blob: 14741fa2ed02efa55dc43f46236c60711c77f51e [file] [log] [blame]
Release notes for Apache Accumulo 1.3.6
ACCUMULO-661 Typo in user manual for 1.3 on aggregating iterators
ACCUMULO-619 ageoff functional test fails
ACCUMULO-615 accumulo runs fine on Hadoop 1.0
ACCUMULO-567 TableOperations.getProperties forces an HDFSZooInstance even if ZooKeeperInstance is used
ACCUMULO-563 automated the install of thrift-0.3 jar into local repository
ACCUMULO-559 enabling tracing in clients requires access to an accumulo-site.xml configuration file
ACCUMULO-554 monitor should display red when time-since last report is higher than a few minutes
ACCUMULO-542 with a large root tablet, tablet servers will get stuck loading other metadata tablets
ACCUMULO-530 master is not reseting connections to tservers after communication errors
ACCUMULO-529 migrations to unresponsive tablet server cancelled for the wrong reason
ACCUMULO-499 Garbage collector should call Tracer.offNoFlush instead of
ACCUMULO-486 tablet server runs out of memory after 8 hours of continuous ingest
ACCUMULO-444 Data loss possible when tablet killed immediately after recovery
ACCUMULO-413 DeleteMany breaks with aggregators/combiners
ACCUMULO-395 Map reduce reading from Accumulo is not running mapper locally
ACCUMULO-293 Inconsistency check failure should not stop a tablet from unloading
ACCUMULO-291 Iterator attachment and removal should be more atomic
ACCUMULO-268 document trace username and password
ACCUMULO-253 Documentation for 1.3 mis-identifies Authorizations() constructor.
ACCUMULO-237 script can run out of file descriptors on large numbers of nodes
ACCUMULO-236 shutdown is very slow after all tservers are down
ACCUMULO-234 doesn't SetGoalState
ACCUMULO-232 NPE when doing shell "config" command
ACCUMULO-223 getBatchScanner java docs are wrong
ACCUMULO-219 eclipse is getting an NPE when using M2E to look at the pom.xml
ACCUMULO-207 properly generate the native code headers
ACCUMULO-202 master does not rebalance after a node fails
ACCUMULO-182 documented the need to create the write-ahead logs directory
ACCUMULO-178 Off-by-one error in FamilyIntersectingIterator
ACCUMULO-166 user manual font encoding breaks on some systems
Release notes for Apache Accumulo 1.3.5
Fixed prior to incubation:
* massive renaming to package name "org.apache.accumulo"
* moved default HDFS location to /accumulo
* moved default ZooKeeper root to /accumulo
* eliminated many deprecated methods
* removed massive globbing from the accumulo garbage collector
* fixed slow tablet assignment if the master started with an initial empty list of tablet servers
* fixed logic loading custom table load balancers
* start-here did not set the master goal state
* fixed error in 1.2 -> 1.3 upgrade
Fixed in incubation:
ACCUMULO-4 Remove jfreechart dependency
ACCUMULO-47 create a script to allow current users to upgrade to the new name
ACCUMULO-42 Apply apache license to code
ACCUMULO-5 Log recovery fails with IllegalStateException
ACCUMULO-7 tablet is both assigned and hosted
ACCUMULO-51 Fix references to thrift jar
ACCUMULO-26 does not point to the correct directories
ACCUMULO-8 Resolve libthrift-0.3 dependency for Accumulo 1.3 branch
ACCUMULO-16 Master uses wrong path to remove tserver lock from zookeeper
ACCUMULO-28 make tserver client timeout configurable
ACCUMULO-32 Clean up bin dir
ACCUMULO-52 Empty bulk imported files hang around forever
ACCUMULO-61 Add files generated by c++ code to svn ignore
ACCUMULO-62 Random walk logging config wrong
ACCUMULO-46 Fix functional tests
ACCUMULO-65 missing minor compaction files under heavy namenode load
ACCUMULO-63 Unable to build git mirror
ACCUMULO-41 Conform to a uniform style
ACCUMULO-91 importDirectory does not verify the input is a directory, and does not send absolute paths to the servers
ACCUMULO-94 createMultiTableBatchWriter has arguments that are inconsistent with createTableBatchWriter
ACCUMULO-38 Add svnignores for eclipse specific files/folders
ACCUMULO-93 listscans in the shell attempts to contact tablet servers that do not hold locks
ACCUMULO-95 MockConnector does not implement createMultiTableBatchWriter