items are", true);
public void clearCls() throws Exception {
// clear/cls
if ( {
ts.exec("cls", true, "[1;1H");
ts.exec("clear", true, "[2J");
} else {
ts.exec("cls", false, "does not support");
ts.exec("clear", false, "does not support");
public void clonetable() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName(), clone = table + "_clone";
// clonetable
ts.exec("createtable " + table + " -evc");
ts.exec("config -t " + table + " -s table.split.threshold=123M", true);
ts.exec("addsplits -t " + table + " a b c", true);
ts.exec("insert a b c value");
ts.exec("scan", true, "value", true);
ts.exec("clonetable " + table + " " + clone);
// verify constraint, config, and splits were cloned
ts.exec("constraint --list -t " + clone, true, "VisibilityConstraint=2", true);
ts.exec("config -t " + clone + " -np", true, "123M", true);
ts.exec("getsplits -t " + clone, true, "a\nb\nc\n");
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + clone);
public void createTableWithProperties() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// create table with initial properties
String testProp = "table.custom.description=description,table.custom.testProp=testProp," + Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD.getKey() + "=10K";
ts.exec("createtable " + table + " -prop " + testProp, true);
ts.exec("insert a b c value", true);
ts.exec("scan", true, "value", true);
Connector connector = getConnector();
for (Entry<String,String> entry : connector.tableOperations().getProperties(table)) {
if (entry.getKey().equals("table.custom.description"))
Assert.assertTrue("Initial property was not set correctly", entry.getValue().equals("description"));
if (entry.getKey().equals("table.custom.testProp"))
Assert.assertTrue("Initial property was not set correctly", entry.getValue().equals("testProp"));
if (entry.getKey().equals(Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD.getKey()))
Assert.assertTrue("Initial property was not set correctly", entry.getValue().equals("10K"));
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void testCompactions() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// compact
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
String tableId = getTableId(table);
// make two files
ts.exec("insert a b c d");
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("insert x y z v");
ts.exec("flush -w");
int oldCount = countFiles(tableId);
// merge two files into one
ts.exec("compact -t " + table + " -w");
assertTrue(countFiles(tableId) < oldCount);
ts.exec("addsplits -t " + table + " f");
// make two more files:
ts.exec("insert m 1 2 3");
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("insert n 1 2 v901");
ts.exec("flush -w");
List<String> oldFiles = getFiles(tableId);
// at this point there are 4 files in the default tablet
assertEquals("Files that were found: " + oldFiles, 4, oldFiles.size());
// compact some data:
ts.exec("compact -b g -e z -w");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(tableId));
ts.exec("compact -w");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(tableId));
ts.exec("merge --all -t " + table);
ts.exec("compact -w");
assertEquals(1, countFiles(tableId));
// test compaction strategy
ts.exec("insert z 1 2 v900");
ts.exec("compact -w -s " + TestCompactionStrategy.class.getName() + " -sc inputPrefix=F,dropPrefix=A");
assertEquals(1, countFiles(tableId));
ts.exec("scan", true, "v900", true);
ts.exec("scan", true, "v901", false);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void testCompactionSelection() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
final String clone = table + "_clone";
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert a b c d");
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("insert x y z v");
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("clonetable -s " + Property.TABLE_MAJC_RATIO.getKey() + "=10 " + table + " " + clone);
ts.exec("table " + clone);
ts.exec("insert m n l o");
ts.exec("flush -w");
String tableId = getTableId(table);
String cloneId = getTableId(clone);
assertEquals(3, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact only files from src table
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --sf-epath .*tables/" + tableId + ".*");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(cloneId));
ts.exec("insert r s t u");
ts.exec("flush -w");
assertEquals(3, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact all flush files
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --sf-ename F.*");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(cloneId));
// create two large files
Random rand = new Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("insert b v q ");
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
sb.append('a' + rand.nextInt(26));
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("flush -w");
assertEquals(4, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact only small files
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --sf-lt-esize 1000");
assertEquals(3, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact large files if 3 or more
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --sf-gt-esize 1K --min-files 3");
assertEquals(3, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact large files if 2 or more
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --sf-gt-esize 1K --min-files 2");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact if tablet has 3 or more files
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --min-files 3");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(cloneId));
// compact if tablet has 2 or more files
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --min-files 2");
assertEquals(1, countFiles(cloneId));
// create two small and one large flush files in order to test AND
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("insert m n l o");
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("insert m n l o");
ts.exec("flush -w");
assertEquals(4, countFiles(cloneId));
// should only compact two small flush files leaving large flush file
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone + " -w --sf-ename F.* --sf-lt-esize 1K");
assertEquals(3, countFiles(cloneId));
String clone2 = table + "_clone_2";
ts.exec("clonetable -s table.sampler.opt.hasher=murmur3_32,table.sampler.opt.modulus=7,table.sampler=" + RowSampler.class.getName() + " " + clone + " "
+ clone2);
String clone2Id = getTableId(clone2);
assertEquals(3, countFiles(clone2Id));
ts.exec("table " + clone2);
ts.exec("insert v n l o");
ts.exec("flush -w");
ts.exec("insert x n l o");
ts.exec("flush -w");
assertEquals(5, countFiles(clone2Id));
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone2 + " -w --sf-no-sample");
assertEquals(3, countFiles(clone2Id));
public void testCompactionSelectionAndStrategy() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
// expect this to fail
ts.exec("compact -t " + table + " -w --sf-ename F.* -s " + TestCompactionStrategy.class.getName() + " -sc inputPrefix=F,dropPrefix=A", false);
public void testScanScample() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// compact
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert 9255 doc content 'abcde'");
ts.exec("insert 9255 doc url file://foo.txt");
ts.exec("insert 8934 doc content 'accumulo scales'");
ts.exec("insert 8934 doc url file://accumulo_notes.txt");
ts.exec("insert 2317 doc content 'milk, eggs, bread, parmigiano-reggiano'");
ts.exec("insert 2317 doc url file://groceries/9.txt");
ts.exec("insert 3900 doc content 'EC2 ate my homework'");
ts.exec("insert 3900 doc uril file://final_project.txt");
String clone1 = table + "_clone_1";
ts.exec("clonetable -s table.sampler.opt.hasher=murmur3_32,table.sampler.opt.modulus=3,table.sampler=" + RowSampler.class.getName() + " " + table + " "
+ clone1);
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone1 + " -w --sf-no-sample");
ts.exec("table " + clone1);
ts.exec("scan --sample", true, "parmigiano-reggiano", true);
ts.exec("grep --sample reg", true, "parmigiano-reggiano", true);
ts.exec("scan --sample", true, "accumulo", false);
ts.exec("grep --sample acc", true, "accumulo", false);
// create table where table sample config differs from whats in file
String clone2 = table + "_clone_2";
ts.exec("clonetable -s table.sampler.opt.hasher=murmur3_32,table.sampler.opt.modulus=2,table.sampler=" + RowSampler.class.getName() + " " + clone1 + " "
+ clone2);
ts.exec("table " + clone2);
ts.exec("scan --sample", false, "SampleNotPresentException", true);
ts.exec("grep --sample reg", false, "SampleNotPresentException", true);
ts.exec("compact -t " + clone2 + " -w --sf-no-sample");
for (String expected : Arrays.asList("2317", "3900", "9255")) {
ts.exec("scan --sample", true, expected, true);
ts.exec("grep --sample " + expected.substring(0, 2), true, expected, true);
ts.exec("scan --sample", true, "8934", false);
ts.exec("grep --sample 89", true, "8934", false);
public void constraint() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// constraint
ts.exec("constraint -l -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + "", true, "MetadataConstraints=1", true);
ts.exec("createtable " + table + " -evc");
// Make sure the table is fully propagated through zoocache
ts.exec("constraint -l -t " + table, true, "VisibilityConstraint=2", true);
ts.exec("constraint -t " + table + " -d 2", true, "Removed constraint 2 from table " + table);
// wait for zookeeper updates to propagate
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ts.exec("constraint -l -t " + table, true, "VisibilityConstraint=2", false);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void deletemany() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
// deletemany
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
assertEquals(10, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("deletemany -f -b row8");
assertEquals(8, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("scan -t " + table + " -np", true, "row8", false);
ts.exec("deletemany -f -b row4 -e row5");
assertEquals(8, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("deletemany -f -c cf:col4,cf:col5");
assertEquals(8, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("deletemany -f -r row3");
assertEquals(9, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("deletemany -f -r row3");
assertEquals(9, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("deletemany -f -b row3 -be -e row5 -ee");
assertEquals(9, countkeys(table));
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void deleterows() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
final String tableId = getTableId(table);
// deleterows
int base = countFiles(tableId);
assertEquals(0, base);"Adding 2 splits");
ts.exec("addsplits row5 row7");"Writing 10 records");
make10();"Flushing table");
ts.exec("flush -w -t " + table);"Table flush completed");
// One of the tablets we're writing to might migrate inbetween writing data which would create a 2nd file for that tablet
// If we notice this, compact and then move on.
List<String> files = getFiles(tableId);
if (3 < files.size()) {"More than 3 files were found, compacting before proceeding");
ts.exec("compact -w -t " + table);
files = getFiles(tableId);
assertEquals("Expected to only find 3 files after compaction: " + files, 3, files.size());
assertEquals("Found the following files: " + files, 3, files.size());
ts.exec("deleterows -t " + table + " -b row5 -e row7");
assertEquals(2, countFiles(tableId));
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void groups() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("setgroups -t " + table + " alpha=a,b,c num=3,2,1");
ts.exec("getgroups -t " + table, true, "alpha=a,b,c", true);
ts.exec("getgroups -t " + table, true, "num=1,2,3", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void formatter() throws Exception {
ts.exec("createtable formatter_test", true);
ts.exec("table formatter_test", true);
ts.exec("insert row cf cq 1234abcd", true);
ts.exec("insert row cf1 cq1 9876fedc", true);
ts.exec("insert row2 cf cq 13579bdf", true);
ts.exec("insert row2 cf1 cq 2468ace", true);
ArrayList<String> expectedDefault = new ArrayList<>(4);
expectedDefault.add("row cf:cq [] 1234abcd");
expectedDefault.add("row cf1:cq1 [] 9876fedc");
expectedDefault.add("row2 cf:cq [] 13579bdf");
expectedDefault.add("row2 cf1:cq [] 2468ace");
ArrayList<String> actualDefault = new ArrayList<>(4);
boolean isFirst = true;
for (String s : ts.exec("scan -np", true).split("[\n\r]+")) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
ArrayList<String> expectedFormatted = new ArrayList<>(4);
expectedFormatted.add("row cf:cq [] 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64");
expectedFormatted.add("row cf1:cq1 [] 0x39 0x38 0x37 0x36 0x66 0x65 0x64 0x63");
expectedFormatted.add("row2 cf:cq [] 0x31 0x33 0x35 0x37 0x39 0x62 0x64 0x66");
expectedFormatted.add("row2 cf1:cq [] 0x32 0x34 0x36 0x38 0x61 0x63 0x65");
ts.exec("formatter -t formatter_test -f " + HexFormatter.class.getName(), true);
ArrayList<String> actualFormatted = new ArrayList<>(4);
isFirst = true;
for (String s : ts.exec("scan -np", true).split("[\n\r]+")) {
if (isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
} else {
ts.exec("deletetable -f formatter_test", true);
assertTrue(Iterables.elementsEqual(expectedDefault, new ArrayList<>(actualDefault)));
assertTrue(Iterables.elementsEqual(expectedFormatted, new ArrayList<>(actualFormatted)));
* Simple <code>Formatter</code> that will convert each character in the Value from decimal to hexadecimal. Will automatically skip over characters in the
* value which do not fall within the [0-9,a-f] range.
* <p>
* Example: <code>'0'</code> will be displayed as <code>'0x30'</code>
public static class HexFormatter implements Formatter {
private Iterator<Entry<Key,Value>> iter = null;
private FormatterConfig config;
private final static String tab = "\t";
private final static String newline = "\n";
public HexFormatter() {}
public boolean hasNext() {
return this.iter.hasNext();
public String next() {
final Entry<Key,Value> entry =;
String key;
// Observe the timestamps
if (config.willPrintTimestamps()) {
key = entry.getKey().toString();
} else {
key = entry.getKey().toStringNoTime();
final Value v = entry.getValue();
// Approximate how much space we'll need
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(key.length() + v.getSize() * 5);
for (byte b : v.get()) {
if ((b >= 48 && b <= 57) || (b >= 97 && b <= 102)) {
sb.append(String.format("0x%x ", Integer.valueOf(b)));
return sb.toString().trim() + newline;
public void remove() {}
public void initialize(final Iterable<Entry<Key,Value>> scanner, final FormatterConfig config) {
this.iter = scanner.iterator();
this.config = new FormatterConfig(config);
public void extensions() throws Exception {
String extName = "ExampleShellExtension";
// check for example extension
ts.exec("help", true, extName, false);
ts.exec("extensions -l", true, extName, false);
// enable extensions and check for example
ts.exec("extensions -e", true);
ts.exec("extensions -l", true, extName, true);
ts.exec("help", true, extName, true);
// test example extension command
ts.exec(extName + "::debug", true, "This is a test", true);
// disable extensions and check for example
ts.exec("extensions -d", true);
ts.exec("extensions -l", true, extName, false);
ts.exec("help", true, extName, false);
// ensure extensions are really disabled
ts.exec(extName + "::debug", true, "Unknown command", true);
public void grep() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("grep row[123]", true, "row1", false);
ts.exec("grep row5", true, "row5", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
public void help() throws Exception {
ts.exec("help -np", true, "Help Commands", true);
ts.exec("?", true, "Help Commands", true);
for (String c : ("bye exit quit " + "about help info ? " + "deleteiter deletescaniter listiter setiter setscaniter "
+ "grant revoke systempermissions tablepermissions userpermissions " + "execfile history " + "authenticate cls clear notable sleep table user whoami "
+ "clonetable config createtable deletetable droptable du exporttable importtable offline online renametable tables "
+ "addsplits compact constraint flush getgropus getsplits merge setgroups " + "addauths createuser deleteuser dropuser getauths passwd setauths users "
+ "delete deletemany deleterows egrep formatter interpreter grep importdirectory insert maxrow scan").split(" ")) {
ts.exec("help " + c, true);
// @Test(timeout = 45000)
public void history() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("history -c", true);
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
ts.exec("history", true, table, true);
ts.exec("history", true, "history", true);
public void importDirectory() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
File importDir = new File(rootPath, "import");
String even = new File(importDir, "even.rf").toString();
String odd = new File(importDir, "odd.rf").toString();
File errorsDir = new File(rootPath, "errors");
fs.mkdirs(new Path(errorsDir.toString()));
AccumuloConfiguration aconf = AccumuloConfiguration.getDefaultConfiguration();
FileSKVWriter evenWriter = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(even, fs, conf).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build();
FileSKVWriter oddWriter = FileOperations.getInstance().newWriterBuilder().forFile(odd, fs, conf).withTableConfiguration(aconf).build();
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
Text cf = new Text("cf");
Text cq = new Text("cq");
Value value = new Value("value".getBytes());
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 2) {
Key key = new Key(new Text(String.format("%8d", i)), cf, cq, timestamp);
evenWriter.append(key, value);
key = new Key(new Text(String.format("%8d", i + 1)), cf, cq, timestamp);
oddWriter.append(key, value);
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("importdirectory " + importDir + " " + errorsDir + " true", true);
ts.exec("scan -r 00000000", true, "00000000", true);
ts.exec("scan -r 00000099", true, "00000099", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
public void info() throws Exception {
ts.exec("info", true, Constants.VERSION, true);
public void interpreter() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("interpreter -l", true, "HexScan", false);
ts.exec("insert \\x02 cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("scan -b 02", true, "value", false);
ts.exec("interpreter -i org.apache.accumulo.core.util.interpret.HexScanInterpreter", true);
// Need to allow time for this to propagate through zoocache/zookeeper
sleepUninterruptibly(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
ts.exec("interpreter -l", true, "HexScan", true);
ts.exec("scan -b 02", true, "value", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
public void listcompactions() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("config -t " + table + " -s table.iterator.minc.slow=30,org.apache.accumulo.test.functional.SlowIterator", true);
ts.exec("config -t " + table + " -s table.iterator.minc.slow.opt.sleepTime=1000", true);
ts.exec("insert a cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("insert b cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("insert c cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("insert d cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("flush -t " + table, true);
ts.exec("sleep 0.2", true);
ts.exec("listcompactions", true, "default_tablet");
String[] lines = ts.output.get().split("\n");
String last = lines[lines.length - 1];
String[] parts = last.split("\\|");
assertEquals(12, parts.length);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
public void maxrow() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("insert a cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("insert b cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("insert ccc cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("insert zzz cf cq value", true);
ts.exec("maxrow", true, "zzz", true);
ts.exec("delete zzz cf cq", true);
ts.exec("maxrow", true, "ccc", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
public void merge() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("addsplits a m z");
ts.exec("getsplits", true, "z", true);
ts.exec("merge --all", true);
ts.exec("getsplits", true, "z", false);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
ts.exec("getsplits -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + "", true);
assertEquals(2, ts.output.get().split("\n").length);
ts.exec("getsplits -t accumulo.root", true);
assertEquals(1, ts.output.get().split("\n").length);
ts.exec("merge --all -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + "");
ts.exec("getsplits -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + "", true);
assertEquals(1, ts.output.get().split("\n").length);
public void ping() throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ts.exec("ping", true, "OK", true);
// wait for both tservers to start up
if (ts.output.get().split("\n").length == 3)
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(2, ts.output.get().split("\n").length);
public void renametable() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName() + "1", rename = name.getMethodName() + "2";
ts.exec("createtable " + table);
ts.exec("insert this is a value");
ts.exec("renametable " + table + " " + rename);
ts.exec("tables", true, rename, true);
ts.exec("tables", true, table, false);
ts.exec("scan -t " + rename, true, "value", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + rename, true);
public void tables() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName(), table1 = table + "_z", table2 = table + "_a";
ts.exec("createtable " + table1);
ts.exec("createtable " + table2);
String lst = ts.exec("tables -l");
assertTrue(lst.indexOf(table2) < lst.indexOf(table1));
lst = ts.exec("tables -l -s");
assertTrue(lst.indexOf(table1) < lst.indexOf(table2));
public void systempermission() throws Exception {
assertEquals(12, ts.output.get().split("\n").length - 1);
ts.exec("tablepermissions", true);
assertEquals(6, ts.output.get().split("\n").length - 1);
public void listscans() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
// Should be about a 3 second scan
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
ts.exec("insert " + i + " cf cq value", true);
Connector connector = getConnector();
final Scanner s = connector.createScanner(table, Authorizations.EMPTY);
IteratorSetting cfg = new IteratorSetting(30, SlowIterator.class);
SlowIterator.setSleepTime(cfg, 500);
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
List<String> scans = new ArrayList<>();
// Try to find the active scan for about 15seconds
for (int i = 0; i < 50 && scans.isEmpty(); i++) {
String currentScans = ts.exec("listscans", true);"Got output from listscans:\n" + currentScans);
String[] lines = currentScans.split("\n");
for (int scanOffset = 2; scanOffset < lines.length; scanOffset++) {
String currentScan = lines[scanOffset];
if (currentScan.contains(table)) {"Retaining scan: " + currentScan);
} else {"Ignoring scan because of wrong table: " + currentScan);
sleepUninterruptibly(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertFalse("Could not find any active scans over table " + table, scans.isEmpty());
for (String scan : scans) {
if (!scan.contains("RUNNING")) {"Ignoring scan because it doesn't contain 'RUNNING': " + scan);
String parts[] = scan.split("\\|");
assertEquals("Expected 14 colums, but found " + parts.length + " instead for '" + Arrays.toString(parts) + "'", 14, parts.length);
String tserver = parts[0].trim();
// TODO: any way to tell if the client address is accurate? could be local IP, host, loopback...?
String hostPortPattern = ".+:\\d+";
String client = parts[1].trim();
assertTrue(client + " does not match " + hostPortPattern, client.matches(hostPortPattern));
// Scan ID should be a long (throwing an exception if it fails to parse)
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
public void testPertableClasspath() throws Exception {
final String table = name.getMethodName();
File fooFilterJar = File.createTempFile("FooFilter", ".jar", new File(rootPath));
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/FooFilter.jar"), fooFilterJar);
File fooConstraintJar = File.createTempFile("FooConstraint", ".jar", new File(rootPath));
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/FooConstraint.jar"), fooConstraintJar);
ts.exec("config -s " + Property.VFS_CONTEXT_CLASSPATH_PROPERTY.getKey() + "cx1=" + fooFilterJar.toURI().toString() + ","
+ fooConstraintJar.toURI().toString(), true);
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("config -t " + table + " -s " + Property.TABLE_CLASSPATH.getKey() + "=cx1", true);
sleepUninterruptibly(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// We can't use the setiter command as Filter implements OptionDescriber which
// forces us to enter more input that I don't know how to input
// Instead, we can just manually set the property on the table.
ts.exec("config -t " + table + " -s " + Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_PREFIX.getKey() + ",org.apache.accumulo.test.FooFilter");
ts.exec("insert foo f q v", true);
sleepUninterruptibly(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
ts.exec("scan -np", true, "foo", false);
ts.exec("constraint -a FooConstraint", true);
ts.exec("offline -w " + table);
ts.exec("online -w " + table);
ts.exec("table " + table, true);
ts.exec("insert foo f q v", false);
ts.exec("insert ok foo q v", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table, true);
ts.exec("config -d " + Property.VFS_CONTEXT_CLASSPATH_PROPERTY.getKey() + "cx1");
public void trace() throws Exception {
// Make sure to not collide with the "trace" table
final String table = name.getMethodName() + "Test";
ts.exec("trace on", true);
ts.exec("createtable " + table, true);
ts.exec("insert a b c value", true);
ts.exec("scan -np", true, "value", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -f " + table);
ts.exec("sleep 1");
String trace = ts.exec("trace off");
public void badLogin() throws Exception {
// Can't run with Kerberos, can't switch identity in shell presently
Assume.assumeTrue(getToken() instanceof PasswordToken);
ts.input.set(getRootPassword() + "\n");
String err = ts.exec("user NoSuchUser", false);
assertTrue(err.contains("BAD_CREDENTIALS for user NoSuchUser"));
public void namespaces() throws Exception {
ts.exec("namespaces", true, "\"\"", true); // default namespace, displayed as quoted empty string
ts.exec("namespaces", true, Namespaces.ACCUMULO_NAMESPACE, true);
ts.exec("createnamespace thing1", true);
String namespaces = ts.exec("namespaces");
ts.exec("renamenamespace thing1 thing2");
namespaces = ts.exec("namespaces");
// can't delete a namespace that still contains tables, unless you do -f
ts.exec("createtable thing2.thingy", true);
ts.exec("deletenamespace thing2");
ts.exec("namespaces", true, "thing2", true);
ts.exec("du -ns thing2", true, "thing2.thingy", true);
// all "TableOperation" commands can take a namespace
ts.exec("offline -ns thing2", true);
ts.exec("online -ns thing2", true);
ts.exec("flush -ns thing2", true);
ts.exec("compact -ns thing2", true);
ts.exec("createnamespace testers3", true);
ts.exec("createtable testers3.1", true);
ts.exec("createtable testers3.2", true);
ts.exec("deletetable -ns testers3 -f", true);
ts.exec("tables", true, "testers3.1", false);
ts.exec("namespaces", true, "testers3", true);
ts.exec("deletenamespace testers3 -f", true);
ts.exec("setiter -ns thing2 -scan -class org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user.SummingCombiner -p 10 -n name", true);
ts.exec("listiter -ns thing2 -scan", true, "Summing", true);
ts.exec("deleteiter -ns thing2 -n name -scan", true);
ts.exec("createuser dude");
ts.exec("grant Namespace.CREATE_TABLE -ns thing2 -u dude", true);
ts.exec("revoke Namespace.CREATE_TABLE -ns thing2 -u dude", true);
// properties override and such
ts.exec("config -ns thing2 -s table.file.max=44444", true);
ts.exec("config -ns thing2", true, "44444", true);
ts.exec("config -t thing2.thingy", true, "44444", true);
ts.exec("config -t thing2.thingy -s table.file.max=55555", true);
ts.exec("config -t thing2.thingy", true, "55555", true);
// can copy properties when creating
ts.exec("createnamespace thing3 -cc thing2", true);
ts.exec("config -ns thing3", true, "44444", true);
ts.exec("deletenamespace -f thing2", true);
ts.exec("namespaces", true, "thing2", false);
ts.exec("tables", true, "thing2.thingy", false);
// put constraints on a namespace
ts.exec("constraint -ns thing3 -a org.apache.accumulo.examples.simple.constraints.NumericValueConstraint", true);
ts.exec("createtable thing3.constrained", true);
ts.exec("table thing3.constrained", true);
ts.exec("constraint -d 1");
// should fail
ts.exec("constraint -l", true, "NumericValueConstraint", true);
ts.exec("insert r cf cq abc", false);
ts.exec("constraint -ns thing3 -d 1");
ts.exec("sleep 1");
ts.exec("insert r cf cq abc", true);
private int countkeys(String table) throws IOException {
ts.exec("scan -np -t " + table);
return ts.output.get().split("\n").length - 1;
public void scans() throws Exception {
ts.exec("createtable t");
String result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row1 -e row1");
assertEquals(2, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row3 -e row5");
assertEquals(4, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -r row3");
assertEquals(2, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row:");
assertEquals(1, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row");
assertEquals(11, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -e row:");
assertEquals(11, result.split("\n").length);
ts.exec("deletetable -f t");
public void scansWithClassLoaderContext() throws Exception {
try {
fail("ValueReversingIterator already on the classpath");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing here, This is success. The following line is here
// so that findbugs doesn't have a stroke.
ts.exec("createtable t");
// Add the context to the table so that setscaniter works. After setscaniter succeeds, then
// remove the property from the table.
ts.exec("config -t t -s table.classpath.context=" + FAKE_CONTEXT);
ts.exec("setscaniter -n reverse -t t -p 21 -class org.apache.accumulo.test.functional.ValueReversingIterator");
String result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row1 -e row1");
assertEquals(2, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row3 -e row5");
assertEquals(4, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -r row3");
assertEquals(2, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row:");
assertEquals(1, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row");
assertEquals(11, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -e row:");
assertEquals(11, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row1 -e row1 -cc " + REAL_CONTEXT);
assertEquals(2, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row3 -e row5 -cc " + REAL_CONTEXT);
assertEquals(4, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -r row3 -cc " + REAL_CONTEXT);
assertEquals(2, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row: -cc " + REAL_CONTEXT);
assertEquals(1, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -b row -cc " + REAL_CONTEXT);
assertEquals(11, result.split("\n").length);
result = ts.exec("scan -np -e row: -cc " + REAL_CONTEXT);
assertEquals(11, result.split("\n").length);
ts.exec("deletetable -f t");
private static final String FAKE_CONTEXT = "FAKE";
private static final String FAKE_CONTEXT_CLASSPATH = "file:///tmp/ShellServerIT-iterators.jar";
private static final String REAL_CONTEXT = "REAL";
private static final String REAL_CONTEXT_CLASSPATH = "file:///tmp/TestIterators-tests.jar";
private void setupRealContextPath() throws Exception {
// Copy the TestIterators jar to tmp
Path baseDir = new Path(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
Path targetDir = new Path(baseDir, "target");
Path jarPath = new Path(targetDir, "TestIterators-tests.jar");
Path dstPath = new Path(REAL_CONTEXT_CLASSPATH);
FileSystem fs = SharedMiniClusterBase.getCluster().getFileSystem();
fs.copyFromLocalFile(jarPath, dstPath);
private void setupFakeContextPath() throws Exception {
// Copy the TestIterators jar to tmp
Path baseDir = new Path(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
Path targetDir = new Path(baseDir, "target");
Path classesDir = new Path(targetDir, "classes");
Path jarPath = new Path(classesDir, "ShellServerIT-iterators.jar");
Path dstPath = new Path(FAKE_CONTEXT_CLASSPATH);
FileSystem fs = SharedMiniClusterBase.getCluster().getFileSystem();
fs.copyFromLocalFile(jarPath, dstPath);
public void whoami() throws Exception {
AuthenticationToken token = getToken();
assertTrue(ts.exec("whoami", true).contains(getPrincipal()));
// Unnecessary with Kerberos enabled, won't prompt for a password
if (token instanceof PasswordToken) {
ts.exec("createuser test_user");
ts.exec("setauths -u test_user -s 12,3,4");
String auths = ts.exec("getauths -u test_user");
assertTrue(auths.contains("3") && auths.contains("12") && auths.contains("4"));
// No support to switch users within the shell with Kerberos
if (token instanceof PasswordToken) {
ts.exec("user test_user", true);
assertTrue(ts.exec("whoami", true).contains("test_user"));
ts.input.set(getRootPassword() + "\n");
ts.exec("user root", true);
private void make10() throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ts.exec(String.format("insert row%d cf col%d value", i, i));
private List<String> getFiles(String tableId) throws IOException {
ts.exec("scan -t " + MetadataTable.NAME + " -np -c file -b " + tableId + " -e " + tableId + "~");
log.debug("countFiles(): " + ts.output.get());
String[] lines = StringUtils.split(ts.output.get(), "\n");
if (0 == lines.length) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(lines, 1, lines.length));
private int countFiles(String tableId) throws IOException {
return getFiles(tableId).size();
private String getTableId(String tableName) throws Exception {
Connector conn = getConnector();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Map<String,String> nameToId = conn.tableOperations().tableIdMap();
if (nameToId.containsKey(tableName)) {
return nameToId.get(tableName);
} else {
fail("Could not find ID for table: " + tableName);
// Will never get here
return null;