blob: f9107132042f9fdd0693da38e471e79b1e85aa25 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.accumulo.core.conf;
import static;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.Constants;
import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations.ImportMappingOptions;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
public enum ClientProperty {
// Instance
INSTANCE_NAME("", "", PropertyType.STRING,
"Name of Accumulo instance to " + "connect to", "2.0.0", true),
INSTANCE_ZOOKEEPERS("instance.zookeepers", "localhost:2181", PropertyType.HOSTLIST,
"Zookeeper connection information for Accumulo instance", "2.0.0", true),
INSTANCE_ZOOKEEPERS_TIMEOUT("instance.zookeepers.timeout", "30s", PropertyType.TIMEDURATION,
"Zookeeper session timeout", "2.0.0", false),
// Authentication
AUTH_TYPE("auth.type", "password", PropertyType.STRING,
"Authentication method (i.e password, kerberos, PasswordToken, KerberosToken, etc)", "2.0.0",
AUTH_PRINCIPAL("auth.principal", "", PropertyType.STRING,
"Accumulo principal/username for chosen authentication method", "2.0.0", true),
AUTH_TOKEN("auth.token", "", PropertyType.STRING,
"Authentication token (ex. mypassword, /path/to/keytab)", "2.0.0", true),
// BatchWriter
BATCH_WRITER_MEMORY_MAX("batch.writer.memory.max", "50M", PropertyType.BYTES,
"Max memory (in bytes) to batch before writing", "2.0.0", false),
BATCH_WRITER_LATENCY_MAX("batch.writer.latency.max", "120s", PropertyType.TIMEDURATION,
"Max amount of time (in seconds) to hold data in memory before flushing it", "2.0.0", false),
BATCH_WRITER_TIMEOUT_MAX("batch.writer.timeout.max", "0", PropertyType.TIMEDURATION,
"Max amount of time (in seconds) an unresponsive server will be re-tried. An"
+ " exception is thrown when this timeout is exceeded. Set to zero for no timeout.",
"2.0.0", false),
BATCH_WRITER_THREADS_MAX("batch.writer.threads.max", "3", PropertyType.COUNT,
"Maximum number of threads to use for writing data to tablet servers.", "2.0.0", false),
BATCH_WRITER_DURABILITY("batch.writer.durability", "default", PropertyType.DURABILITY,
Property.TABLE_DURABILITY.getDescription() + " Setting this property will "
+ "change the durability for the BatchWriter session. A value of \"default\" will"
+ " use the table's durability setting. ",
"2.0.0", false),
// Scanner
SCANNER_BATCH_SIZE("scanner.batch.size", "1000", PropertyType.COUNT,
"Number of key/value pairs that will be fetched at time from tablet server", "2.0.0", false),
// BatchScanner
BATCH_SCANNER_NUM_QUERY_THREADS("batch.scanner.num.query.threads", "3", PropertyType.COUNT,
"Number of concurrent query threads to spawn for querying", "2.0.0", false),
// Bulk load
BULK_LOAD_THREADS("bulk.threads", ImportMappingOptions.BULK_LOAD_THREADS_DEFAULT,
"The number of threads used to inspect bulk load files to determine where files go. "
+ "If the value ends with C, then it will be multiplied by the number of cores on the "
+ "system. This property is only used by the bulk import API introduced in 2.0.0.",
"2.0.0", false),
// SSL
SSL_ENABLED("ssl.enabled", "false", "Enable SSL for client RPC"),
SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD("ssl.keystore.password", "", "Password used to encrypt keystore"),
SSL_KEYSTORE_PATH("ssl.keystore.path", "", PropertyType.PATH, "Path to SSL keystore file",
"2.0.0", false),
SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE("ssl.keystore.type", "jks", "Type of SSL keystore"),
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD("ssl.truststore.password", "", "Password used to encrypt truststore"),
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PATH("ssl.truststore.path", "", PropertyType.PATH, "Path to SSL truststore file",
"2.0.0", false),
SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE("ssl.truststore.type", "jks", "Type of SSL truststore"),
SSL_USE_JSSE("ssl.use.jsse", "false", "Use JSSE system properties to configure SSL"),
SASL_ENABLED("sasl.enabled", "false", "Enable SASL for client RPC"),
SASL_QOP("sasl.qop", "auth",
"SASL quality of protection. Valid values are 'auth', 'auth-int', and 'auth-conf'"),
SASL_KERBEROS_SERVER_PRIMARY("sasl.kerberos.server.primary", "accumulo",
"Kerberos principal/primary that Accumulo servers use to login"),
// Trace
TRACE_SPAN_RECEIVERS("trace.span.receivers", "org.apache.accumulo.tracer.ZooTraceClient",
"A list of span receiver classes to send trace spans"),
TRACE_ZOOKEEPER_PATH("trace.zookeeper.path", Constants.ZTRACERS, PropertyType.PATH,
"The zookeeper node where tracers are registered", "2.0.0", false);
public static final String TRACE_SPAN_RECEIVER_PREFIX = "trace.span.receiver";
private String key;
private String defaultValue;
private PropertyType type;
private String description;
private String since;
private boolean required;
ClientProperty(String key, String defaultValue, PropertyType type, String description,
String since, boolean required) {
this.key = Objects.requireNonNull(key);
this.defaultValue = Objects.requireNonNull(defaultValue);
this.type = Objects.requireNonNull(type);
this.description = Objects.requireNonNull(description);
this.since = Objects.requireNonNull(since);
this.required = required;
ClientProperty(String key, String defaultValue, String description) {
this(key, defaultValue, PropertyType.STRING, description, "", false);
public String getKey() {
return key;
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
public PropertyType getType() {
return type;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public String getSince() {
return since;
public boolean isRequired() {
return required;
public String getValue(Properties properties) {
String value = properties.getProperty(getKey());
if (value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
value = getDefaultValue();
if (isRequired() && value.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(getKey() + " must be set!");
if (!type.isValidFormat(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid format for type \"" + type + "\" for provided value: " + value);
return value;
public boolean isEmpty(Properties properties) {
String value = properties.getProperty(getKey());
return (value == null || value.isEmpty());
public Long getBytes(Properties properties) {
String value = getValue(properties);
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
checkState(getType() == PropertyType.BYTES,
"Invalid type getting bytes. Type must be " + PropertyType.BYTES + ", not " + getType());
return ConfigurationTypeHelper.getMemoryAsBytes(value);
public Long getTimeInMillis(Properties properties) {
String value = getValue(properties);
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
checkState(getType() == PropertyType.TIMEDURATION, "Invalid type getting time. Type must be "
+ PropertyType.TIMEDURATION + ", not " + getType());
return ConfigurationTypeHelper.getTimeInMillis(value);
public Integer getInteger(Properties properties) {
String value = getValue(properties);
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return Integer.parseInt(value);
public boolean getBoolean(Properties properties) {
String value = getValue(properties);
if (value.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return Boolean.valueOf(value);
public void setBytes(Properties properties, Long bytes) {
checkState(getType() == PropertyType.BYTES, "Invalid type setting " + "bytes. Type must be "
+ PropertyType.BYTES + ", not " + getType());
properties.setProperty(getKey(), bytes.toString());
public void setTimeInMillis(Properties properties, Long milliseconds) {
checkState(getType() == PropertyType.TIMEDURATION, "Invalid type setting "
+ "time. Type must be " + PropertyType.TIMEDURATION + ", not " + getType());
properties.setProperty(getKey(), milliseconds + "ms");
public static Properties getPrefix(Properties properties, String prefix) {
Properties props = new Properties();
for (Object keyObj : properties.keySet()) {
String key = (String) keyObj;
if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
props.put(key, properties.getProperty(key));
return props;
public static Map<String,String> toMap(Properties properties) {
Map<String,String> propMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Object obj : properties.keySet()) {
propMap.put((String) obj, properties.getProperty((String) obj));
return propMap;
public static String encodeToken(AuthenticationToken token) {
return Base64.getEncoder()
public static AuthenticationToken decodeToken(String className, String tokenString) {
return AuthenticationToken.AuthenticationTokenSerializer.deserialize(className,
public static void setPassword(Properties properties, CharSequence password) {
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_TYPE.getKey(), "password");
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_TOKEN.getKey(), password.toString());
public static void setKerberosKeytab(Properties properties, String keytabPath) {
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_TYPE.getKey(), "kerberos");
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_TOKEN.getKey(), keytabPath);
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "PATH_TRAVERSAL_IN",
justification = "code runs in same security context as user who providing the token file")
public static AuthenticationToken getAuthenticationToken(Properties properties) {
String authType = ClientProperty.AUTH_TYPE.getValue(properties);
String token = ClientProperty.AUTH_TOKEN.getValue(properties);
switch (authType) {
case "password":
return new PasswordToken(token);
case "PasswordToken":
return decodeToken(PasswordToken.class.getName(), token);
case "kerberos":
try {
String principal = ClientProperty.AUTH_PRINCIPAL.getValue(properties);
return new KerberosToken(principal, new File(token));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
case "KerberosToken":
return decodeToken(KerberosToken.class.getName(), token);
case "CredentialProviderToken":
return decodeToken(CredentialProviderToken.class.getName(), token);
case "DelegationToken":
return decodeToken(DelegationToken.class.getName(), token);
return decodeToken(authType, token);
public static void setAuthenticationToken(Properties properties, AuthenticationToken token) {
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_TYPE.getKey(), token.getClass().getName());
properties.setProperty(ClientProperty.AUTH_TOKEN.getKey(), encodeToken(token));
public static void validateProperty(Properties properties, ClientProperty prop) {
if (!properties.containsKey(prop.getKey()) || prop.getValue(properties).isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(prop.getKey() + " is not set");
public static void validate(Properties properties, boolean validateToken) {
validateProperty(properties, ClientProperty.INSTANCE_NAME);
validateProperty(properties, ClientProperty.INSTANCE_ZOOKEEPERS);
validateProperty(properties, ClientProperty.AUTH_TYPE);
validateProperty(properties, ClientProperty.AUTH_PRINCIPAL);
if (validateToken) {
validateProperty(properties, ClientProperty.AUTH_TOKEN);
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if Properties does not contain all required
public static void validate(Properties properties) {
validate(properties, true);