blob: 78cf45bc4aa3da77f0014781862c271d99fe6f74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.core.conf;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.conf.PropertyType.PortRange;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.spi.scan.SimpleScanDispatcher;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A configuration object.
public abstract class AccumuloConfiguration implements Iterable<Entry<String,String>> {
private static class PrefixProps {
final long updateCount;
final Map<String,String> props;
PrefixProps(Map<String,String> props, long updateCount) {
this.updateCount = updateCount;
this.props = props;
private volatile EnumMap<Property,PrefixProps> cachedPrefixProps = new EnumMap<>(Property.class);
private Lock prefixCacheUpdateLock = new ReentrantLock();
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccumuloConfiguration.class);
* Gets a property value from this configuration.
* <p>
* Note: this is inefficient, but convenient on occasion. For retrieving multiple properties, use
* {@link #getProperties(Map, Predicate)} with a custom filter.
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
public String get(String property) {
Map<String,String> propMap = new HashMap<>(1);
getProperties(propMap, key -> Objects.equals(property, key));
return propMap.get(property);
* Gets a property value from this configuration.
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
public abstract String get(Property property);
* Given a property and a deprecated property determine which one to use base on which one is set.
public Property resolve(Property property, Property deprecatedProperty) {
if (isPropertySet(property, true) || !isPropertySet(deprecatedProperty, true)) {
return property;
} else {
return deprecatedProperty;
* Returns property key/value pairs in this configuration. The pairs include those defined in this
* configuration which pass the given filter, and those supplied from the parent configuration
* which are not included from here.
* @param props
* properties object to populate
* @param filter
* filter for accepting properties from this configuration
public abstract void getProperties(Map<String,String> props, Predicate<String> filter);
* Returns an iterator over property key/value pairs in this configuration. Some implementations
* may elect to omit properties.
* @return iterator over properties
public Iterator<Entry<String,String>> iterator() {
Predicate<String> all = x -> true;
TreeMap<String,String> entries = new TreeMap<>();
getProperties(entries, all);
return entries.entrySet().iterator();
private static void checkType(Property property, PropertyType type) {
if (!property.getType().equals(type)) {
String msg = "Configuration method intended for type " + type + " called with a "
+ property.getType() + " argument (" + property.getKey() + ")";
IllegalArgumentException err = new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
log.error(msg, err);
throw err;
* Each time configuration changes, this counter should increase. Anything that caches information
* that is derived from configuration can use this method to know when to update.
public long getUpdateCount() {
return 0;
* Gets all properties under the given prefix in this configuration.
* @param property
* prefix property, must be of type PropertyType.PREFIX
* @return a map of property keys to values
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if property is not a prefix
public Map<String,String> getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.PREFIX);
PrefixProps prefixProps = cachedPrefixProps.get(property);
if (prefixProps == null || prefixProps.updateCount != getUpdateCount()) {
try {
// Very important that update count is read before getting properties. Also only read it
// once.
long updateCount = getUpdateCount();
prefixProps = cachedPrefixProps.get(property);
if (prefixProps == null || prefixProps.updateCount != updateCount) {
Map<String,String> propMap = new HashMap<>();
// The reason this caching exists is to avoid repeatedly making this expensive call.
getProperties(propMap, key -> key.startsWith(property.getKey()));
propMap = Map.copyOf(propMap);
// So that locking is not needed when reading from enum map, always create a new one.
// Construct and populate map using a local var so its not visible
// until ready.
EnumMap<Property,PrefixProps> localPrefixes = new EnumMap<>(Property.class);
// carry forward any other cached prefixes
// put the updates
prefixProps = new PrefixProps(propMap, updateCount);
localPrefixes.put(property, prefixProps);
// make the newly constructed map available
cachedPrefixProps = localPrefixes;
} finally {
return prefixProps.props;
public Map<String,String> getAllPropertiesWithPrefixStripped(Property prefix) {
var builder = ImmutableMap.<String,String>builder();
getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(prefix).forEach((k, v) -> {
String optKey = k.substring(prefix.getKey().length());
builder.put(optKey, v);
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#BYTES} or {@link PropertyType#MEMORY}, interpreting
* the value properly.
* @param property
* Property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public long getAsBytes(Property property) {
String memString = get(property);
if (property.getType() == PropertyType.MEMORY) {
return ConfigurationTypeHelper.getMemoryAsBytes(memString);
} else if (property.getType() == PropertyType.BYTES) {
return ConfigurationTypeHelper.getFixedMemoryAsBytes(memString);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(property.getKey() + " is not of BYTES or MEMORY type");
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#TIMEDURATION}, interpreting the value properly.
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public long getTimeInMillis(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.TIMEDURATION);
return ConfigurationTypeHelper.getTimeInMillis(get(property));
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#BOOLEAN}, interpreting the value properly (using
* <code>Boolean.parseBoolean()</code>).
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public boolean getBoolean(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.BOOLEAN);
return Boolean.parseBoolean(get(property));
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#FRACTION}, interpreting the value properly.
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public double getFraction(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.FRACTION);
return ConfigurationTypeHelper.getFraction(get(property));
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#PORT}, interpreting the value properly (as an
* integer within the range of non-privileged ports). Consider using
* {@link #getPortStream(Property)}, if an array is not needed.
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public int[] getPort(Property property) {
return getPortStream(property).toArray();
* Same as {@link #getPort(Property)}, but as an {@link IntStream}.
public IntStream getPortStream(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.PORT);
String portString = get(property);
try {
return PortRange.parse(portString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
int port = Integer.parseInt(portString);
if (port == 0 || PortRange.VALID_RANGE.contains(port)) {
return IntStream.of(port);
} else {
log.error("Invalid port number {}; Using default {}", port, property.getDefaultValue());
return IntStream.of(Integer.parseInt(property.getDefaultValue()));
} catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid port syntax. Must be a single positive "
+ "integers or a range (M-N) of positive integers");
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#COUNT}, interpreting the value properly (as an
* integer).
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public int getCount(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.COUNT);
String countString = get(property);
return Integer.parseInt(countString);
* Gets a property of type {@link PropertyType#PATH}.
* @param property
* property to get
* @return property value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the property is of the wrong type
public String getPath(Property property) {
checkType(property, PropertyType.PATH);
String pathString = get(property);
if (pathString == null) {
return null;
if (pathString.contains("$ACCUMULO_")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Environment variable interpolation not supported here. "
+ "Consider using '${env:ACCUMULO_HOME}' or similar in your configuration file.");
return pathString;
* Gets the maximum number of files per tablet from this configuration.
* @return maximum number of files per tablet
* @see Property#TABLE_FILE_MAX
public int getMaxFilesPerTablet() {
int maxFilesPerTablet = getCount(Property.TABLE_FILE_MAX);
if (maxFilesPerTablet <= 0) {
maxFilesPerTablet = getCount(Property.TSERV_SCAN_MAX_OPENFILES) - 1;
log.debug("Max files per tablet {}", maxFilesPerTablet);
return maxFilesPerTablet;
public class ScanExecutorConfig {
public final String name;
public final int maxThreads;
public final OptionalInt priority;
public final Optional<String> prioritizerClass;
public final Map<String,String> prioritizerOpts;
public ScanExecutorConfig(String name, int maxThreads, OptionalInt priority,
Optional<String> comparatorFactory, Map<String,String> comparatorFactoryOpts) { = name;
this.maxThreads = maxThreads;
this.priority = priority;
this.prioritizerClass = comparatorFactory;
this.prioritizerOpts = comparatorFactoryOpts;
* Re-reads the max threads from the configuration that created this class
public int getCurrentMaxThreads() {
Integer depThreads = getDeprecatedScanThreads(name);
if (depThreads != null) {
return depThreads;
String prop = Property.TSERV_SCAN_EXECUTORS_PREFIX.getKey() + name + "." + SCAN_EXEC_THREADS;
String val = getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(Property.TSERV_SCAN_EXECUTORS_PREFIX).get(prop);
return Integer.parseInt(val);
public boolean isPropertySet(Property prop, boolean cacheAndWatch) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// deprecation property warning could get spammy in tserver so only warn once
boolean depPropWarned = false;
Integer getDeprecatedScanThreads(String name) {
Property prop;
Property deprecatedProp;
if (name.equals(SimpleScanDispatcher.DEFAULT_SCAN_EXECUTOR_NAME)) {
} else if (name.equals("meta")) {
} else {
return null;
if (!isPropertySet(prop, true) && isPropertySet(deprecatedProp, true)) {
if (!depPropWarned) {
depPropWarned = true;
log.warn("Property {} is deprecated, use {} instead.", deprecatedProp.getKey(),
return Integer.valueOf(get(deprecatedProp));
} else if (isPropertySet(prop, true) && isPropertySet(deprecatedProp, true) && !depPropWarned) {
depPropWarned = true;
log.warn("Deprecated property {} ignored because {} is set", deprecatedProp.getKey(),
return null;
private static class RefCount<T> {
T obj;
long count;
RefCount(long c, T r) {
this.count = c;
this.obj = r;
private class DeriverImpl<T> implements Deriver<T> {
private final AtomicReference<RefCount<T>> refref = new AtomicReference<>();
private final Function<AccumuloConfiguration,T> converter;
DeriverImpl(Function<AccumuloConfiguration,T> converter) {
this.converter = converter;
* This method was written with the goal of avoiding thread contention and minimizing
* recomputation. Configuration can be accessed frequently by many threads. Ideally, threads
* working on unrelated task would not impeded each other because of accessing config.
* To avoid thread contention, synchronization and needless calls to compare and set were
* avoided. For example if 100 threads are all calling compare and set in a loop this could
* cause significant contention.
public T derive() {
// very important to obtain this before possibly recomputing object
long uc = getUpdateCount();
RefCount<T> rc = refref.get();
if (rc == null || rc.count != uc) {
T newObj = converter.apply(AccumuloConfiguration.this);
// very important to record the update count that was obtained before recomputing.
RefCount<T> nrc = new RefCount<>(uc, newObj);
* The return value of compare and set is intentionally ignored here. This code could loop
* calling compare and set inorder to avoid returning a stale object. However after this
* function returns, the object could immediately become stale. So in the big picture stale
* objects can not be prevented. Looping here could cause thread contention, but it would
* not solve the overall stale object problem. That is why the return value was ignored. The
* following line is a least effort attempt to make the result of this recomputation
* available to the next caller.
refref.compareAndSet(rc, nrc);
return nrc.obj;
return rc.obj;
* Automatically regenerates an object whenever configuration changes. When configuration is not
* changing, keeps returning the same object. Implementations should be thread safe and eventually
* consistent. See {@link AccumuloConfiguration#newDeriver(Function)}
public interface Deriver<T> {
T derive();
* Enables deriving an object from configuration and automatically deriving a new object any time
* configuration changes.
* @param converter
* This functions is used to create an object from configuration. A reference to this
* function will be kept and called by the returned deriver.
* @return The returned supplier will automatically re-derive the object any time this
* configuration changes. When configuration is not changing, the same object is returned.
public <T> Deriver<T> newDeriver(Function<AccumuloConfiguration,T> converter) {
return new DeriverImpl<>(converter);
private static final String SCAN_EXEC_THREADS = "threads";
private static final String SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITY = "priority";
private static final String SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITIZER = "prioritizer";
private static final String SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITIZER_OPTS = "prioritizer.opts.";
public Collection<ScanExecutorConfig> getScanExecutors() {
Map<String,Map<String,String>> propsByName = new HashMap<>();
List<ScanExecutorConfig> scanResources = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<String,String> entry : getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(
String suffix =
String[] tokens = suffix.split("\\.", 2);
String name = tokens[0];
propsByName.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new HashMap<>()).put(tokens[1], entry.getValue());
for (Entry<String,Map<String,String>> entry : propsByName.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
Integer threads = null;
Integer prio = null;
String prioritizerClass = null;
Map<String,String> prioritizerOpts = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String,String> subEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
String opt = subEntry.getKey();
String val = subEntry.getValue();
if (opt.equals(SCAN_EXEC_THREADS)) {
Integer depThreads = getDeprecatedScanThreads(name);
if (depThreads == null) {
threads = Integer.parseInt(val);
} else {
threads = depThreads;
} else if (opt.equals(SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITY)) {
prio = Integer.parseInt(val);
} else if (opt.equals(SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITIZER)) {
prioritizerClass = val;
} else if (opt.startsWith(SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITIZER_OPTS)) {
String key = opt.substring(SCAN_EXEC_PRIORITIZER_OPTS.length());
if (key.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid scan executor option : " + opt);
prioritizerOpts.put(key, val);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unkown scan executor option : " + opt);
Preconditions.checkArgument(threads != null && threads > 0,
"Scan resource %s incorrectly specified threads", name);
scanResources.add(new ScanExecutorConfig(name, threads,
prio == null ? OptionalInt.empty() : OptionalInt.of(prio),
Optional.ofNullable(prioritizerClass), prioritizerOpts));
return scanResources;
* Invalidates the <code>ZooCache</code> used for storage and quick retrieval of properties for
* this configuration.
public void invalidateCache() {}