blob: c1e3c80fa9f510d479d406fe187481f61459208b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.accumulo.core.util;
* A class that validates arguments of a particular type. Implementations must implement {@link #apply(Object)} and should override
* {@link #invalidMessage(Object)}.
public abstract class Validator<T> implements Predicate<T> {
* Validates an argument.
* @param argument
* argument to validate
* @return the argument, if validation passes
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if validation fails
public final T validate(final T argument) {
if (!apply(argument))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(invalidMessage(argument));
return argument;
* Formulates an exception message for invalid values.
* @param argument
* argument that failed validation
* @return exception message
public String invalidMessage(final T argument) {
return String.format("Invalid argument %s", argument);
* Creates a new validator that is the conjunction of this one and the given one. An argument passed to the returned validator is valid only if it passes both
* validators.
* @param other
* other validator
* @return combined validator
public final Validator<T> and(final Validator<T> other) {
if (other == null)
return this;
final Validator<T> mine = this;
return new Validator<T>() {
public boolean apply(T argument) {
return mine.apply(argument) && other.apply(argument);
public String invalidMessage(T argument) {
return (mine.apply(argument) ? other : mine).invalidMessage(argument);
* Creates a new validator that is the disjunction of this one and the given one. An argument passed to the returned validator is valid only if it passes at
* least one of the validators.
* @param other
* other validator
* @return combined validator
public final Validator<T> or(final Validator<T> other) {
if (other == null)
return this;
final Validator<T> mine = this;
return new Validator<T>() {
public boolean apply(T argument) {
return mine.apply(argument) || other.apply(argument);
public String invalidMessage(T argument) {
return mine.invalidMessage(argument);
* Creates a new validator that is the negation of this one. An argument passed to the returned validator is valid only if it fails this one.
* @return negated validator
public final Validator<T> not() {
final Validator<T> mine = this;
return new Validator<T>() {
public boolean apply(T argument) {
return !mine.apply(argument);
public String invalidMessage(T argument) {
return "Validation should have failed with: " + mine.invalidMessage(argument);