blob: 3e56736e0fb5864ceab8334e9f71ef97aecca159 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.IteratorSetting;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableExistsException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableOfflineException;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.AccumuloFileOutputFormat;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.rfile.RFile;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.sample.SamplerConfiguration;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.IteratorUtil.IteratorScope;
* Provides a class for administering tables
public interface TableOperations {
* Retrieve a list of tables in Accumulo.
* @return List of tables in accumulo
SortedSet<String> list();
* A method to check if a table exists in Accumulo.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return true if the table exists
boolean exists(String tableName);
* Create a table with no special configuration
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableExistsException
* if the table already exists
void create(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param limitVersion
* Enables/disables the versioning iterator, which will limit the number of Key versions kept.
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableExistsException
* if the table already exists
* @deprecated since 1.7.0; use {@link #create(String, NewTableConfiguration)} instead.
void create(String tableName, boolean limitVersion) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param versioningIter
* Enables/disables the versioning iterator, which will limit the number of Key versions kept.
* @param timeType
* specifies logical or real-time based time recording for entries in the table
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableExistsException
* if the table already exists
* @deprecated since 1.7.0; use {@link #create(String, NewTableConfiguration)} instead.
void create(String tableName, boolean versioningIter, TimeType timeType) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableExistsException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param ntc
* specifies the new table's configuration variable, which are: 1. enable/disable the versioning iterator, which will limit the number of Key
* versions kept; 2. specifies logical or real-time based time recording for entries in the table; 3. user defined properties to be merged into the
* initial properties of the table
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableExistsException
* if the table already exists
* @since 1.7.0
void create(String tableName, NewTableConfiguration ntc) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableExistsException;
* Imports a table exported via exportTable and copied via hadoop distcp.
* @param tableName
* Name of a table to create and import into.
* @param importDir
* Directory that contains the files copied by distcp from exportTable
* @since 1.5.0
void importTable(String tableName, String importDir) throws TableExistsException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Exports a table. The tables data is not exported, just table metadata and a list of files to distcp. The table being exported must be offline and stay
* offline for the duration of distcp. To avoid losing access to a table it can be cloned and the clone taken offline for export.
* <p>
* See docs/examples/README.export
* @param tableName
* Name of the table to export.
* @param exportDir
* An empty directory in HDFS where files containing table metadata and list of files to distcp will be placed.
* @since 1.5.0
void exportTable(String tableName, String exportDir) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Ensures that tablets are split along a set of keys.
* <p>
* Note that while the documentation for Text specifies that its bytestream should be UTF-8, the encoding is not enforced by operations that work with byte
* arrays.
* <p>
* For example, you can create 256 evenly-sliced splits via the following code sample even though the given byte sequences are not valid UTF-8.
* <pre>
* TableOperations tableOps = connector.tableOperations();
* TreeSet&lt;Text&gt; splits = new TreeSet&lt;Text&gt;();
* for (int i = 0; i &lt; 256; i++) {
* byte[] bytes = {(byte) i};
* splits.add(new Text(bytes));
* }
* tableOps.addSplits(TABLE_NAME, splits);
* </pre>
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param partitionKeys
* a sorted set of row key values to pre-split the table on
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
void addSplits(String tableName, SortedSet<Text> partitionKeys) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return the split points (end-row names) for the table's current split profile
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
* @deprecated since 1.5.0; use {@link #listSplits(String)} instead.
Collection<Text> getSplits(String tableName) throws TableNotFoundException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return the split points (end-row names) for the table's current split profile
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @since 1.5.0
Collection<Text> listSplits(String tableName) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param maxSplits
* specifies the maximum number of splits to return
* @return the split points (end-row names) for the table's current split profile, grouped into fewer splits so as not to exceed maxSplits
* @deprecated since 1.5.0; use {@link #listSplits(String, int)} instead.
Collection<Text> getSplits(String tableName, int maxSplits) throws TableNotFoundException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param maxSplits
* specifies the maximum number of splits to return
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @return the split points (end-row names) for the table's current split profile, grouped into fewer splits so as not to exceed maxSplits
* @since 1.5.0
Collection<Text> listSplits(String tableName, int maxSplits) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException;
* Locates the tablet servers and tablets that would service a collections of ranges. If a range covers multiple tablets, it will occur multiple times in the
* returned map.
* @param ranges
* The input ranges that should be mapped to tablet servers and tablets.
* @throws TableOfflineException
* if the table is offline or goes offline during the operation
* @since 1.8.0
Locations locate(String tableName, Collection<Range> ranges) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Finds the max row within a given range. To find the max row in a table, pass null for start and end row.
* @param auths
* find the max row that can seen with these auths
* @param startRow
* row to start looking at, null means -Infinity
* @param startInclusive
* determines if the start row is included
* @param endRow
* row to stop looking at, null means Infinity
* @param endInclusive
* determines if the end row is included
* @return The max row in the range, or null if there is no visible data in the range.
Text getMaxRow(String tableName, Authorizations auths, Text startRow, boolean startInclusive, Text endRow, boolean endInclusive)
throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Merge tablets between (start, end]
* @param tableName
* the table to merge
* @param start
* first tablet to be merged contains the row after this row, null means the first tablet
* @param end
* last tablet to be merged contains this row, null means the last tablet
void merge(String tableName, Text start, Text end) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Delete rows between (start, end]
* @param tableName
* the table to merge
* @param start
* delete rows after this, null means the first row of the table
* @param end
* last row to be deleted, inclusive, null means the last row of the table
void deleteRows(String tableName, Text start, Text end) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end]. The compaction is preformed even for tablets that have only one file.
* @param tableName
* the table to compact
* @param start
* first tablet to be compacted contains the row after this row, null means the first tablet in table
* @param end
* last tablet to be compacted contains this row, null means the last tablet in table
* @param flush
* when true, table memory is flushed before compaction starts
* @param wait
* when true, the call will not return until compactions are finished
void compact(String tableName, Text start, Text end, boolean flush, boolean wait) throws AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException;
* Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end]. The compaction is preformed even for tablets that have only one file.
* @param tableName
* the table to compact
* @param start
* first tablet to be compacted contains the row after this row, null means the first tablet in table
* @param end
* last tablet to be compacted contains this row, null means the last tablet in table
* @param iterators
* A set of iterators that will be applied to each tablet compacted. If two or more concurrent calls to compact pass iterators, then only one will
* succeed and the others will fail.
* @param flush
* when true, table memory is flushed before compaction starts
* @param wait
* when true, the call will not return until compactions are finished
* @since 1.5.0
void compact(String tableName, Text start, Text end, List<IteratorSetting> iterators, boolean flush, boolean wait) throws AccumuloSecurityException,
TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException;
* Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end]. If the config does not specify a compaction strategy, then all files in a tablet
* are compacted. The compaction is performed even for tablets that have only one file.
* <p>
* Only one compact call at a time can pass iterators and/or a compaction strategy. If two threads call compaction with iterators and/or a copmaction
* strategy, then one will fail.
* @param tableName
* the table to compact
* @param config
* the configuration to use
* @since 1.7.0
void compact(String tableName, CompactionConfig config) throws AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException;
* Cancels a user initiated major compaction of a table initiated with {@link #compact(String, Text, Text, boolean, boolean)} or
* {@link #compact(String, Text, Text, List, boolean, boolean)}. Compactions of tablets that are currently running may finish, but new compactions of tablets
* will not start.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @since 1.5.0
void cancelCompaction(String tableName) throws AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException;
* Delete a table
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
void delete(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Clone a table from an existing table. The cloned table will have the same data as the source table it was created from. After cloning, the two tables can
* mutate independently. Initially the cloned table should not use any extra space, however as the source table and cloned table major compact extra space
* will be used by the clone.
* Initially the cloned table is only readable and writable by the user who created it.
* @param srcTableName
* the table to clone
* @param newTableName
* the name of the clone
* @param flush
* determines if memory is flushed in the source table before cloning.
* @param propertiesToSet
* the sources tables properties are copied, this allows overriding of those properties
* @param propertiesToExclude
* do not copy these properties from the source table, just revert to system defaults
void clone(String srcTableName, String newTableName, boolean flush, Map<String,String> propertiesToSet, Set<String> propertiesToExclude)
throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, TableExistsException;
* Rename a table
* @param oldTableName
* the old table name
* @param newTableName
* the new table name, which must be in the same namespace as the oldTableName
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the old table name does not exist
* @throws TableExistsException
* if the new table name already exists
void rename(String oldTableName, String newTableName) throws AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, TableExistsException;
* Initiate a flush of a table's data that is in memory
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @deprecated since 1.4; use {@link #flush(String, Text, Text, boolean)} instead
void flush(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Flush a table's data that is currently in memory.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param wait
* if true the call will not return until all data present in memory when the call was is flushed if false will initiate a flush of data in memory,
* but will not wait for it to complete
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
void flush(String tableName, Text start, Text end, boolean wait) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Sets a property on a table. This operation is asynchronous and eventually consistent. Not all tablets in a table will acknowledge this new value
* immediately nor at the same time. Within a few seconds without another change, all tablets in a table should see the updated value. The clone table feature
* can be used if consistency is required.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param property
* the name of a per-table property
* @param value
* the value to set a per-table property to
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
void setProperty(String tableName, String property, String value) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Removes a property from a table. This operation is asynchronous and eventually consistent. Not all tablets in a table will acknowledge this altered value
* immediately nor at the same time. Within a few seconds without another change, all tablets in a table should see the altered value. The clone table feature
* can be used if consistency is required.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param property
* the name of a per-table property
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
void removeProperty(String tableName, String property) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Gets properties of a table. This operation is asynchronous and eventually consistent. It is not guaranteed that all tablets in a table will return the same
* values. Within a few seconds without another change, all tablets in a table should be consistent. The clone table feature can be used if consistency is
* required.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return all properties visible by this table (system and per-table properties). Note that recently changed properties may not be visible immediately.
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
Iterable<Entry<String,String>> getProperties(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Sets a table's locality groups. A table's locality groups can be changed at any time.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param groups
* mapping of locality group names to column families in the locality group
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
void setLocalityGroups(String tableName, Map<String,Set<Text>> groups) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Gets the locality groups currently set for a table.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return mapping of locality group names to column families in the locality group
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
Map<String,Set<Text>> getLocalityGroups(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param range
* a range to split
* @param maxSplits
* the maximum number of splits
* @return the range, split into smaller ranges that fall on boundaries of the table's split points as evenly as possible
* @throws AccumuloException
* if a general error occurs
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* if the user does not have permission
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if the table does not exist
Set<Range> splitRangeByTablets(String tableName, Range range, int maxSplits) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Bulk import all the files in a directory into a table. Files can be created using {@link AccumuloFileOutputFormat} and {@link RFile#newWriter()}
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param dir
* the HDFS directory to find files for importing
* @param failureDir
* the HDFS directory to place files that failed to be imported, must exist and be empty
* @param setTime
* override the time values in the input files, and use the current time for all mutations
* @throws IOException
* when there is an error reading/writing to HDFS
* @throws AccumuloException
* when there is a general accumulo error
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* when the user does not have the proper permissions
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* when the table no longer exists
void importDirectory(String tableName, String dir, String failureDir, boolean setTime) throws TableNotFoundException, IOException, AccumuloException,
* Initiates taking a table offline, but does not wait for action to complete
* @param tableName
* the table to take offline
* @throws AccumuloException
* when there is a general accumulo error
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* when the user does not have the proper permissions
void offline(String tableName) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* @param tableName
* the table to take offline
* @param wait
* if true, then will not return until table is offline
* @throws AccumuloException
* when there is a general accumulo error
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* when the user does not have the proper permissions
* @since 1.6.0
void offline(String tableName, boolean wait) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Initiates bringing a table online, but does not wait for action to complete
* @param tableName
* the table to take online
* @throws AccumuloException
* when there is a general accumulo error
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* when the user does not have the proper permissions
void online(String tableName) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* @param tableName
* the table to take online
* @param wait
* if true, then will not return until table is online
* @throws AccumuloException
* when there is a general accumulo error
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* when the user does not have the proper permissions
* @since 1.6.0
void online(String tableName, boolean wait) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Clears the tablet locator cache for a specified table
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if table does not exist
void clearLocatorCache(String tableName) throws TableNotFoundException;
* Get a mapping of table name to internal table id.
* @return the map from table name to internal table id
Map<String,String> tableIdMap();
* Add an iterator to a table on all scopes.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param setting
* object specifying the properties of the iterator
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* thrown if the user does not have the ability to set properties on the table
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* throw if the table no longer exists
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the setting conflicts with any existing iterators
void attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Add an iterator to a table on the given scopes.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param setting
* object specifying the properties of the iterator
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* thrown if the user does not have the ability to set properties on the table
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* throw if the table no longer exists
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the setting conflicts with any existing iterators
void attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorScope> scopes) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException,
* Remove an iterator from a table by name.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param name
* the name of the iterator
* @param scopes
* the scopes of the iterator
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* thrown if the user does not have the ability to set properties on the table
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* throw if the table no longer exists
void removeIterator(String tableName, String name, EnumSet<IteratorScope> scopes) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Get the settings for an iterator.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param name
* the name of the iterator
* @param scope
* the scope of the iterator
* @return the settings for this iterator
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* thrown if the user does not have the ability to set properties on the table
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* throw if the table no longer exists
IteratorSetting getIteratorSetting(String tableName, String name, IteratorScope scope) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException,
* Get a list of iterators for this table.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return a set of iterator names
Map<String,EnumSet<IteratorScope>> listIterators(String tableName) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for
* the specified scopes.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param setting
* object specifying the properties of the iterator
void checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorScope> scopes) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Add a new constraint to a table.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param constraintClassName
* the full name of the constraint class
* @return the unique number assigned to the constraint
* @throws AccumuloException
* thrown if the constraint has already been added to the table or if there are errors in the configuration of existing constraints
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* thrown if the user doesn't have permission to add the constraint
* @since 1.5.0
int addConstraint(String tableName, String constraintClassName) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Remove a constraint from a table.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @param number
* the unique number assigned to the constraint
* @throws AccumuloSecurityException
* thrown if the user doesn't have permission to remove the constraint
* @since 1.5.0
void removeConstraint(String tableName, int number) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* List constraints on a table with their assigned numbers.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @return a map from constraint class name to assigned number
* @throws AccumuloException
* thrown if there are errors in the configuration of existing constraints
* @since 1.5.0
Map<String,Integer> listConstraints(String tableName) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException;
* Gets the number of bytes being used in the files for a set of tables
* @param tables
* a set of tables
* @return a list of disk usage objects containing linked table names and sizes
* @since 1.6.0
List<DiskUsage> getDiskUsage(Set<String> tables) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException;
* Test to see if the instance can load the given class as the given type. This check uses the table classpath if it is set.
* @return true if the instance can load the given class as the given type, false otherwise
* @since 1.5.0
boolean testClassLoad(String tableName, final String className, final String asTypeName) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException,
* Set or update the sampler configuration for a table. If the table has existing sampler configuration, those properties will be cleared before setting the
* new table properties.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @since 1.8.0
void setSamplerConfiguration(String tableName, SamplerConfiguration samplerConfiguration) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException,
* Clear all sampling configuration properties on the table.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @since 1.8.0
void clearSamplerConfiguration(String tableName) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;
* Reads the sampling configuration properties for a table.
* @param tableName
* the name of the table
* @since 1.8.0
SamplerConfiguration getSamplerConfiguration(String tableName) throws TableNotFoundException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException;