blob: 4388d42e8e9bb00e65c9b48df201f35f5dff66bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.accumulo.core.file.blockfile.impl;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* This class is like byte array input stream with two differences. It supports seeking and avoids synchronization.
public class SeekableByteArrayInputStream extends InputStream {
// making this volatile for the following case
// * thread 1 creates and initalizes byte array
// * thread 2 reads from bye array
// Findbugs complains about this because thread2 may not see any changes to the byte array after thread 1 set the voltile,
// however the expectation is that the byte array is static. In the case of it being static, volatile ensures that
// thread 2 sees all of thread 1 changes before setting the volatile.
private volatile byte buffer[];
private int cur;
private int max;
public int read() {
if (cur < max) {
return buffer[cur++] & 0xff;
} else {
return -1;
public int read(byte b[], int offset, int length) {
if (b == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (length < 0 || offset < 0 || length > b.length - offset) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
int avail = max - cur;
if (avail <= 0) {
return -1;
if (length > avail) {
length = avail;
System.arraycopy(buffer, cur, b, offset, length);
cur += length;
return length;
public long skip(long requestedSkip) {
long actualSkip = max - cur;
if (requestedSkip < actualSkip)
if (requestedSkip < 0)
actualSkip = 0;
actualSkip = requestedSkip;
cur += actualSkip;
return actualSkip;
public int available() {
return max - cur;
public boolean markSupported() {
return false;
public void mark(int readAheadLimit) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void reset() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void close() throws IOException {}
public SeekableByteArrayInputStream(byte[] buf) {
requireNonNull(buf, "bug argument was null");
this.buffer = buf;
this.cur = 0;
this.max = buf.length;
public SeekableByteArrayInputStream(byte[] buf, int maxOffset) {
requireNonNull(buf, "bug argument was null");
this.buffer = buf;
this.cur = 0;
this.max = maxOffset;
public void seek(int position) {
if (position < 0 || position >= max)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("position = " + position + " maxOffset = " + max);
this.cur = position;
public int getPosition() {
return this.cur;
byte[] getBuffer() {
return buffer;