blob: 67fe2f4c9cc3e322a09da7cc150c0d84e0993b1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl;
import static;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ClientConfiguration;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Instance;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.ZooKeeperInstance;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.AuthenticationTokenIdentifier;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.Credentials;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.DelegationTokenImpl;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.impl.DelegationTokenStub;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.Base64;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.util.DeprecationUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* @since 1.6.0
public class ConfiguratorBase {
* Configuration keys for {@link Instance#getConnector(String, AuthenticationToken)}.
* @since 1.6.0
public static enum ConnectorInfo {
public static enum TokenSource {
private String prefix;
private TokenSource() {
prefix = name().toLowerCase() + ":";
public String prefix() {
return prefix;
* Configuration keys for available {@link Instance} types.
* @since 1.6.0
public static enum InstanceOpts {
* Configuration keys for general configuration options.
* @since 1.6.0
public static enum GeneralOpts {
* Provides a configuration key for a given feature enum, prefixed by the implementingClass
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param e
* the enum used to provide the unique part of the configuration key
* @return the configuration key
* @since 1.6.0
protected static String enumToConfKey(Class<?> implementingClass, Enum<?> e) {
return implementingClass.getSimpleName() + "." + e.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + StringUtils.camelize(;
* Provides a configuration key for a given feature enum.
* @param e
* the enum used to provide the unique part of the configuration key
* @return the configuration key
protected static String enumToConfKey(Enum<?> e) {
return e.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName() + "." + StringUtils.camelize(;
* Sets the connector information needed to communicate with Accumulo in this job.
* <p>
* <b>WARNING:</b> The serialized token is stored in the configuration and shared with all MapReduce tasks. It is BASE64 encoded to provide a charset safe
* conversion to a string, and is not intended to be secure.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @param principal
* a valid Accumulo user name
* @param token
* the user's password
* @since 1.6.0
public static void setConnectorInfo(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf, String principal, AuthenticationToken token)
throws AccumuloSecurityException {
if (isConnectorInfoSet(implementingClass, conf))
throw new IllegalStateException("Connector info for " + implementingClass.getSimpleName() + " can only be set once per job");
checkArgument(principal != null, "principal is null");
checkArgument(token != null, "token is null");
conf.setBoolean(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.IS_CONFIGURED), true);
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.PRINCIPAL), principal);
if (token instanceof DelegationTokenImpl) {
// Avoid serializing the DelegationToken secret in the configuration -- the Job will do that work for us securely
DelegationTokenImpl delToken = (DelegationTokenImpl) token;
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.TOKEN), TokenSource.JOB.prefix() + token.getClass().getName() + ":"
+ delToken.getServiceName().toString());
} else {
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.TOKEN),
TokenSource.INLINE.prefix() + token.getClass().getName() + ":" + Base64.encodeBase64String(AuthenticationTokenSerializer.serialize(token)));
* Sets the connector information needed to communicate with Accumulo in this job.
* <p>
* Pulls a token file into the Distributed Cache that contains the authentication token in an attempt to be more secure than storing the password in the
* Configuration. Token file created with "bin/accumulo create-token".
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @param principal
* a valid Accumulo user name
* @param tokenFile
* the path to the token file in DFS
* @since 1.6.0
public static void setConnectorInfo(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf, String principal, String tokenFile) throws AccumuloSecurityException {
if (isConnectorInfoSet(implementingClass, conf))
throw new IllegalStateException("Connector info for " + implementingClass.getSimpleName() + " can only be set once per job");
checkArgument(principal != null, "principal is null");
checkArgument(tokenFile != null, "tokenFile is null");
try {
DistributedCacheHelper.addCacheFile(new URI(tokenFile), conf);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to add tokenFile \"" + tokenFile + "\" to distributed cache.");
conf.setBoolean(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.IS_CONFIGURED), true);
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.PRINCIPAL), principal);
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.TOKEN), TokenSource.FILE.prefix() + tokenFile);
* Determines if the connector info has already been set for this instance.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return true if the connector info has already been set, false otherwise
* @since 1.6.0
* @see #setConnectorInfo(Class, Configuration, String, AuthenticationToken)
public static Boolean isConnectorInfoSet(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf) {
return conf.getBoolean(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.IS_CONFIGURED), false);
* Gets the user name from the configuration.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return the principal
* @since 1.6.0
* @see #setConnectorInfo(Class, Configuration, String, AuthenticationToken)
public static String getPrincipal(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf) {
return conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.PRINCIPAL));
* Gets the authenticated token from either the specified token file or directly from the configuration, whichever was used when the job was configured.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return the principal's authentication token
* @since 1.6.0
* @see #setConnectorInfo(Class, Configuration, String, AuthenticationToken)
* @see #setConnectorInfo(Class, Configuration, String, String)
public static AuthenticationToken getAuthenticationToken(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf) {
String token = conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, ConnectorInfo.TOKEN));
if (token == null || token.isEmpty())
return null;
if (token.startsWith(TokenSource.INLINE.prefix())) {
String[] args = token.substring(TokenSource.INLINE.prefix().length()).split(":", 2);
if (args.length == 2)
return AuthenticationTokenSerializer.deserialize(args[0], Base64.decodeBase64(args[1].getBytes(UTF_8)));
} else if (token.startsWith(TokenSource.FILE.prefix())) {
String tokenFileName = token.substring(TokenSource.FILE.prefix().length());
return getTokenFromFile(conf, getPrincipal(implementingClass, conf), tokenFileName);
} else if (token.startsWith(TokenSource.JOB.prefix())) {
String[] args = token.substring(TokenSource.JOB.prefix().length()).split(":", 2);
if (args.length == 2) {
String className = args[0], serviceName = args[1];
if (DelegationTokenImpl.class.getName().equals(className)) {
return new DelegationTokenStub(serviceName);
throw new IllegalStateException("Token was not properly serialized into the configuration");
* Reads from the token file in distributed cache. Currently, the token file stores data separated by colons e.g. principal:token_class:token
* @param conf
* the Hadoop context for the configured job
* @return path to the token file as a String
* @since 1.6.0
* @see #setConnectorInfo(Class, Configuration, String, AuthenticationToken)
public static AuthenticationToken getTokenFromFile(Configuration conf, String principal, String tokenFile) {
FSDataInputStream in = null;
try {
URI[] uris = DistributedCacheHelper.getCacheFiles(conf);
Path path = null;
for (URI u : uris) {
if (u.toString().equals(tokenFile)) {
path = new Path(u);
if (path == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find password file called \"" + tokenFile + "\" in cache.");
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
in =;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't open password file called \"" + tokenFile + "\".");
try (java.util.Scanner fileScanner = new java.util.Scanner(in)) {
while (fileScanner.hasNextLine()) {
Credentials creds = Credentials.deserialize(fileScanner.nextLine());
if (principal.equals(creds.getPrincipal())) {
return creds.getToken();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find token for user \"" + principal + "\" in file \"" + tokenFile + "\"");
* Configures a {@link ZooKeeperInstance} for this job.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @param clientConfig
* client configuration for specifying connection timeouts, SSL connection options, etc.
* @since 1.6.0
public static void setZooKeeperInstance(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf, ClientConfiguration clientConfig) {
String key = enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.TYPE);
if (!conf.get(key, "").isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Instance info can only be set once per job; it has already been configured with " + conf.get(key));
conf.set(key, "ZooKeeperInstance");
if (clientConfig != null) {
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.CLIENT_CONFIG), clientConfig.serialize());
* Configures a {@link org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mock.MockInstance} for this job.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @param instanceName
* the Accumulo instance name
* @since 1.6.0
* @deprecated since 1.8.0; use MiniAccumuloCluster or a standard mock framework
public static void setMockInstance(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf, String instanceName) {
String key = enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.TYPE);
if (!conf.get(key, "").isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Instance info can only be set once per job; it has already been configured with " + conf.get(key));
conf.set(key, "MockInstance");
checkArgument(instanceName != null, "instanceName is null");
conf.set(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.NAME), instanceName);
* Initializes an Accumulo {@link Instance} based on the configuration.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return an Accumulo instance
* @since 1.6.0
* @see #setZooKeeperInstance(Class, Configuration, ClientConfiguration)
public static Instance getInstance(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf) {
String instanceType = conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.TYPE), "");
if ("MockInstance".equals(instanceType))
return DeprecationUtil.makeMockInstance(conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.NAME)));
else if ("ZooKeeperInstance".equals(instanceType)) {
return new ZooKeeperInstance(getClientConfiguration(implementingClass, conf));
} else if (instanceType.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Instance has not been configured for " + implementingClass.getSimpleName());
throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized instance type " + instanceType);
* Obtain a {@link ClientConfiguration} based on the configuration.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return A {@link ClientConfiguration}
* @since 1.7.0
public static ClientConfiguration getClientConfiguration(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf) {
String clientConfigString = conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.CLIENT_CONFIG));
if (null != clientConfigString) {
return ClientConfiguration.deserialize(clientConfigString);
String instanceName = conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.NAME));
String zookeepers = conf.get(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, InstanceOpts.ZOO_KEEPERS));
ClientConfiguration clientConf = ClientConfiguration.loadDefault();
if (null != instanceName) {
if (null != zookeepers) {
return clientConf;
* Sets the log level for this job.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @param level
* the logging level
* @since 1.6.0
public static void setLogLevel(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf, Level level) {
checkArgument(level != null, "level is null");
conf.setInt(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, GeneralOpts.LOG_LEVEL), level.toInt());
* Gets the log level from this configuration.
* @param implementingClass
* the class whose name will be used as a prefix for the property configuration key
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return the log level
* @since 1.6.0
* @see #setLogLevel(Class, Configuration, Level)
public static Level getLogLevel(Class<?> implementingClass, Configuration conf) {
return Level.toLevel(conf.getInt(enumToConfKey(implementingClass, GeneralOpts.LOG_LEVEL), Level.INFO.toInt()));
* Sets the valid visibility count for this job.
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @param visibilityCacheSize
* the LRU cache size
public static void setVisibilityCacheSize(Configuration conf, int visibilityCacheSize) {
conf.setInt(enumToConfKey(GeneralOpts.VISIBILITY_CACHE_SIZE), visibilityCacheSize);
* Gets the valid visibility count for this job.
* @param conf
* the Hadoop configuration object to configure
* @return the valid visibility count
public static int getVisibilityCacheSize(Configuration conf) {
return conf.getInt(enumToConfKey(GeneralOpts.VISIBILITY_CACHE_SIZE), Constants.DEFAULT_VISIBILITY_CACHE_SIZE);
* Unwraps the provided {@link AuthenticationToken} if it is an instance of {@link DelegationTokenStub}, reconstituting it from the provided {@link JobConf}.
* @param job
* The job
* @param token
* The authentication token
public static AuthenticationToken unwrapAuthenticationToken(JobConf job, AuthenticationToken token) {
if (token instanceof DelegationTokenStub) {
DelegationTokenStub delTokenStub = (DelegationTokenStub) token;
Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> hadoopToken = job.getCredentials().getToken(new Text(delTokenStub.getServiceName()));
AuthenticationTokenIdentifier identifier = new AuthenticationTokenIdentifier();
try {
identifier.readFields(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(hadoopToken.getIdentifier())));
return new DelegationTokenImpl(hadoopToken.getPassword(), identifier);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not construct DelegationToken from JobConf Credentials", e);
return token;
* Unwraps the provided {@link AuthenticationToken} if it is an instance of {@link DelegationTokenStub}, reconstituting it from the provided {@link JobConf}.
* @param job
* The job
* @param token
* The authentication token
public static AuthenticationToken unwrapAuthenticationToken(JobContext job, AuthenticationToken token) {
if (token instanceof DelegationTokenStub) {
DelegationTokenStub delTokenStub = (DelegationTokenStub) token;
Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> hadoopToken = job.getCredentials().getToken(new Text(delTokenStub.getServiceName()));
AuthenticationTokenIdentifier identifier = new AuthenticationTokenIdentifier();
try {
identifier.readFields(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(hadoopToken.getIdentifier())));
return new DelegationTokenImpl(hadoopToken.getPassword(), identifier);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not construct DelegationToken from JobConf Credentials", e);
return token;